Prirve Rupert Dniiv Ncw ' Thursday, October 18. 1961 Central Interior TRAVELS j parlor at home of, Mrs. Taylor, . . . !vanqe(ine fann J Z)i jWiLli Strimbold as opera- i tor. Decided necessary acquire Jiaru Officers For P-TA Bordrn Street Fills ' Varanrie Outstanding Picture Display Tuesday evening's regular meeting of the Borden Strett HcvxA Parent-Teachv.T A-ssocia-tinn took place to fill vacancien CANTERBURY, England The River Stour which was one thought to date back to Romas times may be younger than thaC An excavation committee foun4 domestic materials 10 feet below the river bed, proving houses onct stood on the ite. ( that million dollar look for entrj found was same. "Do you knowjon m()rrow to mad metropolis of anything about horticulture?"! Burns Lake, ai.d Joined party, war asked. Was able to identify: partook of fresh cinnamon buns eanna lily hi pot in flower. Very and TOfree, returning to hotel popular as spectacular bedding dri-amln. nf "Blammih-mum" id- Still learninr. Discovered too : lal lmd fivm taximan teg cfnti etttm. VIm asked far -four biui," and thought a "btf u ten cf.rtj. Wonder it nomclatur pieres p!ant in Australia Asking about pearance on morrow. had anything to m with ot v;isht." -vv;f , SfoT i jrunpn.-uiig mw uays, was iota "One summer, for three months, we took soundings In the creek Hotel light plant bedded down rA radar deviC for night when returned, so John Ocold, always the perfect host, may be installed to detect intru- nu. m n4l Inmn WVnn 9i-ntVrt A n f I nnrlnn Oirrutrt -llr.K mouths from Topley Landing to cn the executive. Mrs. J. Rids- Talked to children of Topley dale was unanimously named as tchool. Still looking In vain for tecretary; Miss L. Smith, pro- signs of truth in statement ex-Itram ' convener; Mrs. L. M. pressed vehemently by Canadian Oiwnc, representative to the youth about Canadian children: Dental Clinic' committee and 'They chew you up. and then president Mis. A Logan to the ' ;pit you out." Cit.ienship committee. The ap- Was invited to join in farewell pcintment of a Council repre-, ceremony for R. H. Eaton. Vic me u. ina oi tne lake and sent aWutions cou!dn't find any place u too big to permit adequate famplea to be analyd. We would t H wn(,re coud see to ;orki lencing. one "trespasser- said F" ?Pa l anC!,StAay,a,Aay I 'o perforce forced into arms of he didn't even know he was wv .11 wi.e itll, IU gu, vinnlio.,. Hriulncr r.r, on alrnnrt old trlend Mrs. Westberk entered, i i sentativt was lvft to the execo- I Aro and Ed Dombroskl, return- Had last seen her on Pinkut Lake J where cooking for Rupert boys, In Forestry camp, and had par-j taken ot "moreish" peanut butter cookies. tive. I ing to Nanaimo Biological Fish- The support of all members ery station aiter spending the war sought for the Alaska Music summer on Babine Lake. Trail series of concerts. UY THIS LARGE PACKAGE I f ISuJIir 3-4 I X"JSi-.f 2 'Voung Canada Book W eek attention rr " l"N H 1 'vy. i - ? Hr rJ JLJLr'l . I -M lot the parent. The financial ! i.-.' :t. f I I'i'-'i i. L - J -i"..-w - rr 1 . nuttemwit presented by Mrs. P. V V '-'" 4 ! ' J iJT i . v , . j f" . ' V - - IT Bond was satisfactory. daylight 'i r N '' tD -5 ; P .' '3 . The resolution against jusly t ."''"I ' . . V-'-'in,;, i , - - j t V V.i 1 saving time was unanim FOR. VALUE tribu- On way to W.I. monthly meet- AS WINTER COMES ing watched hotel acquaintance j Moon riding high, and specks , grading and electing timber. ; of sparkling frost on ground and : Membf rs discussed problem of 1 erunchy gnss under foot, in, mea'-tlmcj when railway work-1 (merged from house of family! cr, and schools on different ; lamenting lack of medical and t:mes in summer. Statement' dental labilities in district. Wish inadt by on,? member: "Money's could do something about it. a minus quantity, very few people i Knocked at door of handsome have an)," found most provoca-; caravan parked near. Positively t ivc .especially in these times. ' palatial inside. Owners leading- Had a cup of tea with Mrs. : and doing jig-saw. Wished re-IH'onun. Surmisvd was with ' main ani.nymous, but having knitting expert, when saw pair of lovtij holiday. Killed friendy fly linislied socks. Commented on , with copy of Daily News. Good : imilarity of wool to that of Mrs. I deed foi day. ' Wat or s homespun at Telkwa. Descended on amateur beauty If t' - " ll7il k K I ! eittors-d with notable eonl I ,' L m i -A II H LV ff 1.0 , 1 't-ns to th- discassion being I and A. 1 n V . F - I V S ' 1 e 1 -y .made by Rae Johnson Mrs. Logan, president. ARFt T TO GALLERY-PriiKPM tii Mofin tur.,eu over to the National Gallery at carpet mad.' by her grandmother, Q jeen Mary. Tne presentation-made to Rt hon ot the board ot trustee ol jey. chaiiman the Oallry was during the Royai l( the capital Wednesday. The carpet w,ii purcnased by the Imperial Order ,f th-Fmp-re far $100,000. Left to ntsht, those present were: Senator Elie Beaure-t ' 'I"' R "at.-; Prime Minuter Si. Laurent, th? Princess. Mrs John H rhinm.n t-r.niu. K mi. jinn criunRJ. Mrs. Ltnrliam was in eharp.c of tefreshments. FINE PICTIRES Featurr of thj instructive and enjoyable gathering was the hewing of two colored moving pictures of British Columbia. 1ne were shown by Rae Johnson who had taken them. The ai .a covered was mostly the timbered country to be cut by the Columbia Celluio.;e Corporation ir their woa.s operations. The view were breath-taking in their vivid pictures of the natural beauty of the district. To many who were familiar with the area as seen from the ground, the air view was a revelation. Mi. Johnson commented freely on the features of the scenes both from a scenic as well as from an industrial point of view.. Altogether the reA was EnjoyThe Best-looking Shaves Ever WITH ni uf the IODE; the Duke of Ejmburgh and Mr. Massey. iCP PHOTO I P 8 UY mAt THE A AA '0 GtLUTTE j Llo Si0 Olllespie: Pacific Coaat Gardenrni! Guide. 'lunlher: The Piddle of MucArthur. Hamh-Brown: Mahrrntun' Sprint;. haiif-Brownrieturn to the River. Ihiuser: Lfxik VuuiiKer. Live Longer. Hii-het:The Art of Teaching. Billiard: The fialt-box. Hnuiier: An Arithmetic Refrenher. Johnson: The Complete Keporur. Kavanaijh: The Sujiy of the Abbey Theatre. Kepler: 'ood for Little- Pmple. Ijiwwm : This Is New Brunswick. 1-eU.airdma: Canadi.' Century. GILLETTE BlueBlades 1'AT rnt'i'- rxsr INew Books In Library ' Many lntere.sfing new volumes ' have been added recently to The .shelve of the Prince Rupert Public Library. Historical, biographical, political, economic, ; mechanical and scientific books i are inciuded in wide range. Here tln-y are: Anderson: Auclcl'a Marine EiiKi-iief-r s hHtuly HNk. Ar.ttrrauii: Hie OtheT Sule of the nottlr I An-ln: Hprman MHvllle. Bainlim: Hvre I Hutud A Life ol Mal'Uu Luther. B-nrt: The Sfrit of the Been. HerkriiHu. Kutherme Mnnrtelrt. iioswcll: Ttie liiititm Juurlml. ! liTnner: Vour Mextcnn Holiday. Ginny Simms Compares Blue Bonnet . Sings Its Praises! i-f ftoHir. at3 ana people. t Lovelace: KaieM ManaKement. . j MKaitKland : Careen in the Arts, j McCowan: Tide-waurr to Timber-- I You skim off tough beard slick , whistle with today's Gillette Blue double- Blades. Their super-keen 1 r ,i.u rhe orajoary ikum rat vi u . - - edges iliiiHA t .Tf,t. .VjifM.. . 1 Always use . ae you money. 1 1 :i... Riu Blades. Precision wee s Waror. rs.A.J. Andersort made for your Gillette Razor. USED CAR SALE GlUtTTE 20-BUDl DISPENSER WITH I , U- t -:-' "t'-vVlt :: ;t, ' J USED-BLADE COMPARTMENT l -w II I A. one. Martin: Kierkegaard, the Melan-clmly IMne. ' Michener: Return to Parftdiae. Montague: Statement on Race. Morton: In Search of London. Mulac: The Playleaders' Manual. Nixon: Principles of Helling. Ortta: Portrait ot a Turkish Family. Overstreet: The Mature Mind Patch: Thirty YrLrs with O B 3 , ' Pray: Taxidermy. Rice' Block Prints. Samfnuric: Complete Poems. Hantayana: Dominations and Powers-Smith : Mv Three Years In Miwcow. Spender: World Within World Stephens: Hllle Marksmanship. Stem: The Pillar of fire. Sutton: Footloose in Canada. Tharp: The Peubixly Sisters of Salem. Thomas: Out of This World. Tovnbee: War and Civil l7.ation. Veiikovsky: Worlds In Collision. While: The Natural History of Se) borne. Wltson: My Six Convicts. Woodham-Smith : Florence Nightin-gale Yauch: How ctood Is Your School? Yeats: The Complete Poems. Zwetir: The World of Yesterday. The Roval Commission Report on National Development in the Arts. Letters and Sciences. -"it. J 1 1 1949 Srudeboker Sedon 11 941 Mercury Sedan 11941 Ford Sedan 1 1951 Austin Sedan, 3000 miles, new condition. 1 1947 Monarch Sedan 1 1946 Ford Sedan 11947 Crosley Coach 1 1947 Fargo 3-ron Superior Auto Service Ltd. rirtrnnill: The Cireat Itwape. Bnl.irt; B'Kk ol Puppetry. BuhriltrH: 1 Married an Arab Ctillm. The Crand PereirnmiUou. t'oivln: Alrcralt. Muudb.Kk ooke: LlKht (f the Wurld. CoiTinnloh. ViorklnK With the Micruht-ope. t CralK; The Speech Arts. Cum me: Journey for our Time. Daly: Perfect HtjMesa. Daiilniiton : office Management. liietz: An Efonointc History ol England. Inlas: Of Men and Mountains. , Duke ol Windsor '. Klnt story Durttnt: The Storv of ClTlll7.atlon- InnaU: Tiie Show Card Writer. Fittwood: River Iiary. tllot. Poetry and Diama. f-uson: Chance in Africa. Fromm: PHychiwnalyls and Religion. . tlelster: The New Ice-breaker. Onniox: Biography of the Earth. Cir.v 11: The Child From Five It Ten. Oeaell: Infai-t and Child In the Culture of Today. Oiblw: Twllltjht In South Africa. Cluie: The JmirnaJ of Andre Olde. dive your nirals a new note I 'lake thin tip from (linny Simms. Com-lr Hi.i'B Bonskt MHi'KHrine with any HpreHil at nut pruf . dike the (pJelTHtl wiiifp-tiTHrt, you'll live the utinywpt Jfniitr of this . .ine-qiiJility nil vtgrtnhle mar-jr;i!tnt'. Ou'll appreciate Hi. re Honnk i 's nutrition. And you'll welcome its mil t'ttuwiy. So Imy Hm k lioN.i;T antf Ret. 3" Flavor! Nutrition! Kciinom-e-e! I it in rooking, vegetables, as a delicious Hpn'atl. Hi, uk Honnkt Mai'Karine if sold in two tvM-s refiitnr economy package ftith color wafer, anil also in. the fammis Home Helps Kleenoff Absorene Pyrex Wore Bread Boxes Paper Towels Table Cutlery Fire King Ovenware Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. Third Are. W. Phone Green 217 Vki.i)W l ik bag for fast, easy color. If you want to sell it, advertise it. News classified. nolo flavor" 1 SAY BARRY V VANDSKIPPY J I f V I'ways Hungry Aylmer, too" " y ' ' -. -. .; fTi . - .-CE i,, i i i, i , "1 m3me&& m J, TLty - jrjNNIE AND PAUl 1 Q'f f APPLIANCE & SERVICE W AND l,f,LECTRc "Jf Blue 9!)2 fATTS i SERVICE f r;Rs STrmo f Orwn 389 "iniHi-r as it show New s clarified j