4, 1919, dente miber cisie Engines F RI Complete and ready to . install. | meen m= Frisble Motors give long, uninterrupted service with practical! y occasional grinding of valves. Valves in cages; Ire except no repa few seconds. An “all muscle” construction accessible In @ pening directly into combustion chambers. No pockets or or crevices to gather cerbon, and waste fuel. This type of con- 7 struction effects a gain of 99 15 to 20 per cent. more power is possible with L or T-Head designs. intake and exhauet 10 ” seaitelde are cast Integral with the cylinder; mites ahead of ton old, leaky, bolted-on manifolds. Large valves insure full 16 charge on the Intake and @ complete, clean exhaust. ” 1 to 6 CYLINDERS—5 to 76 HORSEPOWER Frisble Motors are made in following sizes: 1-cyl., 6 and 7 H.P.; 25 ” a-cyl., 10 and 16 H. P.; 3 oyl., 18 and 26 H.P.; 4-cyl., 30 and 40 H.P.; G-cyl., 6O and 76 H. P.—Bore and Stroke, 494°.4 5" seen —— and 626". For work or play, the Friebie will measure up to your hardest teste. Ask t:'e Man who throughout, every part designed for hard work. OverheM valves 5 j ‘orse Power, $450 Y $600 ” $700 Y $900 » $1400 — has used one Lipsett Cunninghain Co., Ltd. THE DAILY NEWS E | Thursday, Friday SPEC and Saturday CRISCO Has been selling for 45c. per lb. On Sale Now 1 Ib. for 40c., 6 Ibs. for $2.30, 9 Ibs. for $3.15 POTATOES Reg. $2.75; on Sale per sack, $2.35; half sack, $1.25 MILK SPECIAL PACIFIC ---9 Tins for $1.00: per Case, $5.25 lon iti Grand Tr tuelt Peta sritish § ¢ folle thei: ob See our Nabob Window FULLERS, LTD. Two Stores. Phones 44, 45 and 534 u ‘ tod THEO COLLART, Notary Public FOR SALELot with 5-room house and ove room cabin, in Diock 25 Section 5, 7th Avenue West, $1,800.00. Cash, $800.00. Room house, 8th Avenue West for 9650.0 $360.00 Cash. in Block 28, Section 1, for $800.00 limit i ntima sundry br the | aohtien of iv' MARINE INSURANCE FIRE INSURANCE REAL ESTATE OPP OP DOL OLE SPD LL OLE Oe evidence is bountiful that 191% 586 has seen gneater activity in all 3 1 = Ph wa 586 anches of industry in Gentral one . ©, than in any previous two The goods on our shelves are all priced in large ars since the construction of lain figures id you in your shopping. the railway, . ae ¥ Pping Settiement. Of first interest to the rove LINZEY’S GROCERY cv ix without doubt the settle of the agricultural districts, = ed during the past summer | tHlpare havea enome fran nee oa so La : ‘ : “> — ; term provinces and the middie estern states with the ob ! ikine permanent homes sr rr be said by way . 4 . is this statement ». Z q verage settler com) up cr Thtia alive eee eee I j ANY PRINTING Unless it is the Best. It does not pay to nee teat A CO LLL LLL a meee a. FINDS RUPERT PEOPLE \ PUBLICITY MEN TELL OF VISIT R. ©. W. Lett and W. ©. Riddeii Give Out Statement in Win- nipeg Regarding Trip. | ARE OPTIMISTIC on agent, an KR, C. W. Lett, industrial Ww, unk Pacifie Railway, ¢ itn to Winnipesr ks trip ti Bhi al ‘ Riddell, advertising agent of the mn ter bial lumbia gave out the ' tion of the province: | this portion of the provi: cece oor | fo give full expression to th the Pacifle coast prov country yielding as the ; opening up. Phone Red 68 Westhoime Theatre Block P. ©. Box 1 In a brief oF t! uch t two weeks’ trip itement relative to servations concern ng conditions in that see- ‘ss conditions throngh- t Central British Columbia are ay tian evel bef and been the banns veal : ‘ ' place’ would netessitate te knowledge of ali and inches of industry that less resourees of this hat section reached by ritory this ana ; get any sther kind ! hundred of whom au s;ed soldiers. 1 | Central B. C. 'T ‘ . } What is known as the Uhe News Printing Department j{ | and valley lands of Centra ali : . ; ish Columbia embraces | specializes on high-class ____ ain in Rengetia work. There are experi- [ i} | the railway line from the } ’ enced men in charge and Letlerheads Fefe Jar ») they do the work we'l, | Envelopes ny Cae ne } asi i in its full « . Business forms ES lion avallable ““ f We have on hand a ‘Posters 3 ie Sieahatis ©w specially choice in- ae phi ounte smameihions Vitation cards in several i cellent d damagins rs thunder storms are styles, Call at he tafe ircula hnaten, . Sierane ts, Ue and ‘Booklets oy = see them betore ‘Boo ' cleared as is indicated in ordering. farmer named John (tl ae vho loeated two velve miles if! . Geerge and in that short Daily News ne has under cullivati five acres of land inelu Job D were f oats iifteen epartment rene nathan fine crops as one ld —_ see In addition to clea 4) lland and planting ¢ ihe Grand Trunk Paeifie Railway, vi jin te. This is but one of the |Many examples of what can be j aero iplished in this country un- jder ordinary conditions. The iE en oas late as the last week in i|August, small fruits such as black, white and red currants, jraspherries and gooseberries wert jabundantly in evidence. Apples, j¢herries and other fruits are |p rfiction. The quality and flavor jand the slogan “Grade your ber | . } ries and put Terrace on the map } iS being generally adopted by the ithe berries from other districts eminently suited to the raising ’ | has constructed a real j vith modern conveniences | such as hot air heating, hot an: ter system, artificial light- Prince George district is also de. Veloping as a fruit growing area. grown here, Terrace. \t Terrace, ninety miles from the Pacific Coast, fruit grows to of Terrace fruit is unexcelled growers Central British Colum bia strawberries coming as they do in August, a month later thar have a special value and thi growth need only be limited b the markets that can be created rr them, This whole country is also ive stock owing to the natural eeetation which consists largely of pea vine, vetch, red-top ani brome.grass. Large herds of cattle and horses have heen brought in this summer. Mines. As to mining development, on vy hand throughout the moun- may be found prospectors eeasclessly searching for valuabl ever minerals in roeky caverns or high up on the mountain side. Stewart distriet at the head of Portland nal, the dividing line between anada and Alaska, is the newes ‘Eldorado’ and it is generally believed on the coast that next season will see one of the great- est rushes into this field that Canada has ever experienced Native silver has been found in large quantities in this field and is thought by many to have all the ear marks of a second Cobalt. “Lumbering industries are un- usually active all alone the line and new lumber mills, number- ing thirty or forty, have been put into operation during the presen season in the territory traversed hy the Grand Trunk Pacific. { Fishing. Che fishing industry at Prine Rupert was never better. Im mense catches of halibut are be- ing brought into port daily. On one day last week over a hundred thousand pounds were brought in, representing a value of up- wards of fifteen thousand dollars to the fishermen. Salman fishine on the Skeena River has also made a new record this year. ‘Altowether the business men of Prince Rupert as well as of the inland towns, are optimistic : have enjoyed this season thy argest trade in their experienc: all of which is reflected in the immense traffic the railway and INDIVIDUALITY! IS THE MARK OF SUC- CESSFUL BUSINESS AND IS SHOWN IN FOOTWEAR AS IN OTHER THINGS. McARTHUR’S Shoe Store You can obtain Individu- ality and distinction in the SHOES. AT OUR STORE. You will be convinced by examining our stock. THIRD AVE. steamships are enjoying.” (¢ Dentistry DON’T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH! One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your Efficiency~ Dr. Bayne OFFICE HOURS— Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.90; Saturdays, $ to 12 only; Evenings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, from 7 to 9 Dental Nurse in attendance Phone 109 for appointment INSURANCE NOTARY PUBLIC David H. Hays == General Keal Estate Agent oe Oe rr PHONES 130 ang 423. _ P. O. BOX 1632 Lond & i hire Guarant & Cor. Second Avenue and Second Street. Georgetown Lumber Co. Largest Assortment of Lumber in Central 8B. C. FISH BOXES A SPECIALTY ; SPRUCE FIR CEDAR Consult Us. _—_— é SCENES DURING THE GREAT ENGLISH VICTORY PARADE noe adh SR i oe” — Re "GLUEJACKETS PASSING THE ~ MEMORIAL FOR THE DEAD > m2 | During the eventful parade heid in London to celebrate the allied victory av English officer gave Genera! Pershing 4 flower as a me mento of the occasion, Bluejackets are shown above passing in Piwgoon } formation prast the monument erected for the dead beroes of the war, a=—ce- + SR PROTOS © BY SARRIN GO ue GEN. PERSHING BEING PRESE FLOWER AT VAUXHALL BRID¢