Mac's Successor Visifs Wounded j r.v yep;- ' The a:lle .Ti, 7 fi.-tusedli, Dutch Migrants Happy in Canada Prince Rupert Daily News As I See It Mobility Of Living IT!' Wedrcsday. June 20. 1S;1 am frcm t!te Dn TORONTO P' A kind of re-1 liKious truant officer Is going ,back to Holland happy over his or, An independent daiiy newspaper devote d io the upbuilding of Fnnce Rupert and Northern ar.d Contra! British Columbia. Member of Canadian Frrss Audit Bureau cf Circulations Canadian Doily Jfew-jpaper Association O A. HVNTTR. Managing Ed''tcr. H. O. FERRY, Managing Director SUB3CP.IPTICN RATES: (more 3 1 Df rotation Day ought to mean ' visit to Canada, more tiian merely planting a1 Rev. W. J. Schouten came here flag at the headstone in memory to find out two things: are the ot the Plorious dead of past wars. 55 000 Dutch immigrants happy It ought to imply the dedication in Canada?: and are they still of lives afresh to the service oiigoii.g to church? He is going Ooc and man. thus showing the! home satisfied on both counts, people 'of today worthy of the Askert concerning his findings. it 3y Carrier, Per Week. 20c; Per Mor.:n. ,d.- Per Year. $3.C3: 3? Mail, Per ;.; Tie: Fer Year. $3 00 f Fsoiished every afternoon except Sunday by Frlft'ce Rupert Daily Nevs Ltd.. 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, NATION OF LIRKKALS? .devotion, sarnfi.-e and love oi,u. sniikd and said: th s? who Hied for their coun-, juur My m)w lk;ople .RVJiriii.:-" I -w.- r j -v. i New Day for North OTTAWA, m- Watching Canada's House of Com are happy. They tell me they ! "It is a noble thing to die for, would never return to the coun-one's country," said Rev. Dr. E. try of their birth, despite the ia-t that they still love it." F THE PEOPLE of Prince Rupert and district are not fully appreciative and comprehending of the A. Wright iiastor of First Presbyterian Church, In the tlon Day address at Fairview As each of the new settlers landed In Canada he was hand-,' .Cemetery where members or etJ a Dutch-English copy of the Queen Mary Chapter, Imperial ; Bijie from tle Refrm Church of Anverlca. j km - A mons in session, i asKi mj'self what is the diffeiv j r-noe between our political; set-up in Canada and that of other countries? j ?'iii(lf:'h' a conclusion seems to crystallize: ' ! C'iiiaoa is a country where the Liberals are so fifmly in ! office because we are, in fan,, a nation of liberals. ! ; The Conservatives are only I rleht wing liberals and th i Order, Daughters of the fcmpire, of the Canadian Legion and : Women's Auxiliary went to dec-' orate the graves ol service men. ' ."But, it is a harder and more noble thing: to live daily for our country. God grant that each one of us may live so that our every word and action will lead ; some one to a higher ami nobler ' life. 1 "As they were good soldiers In j their cause let us "be good sol-idicrs under the great captain, Jesus in behalf of right AN EXCHANGE of smiles is made between General Matlhewr B. . Midgway (right), who succeeded General MacArthur as Inited Nations' Conunandrr in Korea, and Fnvate Dnnulii Forbes, of Dundee, Scotland. The general was visilmr a hospital train when he stopped U speak to the buy who was wounded lighting with the 2j th British Brigade against the Communists. officio Dortnat fifM CCF are basically left wins lib- erals. finds Hence no major party a broad enough fighting base from which to differ wait .'i-e it all over again. eousness and toward the defeat "?ret things that are going on around them these days and the impact thereof, the rest of the world "certainly seems to be. Torchy Anderson, well-known Vancouver newspaperman, was here last week for the official opening of the Columbia Cellulose Co.'s plant and what he 'had to say in a special editorial article in the Vancouver Province after the trip is of impressive interest. "There is a great breath of new life and hope sweeping central and northern British Columbia," writes Anderson. "At Watson Island, and where the grey water? of the Camano pour into Gardner that will lead to Canal, men are spending millions the investment of more millions. They are buildinc; industries that will ive Canada more to sell" the world. The North country is humming. A new industrial frontier is pushing northward along the Pacific. 'The North Coast is. lifting its eyes past its doorstep. The developments at Kitimat and Prince Rupert have shot a current of life into the communities. as far east as Prince George. , . "All this is only an indication of what stirs the '.imagination and faith of the men of the North ;Coast,.You might think that they are over-optimistic the Liberal Party on real principle. - I AM NOT SUGGESTING that some Tories do not have s:mf convictions which are different of all wrong." j ray.. Reflects and Reminisces from those ol most Liberals, and Faded flowers he had been fondling in warm hand for an ! hour were presented to one of j 'the f.rst executives off the train by the btc Frank Hart, himself 'an old timer of Klondike and i Vancouver. Aboard were raii-j way chiefs, engineers and financiers, railroaders and guests. I "Seems odd," remarked one cf even leis am I suggesting that Dr. Wrirght based his address on Hebrews XII-1: "Wherefore seeing we are also compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight "and the sin which doth si. casi' Jbesct us and let us run with patience the race that is set be'ere us" The scene was an the CCF members are not sincere in their brand of revolutionaiy Socialism. But these things seem to me in Canadian life, to be but variations of the underlying liberalism which is the basis of (Ar whole political life. The railwav is about to share thf laUer looking around. "We Tlie most wmerfiil tasoline your car cjn u... 'activated' Shell I'irniiiini! ' n.. .. .,.,.i tit.. n;i,iini the -'ide to the coast on a trim and.""""11 "lnl u"u In expanding traffic along can't find a railway .station." He umnor nai oeen eiiuin-ratiim was right, at that. There was many of the heroes who had left none for vears , distinctive mark on the history Skeena. This is not premature. It's 37 years since wheels began MAYBE THE TERM "Liberal-! i -Jrw 1 'of the Jewish rare. "The heroes ' ' - .', . I train1?, of I he past ought to inspire u With transcontinental running a hotel In the western tt 'fight manfully and nobly tot terminus seemed a logical the things w hich are rleht, holy enough expectation. The city 'and pure" Dr. Wright exhorted. a-m trying'Jy-Vialiy a;:afler"- ln e A" the word "liberal" has come t I audience of pioneers, witnessing mean something slightly differ- j arrival of the first train, thougit ent in U.S.A., or even In Britain, their troubles were over. They from what it does in Canada. Were dead wrong. In 1914, real For Instance, when Americans ! trouble was only beginning. It ' - - - Ciectncci I cLwincj Is Comfortable and Econon council make the request, and the railroad listened. The next thing noticed was a blueprint of a chateau-style establishment. say is a "liberal,' tnevjisn't QUite over yet. Excavating a site on Second With scant ceremony, away ap Avenue flowed forthwith. But somewhere in the Bulkley Val- tnat,s M far as construction ley, the final spike was driven went lne excavallon stl-i mean that so-and-so is what we , would more likely call a pro-! ,ressive. or mavbe a leftist.-I I WHEN I SAY THAT Canadians are a nation of liberals I mean !but when you listen to the grave considerations of 'capital, and the cold, reasoned opinion of engineers, ;you can't but be convinced. ; , "Capital is laying down, some very big bets on ! this North count ry. The days of dreams and hot air land promises are gone. These are the days of hard, 'cash and steel and concrete and the vibration of : mighty power." I Peace and Harmony General Electric Refrigerator $J home, it was sometniag ma there. But no hotel. could have been called all in that they are very little iiiclined i the day's job. For the main mo-; General Electric Standard Range ic worry arxiut any economic tive was to see the Pacific. And theory or social doctrine. They s0 n came about that xs some Vancouver Is. not only follow few doctrines. thousand waited on the wharf, ;but are anti-doctrinaire. They:they heard a faint, far-off ere more inclined to proceed on , whistle, evidently blown from the bonis of trial, and error iomehere beyond Section. 2. Forest Fire Genera! Electric DcLuxc Range $j j. . ". . ' -f ' , i j Northern B.C. Power Co THE SURFACE at least and from the state ment of President Harry Perry following ui-iiiing wiui eacn prooiem as r. i ; arises, particular ideology. j Fjne isn't it, to hear the rail-' VICTORIA t A crew of 100 I I way will do a bit of stepping logRP-'S is fighting a forest fire ! THIS TENDENCY TO THINS out this summer because of ail which has destroyed 4,500,000 pretty much alike, or withi.i , mat's kOin on? But quite a fe v board feet of logs at the north- ltrsnrr Block liione Jltt Prince Itupert, R.C. SUwart, fight and left brackets not verv'are 8tln, here who remember the eintip of Vancouver Island. Tlw Tar separated. Is illustrated oy 'first train's reception and. ?az-flirt was reported today to have .sessions of the advisory council and the British .Columbia executive in Vancouver, all would appear. !to be peace and harmony in the Liberal party in the province. We shall, of course, be hearing more about, 'that anon although it would appear now that the .-Liberals, for the time leing ai least, are not going .-to do anything about upsetting the Coalition ing a long, lony way back, can spread over 1,140 acres. the present attitudes towards Canada's foreign policy. When I left Canada over five ; months ago one might have imagined that we were due for scm .fireworks about our contingents !for Korea and Europe. The ; ' V. A 31, iD i v 1 t i,- J, j '. I J. T U 1 M i 'TH 7 f r . ' if! , newspapers were carrying great Of course, more must have gone on behind the, ads calling for conscription and scenes of the Liberal gathering than was revealed; JSf 'to the public. But the two old parties, particularly j were bestirring ourselves up here. the Liberals, have a way of gettincr themselves "Tv El.ul"5 Tt SHINGOLEEN Mode in many, attractive colors, Shingole beautifies and protects old ond new shing and fences. Thompson Hardware Co. L J Cooking costs united after sometimes acrimonious cleavaces and.- around Ottawa suggests that th GOING i- . , , . ,, , conscription Issue Is pretty well i presenting a united front at the proper political dead, i do not hear any poetical ' time. group, in either public or privat? rr, ,, . discussion, seriously criticize th: , ine prospect IS all but certain that, by the time 'Government's foreign policies. ' ; another provincial election comes around, Liberals CoM to nkof rr, f, . and Conrervatives M ill be going it alone again, un- sentiments expressed above are lot as much my own brain child- M a c Constructii DOWNY When you buy an ' f ! " i ? s n en as I thought they were when began to write this piece. I remember now my lunch able conversation with the whin vs. , less there should be a grave national emergency ; which would be transcending political interests. It is. Ho be expected, therefore, that, continuation of the '".coalition notwithstanding, the Liberals, and the, Conservatives too, will be doing a good deal of '.fence-mending, within and without the parties, in ', the meantime. of the Congress party in India Comp tany WILL DO YOUR JOB CHEAPER ELECTRIC RANGE He nad met a delegation of Canadians at a Commonwealth parliamentary gathering in Austra-llia or New Zealand. He wanfM to know how John Diefenbaker could be a "Conservative" ieader Jwhen he plainly showed that in jail his attitudes he was more of j a liberal than some of those who ; wore the Canadian Liberal Party I ticket. ti n Scriplure Mire fai - laii Alterations asiaqe for for sociaij sna Roofing Siding . . . "My house shall be railed the house of- prayer.' Estimates Gladly Given -St. Matt. 21:13 film Black 6M0 GIBSON GIRL (Continued from page 1) ! , , I tried to explain to him and joped ore, with Indication of 750 other Indian MP's that our party (ions per vertical loot, Mr. Can- iudcis in Canada are pretty de- 'ast. zone Is developed for anon places at S30.5C ner ton !cePtlve that there are Tory You'll le surprised to find how little it costs to cook elettiitally. One reason is that till the heat positive length of 285 feet anditaklna silv, t ncu. , , -radicals. (T -mm 8S1 nrAhnk , c i,r . I r lb" lead at 17c l1' ;wlth exposed width-s varying C,P rom eight to 30 feet with a per lb ' and zlnc at 17 5c Per lb-taloulated average of 15.9' feet. I After all provision for milling indicated grade is 0.01 oz. gold land smelting charges and losses S I? UV" !I ton with! in recovery, he arrives at a net HANDSOME LASTING LEATHERS SCIENTIFIC FIT AND COMFORT fjewcsl Shjh ' ' A FRIEND IN ENGLAND asked me hat I thought of their 'Socialism" there. I told him I couldn't answer, for I could not find much of it. Of, I was being Smart Alec or facetious. But It Is a fact that there Is very little mote Socialism in Britain today than there was 40 years ago when I goes into ihe food none into heating, the kitchen . ...and what a blessing that is these hot summer days! Resides,, you, turn it on when you want to cook, and turn it off ' again the minute no more heat is required. Not a wasted watt! And it makes food go further because it keeps nutriment in jti vni, vupptri , i.m perivalue per ton at the mine cf ant lead, and 2.63 per cent zinc IN EVERY UN' FOR ALL USE AND OCCASI0I $20.20 per ton or $1(5.00 per ton after freight and treatment. The report recommends farther development by a-detailed diamond-drilling program designed to test the full exposed length at 75-foot intervals, first to a depth of 100 feet and then to 300 feet. He suggests a enn- was u ooy growing up under a true-blue Torry government in n this 285-foot length, Mr. Can-fion estimates a reserve of proo-ble ore of 23,000 tons to a depth 'ol 50 feet. Over the 1200 feet cf exposed length of all presently-Jndicated ore, the average Is 1.50 cu. silver per tons, 2.25 per cent copper, 2.00 per cent lead and $.10 per cent zinc. Ontario. j , If you mean by Socialism a system where the principle ! does not dry out the valuable juices. Drop in apd look over the latest models. There's a range to suit the size of your family all kinds of modern convenience's. current, riolaiiorf i ""-" P'ouucuon ana aisirm- lileri " surfao ,..., Bii,,io are owned and onerated in oiin, . - -,; B"l.v-y ".v.:? . ution ion i r " i rurre at on "" nf hi arl i ... ":'.. . "r""" UI for the public on a basts of nub- I I 11 i 1 r i., ' viiuiioilion ar n public power develop states: Ilfij Three shoots are partially lined In the west zone with good mining widths and Indicated rade considerably higher than in the east zone. Suggestion of persistence both to the northwest, and the southeast of fne ''C' shoot has been obtained vlth very high assays In lead end zinc to the southeast. 'PROFITABLE OltE J The gross value of the devel- I (Mil ments and our Canadian nationalized railroads came decades before Britain's, The main difference now is that the British coal mies are nationallzd. Britain is, cf course, a social .welfare state. "The accessibility of the property, the tenor of the ore, and the structural geological conditions all suggest the possibility of an ore deposit from which an excellent profit can be made at present-day prices." I V J I M m w i r A a fbo'twj fa: is h ion