a. “ 7 Pi G. H. Arnold -_- Notary Public Investors, Attention ! We have for sale a Double Corner in the heart of the business district, S.W. corner of Second Avenue and Fifth Street, Lots 9 and 10, Block 22, Section 1, at the remarkably low price of $4000.00 H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. Insurance Real Estate Bonds — 'THE BAILY No. 1 Bartlett react PEARS $3.75 per case Arriving Wednesday Aupert Table Supply Co. PHONES 211, 212 Dm me ee ee we Local News Notes | Prince Rupert Dry Dock & Engineering C0,|"ss- > The Acme Importers’ store wil! be closed tomorrow and also on Thursday of next week on account of our heliday. it Mitchell Albert of the firm of Albert & McCaffery leaves tomor- row night for Vancouver where he is now engaged in an exporting business. Dance at the Rink Wednesday evening, September 24. bancing starts at 10 sharp. Refreshments served. Harvey's orchestra. Gen- tleinen $1.00, ladies 50c. Zz. . . . Major Davis of the Dolly Var- He says that everything is going well the Alice Arm district. He will visit Stewart before returning t the Arm. > * * Killas’ new store is to be named the “De Luxe Ice Cream Parlor and Candy Store.’ This was the naine suggested by Mrs. C. W Embleton and she gets the prize which is a five pound box of candy. . . * The train from the east arrived last evening carrying a very light complement of passengers. Tout! ist traffic from the east is falling off with the approach of winter. The people with the wheat mon: ire either safely established o1 the-coast for the winter, or on th: way east again. ee *@ @eeeeeeeae ane * TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY * CoP ePERRESBSASE ERS TO RENT—Two furnished reoms close in. Phone Green 323. Hinde doen inn bisa age "Td Prince Rupert General Hospital VISITING HOURS Public Wards Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday—-from 2 to 4 ee Monday, Friday from 7 Wednesday and to 8 Pp. Mm. Private Wards—Daily from 2 to 4 Pp. ™m., and in the evening from 7 wo 8 p.m These rules will be strictly en- foreed and are made in the welfare of the patient. Phones 41 and Red 391 For Hire by the Hour, Day or Week 9 Launch Alice B. a ° rae ] NEWS LABOR DECIDES ON OPPOSITION TO DR. TOLMIE President of New Westminster Branch G. W. V. A. Chosen to Contest Victoria. rhomas A, Barnard, president of the New Westminster branch of the Great War Veterans asso- ciation, and for the past twenty- five years a member of organized bor unions, was the selection of the members of the Federate Labor Party at the nominating convention held by that organiza- tion last week at Victoria. There were but two candidates in the field, Mr. Barnard and W. E. Peirce, the latter a resident of the city and erstwhile editor of th now defunct publication The Week, in the conduct of which he fell foul of the censor during the war and was convicted and served a short period in jail. The vote forty-three for Mr. Barnard and 10 for Mr. Peirce. By the selection of Mr. Bar- stood ing Federal by-election is assured against Hon. 8. F. Tolmie, Mir ister of Agriculture. rhe meeting waxed enthusiastie over the selection of Mr. Barnard, speakers pointing to the fact that his being a returned man would gain him much support in addi tion to that of labor, which, they professed to believe, would be found solidly behind him. Candidates Speak. Prior to the ballot being taken the candidates were given fifteen minites in which to address the meeting, after which they were asked to withdraw and the meet ing discussed their respective merits and demerits. The representatives were not, as al the previous meeting of the party asked to withdraw, but while con fidence was expressed in the re- porters, some members of the audience professed to fear the “eapitalistic editors,” who, they suggested, might garble the re- ports of the proceedings. In ad- dition to the fifty odd members of the Federated Labor Party pres- ent, there were twenty or more representatives of labor organi zations, who were permitted to take part in the discussion. \ number of ladies were attendance. Before addressing the meeting each candidate was asked to state whether he would give whole- hearted support to the platforn of the Federated Labor Party, a brief document, as follows: ‘The Federated Labor Party is organ- ized for the purpose of securing industria) legislation and the col- lective ownership and democratic operation of the means of wealth production."" Both candidates ex- pressed their full accord with such a platform. IN POSSESSION AND FINED FIFTY FIFTY Inland Revenue and Liquor Cases in Police Court This Morning. press also in This morning in the police court before Magistrate McMordie Mrs. Gertrude Brown, “who was charged yesterday with being in possession of intoxicating liquor while a guest at the Windsor Hotel was found guilty and fined »... Yama Naka, the keeper of a Japanese store on Third Avenue, was charged with selling to W Sutherland, inland revenue officer. by the hands of an assistant during his absence, one bottle of cold cream, one package of corn cure and one tube of tooth paste without first having affixed the inland revenue stamp. A fine of $50 was imposed, which is the minimum. The Kwong Sun Chong Com- wny was also charged: similarly and fined $50 also. The Taylor Engineering diesel gasboat Teco is in port this af- ternoon discharging cargo. Sli: is bound north with supplies for Alice Arm. We have a few nice gilt edged invitation cards that are different from the ordinary. Daily News Office. tf The steamer Prince George ar- rived just before going to press. Spirella |Black 257. Corsetiere, Phone nard apposition at the forthcon}, WRIGLEYS C a package before the war Cc a package during the war C a package NOW THE FLAVOUR LASTS SO DOES THE PRICE! SCHOOL DAS Prepared) ir ane: Outfit Your Boys and Girls with RELIABLE SCHOOL SHOE ee Buy them from the FAMILY SHOE STORE GEO. HILL E. R. TABRUM The Practical Shoemen Phone 357 —— FIT, STYLE AND QUALITY GUARANTEED. It is a mistake to neglect the baby. Neglect causes sickness, doctor’s bills and money 0st In our Baby Shop we -have everything to keeP them warm and make them comfortable. We have paid particular attentic ment. Here you can get Everything that Baby needs such as yn to this depart ees Wool and Silk vad so Hose Woollen Jackets and Slipo eaten Baby Eiderdow” Capes Corduroy and Bearskin Coats ied Bonnets to match » Woollen Petticoa Kimonas Robes i“ and any other thing that Baby needs Jabour Bros. Ltd. Third Avenue