twenty yean ago Rptt C Znarfixn ft . THE EXPERTS JJrtijht Inumllei OVhs U ulJorL Month Taken in Prince i Rotary Choir Progressive i K t f,.' : .:--. O- V .................. Wiii'.e's L -. Stve NOW! : ' I PLAYIEX ! FAS-LIHEO j GIRDLES j A .ors";, 57.95 ,o '-3.95 : Jack Wrathali of Ftmce Rupert , aaard of Canadian - Prtss m Sep !v' ' received at the Dany News c!f ce f- r'.. J"-'t i manager of Canadian pr at Tutto The shot, adjudged best in aii Ca-' (. ' news feature interest, creative ef!or."j : was of a gaping hate in the bow ofW re0 ken after coil-sjon ith ii.t p.'."' !"- WraUtali gets a prue o! a tot -v pubatned in all Canadian Press . " ' Daily Newt. 7 .'. . r. v ..j not.- e-s v i-r .-!:''' a-. tr.e f-1(U.i! v-m-k.y pra';'e ot t.e R..ary i Cr. .- r..-r, t e p.,c- at B,-r. -. H.c.-. " . . . v . -r . . ..; a good '-rn ' . of rr.-r,or-rf) Hvever, . or - , ri r.f,'i ; mor Tr.fc .ic-ii parts are jr.vr ;at. t-.-ry fr.rn 'he po.r.t ! view of r, .-..: V rr. i -ir hat oen t 2! '! f ,r cf '.f.e nw .v-.-tt:or.s o..oe f or . :i :o' ,n at tr.e ..; Future praet.'-et be iiv.d .;j tr.e Civic Centre or, T-'-xcay vr.:r gs a before and v. .'ilc-be ;:. :.-.:. are urged to CELANESE HEAD - ?N)8 hoy.n't ,0 lh( m .V a. w point your fin. Omr M mm .... . 2 Go am t j A. JOHH WAYHE ROSEBT lvi ,0 . a' ' rf or o:.erw ,r.e tr.ey .;; ye ur.,s-, to jcwp up with tr.vse r:o ha'.e a. ready b-e-ri m at''.oar.ce. T.-.e r-ponse of the r'iij:ar r: rr.uTi is n. ,'. n-g vu'L'j.e ar. ar-icv un'ijaj :r,trst u b'-ir s tiK'rr, in tr.e Tr.e choir rr. n.c-r ar t'-ttr.g 'A:r thf: :r.,"iai c..'!cu.t.f:ft of io-spM.ij ' hf-:r.v:.v-? 'o wffar.- :z-'i ohorii i.t'ir:?. ar.d th r, '-ri ui -rurt-' 'a? BlVllir, LEATHER Hltt w - - - - ----n B mm IMiir.tltmani.ytr..,...: 1 Mb Pcd-Sodler FifJ Sautdaj Milan, t i-Mi Ii i'S v 3 a it in a .tjurl Bv DOROTHY WADDINGTON . NEW YORK Reuters Ner y rc women turn the ttreeta of their rity into a bia?e of co.or which makes Paris look aimost I jte an monochrome by compart- son But for all her ay us? of the ra.r.oow. New Y -rk cos noi rr.iee a much individuality aj M s? Parj does a background that Is basically black. Th' : .s a lot to be for ootr iae. Certalr. ly . arriving In New York after years in Pam. I was iro-press-d by the American wom-ar xter-iTe and varied use of co.or r. her ensembles, and I felt a. must drab in Paris black and h.t This gay Painters Palette" look I fxitd as American as the chic look in French The girls strolling down Filth Avenue are one of the city s most s'Nkmg attributes, and for &auty en masse, outrival anything that Paris has to offer. Their weli-mt suits are highlighted with brilliant yeLows, oranges or greens Startling red ard vivid gieer. accessories ac-c rr.par.y navy and black Introducing a gay note to the busy s' reels These healthy girls have Lttie r."-ed for make-up, and most M-em sensible enough to leave t h e ir sun-kissed complexions with only a cash of powder and a 'ouch of lipstick. The Parisier.r.e always maintains her chic. Heavy make-up i' an essential part of her grooming Even at 9 am. with her eternal fishnet market bag, a French woman is completely made up Her hair is alway impeccable a? everyone, from "Chateau Ma-dames" to secretaries, pay a weekly visit tp the "coiffeur" However they never obtain the glossy sheen and soft natural curl so current in this country FOP LONG SF.R ICE The Parisian wears black, undoubtedly due to the fact that her clothes are planned for many yearr service. New accessories will be added every sca.vjn but they w ill consist of a w hite collar, gold p" or a new wav of knotting a long rope of pearls. The American college girl has available ii her a group of -iothes that a Pnrisierme could never find, even In her favorite specialty shop America is offered tweed th'.rtr built over a crinoline, adding femininity to tailored fabric Practical corduroy is more exciting than ever when interpreted in prints and checks and i d even for dance frocks. The girl in this country gives a -mi't touch to her ensemble with ?. fcarf knotted at the neckline, twin pins at the waist or on the shoulde: . But I don't like the way t 'n of them will wear an identical veil in an identical way. One of the best features of fashion here is the combination ol French and American design-ins,. Often. In Paris, I have ad- w i w, " t ,TkTk lwll v-ryr ;.' . ; f'' the. P.-". .:;.; z G. rce a a) , . bu' r.o? v:r. c ''.u'J- for.c 'd i s !o:.e- l . ..r " Ij.o,.'.;' f. ;:''.-. of i " 5 -mootr; La' X ' C.ves V'U 0 f rr.p;' ' ! o , of a"".ur, a .3o :-. WALLACE'S B IDEPT. STORE: a Th Pi n lo (hi tot " the Bratid-. Va Knon - XHINESE L DISHES Chop iuev Ct-ow Met Open S pm. - 3 to i n. HOLLYWOOD CAFE F'ir OuiMo'i' Or'iers F'tionc 133 AUCTIONEER rhon- i-rirn ami Fil l?" I 1 li ii it it die e 11 I Low CmW t.4 by llw 0tNf 1. Ti)I)Y to ST1RI)Y V 1, H4 w-v. V& 1 F TODAY l SATlRltAY Evenings 7 - 9M p.m. T'A'ICKtNHA.'.! E.'.zla.'.d ' - '.'.';, r. F.-t'J'rrv ic D- k-r. 32 Jour.d :i; !;. -j--'! vj'ii.'ri i.r t-.t 11 to ' v, c.: &rfcr.. D-'.'-r tnc-d to 'Ao.-n A;;:rh the -squ:r- CHILI, DLSEA.SE B'tvf-m 63 ar.d S5 p-r cr.t of ' are of ate Try This HEW double-strength POWDERED BLEACH Wah your nykrn and bUsjit w:h ihe new, IMPfOVF.D Perfer Pow. drred Hitath. It ukci the dmijy ifrey lock from white nyion, siik or rayon. Wonderful, too. for woollen sweatert. F'e'fr i now DOUBLE - STRENGTH twice at good. It't oot-ltM often water make more sudi. It's guaranteed! NEW IMPROVED vtl powdered bleach ' ( WOOl . RAYON Silk NYlOta By KAY REX FUN AT PARTIES Pa.-.i -rn 6e ?un. j; th-ert s r.o heai-arrjfce orer the ' quar..::y frr3-m In other tori. ;i.t henr rr. to'tht jt t.-f-a for the cfc roa.-t' Or ho xatr. cocoa shos o prepares lor ..".. S'ji iwrtsiay pirty? Tn a.'-ft-r is a q-iinaty chart Cw oa lo wrre 1: Or ? pvu.'.d cocoa; Jive cup a?ar; .o tea-vrj ti.t. to c'jp cod tritr: t.x jrt tx,Dr.g ar: 13 q-artj hot rrk MJt cocoa a::. ausar Ail coitl avr ar,o or. qiirt J-.g atf. Cooc 30 mi.'.uti t.rr.r.g freq uvn'.-y. hii r-.r.a..'.:r of hot ard at'-r toffee U writ IWl: Or..z and thre-qarttr pour, dj cofief;, tc eiviis. or.e u-.upoon .siit: fr. eaL'or.? ootimg atr. Beat e?as ar.d autl craj.'itd h?:; and a.t with or.f-ha.! cup of cold at-r. Boil ger.t.y for 15 or 20 minutes ar.d, rtaicve bag of coffee an-j o.';':.-s. Tea to erre IM.-.Or.e IfJ-i tea: J:v gaiiou ooiiix.g ater. Tie tfa i'o-v.y ir: a double thtc-K-t.ea of cr.eeec;oth. Cover t:rjt-17 and st aside for five to e:.'..t minutes in a p. ace rtere it nor. ': frvJ- Remove the Bag before SANDWICH HINT One iar?e sandwich loaf 'three pounds' cuta 50 to 70 Alices.. One .-ma.i loaf cuU 20 i.ict. Or e large loaf require half a pound of butter and tnrs-quarte to one pound of fprea'i filling. One quart of either bulk or brie l'e c.'ta.n will terve'IO to 12 pervji.-i. PIES ALWAYS HELP. Piei make taty desiserji at any " Here's a reci;je for pumpkin pie filling calculated to bring all kinds of co.T.pluiien'j- from the head of the houe. I.igredients: One pint pumpkin: p.nt milk; two eggs beaten. Mix one lea-spccn c:niian:or.; or.e-ha.f teaspoon cloves: one t'.xpoon ginger: p:n;h salt, o:.-cup .-j:r Aad city to hqu;as and pour liito uncojk-t'i pie Bake. Batterii; y.z'a p.e aUo u, at- . tr ao'tive. partitfti.atly to anyone '1.0 a v-ec. too'h lor ce. -r.. Iiikret:ient.: Or. tab.espoor. melted oatter: two table pon Lour, to yolkjs; one :u.j i milk; one cup orown huuiit. Met butter and mix in Lour. Add ' e!! beaten1 egg yoliu, milk and fugr and biiu in a double-boiler until it thickem. Bake .shell and pour in cooked mixture. Make meririgue of white of egg. HEALTH HINTS Did you kno "varieiy meats" isuch a neai t, liver, kidney, tongue, trai; s a::d sweetbread are jus: as healthful us the better known cuts of meat? Health officials ai.-o .'.ay tney provide all the protein n. mincraui and vitamins isl irje ' '( cxpc;riMve mea .- They 5U0 car. be made into ta.s'y dishes. (. The Cnalltnjer Label ii youf . guarantee of fine uniform quality! Orlebrr It. 1931 LONDON Complete nomination returns today tor the Bri'ish general election October 27 gave j 47 Conservatives 12 Liberal and ' six Laborite stats by aeclama- i lion. SAN FRANCISCO The Japan- ; se f.e.ghter. Yonan Mara. was. given up for lost today, follow- J mg cistresji signals she was sink-1 ing and r.eedod immediate ' J taisce Three searching ships found only part of a cargo of Itjgs Hithest prices of the seas-jn for halibut were recorded at Prince Rupert during the week Canadian prices were 115 and three cents to the Vera Beatrice American fish sold fur 12 4 and four cents. Skipper Bill Wrathall's party was the only hunting group from the Yacht Club successful last meek-end, bagging two deer in Tucts lniet. Many others were out but without success mired a little suit worn by a mannequin strutting through Dior's salon while 1 wondered how I could wear it. Here. I find an interpretation which retains all the excitement of the original but can go anywhere. American designers pick up a jutting Fath pocket, a sloping Lanvin or a Desies apron and create a completely rrew fashion that seems ideally suited to the 1951 way of living. The best lesson which Americans can learn from the French woman is probably her truly individual way of dressing Income bracket has nothing to do with her constant search to express h-r own personality and allure A good part cf her life is devoted to research on her wardrobe, and even if sh can afford a Dior model she will modify it to suit her personal style I THE BIST I Craftsmanship In Type... Let Us Solve Your Printing Problems PHONE 231 Dibb Printing Co. BF.S.VF.R BLOCK , n-j, j,ate Wlln lne rapiuly published or displayed by the liquor Thursday to Safurdc TOTE A FAMOUS PLWrSfl R . incite is presic-r.I oj Ceiat- e , Co pofitj'.-n of A:.encj il.i-e Ca:.aa.a:i fiuLtii'iiiirie' are carryLng ,; p'-;e- ! Canada On - f ?h m. c-iiirbut Cel.u.o. "a L i . 1: June opened a S- Vi 0O p'ar.t a' P:rre R ipert. B C Another Co.. Ltd "ir.rrurtu.g a 50 000 0! r. ...... .... t '.. . . . . ... , .- i. Wl. Tr.:- photo h c pyright by Fryfe of New York CP PHOTO New Forestry Officer Here A r.ew ofLcial for the central British Columbia area u beir.g stationer at Prince Ruport ir. connection with the provincial F r.-t Branch service. He is Wi.':am Kepper. University of Br.tixn Columbia graduate, whu is coming this we'k-e:.d from Vic'oriu to assume the duties of parks and recrealinal officer. Hl- wo:k ha U, do wuli the upei vision of provincial parks and r.-crea'ion areas and his .'urisoiction is in both the Prince G'rorze and prince Rupert for-ejj'rv (ii,t,-i. ts with headquarters in Prince Rupert Accompanying .'.j. H pper here is his wife and family. 0"l.r reci-nt new acuhtions to the For-,r. Branch staff here a'f L J n.yi'Mii. clerk from Van-c ,uv? : . anfi Frank Lonpatr. radio ( p rato. The latter is also, accompanied by his w-.fe and 90 Years Old; Feels Like 28 EDMONTON Mr, M. A J v (,i of E'i!r.o,';'or. V hi r'-cerl ' i ; t :'i htr i t-th 1 iv sari ht: ! - ' ; ne.r? l.::e S". Bora 'r. 0't;.j in !51. MrJ. !.- f..-ii,- !.' All ;' j ir: 1913 to ct'.le in the E'lsnc. ii. tnct. F.-trri chiic'h"j.': d:iy: on the iarm -l.e recalled the t.n:c whin h-r fa'irr ax called out to h'!p the F n ans on one of their raida from across the fr.itf d 'j'uf i; bort't-t. Mrs. Newell, still active ard keen of mind, spends much time leading., knitting and xew'ing. 3oth red by arthritis, she cannot !"t around a much as she Aould like. Mr:,. N'-well i the oldest in a inniiiy of nine and has a brother of 85 in Philadelphia 1 i.l mJm V. ri rawcv BED FC51-1 H X. A NEWS ADS get RESl nrrfiiiTiTiii I) p f i lUJJjj J us The British Columbia Distillery (JjifjT proudly presents a distinguished (Uj vvC; selection of B.C. fine ) :fp I-C.LoJo,,IJryO,. iP ;";;;;v;vr'.-'.-; S.ZZ-Z. w Bawjawaaaaawawja ' ''- ! "" Delicious . . . tender . . , tatty . . . bectuie only the finest Pacific Salmon goes into Challenger cant. It't processed within hours ' fter catching, to retain the rich flavor nd uniform color. Get Challenger Salmon at your Food Store The British Columbia Distillery Company Limiied has greatly increased its facilities over (he past few years growing demand for iu products hoih ' ho",c' "i world markets -an expansion program "Jl I'riMluci'il by n-lierineirN ('u-npemlUi federation, Vnn. W1h Brlllsf Columbia growtn an" r"'"t ' . v This odvertisemen) is not Control Bocird or by the Govern"'