I l i I ii i ' fmm 'J I Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, August 11, 1951 JUNE HAVEK "ll'UAM I li. in "I'LL GET v TODAY 6:50-9 - v I ........... L - A- V . fczr :L J'tx , L - Sunday Midnight Mondoy Marino. rJ miiK ippi ANn . r, "v WATERFRONT . WHIFFS RUPERT PEOPLES STORE II "MS BRlf, !. "BANDIT V-(llIRl - RETURN OF JESSE JAMES" Clearance Sale! Cillnetters Taking Holiday AI Coklough on His Own Royal Fish Fillctting Several hundred masts are swaying in the gentle breeze along Prince Rupert's waterfront today as gillnetters take a respite from nearly two months fishing of the Naas and Skeena river areas. These areas have been closed to sockeye fishing for 10 days, beginning 6 p.m. yesterday. Most of the fishermen GUARANTEED SAVINGS ON EVERY SALE ITEM t 4vy" v 1 j u . k a T ' I I - e V s' - ' 1 ! 913.1 OJUc iiw3 -!Hi' : Rupert Peoples Store to spend the week- are happv end in town before they leave scts of advertising cards. Mast on Sunday for other grounds to of the A.T.S receive them with continue their quest for salmon anticipation, for few things are and a livelihood. "free" for an A.T. I Close on the heels of the two Formerly associated with Wil- boys handing out free passes to ford Electric, Al Colclough now Prince Rupert stores, are taxi-operates his marine sound and drivers. If the person reaching radio equipment installation and the bottom of the gangplank service under the name of Sonic happens to be loaded with par-Marine. Working with him Is eels, baggage and evidently looks Bob Macarthur. An of ficial ' like a tourist returning from the ON THE OUTSIDE Pat is glad he's still "on the outside, looking in" the window of the first horsemeat store in Regina. Pat, who won the grand championship in the delivery horse class at the Regina Fair, has a good chance to stay on trre outside. 51 SUPER PIONEER A Light ONE-MAN SAW with a ... HEAVYWEIGHT'S POWER! Ils endurance and dependability are "field-proven." Whatever the job, your '51 SIPER PIONEER takes It in its stride. Some of the feature are: Dyna-Torque single cylinder engine Automatic clutch and rewind starter Balanced design for easy cutting and carrying Only 25 lbs. without cutting attachments. Lk' CC KEUAMAf W'A RUYSOAtt RICHARD SAU ' 'Santa Fe" Is Exciting Bad Girl Good Girl Loretta Young is a bad girl ofie day and a good girl the next, in opening of the new premises 1 South to his home in the North, remodelled on Third Avenue : the taxi driver will politely look East is due soon, says Al. the other way usually. j . He is not very Interested In a 75nt fare when ATj! will added:" ' Something new be be driven around on a "n to Royal Fish Co. Ltd. plant on Wharf sight-seeing tour for $8 oo 7. Government in about two weeks The comDanv will enter! "Sightseeing trip, mister?" Starts Monday CAPITO SELECTED SIIOHTS NEWS Show 7-9:00 j nil e jv l i j p, i inouuc nt viic mo- J ..c; u. Att.. i ..q plays next Monday, Tuesday and tnrv nf thv West Is re-rreatert in the filletting , business here for , See the city, lady? " An Wednesday at the C a p i t ol "Santa Fe " technicolor feature tne first tlme and exPects t0' "How long does it take? Theatre. She loves a man when' coming Monday Tuesday and emPloy n additional staff of hour and a quarter, lady." sh? is in hor pixie mood and Wednesday to Totem Theatre about 10 women workers. Man-: "What do you see?" Cutting attachments from TODAY 7-9 o.m. JtKKY LEWIS - DKAN MAKTlK "AT WAR WITH THE ARMT in d-esn't even know him when u stars Randolph Scott and aer A u lelcn" says l"e "Well, you see pretty near everything. A big fish plant, a lets will be packed and frozen here, then shipped unkibellcd shes a plain hospital nurse. The janis Carter, man is Joseph Cotten. I 0n December 22. 1872, pionter- Both Miss Youne and Mr. a.,r, r-o rcu ont,n trip through the residential sec- 2 Doys Only Mondoy and Tuesday MEM OF IR0N...W0MEN OF FIRE AND A RIB lu ....: t. c tjon a tr, tQ the hl hest polnt Cotten get themselves into a tfon crews completed laying company will complete the work. in the city where you see every- thing wonderful view the Several thousand American Ciwiri TlnncA Kaa iittfitl no r. iui oi nut wi nuiinp; inc tracks across Kansas to what course of the story. She has him tney thought was the border of arrested and he a lawyer, em- rv.ir.mHr. nr. or.t..oi mni take the trip, lady?' (tiiiiri(tuit!iiiiiii W W-VTOTHESIf barrass-os her in court by par- tlon depended land grants from "l? At ,n,CRE "J8 I. There are perhaps 10 to 15 I onnrr 1 Fill in and mail for full A '3&2 Address . . 1 naiiy p:ovmg mat sne spent one the united States government mer. least, following docking of the cruise ship they ' selected taxis waiting for the larger P UNnniPH.M.III I nigni, a:oeit necorousiy, in ns nis are which would permit the road to . .. . , . . ships. Most of them soon 10r tnelr lrlP nortn' 'hese tour- him nim r-nnttni,,, mntinnp tn n thp thp Pariftr Pariftr Cnnst. Cnnst. filled, than oeo room. Later sne marries ists have passed through some while under her subconscious They thought they had reached spell, only to steal away from the Colorado line with 48 hours their bridal ued the next morn- to spare. part of this ity. What are the average American tourists like, and what hap- mg. naung mm, to nurry nome That niGht. to the horror of the and dress for her mfrrriaee to o Pe,ls lo lnem wnen lney Bel Dealer: . ,Ie,...v., . o.shnre here for a few hours unother man. Cotten manages lo was ,iisoove1 that thp Kanta during boat stops? , taking no less four passengers and it costs the A.T. about $1.50 a piece. Of course, when the A.T. goes on a holiday trip like this, It isn't often that he or she forgets to bring a camera, and several thousand dollars worth of expensive Leicas, movie cameras, exposure meters and akin gadgets accompany the average shipload of A.T.S. Soon, however, the cruise vessel blows a long whistle and RUPERT MOTORS LIMITED Prince Rupert. B.C. , Dist.: Pl'RVES E. RITCHIE & SON LTD. ' 658 Hornby St.. Vancouver. B.C. stop the wedding just as she Fvs surveyor had erred by four Let's take a sample cruise la ias aim lapses inio ner ?uo- miles. The eovernment surveyor . ij : Mi conscious again, which puts her insisted that the tne State state ot of Color- color p' , ' Z , K . back lnl into the lne arms arms 01 of the lne man man ado T , lay ? four miles the sengers making the. round trip beyond f,om Vancouver tn sitioau she really loves. end of the Santa Fe tr' k, To : ,.VUV5L. B"L . ( CHAIN SAWS . ui'iA Minrrn tin V 1 lnsura completion of the road,!erowd tne ralls for a, loolt al and to avoid tracks bankruptcy, another spot on tne west coast would have to be laid over those they haven't seen before Most ii you warn io sou it, advertise f the return is made in a body. j iuur nines wiuiin w nours. oince of them look well-fed, well- many having made their way to ote A Fummis flavrrs Thflr-I uie crew i.aa Deen averaging clothed and well over 40. and only one mile a day, the feat was men seem to be outnumbered by thought Impossible but the (pall- women two to one. readers set to work. - A few passengers are those re- Brset by Indians, outlaws, ! turning to their homes at Prince gamblers and drunks .the crew (Rupert. They went south for completed the Santa Fe to Col-, their holiday, and now they eag-orado by Christmas Eve, within j erly press against the rail near-one minute of the contract's ; est the gangplank gateway hop-expiration. lng.to be the first ashore. Rela- j tives or friends stand on the - - ; docks, waving. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY j Flnally, tne bis snlp ls ge. WANTED Sales clerk for men's ' curely tied and the gate to the wear store. AddIv in wrltine to ' gangway is opened. The crowd Box 170. Daily News, statin! surges through the gates and a aee experience and salary ex- Continual stream if nennle people Hp-oected. ae-sarv. Exnenence not neces-ru" , , ( 190 1 ; scends the gangplank to the 'docks. the city centre on foot carrying odd-shaped packages, little totems dangling from their caps or Jackets and only slightly more hurried than their initial easy saunter up the streets. They are on their way to visit another New Port, which they haven't seen before, to go on more Sightseeing Trips and to buy more 8ouvenirs. And when summer has gone "quaint" Prince Rupert will become "Just" Prince Rupert again and it will be ea.sy to get passage in or out on any of the regular steamships because, until next summer, the average A T. is at home. Depending from where the tourists come and they come from every corner ol the big USA they will be dressed in various apparel. Usually, tourists from the "deep sawth," believing it to be terribly cold up here near the North Pole, will be heavily dressed. KEMANO MISSION Following her annual overhaul, the seventy-foot mission vessel Crosby IV, Capt Ray McColl, has resumed routine duties along the north coast, this year the Aluminum Co workers becoming part of the already immense parish But it s in the variety of hriThi.h,.ort nr,r,o( .w i The Crosby IV was the first ship ' her type to cM at Kemano terest is held. Most men, for village lo conduct service. Be JUST ARRIVED x MEN'S Brogues " Vl i ami M Oxfords ENGLAND fashion footwear Hardware Kitchcnwara BAPCO PAINT PR0DIKI Brushes . . . Polishes . . . Dust Mops Thompson Hardware Co., W , Tn now in stock some good reason it is presumed, 1947 Chevrolet Sedan 1941 Dodge Sedan sides ministry and navigation, the captain issues marriage licences, witnesses land transfer documents, runs a lending library, puts on movres, dispenses medicines and speeds people to hospital. wear a sort of tarn, nearly always with a round ball tassle on top of it. Some are more conservative and wear brightly-colored caps. And the Jackets! Bright colors, here too, run rampant, and there ls little likelihood that these people can be mistaken for anyone else but "American tourists" when seen placidly strolling the "quaint" streets of "quaint" Prince Rupert. . At the foot of the gangway, the American tourist ls first welcomed by two young boys very busy giving away several 1947 Hudson Sedan 1947 Austin 8 h p. Sedan 1950 Austin Countryman KEEP IT RIGHT 4x Lucky Laser Extra Dry Beer is ' winning new friends every day. Mw l ' Always in favour wherever happy VUKiAill.l: VtATKHS I'KOTKITION ACT K.H.C. l!l!7. Chapter 140 Aluminum Company of CanadH, Limited, hereby given notice that It haa. under Hectlon 7 of the nam Act, deposited with the Mlnlater of Public Works, at Ottawa, and with the Acting Deputy ReglHtrar In the Registry Ortlce for the District of Prince Rupert. In the Province of British Columbia, a description of the site and" the plana of a pier proposed to be constructed on the foreshore and bed of the easterly aide of Kemano Bay. Ranise 4. Coast District, Province of British Columbia. And take notice that after the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication of this notice. Aluminum Company of Canada. Limited, will, under Section 7 of the said Act, apply to the Mlnlater of Public Works at his office In the City of Ottawa, for approval of the aald lte and plans. Dated this 8th dav of August. 10S1 ALUMINUM COMPANY OP CANADA. LIMITED PAUL . WHITE. Secretary. (191c) J people set together. j (Mf Inside and Out. DRIVE UP AT General Electric Electomatjc STEAM IRON 2 irons in 1 Irons dry or with steam JUoceo campas mesr Distinguished world renowned brew m. Superior Auto Service LIMITED Winner 1950 DIPIXME' Ue i a- (oring. jor VANCOUVER VICTORIA Sunday, 8 p.m., Coquitlam Tuesday, 12 Noon Camosun AUCE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Camosun, 11 p.m. FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Coquitlam August 3, 17 and 31 FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Coquitlam, August 10 and 24 9 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 at the flick of a button' , IRON WITH EASE. ... PRESS LIKE A TAILOR WITH A G.E. STEAM IRON Only $27.50 Northern B.C. Power Co, .1 Brussels oft Au,, 10-11, 1950, ..warded Lucly U,er the Diploma and Star of Excellence, acknowledging ttm traditiorully ,hnt B,C product, Canada's finest Ladies and Gentlemen I LING Jrewers of Burton Type Ale Studebaker and Austin Dealers Third Ave. at Park. Green 217 .the tailor Brussels Award i Hfsncr Block I'lione 210 Prince Rupert, B.C. This id' vertisem.nt not published or dpl,yed by the l,T,or Control fW 220 Sixth St. Fhpne 649 ... I u. uy me vjovernment ol British Columbia.