Prince Rupert Daily News As I Sec It LETTERBOX F'RST UNifto Prince R,.. SCIiiircllil etwees: Saturday, August U, 1951 Rev. Law lf,nce 0 t -Mu uinlr,t 11:00 a.m. Sermon : H, ? a, LAND OF LAKES The Kare! Soviet Socialist Republic, formed from earlier Finnish territory, has 2(i.000 lakes. more Saturday Sermon Ad independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Princt Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. IJember of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association O A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. U. PERRY, Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By Carrier, Per Week. 20c; Per Month, 75c- Per Year, taS?'S-v-$8.00; By Mail, .Per Month, 73c; Per Year, $8.00 NO SHOVING, PLEASE! Editor, Daily News: The report of the alleged Parks Board meeting appearing in your paper August 10 was all upside down and made to deceive the public. In the exercise of the prerogative of a chairman, I called the meeting at 7:30 p.m. At 5 p m. I was contacted by the secretary of the Parks Board by telephone Preacher, r r Shn,h i , ..WU Ml ''- ft- -- . u u - Mrs. C. Jtiibtrti, J otuci'liun First Presbyterian Church Here We Sing (By Rev. Basil S. Prockter, rector of St. Andrew's Cathedral i Sunday Mornln, Family Serviw k COME AND Wr,D-There is a sw.tla7: the children. Com.. This is not written with any intention of pro-:' vokiifir religious strife or controversy but I have- ; ana toia mat commissioners GULL LAKE, Alberta. ;Forman and Murray were on , . v,,, hand for a meeting. I informed Theu h:ivp vpi-v little ... , ,.k. . '.' . NO EVENING SEP.; money here at the Al- meeting would take place as ; found on many occasions a confusion which exists berta School of Religion, tTimTvZ" to i in the mim,s of pe01jle with fermce to the loctrine and so thev can't pay their Pusned aI1 over the Parks to of the Virgin Birth and the doctrine of the Immacu- DIRECTOR Housing-No. 1 Need THE Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce has nothing to apologize about in leading a new move for more and better housing in Prince Rupert. If any place in Canada needs housing today it is Prince Rupert. Even the government itself is using the lack of housing as an excuse for not using the dry dock for shipbuilding.- C - lecturers, of which I am;on ha'nd at ,:30 but the other.-: ; ,aie "LelJUO"- .,.,TU.1" "" Thp doctrine of the V rtr n i nearins nuiesi-aiiis ii-jcli. one. That is, in cash. did not appear. So there was no meeting. GEORGE B. CASEY, Chairman of Parks Board But we do get paid in another Birth Is belkwed and taught by the Immaculate Conception, are all Christian Churches and is j underthe impression that what based on the Gospel record that: is rejected is the Virgin Birth. Hen?e' I write this, hoping to ,h Birth nf jowi. rhrist wu i S)H.Ux '"MM, sense. W hen somebody asKs me Hoi? Conrnii why I take a couple of weeks' ; fireman's holidav and come Sunday Sfh,j"1 The new pulp mill industry has long complained here, where neither the grub nor i j. a i vi i i. ii i v... . line oeas are anywnere ni-ur as about not being able to get and keep personnel here d as cur own'at nome x say, unique in the sense that His , make the matter clearer to some. ! We extend a cordial Invitation Mother conceived Him by the . 'ho in the smoke of controversy to visitors to worship with us. direct power of thj Holy Spirit na? forget where agreement lies . 31 Fourth Ave.' East and by no other means. Further j "" where difference. 1 Minister: pov E A Wr'ght, D D. it is not to be concluded that j With this and other Christian Organist: Mrs. E. J. Smith, ordinary human generation is a; Articles of Faith, t.iere are times I John Currie. nasty or a wicked thing but whBn manv of us have some dif-1 SUNDAY, AUGUST 12, 1951 simply that the Coming of God's rt-ult v and there is no reason! Morning Worship - 11 o'clock ray . . Reflects and Reminisces because housing is lacking and inadequate. Every industry and business which would bring because it makes me feel good. For one thing they spend quite a lot of time here singing. They Mluutrr; Ii, HUNT I'HfKMn I in new heln has the same comolaint. In fact, it is ! sing a lot of old (and a few new fU1 K. A Wn.h, , , , , hvmns. Thev also sing songs like , . . , ... , i the worst headache in getting and retaining work- I Home On the Range. Only Son In to the world had W)y we .should not be perfectly; Sunday School-12:15 this positively unique beginning, j honest and open about it in the ' Evening Service- 7:30 o'clock 1 The doctrine of the Immacu- i fellowship of the Church. But "Remember the Sabbath Day ; 16. Prince Rupert may not be a ers. It is a problem that harasses every employer. i From ."..Lrj the oldest to the young- . .: . , . large city, but at the rate hugo'in,. Concept!: on relates, not to ; iogma remains like the lines on 'o Keep it Holy. r IMHT IMU eio (in, a , 1. 11. Sl-I, tho hnnaino- which U offering ' . " , '.' . trucks with Vancouver nam s our Our Lord Lord Jesu Jesus Christ, but to the the basketball court without ! v..v. .. . & .. ... 0 'wnen we nuiuuiis uo suig in TWW Further, U. v.. . , a a Inr lot .vv o; nf wa is scarcely habitable appear on tha streets, we're beginning to feel like one. groups we recharge our run down unit-it nn 1 hnttpri.c Funrvhnriv People cannot' be blamed if they refuse to come J knows that or should. Yet in by any othkr name; Virgin Mary. His mother. It which the game could not be states that she. herself, was con- played. A few minimum rules of celved without the taint of orig-' conduit and belief are necessary inal sin. This doctrine is not to prcper living and no mattvr taught or received outside of the how many times they are step-Roman Communion, ped over, they still remain the The trouble is that some people, mles. EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH 415 5th Ave. E. main our ordinary lire at nome now fred Rose, one of the here and bring their families if they cannot get live' mix iosen tai BlU A ,. Pn.-.Uir: c. Hvr AI.Y4THI tf, Fnuf Bum CO.: Hr. Cupi Oh,w Buridny St iuiol a fct. imi i. i.niin Mh Ave. at MiBis, Pailor T ftry. H 0 ' lb jmany times do we sing, in ccgs n a Soviet spy network, was j groups? . released a few days ago from St. I Well here we sing, and it does Vincent de Paul renitentiary ; somehing for us. t near Montreal where he served 4 . I a term. He was boin and raised in Europe. Settling in Canada, ,1 WAS thinking about this sing- he was elected a mvmber of the I ing business, and my mind flash- ( Iederai parliament. He rewarded ed back to the first world war. : Canada for this 5ignai honor by j When we were young kids, : stealing secret information from j fresh and green in the army, we government agencies and de-j always used to sing. I can re- i partments and slipping the same j member marching down the ; to Soviet Russia. It may be of I streets of Ottawa, roaring out to . interest to learn that, now he is jthe top of my lungs, with the again at liberty to resume life .is ! rest of the boys in the' 25th Bat- a Canadian citizen. He cannoi j tery. Mostly they were college : te deported. He could even run lyells or half sillv songs like j again for Parliament. O Canada! SERVICES SUNDAY Morning 11:00 it. in. Sunday School 12:15 pin. Evening 7:30 p.m. WEDNESDAY Prayer Mcvtlng 0:00 p.m. Pastor C. W. Sinclair Phone Black 393 "Believe on th Lord and thou shult be saved." FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday, August 12 11:00 a.m. Morning Service. Speaker: P. H. Llnzey. 12: 15 p.m. Sunday School. 7:30 p.m. Evening Service. Speaker: Rev. Robert Martin Boys will return from camp at "Few Acres," Terrace, on Thursday night's train. We are having a grand time. Thirty-eight boys In camp. T. PM'FKI, Keotor: Krv H Ou:: SuudMy BcImjl; nut, Ik able accommodation. Who would leave a job and a comfortable home somewhere else to come to a place where they cannot find a comfortable place to live? Lack of housing is, in deed, the No. 1 drawback with which Prince Rupert has to contend and we are correct in insisting that every available aid be placed at our disposal to alleviate it. Certainly there should be no such thing as a quota to the" availability of assistance to private enterprise such as that afforded by the National Housing Act. And it is ridiculous to put arbitrary restrictions on materials for legitimate housing undertakings which it seems to us are just as legitimately entitled to priority as peacetime defence projects. Lack of morale of the people is as insidious an enemy as the more apparent menaces we may see on the international scene. And if people cannot get a decent place to live i;i i.i I k rl. Fttl4r: far. Iutturt i (.,, We are Sam Hughes s army. j At the twentv-first meeting A hundred thousand strong. between "the Communists We cannot march, we cannot anrt TT v th fnrmpr in silence. Casualties were dea i cribed as nil. BULLETIN Ho. 10 fight, What bloody use are we? But when we get to Berlin,' The Kaiser he will say Hock. Hock Mein Gott What a bloody fine lot The Canadian Artillery. SO FORBEAR, DARN YOU! Among the freedoms left is th;' risht to Complain, the right to( publish. And thanks to Mr. Die- tenbaker, the police still haven t mm 0 0 mo om a,a .k the right to tap your t-lepiioa mcnduHng buck XJ& o ' " - at a reasonable cost it is certainly going to under- yea" tnat followed as we killed Word . . , job tna enemy an(j saw our pais jcU j jiuj.e uitu jiwidie. led Those wno survived had Canada's Indians will soon bc! I very very little urge to sing, till near making their own way in the' the very end. i world. They will get the vote,! Yet I have never c-ased to and in due time, be no knge- puzzle over this miracle. When i wards of the government. The; the Canadians went up the road Financial Post says population to the surorize attack at Amiens.! totals 150.000. A majority of: Canadians, it is believed, still : hold the notion that more Ind-! ians live out west than anywhere else In the Dominion. This, how- i ever is misleading. Ontario, with 1 fU A they went up singing just as we! had sung when we were green 1 recruits, full of the fun of boyhood. Luderidorff described the breakthrough by the Canadians at Amrens as "Germany's blackest hour in the whole war." Did the Canurks break through because, after long years of comparative songlessness. they went up the road singing? Or did they sing because they 30.000 has the greatest proportion. It looks like a daily train in a few weeks. nothing like beng patient, as well as smiling while you wait. Dear Parents j I knew from everything they saw and heard that the stage was set for the breakthrough, and hence the early end of the war, and the NOW YOU KNOW! It use-d tD be thought a shipi captain could pertorm a marriage ceremtny. Pe.naps many still hold the opinion, when they think of the topsy-turvy sort of world this is. Some may be captured by the idea of a sea wedding, and indeed, it has an alluring touch. However, to get back to sober facts, let us digest this, from the Merchant Shipping Convention Act of 1914: end to the bestial life? Don't ask me. I don't know the answers. An Intriguing Asset AT PRESENT, the only museum in the province north of the Bella Coola Arm, located in Prince Rupert, is asking support from citizens for its continued operation and future expansion. In exchange for a very small sum, the citizen becomes a member of the Museum Association, which allows him free access at any time and a vote once a year. Some people's attitude may be something like this: "Why should a museum interest me? What good do a lot of ancient weapons and tools, carvings and bones, do me? Let the dead bury the dead." . Probably more people visit a museum out of curiosity than for any other reason but, once in there, they may learn something. History has taught us nearly everything we know we benefit by someone else's mistakes by not doing them. Therein lies the value of history study. All our progress today is partly due to a reflection and study of the past. Attached to each item displayed at the museum is a thrilling story. Many of the stories remain buried in the past, but a continual search into the dim recesses by people who want to learn brings to the surface some of the rarest tales of human interest. And these stories are represented by the items of exhibit at the museum. To have a,good museum shows that the people have a desire' for learning; that they have a keen sense of appreciation of an earlier people's way of living; and that art and culture of a historical people has not been wasted. YESTERDAY we heard a really super talk by Dr. W. Rowan, head of the Zoology department of the was "Masters are reminded that they onj have no power to perform the University of Alberta. It about animals and man. about the scientific approach in mar.-iage ceremony on board ! their ship, and, if such a cere-! mony is performed by them, the marriage will not be a legal one." j general. Dr. Rowan believes that we are in the hellish mess we are in because we just won't use the jcientific approach to the Inter The Philippines government decline to sign the Japanese peace treaty, and will remain national problems we all admit are there. This h-l ler is to into..u you c-oncoriiiiig the procedures we plan to follow in the truiiiiii anl eiiiiciition of ull m-IiooI personnel (teachers and pupils) rejranliiitf th heM proteethe measures in the unhappy, and we hope unlikely, event that the area in which we live is subjected to enemy bombing- either atomic or convent ionul type. Like you we nincercly hope that all of our plans for m-IiooI Civil Defence aetivities will prove to have been tinnccchsary, but like parents ve f-el that so lotif; as there is any poKibility of kucIi danger, every available precaution must be taken. We prefer caution to complacency. To this end we are pulling inlocflVi t a wimple programme of training and protective drills which utilizes the best available information on the subject and provides the maximum protection under each of several condition. For examples should the need arise, the young people will be moved to the safest location in the school. As devastating as the atomic Ixinib is, there is no justification for a feeling of hopelessness or helplessness in the event of such bombing. Relatively slight obstueles offer considerable protection and in general the type of construction used in our schools is u definite item in our favour. it is our intention, without causing alarm, so to impress these simple facts and instructions permanently in the minds of both teachers and pupils, that immediate response will become a habit. Only by constant repetition and drill can we ensure universal and complete compliance. W hen this state is reached we think that children will be just as safe with us as they would be at home. W e are sure thut with this, explanation you will understand any excitement and comments which your child may bring home concerning this subject. Yours, sincerely, Principal of your local school. As an example of what he I technically at war, It simply means he- suggests 'Jhat some beats sin how some of the smal-univcrsally respected organiza- j ler states continue to feel their tlon, such as the. Nobel Peace j oats. Prize Committee, should convene!' 21-Piece Breakfast $ 6-95 Sets . 32-Plece Breakfast Sets a meeting of ten or twenty of the kind of persons who are internationally respected for their moral integrity, objective honesty, and intellectual capacity. He believes that such a group might quickly agree on a suggested basis of solution of the short range differences that have created the Increasing crisis which is heading the world for more war. Here are names that the folks in the camp later agreed as ex 21-Piece Bone China Tea Sets Dinner Sets, from $i 27-95 68 pieces at... (Includlngj beautiful Wedge-wood and Couldon King's Plate) SPECIAL amples of such as might fill the bill: rr , , , r. . , ! J " l IM Mil' ll ' I English Bone China CUPS AND SAUCERS at 7 TIMES THE WINNER Actual tests prove that INGLIS washes clothes WHITER . . . BRIGHTER . . . CLEANER than any of the 7 leading makes of washers. Now available at Rupert Radio & Electric 69c 97c and PUNCHBOWL SETS Einsten, Ralph Bunche, Pearl Buck. Kagawa of Janan, Nrem-j or Her of Germany, Dr. Brock Chisholm, Lord Boyd Orr. Albert I Schweitzer, Robert M. Hutchins,! Justice William O. Douglas. Gunar Myrdal of Sweden. John R. Mott. Sir Adrien Boult. Ma-' dame Montessori of Italy, Frank C. Laubach. j If such men and women as j these would meet and Issue their ! proposals for peace would they not enlist the support of all sane decent people, everywhere? THE GOVERNMENT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 7.95 MANSON'S China Shop HON. W. T. STRAITH, K.C., Provincial Secretary i MAJ.-GEN. C R. STEIN, Civil Defence Co-ordinatof f 1