PROVINCIAL 113 ORMES VICTORIA, B, C. v DRUGS DAILY DELIVERY NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER TAR InlO DISPATCHED CABS Published or Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key lo the Greet Northwest" Phone 81 VOL. XL, No. 278 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1951 . PRICE FiV3 CENTS 7 fn r) r? A fm rt (Win tp n riir AlMgMlitj Lf LI la LnJ u U uvl la I- . S . :'f1Mllft)!l Jl J Soldiers Play Volleyball Indian Lands to Be Protected In Aluminum Co. Operations OTTAWA f Indian Affairs Branch officials are discussing with the Aluminum Co. of Canada steps to be taken to protect Indian lands affected by the operations of the company In Biitish Columbia, the government said Tuesday. The information was given In a Senate return tabled for Senator Thomas Reid of British Columbia. It said that some Indian lands are affected by the provincial granting of certain water rights to the Aluminum Co. :. ' . 1 - i 1 ONLY OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT NEEDED TO PROCLAIM CEASE FIRE May Reject Arms Talk ! SEOUL, (CP) Field dispatches, based on Allied officers' reports, said today that ground fight-i ing in Korea came to a complete stop today with only i official announcement lacking to proclaim cease-fire. British Admiral Wanted Paris Hears Soviet Troops of the United Nations, Atlantic Council Told Standardization of Rifles Rejected ! J 11 ( I Overtaxing 1 ROME W Great Britain today i told the Atlantic Council that last night and early today, received orders not to fire at the enemy unless attacked, field dispatches said. By mid-afternoon, apparently well aware of a gentleman's agreement, Chinese soldiers played volleyball in full view of non-s booting American troops. Flying Boat Breaks Back-Eleven Die Answer Will Be "No" I PARIS --As the Soviet dele-; gation remained silent possibly , awaiting Moscow decision on ! the proposed sjcret disarmament discussions among the Big Four,! a Polish delegate suggested that the answer would be "No." i Meantime, the western Big Thie e appeared agreed that such talks would be useful In easing nternat'.onal tensions. Canadians 1 she could not accept an Ameri- can admiral as supreme commander in the Atlantic. V- - OTTAWA ! George Drew,! f North Atlantic Treaty Or-Progressive Conservative leader, ganization spokesman said Brit- SAN DIEGO (P A Navy PBM When darknes fell, the Reds abandoned their . 18 - month Martin Trainer) seaplane carry- 1 l charged Tuesday tnai the federal ain Iiad also refused to accept a 1 United States is expected to guveiumeiu iias uvri Laxra evcijf ttruujiiiiiciiuttnuu ui AbiHtHic man, woman and child in Cana- cjlflefs of staff that the American da to the extent of $43 each in ;300 calibre rifle be adopted as the first six months of this fiscal standard weapon rather than the prers lor a t me limit on any mg "- peisoua. ua?ncu i ------- . . - mumrt bon res and glow of off Tuesday, 25 secret disarmament discussions sea San Diego which might result from the pro- m.nutes after taking off from a clgareU "rked front. out the silent ;-TS OF ROYALTY The.-se five members of th Royal Canadian Mounted Police, who 145-mile posal of the Arab-Asian bloc at naval air station. There were no I'd Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Ed nburh on their Canadian tour, travelled back year. r.ew British .280 calibre rifle. Associated Press Correspond In a short, sham attack on The mnnrii sh-Mveri a hh.e. i the United Nations meeting here survivors. i ?land with the Royal couple at the person .' request of the Prir.cefs. Here the five pose for ent Milo Farneti reported from fi nal photo with their Royal hosts. Left to riant, are: Constable T. A. Mathews, Sgt. I. C. government budgetary policies, 'print for t0 le the arms debate tne Thf flying boat, on a routine drawn up a year ago a the western front tnat there had Drew said that this overtaxation naval command structure in the ! ;crld soaP bDX and Put 11 benind , training flight, broke in two and been an order rom the Unltet i. Assistant Commissioner M. P. E. Anthiny, Cpl. I. T. I. Ouimet and Constable E. S. had come about because Finance Atlantic. It also put aside decl-jclosed doors. 'CP PHOTO from API sank when it struck the water, i gta hth A headquar-seven miles west of San Diego. ng&tlng. ters t0 stop tne Eighth Army headquarters. MinisicT uougias- addou naa sion on Mediterranean and Mid-i been "so grossly and outrageous-: die East commands. I I A I J A ly in error" in his estimate of his Thp nnpi, .WH(, that i IfVOUlU UfUU budgetary surplus. Esmain cnangea ner aiLiiuae on Mr. Abbott had estimated in tho .,,... 9rmir9i tn ,h nP!lr P-srlm faa ho Will Supply Power? his last bueet that surplus for v.., ,,.. J...,! IIOUIU I CC however, denied that it had issued such an order and said that of this date, there was no su"h cease fire in effect. Farneti said the Allies had stopped fighting immediately the order was received. Only a few rounds of Red artillery, possibly from uninformed gunners, broke the unnatural Air War Kept Up ,the current fiscal which onccFwitn year, would ahead at lLhJ next;would be. plans to put the blueprint into $30,000,000. Yet, at the end of efect , only six months, it had touched . ' OTTAWA CP1 Abolition of the annual $2.50 licence fee on radio receiving sets was urged Tuesday by the Canadian Association of 3roadcasters. Following is another of a series of articles designed to riir Daily News readers a better understanding of what jrv voting for when they face the city-held plebiscite moid!). Arc you In favor of asking B.C. Power Commis-ii supply electric energy to this area?'" These articles will Hi,, views of Northern B.C. Power Company Ltd., of ii), and facts about the Commission.) i - Tiie association also asked for Speeding Up NATO $600,000,000. If is continued to ' accumulate at that rate, the minister "will have' guessed j wrong by forty times." . James Sinclair, Liberal, Van- Two Perish in Vancouver Fire r separate body to regulate broadcasting a body iike the Beard of Transport Commission- couver-Capllano, replying as , VANCOUVER Mary McGillin, I ... -. " " " " stillness. SEOUL Ground fighting patrols rramed the ,et front almost ended last had night under order5 to take no offen. as truce negotiators agreed on a sjve actjon In man cases th provisional cease-fire line across made no contaet ' the Korean peninsula and plung-, ed into work on the next item on . . , , the armistice agenda supervl-; J C J sion of the truce. ! L575u5 uCPClS Parliamentary assistant to the aged 21, and Olof Berdal, 88, Kome Conference Jetting llov.n to Real Business American Naval Chief Asked minister of finance, referred to were burned to death early this the difficulties of budgetary es- mo nine when fire destroyed a By LARRY ST AN WOOD) his question: Who shall supply electric power, rince Rupert, the B. C. Power Commission, or ROME (CP) United States and tlmating in view of unexpected house on East Georgia in Bur- nclinm Tnpsriav introduced developments. There had been nabv iust bevond he Vancouver Population of 0.C Islands however, the war in the tie air air has has .(il thern B. C. Power Company, will be asked separate resolutions to the North similar overestimating in the boundary. Six other persons es- . n f f 'taly Relief teen continuing. Four Atlanu? council aesignea to uim oi.atc, ne puuneu uui. capea nura me oiazing nouse i'v voter at the December 13 civic elections. I munist MIG-15 jets and a speed up establishment of a European army. 4 question has been raised ' T'.ie 1951 census places the states F-80 Shooting Star were; . . ,.,. ,. , population of Queen Charlotte fhot down in two battles Tues-1 MONTREAL Laden with relief supplies for flood sufferers in the irlanris at 2.379 almost, a stand- h i fir- vr city uiy council uiuiilu US as a a result resuii gineers ineers have have nlanned planned comole- comple- off with 2.33S in 1941 : n v, i P Valley of Italy, two Royal f B,)tn resolutions were quicklv a y opinions expressed by tlon of gucn a project within a referred to Nato deputies who f Kupert citizens, aldermen minimum of five years. The win try to combine them into .. vnrs over the past per- company has made its survey; one plan to put before the coun- Terrace Community Takes Over Hospital This Week 1 Canadian Air Force North Star Thp whit.p nonnlntinn nn thf i ... . island, islands is is 1612 1.612 comoared compared with with1 provisional "ne wl " i planes, diverted from the Korjan 1 con?e the cease-fire mark if ne- alr hft) left Dorval airport here j p ui uu- jMuiuicui o. jt knows what the luture plant cn today. gotiators agree in 30 days by tr,riav t0"av' there : December rh- m nf tn i On the Indian reservas v-.."p,iy. xi nag uei-i. wnl cost; lt Knows wnere it win other developments are: t to a head due to the construct the future plant. General Eisenhower, in a pri- XDlr;itlnn nf thp nnuier . , . . , . j 27- TERRACE The community of Terrace is about The planes had come eariief are 767 people as against 791. armistice , ,. ... iiaanuih a ina I rancn vni.p in K w n priri'iun nM I ru v ... . . .. . ... .... take lormal Ot the Which has franchise. possession hospital unsettled' The company does not Anthony Eden of Britain, ap-IO mist assume that mem- know wnetner or not its right pealed for BritLsh agreement to Deen operated here for 'the past few years by the the city council who have t operate , here will be re- the appointment of an Amerl- i- n j r- P u i- hu question be asked of IT ,1" (mJlim ,,, an nvai pnmmunrier fnr the Canadian Red Cross Society. 4 At a ceremony on Fri- Newfoundland j Eight Dead in in the day from Malton- airport in Toronto where they had been loaded with $15,000 of Red Cross disaster relief supplies Including drugs. Filots of the two planes ard Fit. Lt. R. .J. Brown of Kitchener, Ontario, and Fit. Lt. Gordon j pit cna so in tne prime aaalnst the comnanv it North Atlantic and adoption of 'rl.jir evpninrr nf tViia -oalr R T. Howor occistant mm. Liberal Win Eastern Fires .01 Prince Rupert citl- w, freeZe-up" immediately. . .30 calibre ammunition as stand-! . b. , .. ' " ' . , i -why should we spend any ard for Atlantic army small ' missioner of the Canadian Red Cross Society for " who are supporting this more money lf we are only going arms. j British Columbia, M ill present keys and title papers n have spoken out in no t0 be m operation for another Big Three foreign and dc-; , , , ' T u .. , r , -j MONTREAL 9 Eight persons ! Stewart of Ottawa, were burned to death in two fires : Is Conceded "-niis mat, wey ure two years?" a.sks T. B. Black, fence ministers discu-s.sTd pro- tu uic ncniy ivnum xcnac iiuii-cii uvai u. ltd with past work of pnPrai manaeer today. At St. Ferreol, Quebec, Mrs. Mr. Hewer Is coming north pused Middle East command. ST. JOHN'S. Newfoundland- King Planning ' from Vancouver especially for no.oinctinn virtnrv r,f prcmior Leonidas Racine and her three; the event of turning over. e company: that they But at the same time, the Coundl a a report ir... Commission will be asked from Nato chiefs of staff step- u 1 ,1 Ver-. make an appraisal of the power m up lh program for build- ns. they want public ,', nneratinn: it will ..B ....,w.. ..,.. , ZZVZ fo.-W Smallwood'and his Lib- childly -ere rned U, death IfL ...p "Sinking" U.S. Trawler Sale eral governmeni loiiowing moo- - . .ww.... . M.w . lowed toy the serving of refresh- , menta hv ladies' Auxiliarv nf day's voting was conceded by . . . St HmfnU.l y ! Progressive Conservative leader ' At Kingston, Ontario, fourj LONDON" The King hopcsW P ot the electrical power have to make a survey for a en"d ot next year. -j new nyaro planli DUl, n WU1 Ilut Inf0rmed sources said the re- 1 everyone wants to see he nhle In beein bulldinE It be- rt 0,11 fr nn t Aft Hivlinnc bountiful supply of elec- fore It "takes over" In two years. by tne end 0f 1952, I Oordon Higglns cnuaren were burned to deatn make an extended health cruise HALIFAX (CP) A Unitedi Hon. A. D. Turnbull, minister. Tne Llberals ' had eiected 11 despite several rescue attempts 1 in the battleship HMS Vanguard States trawler, with 10 men of health and welfare, will be candidates and were leading in by their father. All were child- next spring. Accompanied by the aboard, battered by a howling unable to be here but sent a, f ridings two of which had ren f a Mr- and Mrs- Gordon Queen, he would be away for southeaster, was more than; message today announcing the . o, ' hv p..,,.,,.,,. , , i.ousdale. several weeks '"wgy, not on v for Dres- will that be too late? Will L0Ii,ln.?rJPra.ti.n last election. Progressive Conser- ! : ; ; holding its own Tuesday in the stormy Atlantic 90 miles southwest of here. Ir. leading in three and ' Act am and .Air, extending his m. personal . lmr rtp. , TODAY'S STOCKS 11 for future consumption, the city be running short of Wynne wants to see this power by then? H here at a reasonable .-.- is city and Its people Ka,ts Hkely not want to see in- What about rates? The Corn-turned away from Its mission says it sells power "prac-wcause of lack of electri- ticaliy at cost." But what is the " They do not want cost of running a publicly-n power to be curtailed, owned utility? Who will tell the To Release Archbishop Mifrtrinc hnnpH thprp wnnlH hp ! The storm which swept over i congratulations, the Maritimes snarled Dower and i Mr- Turnbull also advised ap oot0sitior high In quality if .(('mirteM S. II. Jiihntull ('. l.t(l.)H Mrs. C. R, Newhouser, secretary nf )n oliantitv communication lines and toppled trees. of the hospital board, that E. l i.emler SmaiiWOod took lt as I Musto of the HosDltal Insurance . j. t hj ,,tk i 1 !n thev want - to dv mueh Commission on what kind of a nt;t finArMT V...rolnuin Ti 1 , , j -- -T IJ,.,,t Jt- IHiLUiV.nL'iJ, X URWOIO n - anivuiB dustrialization of the province. "in at present for their oiinget 11 can u' " indicated V 7 11 1 - ,f ; , V 1 -emirr Marshal Tito had set out following messages j victoria tomorrow to be on hand ."-iic 0111. '" ""- " ,Tiii'!rin niLht lhat ArchbishoD from the Marv Jane, earlier re- tn ussLst. mith the the arranffe- A'oysiuo Stepmac might be re- ported sinking, she messaged ! ments. Weather cast" operation? The Public Utilities Commission controls the rales of private enterprise but has no con- "f this, it will be lry lor every voter to iy consider this question 1 ALL angles. Miss Keswick, who has been lady superintendent under the Red Cross, will continue here together with the auxiliary leasee! from prison within a that her hand and machine ir.'cr th. I bailing crews were gaining on - Tito did not specifically refer water pouring Into her holds. I- "recuse" but said the j'qucs- The Canadian trawler St. '"'tl be silly to become a Synopsis Violent storms which swept j f Of a mass hvsteria. vot- . "'"""y , ..'..' ot the imnrisoneri suiritual Miphnlan was utamlitw' hi with staff. VANCOUVER American Standard 29 Bralome 600 B R X 03 Vi Cariboo Quartz 1.10 Congress 06 Crcnjn Babine i 50 Giant Mascot 90 Indian Mines 24 Pend Oreille 8.40 Pioneer 2.05 Premier Border 36 P.ivateer 082 Reeves McDonald 6 00 Reno 04 Sheep Creek 1.59 Silbak Premier .56 Vananda 14 Vj Salmon Gold 02 Vx Spud Valley 20 Sliver Standard 2.55 B-C- the past two ftln George McAdams is chairman f W beniue tonie- ftiti ' 'L ut S th h-ad" of Yugoslavia's 7,000,000 dories lowered. , so, or requests lt. a ln.stanf.s "H,ti of Hope, a n Roman Catholics would be nl Ik. i,,ii.i ko days oays nave niuvcu raawiuo mi wile llUOlkai UUftlU, year ago niah till .rj mi pliuht cid. .k villase at the head of the Fraser solved within one month." j r r.,r, . Tl. , 53-year-old prelate en- Three more vessels were added e -inj win supply iu- " , of the province and diminished j considerably in the passing. A moderate southwesterly circu- j lation of moist Pacific air per-j s'st.s over the entire coast and ' r'wer. it will npvprt.hplps..! vaney. , f tered a prison cell nearly five 10 1011 01 aisoress toaay on Beattle .18'2 Bevcourt 57 Buffalo Canadian 18 Consol. Smcltirs 170 00 Cor.west 3.53 Donalda 30 Eldona .17 ' Easr Sullivan 9.00 Giant Yellowknife 10.35 God s Lake 35 Hard rock 12', Harricana ..OT'-j Heva .10 Jtliet Quebec 50 Litt'.e Long Lac .75 Lynx .tt' Madsen Red Lake 2.05 Mc.Kenzie Red Lake 4fi", McLeod Cockshutt 2.68 Moneta ' 33" Negus V2 Noranda 78 25 Louvicourt 41 Plck;e Crow 1.65 San Antonio 2.53 Senator Rouyn 16 Sherrlt Gordon 3.70 Steep Rock 6 65 Silver Miller 1.38 Upper Canada : 152 Golden Manitou 6.90 Indication nr t.h. ,! After the futile attempts M wy, ,,.n ,(1 mlst ,he B-C, years HBu,aiui CU..V.CUUI. u. . ' " " " r" . ' " " " , 1. with derating sea brought tenet to "".. inis oasis will be """, . , ,,- r,f charges ot of collaboration collaboration Power Commission in Jy ooth, the power com Italy to Join UN? (he Germans. I uaucrea snipping, salvage ana inCl Citv nminnll t nlnn B.C. Electric Co., the village commissioner's appealed to the peo- II is not expected Stepinac rescue operations continued aner unsettled weather is expected to continue during the next 24 to 48 hours. Shower activity will diminish considerably tomorrow. Forecast 1, --j uuiibu. lu umu f action the storm will be. restored to the leadr- dm., i . .. nle nf BritLsh Columbia In a f.-hlp :ii the church in Yugoslavia. Western Uranium 4.65 e demd 'Z? ZZ to a large Vancouver ctrli'ii.. 1. dnilv new.snaner: The two-day southeaster took five lives and' battered many ships most of them fishermen and coasters. North coast region Cloudy , Oils The United Nations ! with showers today and Thurs- : A P Con PARIS P 44 ' is ittAing its en- Mro-electrlc facilities and ' "Despite representations , made , ! " ' 'hat, supply has to be by the Hope and District Board trusteexhin pranmittpp tnrinv rip- riav. Little chance in teniDera 7 i D E S - Thursday, November 29, 1950 The Gloucester draggcr Mary cided to ask the General Assemb- ture. Wind south to southwest I M. crashed ashoie at Cuttyhunk, lv tn recomnvnrf tmmixllar ad-l iMIi and mistv in the exDO-sed i - j i,iie inure expen- ui unuc w " P'Stem Of rilpKPl.opnprofnra m issinnPl'S Of HODC first tO th' of or oroQi great i r ' iin and Q.-.H t.hpn then t.n to the Hich 1:23 Calmont 1.63 Central Leduc 2.55 Okalta , 2.85 Royal Canadian 16 TORONTO AHioiia 08'j Aumaque 25 Importance savs Commission 19.9 feet, Mis... taking five men to death, 'mission of Italy. j areas. Lows tonight and highs 23.5 feet j Four ships were driven ashore I The voting was 50 to 5, the ; Thursday at Port Hardy. 25 and i 7.3 feet and two others called for help Communist bloc opposing. ; 45; Sandspit. 32 and 45; Prince 1.2 feet j when engines failed. i countries were absent. Rupert, 35 and 45. j 13:02 7:00 10:47 Low r "'Pany, that a new hydro cabinet of the provincial gov " .started Immediately eminent and direct to the Pre ''l luture demand. IUs en- (Continued on page 2)