'- ae.i Beciins Hyper s ovorste 7V New Zcalapd tlniversity celebrated its centenary. Toronto Argonauts beat Montreal Bulldogs 12-1, clinch- iriiy Q herth in tha nnvrif' arid Remember when? Football fans at Kingston, ' V'- v;v ) Sport Centre ! Basketball to Start In Exhibition Tussle l-'ifst basketball to be played this season will featui-e a senior exhibition tussle between the High ; School Rainmakers and Gordon & Anderson Satur-jday night. Admission to the game at the Civic Centre Ont., saw eastern Big Four eliminating the Montreal entry. ftugby League competition 10 . ye-ars ago today when Queen's Classified Ads Pay '.I . Ski Facilities Improving Rapidly f V - - , Prince Kuperr Daily New .Thursday, October 18, 1951 By J C. GRArtAM Cfinndian lren Corrfspondfi.t AUCKLAND. N.Z. J-Ski fa " I will be free. Badminton is rilities in New Zealand are Im-; , proving so rapidly lhat New j Zealand seems likely to make a i bid to become the main winter, sport centre of th southern; hemisphere. ' j Fred Calderoni, sports director, has lined up these two teams as first to play off a eml-round-robin series to determine the strength of new teams entered. Second game will be played I Sweeping City Hitherto spoilsmen visiting i A t h iwwplng the Vancouver Combines Ke Tny Webb ctts blentv of Mt.entin t. i mt THROUGH , v. tv this veflr Is hflrlrtiinlnn evl for trout and bi game fishing, ;denc ', Tuesday, when CCC 300 (Colum- 0f wnlch lh WI1U-" was WllS seen Ul Ule hla bia rpllulniil Cellulose! moot meet t.ho the Elks Pllr riirtt w A,, p "u milrv e v-iizio ac ne hurtle. Into fetet borough teirltorv but in in lh the last fnn, few jvars there u ( !y (foni tfle 8me of the Man i Cup and the Canadian lacrosse championship im'anroiiver. Peterborough goalie Lloyd iMuoni Woottoh, beaten on this shot, was a star civic centre last night when more than 100 players awaited tneir turn to swat the "birdie." Seven crnirt.n '.iviiHMhlp at thp has been a growing influx of te'jr!::ts to the ski r,surU In whiter which here corresponds to btt-or-s. - n serifs won d uie ftk-s an I Woutton was awarded the Mike Kellv memoHal tihe most valuable player in the series. 'CP PHOTO) 1 the summer America. month in ftmth centre each Wednesday night and Sunday afternoon, "are (BPOEi team. This also is an exiiibiuon game, free to spectators. The Basketball Association executive will be on hand to see both play-offs and will then decide if the senior league can have five teams this year. The fifth team, "of past proven quality," is Manson's. Already larpe numbers of Aus- really humnjing thu year," says traiian enthusiasts make regular Fred Calderoni, sports director. air trips to New Zealand each - winter and there are Increasing broken fine weather in the win-numbers Of VlsttTtt from Other ter have nmaert visitors fenree DiMaggio'Not Yet Retiring From Yankees Meanwhile, only three teams oi the A1EYS '"n".'s. There nave savajrt. ski instructor from Sun hQ been entered in each of r nlnul n,:lrIlln sMtu valley, Idaho, who has been in the junior and intermediate di- a. in resorts tnts season. structing at Coronet Peak this ; visions, although both classes are muiijui-ii lacmues lor sKiers season, aeciarea: - l nave never , still open. In New Zealand are still a lone teen anvthine like it in mv life"! naiH NEW YORK Joe DiMagtJo way below those in Canada, the , The North Island's main ski to see another team in the junior was ready to retire from baseball development since the war ha resort at National Park, in the ! league, anyway, as a future : but agreed to give the matter "a i b('n remarkable. Facilities are centre of the island, contains a source of intermediate material.; little' more thnnoht n, w now much greater than those in , group of three periodically active A sponsor is waiting for a team ' iiiuil uiuuglll, me NCW Australia, and further hio im. vntranne Onthp tlnimnigi7. if ho on finrf thp nlawn I ,i;Riem over In profes- j M:ekin. !; Skeena Grocery I. 3y Donelila McNrice "P" Division Mansoh's 3;' ,,1 .. hieh sincle and Seventh Ave. Market 3; Com-1 sci-.ii (o th h'gh three mccials 3; McKay's 2: Bi. Bis- j H.5mlinii Leatue Tues- j t-rs 2: Shenton's 0; Co-op, do-! li! Hint 319 for one and ! lault; Tollers 0; Cook's Jewellers ' York Yankees announced. , provements are likely in the near foot Mount Ruapehu is the Chat- j Juniors-under K interested A club spokesman said the future. eau Tongariro. one of New Zea-' in organized basketball should ol 1 i She bowls In "B j 1; Rupert Radio 1: Snnrlse ; 37-yjar-old Yankee Clipper! Zealand resorts are mostly land's largest and most luxurious contact the registrar before the ... 1 Sunrise. j 75 Ttaxi (to play.i ' came into the office with in- well away from centres of popu- hotels. No fewer than 14 ski end of this week, s,' vision, Ann Parker,' ' Team Standing . (tentionsof retiring but decided lation and development has been clubs have also built huts higher 'rim;, took the high I "A" Division Lyons 15-3-15; to give the subject a little more erv diffeient from in Canada. Up the mountain, but the govern- RICH AREA ui 2CS, and Alice Mc- : Rc:-a L.-e I2-6-1-, riavoy 11-7-11; time at the requvst of Dan Tgp- ' Large areas of New Zealand's ment, which owns and operates ; Ashanti, north of the African ,, mriies siruek hloh ; McMeekln's 1 1 -7-11 : Annettes ping." illimitable ski terrain have been the hotel, has also taken resoon-. Gold Coast, has forests of 10-8-10 enormous wealth In timber. Gordon it Anderson lopping, n-owner of t h e op r'ec, UP bf ski clubs. Mem- sibiiity for the development of Lucky Slilkes 10-8-10; i Yanks, and DiMagglo dhcussed bPrs have built nuls far beyond the ski fields. i 10-3-10 ,vi'J?l. Results Dsion Gordon Mount Kuapenu oners line Ski jCIoverleafs 10-8-10; Dibb Print- plans tor 1952 in the Yanks' the ends of the roacls bv volun Si An- inc 0-12-6: Skeertu oWir.,-,, i nfficr, ih .imkunim ..u After t,, ' tary labor, manhandllne the ma slc.-jes almost to Its summit. As BELSAW The World' Largest Selling Light Portable Sawmill suit there are thousands of Stars 4-14-4;(Wrathall'si announcing .his intentions, Di-iterials up difficult mountain ; r 2Rosa L(e 2; Lyons 2;, 513-5; sr.es 2; Annettes 2; Dibb 4-14-4. Muggio agreed to ' give it a little sl0Pes and doing the construction leet of continuous downhill run- little more !. Cloverleafs 1; Wrath-; (No standing for B" Division i more thought and ; vny'j 1; Slars 1; Me-'imti' 75 Taxi play.) ! t.me." work themselves A very low n,ghtly hut fee is charged, usually about 50 cents. BIG CENTRES The two largest ski centres are Mk bi J profits cutting lumbar with Beluw portable Mwmill lor local yrdi, ncishboun or lot yout own . Btlsaw U trmplx lo let up and operate Yn begrnnerf eet eoo( results. nine m winter and a season j which extends into the summer. ' In a normal season skiers who ! are prepared to climb can get ! ,?ki-irig from June through De-I c'embsi . Fast mechanical feed, posi- twenty yean ago Kinsmen Peanut in SPORT DY Cmin9 si I SCOTTISH INDUSTRY j uve sop aoji, si v5 struction and built-in '&C? f ,,V features matie 1 The lowlands of Scotland con- - 1 l operated by tlw government in the North Island and by a pri-' vate company In the south. The latter development Is the near-es' New Zraland approach to the normal ski resort abroad. Skiers live at Qneenstown, a popular the Belsaw port- able Mwmill th ! tain 10 per cent of Scotland's area but'75 per cent of its population and most of its industry. ! ft i f.' !?,' -r The old-time peanut vendor , will be on everv nreet corner Saturday, October 27. when the Prince Rupert Kinsmen will leader in its field. For full information, write, wire erort with numerous hotels, set October 18. 1S31 Henry Dceth and Billy Bag-shaw y.ere both mentioned as stage their annual pf Anut sale i l tne edee of a beautilul lake.; HIGH BRIDGE The highest steel-deck bridge or phone: in ait t r. nki on iamia speetaen:ar mounts in reen-i This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia EXCLUSIVE C OlSTttiUTOt pcslble epptmrnts of Benny ,' Halloen HEAPS WATEROUS LIMITED mole in a coming middleweight frv. A private firm has under-; " inevu,u T , L taken the development of ski j land. Kentucky, is 2o0 feet above .acilit.es at Coronet Feak 15400 ver leveI' A publicity stunt has been ar bout.. ranged by the Kinsmen in the form of a Peanut Man all leet not far away. Skiers travel v'sevs dressed up and looking like an Billy Townsend of Vancouver ; overgrown peanut fo'ighl ft bulrin! ten-round draw Funds will be used for prizes by a hair-raising road H the loot of the first tow at 3880 feet From there a system of three' towr takes skiers to the summit. The beautiful condition of the 3now and the long spells of un- KIDDIES' SNOWSUITS is in the shellout campaign and for three separate Hallowe'en parties for children. wiih Patilie Walker. Trenton, IS J.. last night In the feature1 bout on a Madison Square Garden card. 6PORTSM A N Reren t- f mted lo Lleuteant-Col- p l-H.'iit, former Nation- LADIES' DRAPED SLACKS Smartly styled wool and rayon gabardine slacks., draped from 25" knee to 14" cuff, with self-belt. Black only. Sizes 1 2 to 1 8. PAIR f K y Leumic olaver and I Tyrus Raymond Cobb, former ; idol of MajoiLeague baseball. Is mootrd as manager of the San ; Francisco Seals in the Pacific Coast Lcnsuv. frtmg golf-r. is to be Boys' and Gidls' Snowsuits in Satin and Cotton Gabardine with "Damask" pure wool interlining with matching detachable parkas. Colors: Wine, Blue, Green and Red. Sizes 2 to 6X. EACH te Kirgston. Ont. Col. .1 native of Sussex. N.B., "ti transport officer nt SEE . , . NATURAL COLOURED SLIDES of the LAKESHORE BIBLE CAMP i Held at the Kimmeh Kiddle Kamp, Lakelse Lake! E. nulilul Scenery, Interesting Action, and your children in full colour "Camp K'ighL" is this Friday, Oct. 19 - 7:45 p. at the REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCH 6th Ave. at High School f unsu-ick Military Head- in Fmicricton He is "teran of thf fbwnnrl f'A'sr. i CP PHOTO I England defeated Ireland in ! international sot-cer today at Belfast by a score of 0-2. Thirty-1 five thousand spectators witnes-i sed the match. 12.50 11.95 ms Auction e Hoards ADR1E.MNE FARRELL THE FAMILY SHOE STORE Clearing Summer Sandals BOYS' RAYON GAB JACKETS ! DELHI iReutersi Shor-i'rarlv ... t......i.. LADIES' SLIPS LADIES' NYLON HOSE The ideal house shoe CLEARANCE PRICE 1.95 Made from "Celanese" Gabardine with quilted lining in Dark Grey and Brown. By Silknit You'll be amazed I unclowivers and princes 'th simp ()f (heir jewels I -1 frunnilated In treas- d strongholds through-Tnlliries. mindars" or landoWn- !p as powerful and rich . whose estates are being ' ;t.iy bought up for rc- ion by the government, ""' liul compensation for t:,r many years. So I 11 m'U on pipe 6) -3 "First Quality," 51 gauge, 15 denier. Every pair perfect. In two new Fall shades. Sizes 8Vz to 1 1. PAIR Child ren's Strap Shoes Sizes 10 to 14 vears at the low price of 9.95 Crepe sole a dandy play shoe CLEARANCE PRICE 1.95 these dainty nylori'JN ,;vvv Inr-p" trimmpd ejinsv V W I J 1.00 r V welS)VA I made by this Shoes Women's Dress 16. to 18 years II-95. With Fur Collar Slightly Higher KIDDIES' BOMBER JACKETS m u Regularly priced up to 12.00 TO CLEAR AT 4.95 known maker. Three lovely styles to choose from. Sizes 32 to 40. LADIES' NIGHT GOWNS Children's Zipper Overshoes While they last 3 .iL 5 nd 3.75 EACH li J 2.98 UXA TV v 1 j Heavy weight wafer repellent satin with ouilted lining and fur collar, in Green, Wine and Blue. Ladies' jersey knit nightgowns with nylon net trim, in Jilue. f ink nna vtaize. roivi:RvicTORiA f;' 8 P-m., Chilcotin 1 lupsday, 12 Noon I taniosun f hSU STKWART and ? V- Coqmuam, 11 p.m. f a itte islands I'-lober 12 and 20 I s. Chilcotin i1 rnii islands J0".Oet,br 5 and 19 I 9 P m. Men's Oxfords A few pair of odd sixes 8 Sizes 4-6 years Sizes: Medium and Large only.. Reg. to 12.00 CLEARING AT 8.95 1.99 4.95 FAMILY SHOE STORE LTD. 3rd Are. 3rd Ave. at THE at CHARLIE ROBERTS 6th St. 6th St. PHONE 357 BOX 638 BAH I I