Stan Saville Past P:-,;1... tu:ts. ts STRIKE STOPS . 1. Prince Rupert Daily News 'Continued from pajie 4l Thursday, October 18. 1951 tioiu, did not strike. Kinsmen Head Seward is the only Pacific i.a-,t port vihe.i the longshoremen are spit into two locals, The new' Kinsmen president GettiiiK.s .iaid. ar; IT" - took the chair at last night's He said the sinking union had BULGE dinner meeting. He U Stan Sa-vule churned that ihe Northern Stcvedorms Company in Seward Other executives are: had "hired nir-n in violation of Vice-President James Miiier. the contra.-t." The union recently Treasurer Bill Bund. signed a new two-year contract Secretary Eric Martin. with the company after a Direitor.-Aian Hickey and tr,ike. James Thompson. John Bulged Installation of officers will take place following return of PLUMBING ml THE STORE THAT'S rlKT HEATING WITH THE NEW FALL STYUs II i I -. 1 ,., . .v.. u'.iionH or!.- nrfsnf. is noticeably demonstrated cn The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know ....t. .k. hrt,infl. u rioe in Huncar an. Croatian. Czech and Ukrainian Ungues as i CP PHOTO I ' -ry&t- i A t ' - . .... .1 fc. well as English. Alaska Going Back to Church, Declares Ketchikan Pastor The spiritual awakening and the return-to-th;- PHONE For Repairs and Alterations Smiih&ElkinsLtd. P O. Bo 274 - Sirs MAC ARTIIl It BOOSTS TAIT? MILWAUKEE The Milwaukee Journal says in, a copyright story that Gen. Douglas Mac-Arthur ha.s given the word that he favors Senator Robert A. Talt Ri of Ohio for president. General MacArthur wants his supporters in Wisconsin to b-acn Senator Taft in the 1952 spring presidential primary, the Journal says. INDIANS Al ( TION (Continued f om page 5i church trend, which has been so noticeable in the United States of late, is also being experienced in Alaska, reports Rev. Wyburn Skidmore, pastor of First Methodist Church at Ketchikan, who returned; north last night on the Prince George after a two-, clay visit to the city to study the impact of new industrial developments here on church activities. , While hei Mr. Skidmore met -with local ministers to get first -rrs including some businessmen hand information on the situa- wno had been out of church for WITH LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR Princess Elizabeth waiks to : arri the guard of honor in Quebec accompanied by Hon. Gaspard Fauleux. Lvuteiiaut-governor of Quebec, shortly after the Royal toMi officially f' irled recently. This photo is by Wasyi Kewal-ishcu. CP from Toronto Telegram) ,. us i i tion in this city in regard to the years churches and religious life The churches are playing an luce with two enormous diamonds f. I I Xi! - K C OS iw frtn r- a kinwn as 'Sta- of the South", I II M V i' ' I r8nH-htt, .and "Shake Akbar" ' ' The Jodl.pur jewel ln use con-1 f. tains gems estimated at $8 400.-1 " " ' CO'e, including one of the oddest j '"T items of teweiry on record a I I "" . j'. pair of scintillating diamond eye-J I l I ' ' brows, held in fiac-e by ho.ks 1 I I YC KVkCSV( f glainorout'k most of his S28.0O0.0tiO jewel treasure to form a family trust. Tn'. value and quantity of the jewels of Baroda. next most famous after those of Hyderabad, are less certainly known. They include the finest pearl necklace in the world, formed of seven strings, each pearl being of im AGED FURNACES HEAT ROBBERS The owner of an average heating systtm f:ve or more years old is warned by National Warm Air Healing Association that tn" odds are 7 to 10 his winter heating bill is at least 10 percent more than necessary. This is because 7 out of 10 older type systems of heating are in need of repairing and cleaning. A.r leaks in and around furnace combustion chamber, soot in the chimney or fuiiiac". warped burned bars, corroding smoke pipe all create loss of heat right in the furnace Itself. Therefore using more to ke-p the proper temperature. Keating experts report that h'irac owner.; are "robbing Peter to pay Paul" through use many of them are preparing to c' some of the hoarded family jewels. In the same way the Mahara-jahs and other princely rulers, despite the privy purses granted them by the government since their states were merged with th : Indian Union, find them-.Tlves short of foreign currency The best way to finance a trip tc Europe or America, they find, if to sell off a few of the family rubies or diamonds for dollars. Many of the prices and landowners have Jewels enough to keep their families in affluence for generations, for there has always been a tendency In India to invest money in solid treasure. ! Must Indians, of whatever class, as soon as they have a Mr. Skidmore says he is getting turn-outs of upwards of 150 at his church on a Sunday morning but confesses that thvy do not attend so well in the evening. A score or so of H;gh School pupils who come regularly is a healthy sign. The movemerrt back to church i. no tenific upsurge but it is a s'cw'y-moving tide. Last year his church received 75 new'mem- ir.crea.sing pari in Alaska life. Mi Skidmore told the Daily News "but we have to work hard to f ister and develop the activity and influence of the church." The Alaskan pastor lolil of the methods used to attract people, particularly the young, to church. "We arc trying to ; make the church interesting ! and entrrtaining with large ; choirs and vital preaching, '; geared to the times, rather mense size and a diamond neck- over the ears j I nvi 1 1 w 1 j I . ta . L, I than platitudinous lecturing." When First Methodist Church little money to spare, put it into diarhonds either gold iratr'Vtilrun mit nn a fiftieth Bold Of inniversary celebration recently sovereigns, a gold Dar 10 oury m one hunderd persons look part the earth to provide a d iwry ., r,0o.,t anri th. attendance - later for a daughters wedding. -il i.'r.piopT filing methods and r.eaiiKcnce in furnace numbered four hundred. maintenance. The ir.r-iority of costly re -j 'c- 'o 1 . 1 y . r I Y 'Y'r V ' f?"j&rmmmm'mymmttiim-4 ww "in ' - rmJM I ( NYLONS NV j k7C. 'S .f ' iashion iootvvc ' ' c 1 ( ' " f ' I pairs' could have been avoided if owners had followed a rvgu Iar prouiam of having heat-inc s-. .','ems inspected each ANNUAL CLEARANCE USED CARS Las', week's advertised specials have been sold. IfHO Ff(IM) Cost' m Sedan 19.-.S PI.V.IOI TII Sedan I ! 1 0 HIM.VS Siation Wagon Iffl? fJfKVKOLKT Sedan 1917 HII.I.VS Station Wa;:on 1912 PLV.MOl'TIl Sedan TRUCK SPECIALS 1950 FORD 3-ton 17C W. B. 1919 I OKI) 3-ton 176 W. B. 1947 FOKD 3-ton 158 W. B. Offers considered on 1939 CIIKV. S:dan D"livury. Ail rcciinflilioned ready to ko ycai, jays the heating associa "- gold and diamond jewelry to decorate their wives HtO.t.N WF-.M.TH This is still the practice, particularly among the middle classes and country people, and is partly responsible for the slv rtage 'of investment money in India. But tl)c economic st Infancies of the times arc beg nijing to' bring out from the coffers of the landed and princely rich some ol tins "frozen wealth." No one quite knows iuijt what he irwel weaitn of India may be. Many rulers made lists of their lev. lry when their stale i were merged, but it is not, certain that even these were complete. One of tiic few to provide a complete and clear list of privat-properly was the meticulous Niam ef Hyderabad, richest man in India, who had decided to sell Hon. Mlro rna'M can add longer service to heating systems and in?ure heaith and .-alcty of families. THOM SHEET r.ETAL LTD. Week nights thrre are tam-s uch as pool and ping pong in the Pa ish Hall where a coke ma-hine I i oM'iated. At Sunday school the children ; y.t cocoa and doughnut. W;th 35 liquor outlet! at Ket-. .hikan. employing 140 p rions. , ' - political influence is wielded nth? life of the community but. the visiting pastor said: "U s at 'east out in the op n and one who wants to drink doesn't have 'C hide it " He does not defend thr. wc of liquor but feels that 'h" Alaskan system may be belter hin B iih h Columb'a's. One thlnrr Mr. Skidmo'e has lotcd In Ketchikan Is the rir-nli ruble tendency of thiid and fourth year High School boys to start drinkiiifc "and then the i chin ch loses thvm." I - (245c) il t ; Bob Parker Ltd. 1 1)111) - MONAKCIl l)V;AI,l US prince Rupert, B.C. nriuTrfTr3T : ..... . ; K.jf ENTKR SENATE CHAMBER -Pi incess liizab.-th is accompanied : 'Jfft rY ) i I b S'liatoi Elle Bi-aurcttard, left. Speaker of the Senate and Ro-s , ill Jy ff 1' J I . 4' Iv.aecionalrj. rmht, Speaker of the House of Commons, during a yvjtvT 'V VL V 7 111 torn of Parliament buildings in Ottawa. The picture was taken y ' ?jx I fr V lift lis they entered the S nate chamber. 'CP PHOTO i ifSt'sK 1 I : J IM- h U Uj ! l-4f Hallowe'en 0KJ: S f& !MT05 Terrific Stock of Masks, Firecrackers, etc., at - lwl 0 39.5B 2 :J O k .-, THEY PAY OFF j! IT'S LASY IT'S PRQMTABLL j j To Use DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS Write Them Yourself on this Handy form J "I j : I Number of Times Enclosed Please find , , j (3c per word per insertion e.g. Number of words 25; cost, 75c Six insertions for price of four. Minimum charge, 50c.) Add four words, if box number required x j Name : ! I j Address .....Phone No i ' 'r. -- J arr J nit "Macs . 1 .rv e'i pusHed lor ircn euiiutt - - fHvorilc api i" .JJ ! Full-Siz Circulator! ipr 1 mm-mn'm i I IIHWIIIIH ill in II 1 mi 111 IW :! IF -. I , 1 1 . 1 1.. i,l.le nil!" i lippie pic, na ui"'". -i i ... imort - crip ... in rcfrfxliinK unhid oul-of-liuml you'll fmtl the pick of the 1 11 all. y B.C. APPLE t'-BISP boll" H nip Smart new 'Imperial" styling, rich brown finish. Exclusive Uual Chamber Burner gives more heat from t very drop of oil. Moncy-tiaving Waste Stopper, Automatic Draft Minder. Fully Coordinated Controls. I'owtr-Air Blower for forced-circulation optional at extra cost. Complete line of Duo-Therm t mr.llum al B '.. appl Hour 1, pup You ui C build iiK 11 new hiJine or repali Iiir the old one, it's our busine-,:; to help you. so come !.i . . . talk with us and compare our prices with others. Island City Builder's Supply .up araoulalao hi i-ul' hro rfi(l i.lnnamun TmI lh anplM anil .Mr lito a .inp"'n- '" " 0' '"5 Hour and liron ainjai-. nnl .praa'l u 1 . .t 1 h in a m ppl-a an .fl anrl lop l a ...1.1'" Phone Blue '! rre' MilMi' M.1MOS1I " HHPS ju5 Mcllride Street For Lumber fiash & Doors Storm Windows Interior Trims PITTSBURGH Oil Heaters for 1 to fi rooms. Buy on terms at GORDON & ANDERSON Plywood WaU'joaids Asphalt Tile PAINTS ENJOY B.C. ( iy ;,., by the l" i 1