fr.r;e r .Ce? LC la eninq HTSTOSrC RAH.XAT T,jr i:tj &uti ,..d Di.-.:r.r"n to triftsr.d. u- Stepneitocm's steam Soc ;.e. a -"-Ptr-fd m ia. L-LNGTHY P-ITI Rarr.ees II. ot.e of the n o-. frr!C-u of eriy EcypUan kai4. T ' yrars Ui the 13tn cen-. tar BC 6yoi Co Fishing With Joe Scott P twn - ar!-t-h:f. hf" By Oy-fl M 'Lu nar of Vi-rwc f'.e !."- 43-jeva.'.e pn:.c . Bt' Cr".ar:n". ;r. Girr Cir.a. h-rr...i;-v.i a p.-.ert.x 34 RECIPES MONTH C SPRING COi-CR POSSIBLE FROM CACCCD'LS vitm R:CE fM r ' r . . - ' 3".'. s.r. .:r. .r.e:r a. 'j Tra mai-i Sac: I :- .-. .-. tre :r.e rKi. tHiRwn: .at... t7rwt hsch are late. :.rc "..ic rTi ar5eue tfn bet th '. extreme. T ,.0? trse J. jr.r neasoc r. Pt to eiren o ear:y krd la-e tr.c. ar.4 mke fare tr.a- a beta are L"-.t !ice 1 2 b:g increase Ver.e-zjelan ct.ffee exports in .he first fuiif of HRI ev abut .i per c-:i '. r-.-. re than trie preen, year , Ida savrrUM-atent A um paauslx 1 Contro! Board r by the (x Mil !! ( Kr,. .. 1 .: t: i.r. If ..; r r.'e r:i - "V a-; a.-.c rt-iii.t.; i ';r.-.e 4 ?!rr '. ' .'!C .. ye v "im 'try to , ar.c '.' repi;. ate ar.3 S: 2 ' i '. .si!" 'y '-'-ii Tr.e ?. ejr 5 IT i ."; ; srrsrrt , ;,!: ST-feritl-v w.'r. a ITTKOD' r.ij fevv.r. H-a" fa- :: 'hit I: is a:."! Ivr Z,jf.-".ii. - V.Tt itr to 'u.-.-vad ai fifcra aUc.-it a v. .'.c . '..rriVt-i in coior rkr-. r.- y tary 3. :i ;i lm and .'i-'jr. ci s. Bv ujnr.f all ' " - t. .s '-sirfi mm! Tarr?-iL'i' be Hew blo&m-.i?' cnr.? 5"j ipnr.i sn.ti Va.'rfr'.i ai'abH for tajQtn l.:cr ar c'aiufi a: Li-g ;a h.rh the '.rmprt ii a arz as .h ptn-ar.'.ft rrrourcir.g p.aj'. Ctaors r.' re..oj. .:;.t ana bieoi'vr. mhxh tfte trump, u jre&sw i.'.- the p.-mntH h:'.e. or irtc ':.rr.parafci. i;h nw-cium .er.2'.-. t: nrr.SHW of ytjw. wln'.. -.: i- red -yr f:'j-! ptr.k. -- -3;rei v. '.tr. tf hn-.- -.. fc.rr: ith taiaU trumpets or "ij . co "r rar.fe siniiiar m 1 .1 -rr. ra a MONTKE.KL. V?. lit?; Do t rent. mber t Q 3, c i.'rirr3 trs Gy."j Co -"..'; r re C'la'. p.-1 ' .-t. " . 'a'- j'- 1 r.zr.g x; ; h.:r?-.? ir-C c"if.T.psi...'..'i ibj . . ii "' t t Jr x ..'it Fitzr:-?.'. S"ir.i r. rtft r.T"?'-ar:? tr.."o.E": '.r." i . Cr.: r.J tryjgA CT.a:..".. rrj.v.".-. X.r.c. P. .:;.. Lr.f. F-.r.'i :-'.'- r. r - -: - .;.' - o! Oyr- s.r.1 "js'. '.h -----t-:.n oJ F.', B'frha.T. ,i Vaf. - B-r: Pare.- r ha;.-.T:n of -?r icninr..;:? i.!; rr-a-'e- p-pi ;. t-Ci. ros 1.1 r-a"lir:- fo- t'.r aTj'-KsI App Diy :fii Ss'.u.-r:ay h-r. -t.' r ". .: C ' . ar:C th-:r h.-r5 t' th .-:, ij iwt'rtis "f :. R;.' 0 ?h app. '.he bt? ,.- o ii f I ' ' c;.-j , '. PPf f-AP'NO , rr-j ' f -1 5n WMWlTian-l: eT tmrw.rtaU. r.'e that d FLIFFY je 6 sr-r - . 2 .- -,; i'A '! 'Ol :. i-"ut i.i a .e: the trial. We!!, tl.n u ann tjig -Terr town" .i II I I lk I. U. li ..1 J .- t-j ' !: on..: 'yf.iVr--. E2i 111 r'.e ut. h if-ir ce-.-;- , our family dVIa-e u urwouaiie-i I kiwm y..i'il bt v -ift-cvt-r Mt. aiitj!. aiJ law n:ij le a Jt,l-i if.- arid ..2 !' ! r - I e-n f.rwai ". ie(- - .. . . . ... u.e mo-t ir?. Or v-n !.T a fr.-rc"if E.r.v a'-e in ikJ' Tnjrr-p.t AC'tite. a J ... Mrs E H Kreiate. a:; "ih" Beerie-fca a 'J h-'e. Itetajparab F r rr.fe uii.T.pett S..r V.i".. yU"'W trump? ate ir.'.uo.' a'.i the p r.arejs.'ri. the ci-utle Daphne asd Alba Pr. Ocora'a: '.:.e Bwri r.retiJ. ;th ,rarre tap, ft th- D.'K V. e !:oand. 1th trurr.wt: s-.i tr.; aa-yeotr :ar?e uuntpet t;: tety S jtcevv.r. i.t. car. be R-can in k-ra-t.rj! h:th are .hac-d a'T the . ves cf .-ee5 ard fhrjCi d'tekio by that t rr.e cf: i:l hare ?jr.e The -i t tit .!.' : J . r r-r ,r iefht Srie riTiCe t h - f:u-h of p.rk -hii-h ts v-'" f itni-y m th:- apricot triirript-t fade t in 'he suni.'i'ht. It w ;rr.pTtar.; to n'ar.t the t..;o early er.oueh so they star! - "-"h ar.4 f-.rm r'tot.i before f ir.s frozen Frer.irtg des-t- dormant bti:os, and they decay dorire the :nter: b!t utKx buibs are rarely Injured by cold, thcoeh they are detr'y-ed pxtr dramaie ;4 p.;-' -. havjr.g hi!t perianths or suh'jr medium l L. . . . I' 'RV a:- e-'. !i s Uisfn. e- - a jls . f--.- 11 ho l.-.e 0;t'j ar ai our.- -.r. .'. da'. a. 1 . ' ofdrs. ta 1 ' : bAlsC" over ;! x-t I . liub t,y i -".t.i lLtiijiirj :;r. a- Swt y"jr ttviue1- J 1 .a es:ji? ya U;y I- P H . with hite p;Tiant!vs i:.u !.-:ia.' ia "jr urante eups. J : ou ; h: h are n H suited I i- a rj:d caniaie. except witn h"avy protect. on Triey bar fra-a.-ur.t iloeers fas .ut. T.v-r are a- ismaii ffewenr .a.-.'--:- suitao. lor lock gar-any ?rl varie-t;? ea.!d -pw-taz" which are attractive in fiower arrangements. DouUe-f lr-red daffodils are rr.o. ; curious than beautiful, but rrijr.e th-m for flower aria r.zerr.erj is. Arrwni! aii these types there '.1 tiJ i f. '-. r i " Hl " if 1 ti T". le-TRofi j je- iMii. ' sum. JivS t ; ? iwr -- tl'LWK H Er.eiar.- - TT. vi-ar .' St Petr f h-":h J-.--.-e decHie MX to 1vk1 the annua! sazaar this year. In.. ad he atc -d perTis ho orally ternl to aye the man? they wou-d hae per.t and " t- the eh H"h 'j v. t ;!: " ' -' . . t ..'i V-v - v t v'.' A - -y ...-j . y Hi. a: T-j- ? . -. j- t j :it s J - . w ' fu ' f - ju"" sg." .-. . r' ktf k (a ,,--.-e -M tiaaaa x.-v-e; ' 1 . - . 'f "''- i iff-rr"- r- - j- - ts.'" 1 It' ;o t -'. j ' 1 -. . I a all'. O-i 4 aiVs.ii The WahJr.trton M'.rturr.-nt, one of the t&ivt masimry strur-taies in the wurid. is 565 feet h.;ii. i rik--k "sT C re i" iJh T4 s. f..5x 't-'ie-f liia"B vur Ari I l i rj f..r tju.i r m-.a'U. '--tit..' t.-a (f i ltiK ft nut of i iii.ji. juas-tr ,(innf Lrooftf A-k rof for firm Trmaornm . . sii yvi r. ix yrir t,.r.g! I mmr Fmrwmrti ftwmiy t r-rfNWt. W.Ttt J 9 hi t h r f HK -AKlSr; . . . ta-t -t h.-Ti i '-ta.- ta 4 serial I'rif sr V '- f nn:sf:-Bf 4VBi 01 bixh f.'orortfne ;he b'::r;"i. or i'jr.. pt' k.'e grj Wor te: -hire saw. Add :a;V4si.'J p'-p!. -r t '.'' Rpii. each frtin and :.p:ead the fp fcaif s.'ft jnayofiha! Place a nvfjnd of th ban ttiir.tft on each botbm. ha.f cf the burrs ar.d ttp ith a s: see of eheeve Place ail haiv'-., jir.'J'.-r a rr.oo' :& o.'o.lf-r jn';l the -beet U irr-i'.evi and i.i 'til yoi 1 fii 4M n ( r rri,!' in! M ui ii fa' !a toiw.r h h 'EX ...tin r v ii,1 no f:rj. f ik A&.l 090 hth.:y b;c ned. 1, tt v --,..,t r..."irttcB coh K lir I uiv. in tff Cmpirl a- ..n It". Thti-ak to nrw n,tt tJ-i--v-! Awl d the top ha.v-- 8re 1 15-oz 'n 2 t 0 : . "t f- 2 t..iV.'...p '. ' 'f. . r-'5f. r iv tt Ti.p to " I- : t 1. I kv I t a i4 m n I H- '.:ie-; Cine '-ir-f. oiped STEAMER r.-V a hit of br'"r a of rrr or --d :.;' -t cir h!re &.,r'" lion't B otrj if yirtl a Prince George o mi vuur 4. -" I" s i ?'-"-'-' - ul Isi." IMH'.INK ri J..NiV. ' Tf rr m,e r" ' - "3 Is.. lf -rU- ef I J.'t:- fiT -a,,? a 1 i"i i,t'r!v Fiior-i, . ',,; i - p Jl f--i' m itrf"!ir 4 rr a::'; ppv-r r.-LUrs Wavori 'zu'icd joitrr Ihnro H-'jf? ... ttiss. Jt f.-,1 it or it- -I'-wny js:i . . it f Yt,ur -'ns- j in I- .. ri.v " v ! fcii'!), ... TM 'i fT'" l"lC. ? t o-iHuri- A 'I U r : 1i rln' (mm in ' or tn t! h:'K-a::i-f -i't Im-I JH-l it . . Car. aHM-. v it.- -.!r in .-. - ,. . it ' YiMI ti a-Vrr b l!!HJil KlVT tK , "e Vt t.o u-' .1 how it w (tt i.:.s t -ryf-'i I 'J', tun! A-s. for it at dntf kLd i''.u-B."S RAILS FCR Vancouver and Intermediate Pori Each Thursday at 11.1$ p.m. Ftr KETCHIKAN tVr.DNnSDAT MIHSIOHI I iix.jry at lrw C'jM Fntr Harnii$ oa "t.rv-a-. 1- of a!l of HCXKI.VO!!A.'.f t-Wj") -.'h'tn Ci.ov.r.'. the on o.-net.tor 'J it:? a li'. ,i- i''.0" v or; t.r. - oor. j.'. oori"- Kibbtftt roi HftJ and A Hri . m: b? r ,t!.l-ef i-f La hresfcian 'n nt tne r-: Giving hl. It'.rtu a pa a kcor.olol giair-e at :.r:j'jor Ufd by nvai itii.i thJi rt?.My w Hi 1 m x fi MU(i!l)Al K K I. M'TKIC KANOK i-t I: tw'-'( ' ri!2:lt frit nj Fit fpf r,t jsL . . BMtir- K i. H MrfM.iH h. m;'V on?r Vi. For PeervatloTis Wri'e or Cal! env or mpoT OFFICE PRINCE RUPtnT, . I'kKCIOUS ( Ifii!:a.-. t:. i' I.::'''.riif P'TTfr::n fiT.:N snl '' r. jo7, d-: pr-". b mixed iUi v.a'.T for medicinal Ar'l tf.f r' t a trtiiil- t.ern. aria p :,. 1 " C.WfJA A'lK WiV.W.V. Tie .Afri' an O no Coot h one ol ! w .rid bi".'i . !rodiicefs of tvla. lfo.'i v.hi'h ch'cola"; b: ;i).io..'. tntil ui-1 '-- IUi' ,...- T;rf ' rij.. KKAFT WNNhh n-r; l'.. ' ' tii 0)1 01-Btti;B 1 " onufi'.! I(i.' 'K"i' i'r ' oiitriiiDtH n rotiitKni:. n :u: """ l.jh-.n,-" .o ju: J jii.t p t a e a i'1 four " ! pn.tate Of "Kli! l..r truir ! j.fv-qui-k as- ..II .v.e...vr' morrow fir "Kra;"'. - 3f i-f t'i;i-''d, golth Ei-broWB bivtiit good to eat . . . tiirv're m Um'.y hf jiiivid trtf I'.jt iiu.iLer MulTci are 3'f. wWe fra;ti far mAre nmr 'KMH tha onbntry e r.d birm-e it e m'rtj alt the i;!:ai.'.? bcTj. f of rr-fnrM m M;:fH you r-t U huir- VVhe-j. she bran and laiuabie whf-at rm arc Ijh re w;!, the tviy-btuld:n j-rvtin. ro n ri ant energy -ivtoit qual-tJ.epi of the whuie grain, Nf Quaker MufftU wih W mtfk tornonow aii!fir3tth ttwae plat foime back for mre! in I.nm;Wn lamp hii titir titp nii.r?' rimiijmi m 1. '1 ta n w ranit tfM-k M "m:ssr)' " . , . with Ka'tiatv t'lt-K C l"r;: rr.i-- ii art n mt ii 4te t, v-i n- !- nirmai. Jifit "ri r.ttn'1 tlf-TT 1 :: it "wtfl-cl"T o n ' t V: it bk a Ijroiitt at tlie A!Ii ti!Ii (Ulf fn a lt- t rnp( t ifure nvpn a.i'oniffir.ijljr roiit'ol'.f'ii b- the (.'oik-M uter ( ;ot k t n'ri;!. I hrrf ymill -e tiip 1 r ititiain Hifvtrw Kngf wmn, &; y ur u riv Fri bire ti nier Ak hmi aijout tit Kt-nrrmi irad'-m offf-r ami -sy j-Avrnf-nt trtm. the How tw JJrBtliciHlTl. . .' f-.-j j . l - a su Dajnff femd ytu buy or how r&pert vchi are at preparing .1 ,i .. ..w.i. titrmtia k' 1 tuii a why atununum w a uvounio id p C'aniiimn kitHnwi. r.u it, ahirnmum ta ffi'' lift p r n M 1 1 1 1 n tiMtth pm(i-r. reduce tooth lirav f flee 1 1 vi I y T 'I hat s a (UtKtt you VP rolably wantM tn a-fc. evr airice roti r.i that DKNTOCILUN" redtned decay m in ft 2-vf-ar CANADA SAVINGS BONDS Canada Saving Bonds are an investment for everyone. You can buy them on an instalment plan. Consider these attractive features! Higher interest return, increased limit on individual purchases, and the privilege of redemption at full face value at any time. Get yours today. . . . 1 ....... S.lo nai fl-AVlHJ IU tJ(l ,,. it nwi'i-n lie i"mii. - . . . AMure H rit ittdim- and wholeaomrtieai. What 'a more, ahtn.inum diftnbotea hat vfiy .... . lt. I .. anil qui' kly ... Uiertiote eronomx any. ia "." u i abte and t h an AU reasoni why you rant go wrtg -'1;' alurutnum ! A Letter from J t st aiiKuiK ..ijoI children (which, (mi'lfti'olly, 5 (ime- the r-Uu'Hun r!rtr.l for a h-aditig uuivr ritv s ammanatfd formula). Here' the aner: PenM ilim Mopa the formatKm of nairn-h-eatm hi id iinir' i tWtivrly ttiau any oiher MitMAive knoHn It w the only anti-tleMny mrffii nt that pruvidffl cunhnm'd nnM-h-nv at--tion tip to 24 hour. Tnat'a why ietito itim mrh remarkable reaui la w it 1 1 j ut morn i n ami f-vfuinft bruhnit. Tatvi wondf-r-fui, too. Keally than teeth. 75c for 3 months' mpply. I fnifzent you try JjDtoeillin. right ay. A RW y "I'm so W 'iV r .Jtun.n. Its d.rheult to find ! ""j m;l,oJ f feminine hygiene C1-.-.I .uhjeet. 1 d JU like to elf-euve as I'd honed Iheyd be- slim find ZOXltofiS the -'. of feminine hvgiene. These r1 ,t white yaginal ios!ieiei '.'"!; ' i,erftiliv germo idal-yet abwhi .e.y s, !l-ll-.. For further hetrfnl J J subieit of frnnnine kiiKtMsf. Barbara Brent. 1411 f-mnA I U senW yen f" ' The i:NK of Huibandt Art Otrn Slow gcttinl tlnritii wilh their "homeowner (oo.ri to hsr- monire w"'1 .r hatlirooio 1 reesyone' Co ( lior, but once lliey ve beun ahulten frt unea-dnn cellar xels cleaned leave net burned rink' quirk' And often meain sore niiwlrs sfler wrd"! Welldon't jut let jmir liu-bnnd "rrm 'n ber it"! Chaur "Peter Pain" swny in hurry with HKX-OAY tltniinie llenirirl! Jut jmoo-olli it on where hubby hurts. Its soothing wsrmih siveg wonderfully f:i-t relief from the wm of ore mie. chert eoll. rheumalism or neuralgifi! That's hemuse 4 ral Blue Yellow ;rern .,Ju.t will til vou see ,iu" iood - looking I II SCOT SP(iNtiI-Cellulose Sp,me" nrX-r.AY contains up to 21 lme wiorf of two famous pinn-rehevmi secnts inethvl unlieyl.ite iind m, niliol thin i other widely onr ntV-ins. Contains kin-ooihing bnohn, tool Bi tter kicp Ben-liny hsn.lyl just 7S a tube I -hen wet ..." , and hshy'; I SnH " eheh. yo Ceilin Beorfr For A Mrrry Porly Senium This rimerf You'll wsr.t X"js. W derfill I"" ' "' corners Thr flos'-le'V-. snd ' ; ; ;'l' a fi,w " for youiscll . . . smt lor your dauiriiler, too. How her eyes will einukle at the natttiful 'I'ron,'' dre,rn you m:ike for hfr when they're fitted to oerfertion with I.KiHTMNd M.1DK FASTHXI-IRHI You'll want I.whlniin Style toy itrr your let's-so-dancinst dres-es . . .it's s,o-o fine, to rVirii.le, yet so r,,nf;. And, ol course, Myle 7tt2 has that exclusive Lightning automatic Inrlt 1 Via t Itiflm tirlin, ' itnm . . tn Pmtmri-H-uinff 1 Shines brighter than ever! 2. Shines longer than ever! 3. With less polishing! IS90 8. C. JOHNSON & SON, LTD. Brantford, Ontario Your BNS Manager is a good man to know. In Terrace he is R. C. Samlover-Sly. Ask for ( -H' V .r,.M' sinf or u i- labll u your snS' 'gnpo'is" lo spoil vour fun! Yes, Lightning Slule Fsieners will be a I , illy imrortant part of your ' Belle of the Ball" look this Winter. A for them in the familiar red and black jiaikngel Protect YOUR C.S.B. anu other valuables in a BHS Safety Deposit Box