I m 0cTbs PROVINCIAL LT2HA HI, 118 lf3 VICTO.IIA, B. c. , t 31. BUT GYRO NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER APPLES Published or Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XL, No. 244 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1951 PRICE FiVJl CENTS J0EST Ai wm vmmmM i Move Plane Ail 23 Kitimat Crashes; jj 0, 4 Veak -.V . "-f " , XT") 1 On Board Perish NANAIMO In Canada's worst air disaster of the year, a Queen Charlotte Air Lines Canso flying boat, bound from Kitimat to Vancouver via Kemanc and Kildala. crashed at 6:55 lost night into Mount Benson near here. Twenty passengers and crew of '4 "I"1 'Mi ''mi 'fecmcA Prince Rupert grain elevator to get wheat again three we-e killed. REACTIVATED-this week-end. ,, n: rilii'"'. ,binuiv Urasures , i . u iliillU:! tODt ' is.rintinn than ,.( retail price fix- ), nb.ikor. chief fin-, '.,1,1.11- the Pioeres- ,nv"r mv ition, told :,t 'Mi i liuy. llHOH'lliK'T-lT of Com- uld mkijM fom-.! more Sil r stemming the ,1 !,jiti..n. he declared. vi.,-ii nt policy could ,,! t i.ivor the larger m-AKy (I'lvinB the uki 11111 of busl" ik.r .said, calling ;,.,..(,( rit the penalty "in , jjol-es under the A ; U:o the Combine"' ",nvt profiteering and ion: the people by In-, a corporations, the lfJ lawyer-member Cere, said the govern- Tension Mounts Real Western Welcome Given Princess and Duke at Calgary ' CALGARY A rousing western welcome, typical Egypt on Emergency Basis Britain to Stand Firm LONDON Tension mounted in of Stampede enthusiasm, was given Princess Eliza- the EuvDtian situation todav as , The dead Include Pilot Douglas Duncan McQueen, Co-Pilot Oundin Singh-Johl and Mechanic Ray Williams. McQueen and Williams formerly operated put of Prince Rupert. Only passenger so far identified is Eric Melanson. chief project engineer for Kitimat Construction at Kitimat. Evidently engine failure was the case of the crash. The Impact was accompanied by a shattering explosion. The mass of flames could be seen (or miles around. Rescue parties went -out immediately and some of the bodies were brought into Na-naimo. All on board were men, technicians and laborers at the Alcan project at Kitimat and Kemano. that nation went on an enrer- j beth and the Duke of Edinburgh as they reached cidaSi Calgary this morning. Hon. George Prudham, jubilation and enthusiasm there ! minister of mines and technical surveys, and Mrs. over the determination of the I r ii . , , , . . . Egyptian government, now back-1 Prudham escorted the royal couple into Alberta from ed by Parliament, to drive the Saskatchewan and introduced them at the station British out of control in Suez PUSH HARVESTING Prairie farmers have be ;n rushing their harvest operations in the effort to complete them before winter sets in. The top photo showj an Alberta farmer piling 1 500 bushels of wheat in the open. September rains and frost combined to make the harvest a late one. In the background is a derrick for drill !ns lor oil. Bottom photo shows combines near to Mayor and Mrs. D. H. McKay. ;bcen u.-llR Hits leg- (, dlu mfiation and 1 1, ccs act should be ,4 i a fcathrr duster ,,n:tf.rument to strike i ie hearts of those is take advantage" of nut ion. I :,it flwuld be a.sked to oasKdioon working through the night. (Wheat from Northern Alberta starts comine this week- end to Prince Rupert elevator.! i CP PHOTO) Nine to Two For Tories and the Sudan. Meantime, Foreign Secretary Herbert Morrison declared last night that, If Egypt did not protect British lives and property in the Suez zone, Britain would do it for her. British troops were In Suez legally and would remain there at least until a new security arrangement such as the Middle East Command was established. Changing Police Set-up; To Restore Inspectorate Professor Gives Corrected Story On Clay Deposit ..umbines Act to make immrnsurate with ,ru:ted under it. The jximuin penalty In b, Mini, he said, rep-frai'tinn of what 1111- Wintry Gale Hits District A drive through city streets, lind with cheering crowds, foN towed. After a tour of the business section, there was a clvc reception at the City Hall where presentation of a bouquet was made to the Princess. There was snow on the ground and-ten above temperature as I the Royal Couple entered the : Stampede area. The Princess iwas supplied with an electric 1 blanket as she sat In the seat of honor In the grandstand, i The Duke wore a ten-gallon j hat and evinced obvious keen ; .nterest in the bucking contests j and other stampede events. I The days of the Old West were ; realistically enacted wirh be- LONDON O Heavy betting on Winston Churchill's Conservatives to win the election on October 25 today drove the edds still higher against the Labor government. In the books of the country's biggest bettors, backers of Piime Minister Clement, At-tlee's Labor government must Today it was estimated that Prince Rupert Authority, IJeing Restored To Former Status - i br made by a per-f .jng and endeavouring I w law unci exploit, the I there were possibly 45.000 British All land-line communication to forces in Suez and 3500 para- VANCOUVER (CP) Dr. Ernst A. Hauser of the Ma.ssachusetts institute of Technology takes reparations are, apparently, being made at the at j:3o a m. today, disrupting 1 Cyprus. excerjtion to comments ascrthed brrjftd-' Cairo claimed that the British . Herraiee Cf'F. West to him in connection with a provincial government buildings here for a resumi)-li,'lpPnune' telephone, telegraph telegraph and and northern British Columbia coast! 1- tion ' of :7'm.Ts.C..i divisional r ..i" . under ' .i" ' UyX'tervbe here; Lin- s naa i nan lasen coniroi oi au Key in - put up two pounds to win sevan pounds. Conservative supporters must bet nine pounds to win two. police control the Royal not been replaced by 1 p.m. ! spallations such as bridges and waterworks. . wM that the law of as now In control i ind hie enterprise thine of the past. clay deposit for which curative properties are claimed. Dr. Hauser, professor of colloid chemistry at MIT and visit- Canadian Mounted Police in a set-up similar to that which was formerly operated by the old British Co ins: professor of colloid chem-; Umbia Police, being discontinued by the RCMP when Oil Vote Postponed leathereri Indians, chaps-dressed cowboys with all the rigging and ev.-n an ancient stage coach. This afternoon, following a chuck wagon luncheon in true Calgary style at the Corral Building, a stampede exhibition was put on for the benefit of the tmaster Canadian National Telegraphs i said they believed a huge tree ! might have been blown down by j a gale, causing a complete wire . break near Kwinltsa, 40 miles east of Prince Rupert. No report 1 from linesmen busy at the scene had been received. j Stormy weather and snowfall 1 ' may have uprooted trees, said the Digby Island weather office. Gales were predominant in all northern waters last night and Reds Warned By Ridgway etiring Institute, says that statements: they took over, made by him and by Dr. A. H. I Since then divisional head-Young of Chilliwack in Autsust quarters have-been at Prince 1050 weie used in a Canadian George with an inspector there Press story of .-.ugust 4. J951, as having jurisdiction over all if they had been made curren;- northern and northwestern ly. Further. Dr. Hauser says that British Columbia including the some of the statements ascribed Prince Rupert area, to him are wrong. . ) Now Prince Rupert is to be In an article last December in restored the subdlvisional status the publication Canadian Chem-; With a sub-inspector located I'nited States Backs I'p Britain an Iran Issue ' NEW YORK (CP) The security council of the United Nations yesterday postponed until Friday the vote on the Iranian oil compromised as proposed by Great Britain. No A-Bombs For Korea WASHINGTON (API The use i p Murium About royal visitors. The Princess and the Duke leave tonight for their entry into British Columbia with Hon. R. W. Mayhew, minister of fisher .:s, meeting them for the tour of the western province. Tomorrow brief visits will be made at Rev-alstoke, Sicamous. Salmon Arm TOKYO CKMioral Matthew B Ridgwav warned the Commun snow fell heavily on the higher : iiliirtv Yfitr- of th Coast Peaks rane. ists vesterdav that thev could i in Primp Kuprrl of atomic weapons In Korea is Warren Austin, United States evneet mother winter of hard I Ever since yesterday a howling MmiMjii. for over forty i-stry and Process Industries, Dr. here. northeast gale has been striking reported to have been given chief delegate, gave his full sup- fighting unless they stopped de , ,u wintry blast down the gkeena serlous consideration by U.S. I port Wednesday to the plea by militnrw lpnriprs Kntfn haoa hppn I Diini. .i ,,n, R.aniiuuus wun arrival as laying and got along with armls- valley, airmen and motorists be ...... - t v." wwv w : oittaiu lot new vjii tairta -wnii , - . 1 the postal service in Hauser supported the curative Sub-inspectorate at Prince 'Pert, the last thirty proiR-rtles of the clay as re- George will also be maintained, wstmaster. Is about to Ported by Dr. York and Dr. K. j The change, it Is expected, retirement leave com-: D- Panton of Vancouver and of- will Involve the addition of sev- laid aside for the present. I Iran under the eyes of the aiiCouver ui iu o crocs cauiraay tlce talks. " 1 tween here and Terrace report morning. : The question of using such j United Nations. 'i!xr 31 and he will ferpd a scientific explanation for eral new administrative officers AT REGINA ; weapons was one of the reasons for the recent hurried trip to Replying to repeated objections from Premier Mossadegh of -f thnmth Mav 1 , them. He said a specific point at prince Rupert but who wl.l Speaking at Regina yesterday Tokyo and the baftlefront by Iran that the council has no , afl a presentation of 500 bush' i April 1910 that Mr of statlng, however, that his be the new sub-inspector is not rived in Prime Rupert ' findings at that time were based yet known. , nn Scotland tnime- on research of comparatively , At present the Prince Rupert Gen. Omar Bradley, a. well-in-1 business interferring in Iran's formed government source told I oil muddle, Austin said that the nine the Post Office ; sll0rt duration. little old red build- 1,1 February he reported in irt Knad which pion- ' the sam" Publication that the -rmomljer. He became i'natural depaslt Is not of uni-P'fttmaster form composition and that some in 1912 Wire having bv then i of lhe Pfoucts which then were els of wheat had been made, by Mayor G. N. Menzies (which Her Royal Highness was told could be exchanged far $1000), the Princess expressed appreciation for grain, bacon and other goods which had been sent, from Saskatchewan to Britain. She expressed gladness at seeing the land and ttw people who produced it. district is under Staff Sergeant L. A. N. Potterton. Manslaughter, Not Murder ! NANAIMO iff Martin Saxey, a reporter. j council clearly under the char- Bradley recommended against.) ter had the "right and duty" to use of A-bombs at this time be- j inquire into the situation and to cause he regarded the prospects ; try to keep peace, for a Korean truce as brighter, j The British move for resump-said this source, who declined to j tion of the talks in a different be quoted by name. 4 atmosphere had already been At a news conference iast No- j rejected by Mossadegh, vember. President Truman said When the council adjourned there has always been active until Friday these countries had consideration of the A-bomb's i lined up behind Britain: The use but that he did not want to Netherlands, India, France, the see it used because it Is a ter- i United States, Yugoslavia, Bra- f "'I to the then Federal ' already on the market and were Guidon & Anderson's Ui!l,1K tnls clay as a Dase wele v 1021 he succeeded not cmParable in their compo- 'mastership ' ,,,, . k! re sltion t0 tlle Product ne was " the late R l M referring to in his December :antim .i, d:. vi, : article. At the same time, hs ai;rd 35. was found guilty Wed- r 1 .. 1 a ii "vl from the Federal Pmted oul that tne Product ne nesday night on a reduced charge ! rible weapon. "'e Domlninn Rinfir 1 "a uo"'B -"-""' 0( manslaugnier in une reoruary Oil Pipe Line To Coast Next AvfniiP j c had gone through a purmcation R rifP.siaviiiE of Louis Oscar at j zil and Turkey. They are ex-! pected to go along," giving the j needed seven-vote majority, but i Russia is expected to kill It off i with a veto. 'hen tu iu the Dresent Proce-ss developed by him which, Lyuquot 0n the west coast uie present ,n. Dr. Hauser c.,vs hu has nnt not sn so far far , I says, Vancouver island. i.ikiintr. Deen put 10 use Dy tne present. "ormrm In f.. .... Saxey had been originally con victed of murder and sentenced to be hanged but he was granted "nt into owners of tne dePosU-, a lawyer's of- , In the same August 4 A story' short ,1 , and nrf th i,n,,, ,, ,me th?n The Canadian Press gave the EDMONTON. The next big development in Alberta's oil industry likely will be a pipeline to the Pacific coast. Premier E. C. Manning says. The premier says transport and marketing problems are holding most of the province's New Ketchikan Police Chief KETCHIKAN C. E. Hansen has arrived to become Ketchikan's new chief of police. He succeeds Walter Carter,, whef recently resigned. Captain Carl Sunderland has been acting chief during the Interim. McBride School Bids Rejected t , hich was caot H i lmPresslon that statements at- , m Court of Appeal tor many Xs Ha tribuled to Dr. York were made I The WM m)t only 47 mln. ? " CNR n.astal -a.1 the Urae- f urther fe,5 ules last night before it return- Period ht thf master drw I J? erroneously reported that verdict of innocent f .uada UUMne'ss lle:cessfully to treat mastitis W!siauphtfr f Plana of Mr l'6 fJffl ! Defence witnesses had testified and Mr, Dr' Yorlt admes iat tht re" S"'? 1" euntim " reit ' that Oscar had been the source ' e Pnnce R U?Ilr "t he gave more than a year Rouble for Saxey for twelve Bids received fori011 ,weUs belo,w thelr Paction McBRIDE (juutaa. the erection of a junior-senior ' Via. a m.n IniLlirl In New weils are coming Into M.. Hans-en was in World War fi at least tt t-uiiccnicu umy iiio oMi-vv.j a D(ISI,', , , ful work in treating scour 111 will be pronounced yvars. Sentence today. 'iinied. I Dr. Hauser found It inexplicable that the CP story did not II and has been in police work ; b r h . , closed : production at a rate ot u a since leaving the service. ith 0 1 rCton serreta-! montn to add to the flow of He started on the police i.-lSlsKbSni! the moie than 2o00 wells al-later partment at Portland,. Oregon, ; Architects Snarp & Thompson,! was police sergeant at RtrviCk pratt Vancouver " have : reacly producing. Oregon City and assistant chief ! jvtaed fh! school' bSrd I tS ! sin" 1M7- the provincial gov-at Corvallis. Then he went to , witnhold C0Ilstruclion until next ; rSSriniSn' Anchorage where he was de- : 96 000'000 n ,011 levenue. ,DI.inE wr,en a recall of bids tective sergeant for one year, S wm b? made I Mr' Man,lih says nowhere returning to Oregon to become . !eise in the world are three vital " luels"li' natural and coal chief at Beaverton iast year. GREAT CAVERN ! gas Hansen is married and th;. The Mammoth Cave In Ken-1 tltlei exlit AlDertd- h in lather of two children. tucky is 10 miles in circumfer-.i Office and j mention Dr. Panton's "contrlbu- T I f K C Hons in the treatment of arthri- I U C ) -tis, ulcers and other aliments - il HiuhF'!CUy:. OCT;919' To feet www ttNechako . times in combination with other ' . ... . 1.- t.nw 19.9 feet 8.9 feet 5.1 feet 15:27 9:23 22:15 pLyr.R cnemicais wnicn maiie nic tj , k A post offtcA even mure reactive." (Omission i- J ' ablLshed at the Np. whs due t.n npeessarv condensa-I ' ence with a river 360 feet be- low the surface. h wiMh"0. 0f the new Uon of the dispatch.) ! CREWE, England (CP) A la-I borer arrested for housebreak LONDON (CP) The Lancet, LONDON (CP) A railway loco ink r'k of "e E0,ha.kO' The ILKESTON. Ehgiand (CPV The medical journal, had no corn- motive rolled off its siding and ing and theft was acquitted in r.PtT DRAFTSMAN lr . . . T"aaa lias al . or-ort,,vt Vini-A and the tudee after- tnsitoaba,lkl,1K ,w'ie service atirt 1.11... 1. .... , . n.J(.j,hi,d ,r.rriQ ockpri f he had bus fare crashed the garden wall of Ted 700th anniversary of the Ilkston ment on the gypsies' cure for Lemon. Ted. 78, shook his head Fair has been postponed till next ; whooping-cough, w hich is to boll and said. "What a nuisance! It year. Closer examination of the old hay for 3's hours and give made a proper muck-up of my fair's original charter revealed a cupful to the sufferer for three strawberry bed." , the date was 1252, not 1251. days. RCAF LOG Princess Elizabeth, flanked by two RCAF officers signs the RCAF log following Inspection of an Air, Force guard of honor on the arrival of the. Royal couple by air Tuesday at Winnipeg's Stevenson Field. - (CP from Winnipeg Tribune) UoZ nm t0 take England, destroyed by fire in 1 to his home. "Yes, sir, said the " cla5I 1 out of tne 1930' was Perfectly restored by i laborer. "I bought a return I ' village craftsmen. I ticket." J