'THE RED BADGE OF CO,,... TODAY 7 - K:10 p.m. Prince Rupert Duily News Wednesday, November 28, 1951 Paris In Spring Musical Romance Along A catchy, singing romance laid against a background of Paris In the spring, the technicolor musical "Rich, Young 'and Pretty," is the week-end feature tit the Totem Theatre here opening Thursday. Jane Powell, Dan WALLACE'S E DEPARTMENT STORE Not Just Blankets: Ayres Blankets For Sleeping Comfort i m Waterfront Here Sought j Application Before Council In Connection With New Alaska Service j Application of Alaska Ferry & j Terminal Co. Inc. for rie,ht-of-way on city waterfront property! was referred Monday night by . city council to the finance com- I mittee for report. , The company which proposes to establish a scheduled steam-, ship service including car carry-! ing between here and the various ' towns in the panhandle of Alas- 1 ka, intends to construct a landing , ramp A letter to council re- j quested right-of-way over city, property for a road to the pro- I posed ramp on the west end of I the waterfront. Aid. George Casev cautioned1 against, any immediate action. 'Those are the only two waterfront lots the city owns," he said. 6 T Tt i,.mmmmmmt ielle Darrleux, Wendell Corey and Fernandez Lamas head the cast which also Introduces the popular singing star. Vic Da-monc, as Miss Powell's romantic partner. The principals are a Texas rancher whose French wife had deserted him twenty years before the story begins and their now grown-up and attractive daughter who has never known her mother and believes her to be dead. Plot complications arise when the cattleman Is forced to make a trip to Paris and reluctantly takes his daughter with him. His former wife, now a It pays to buy good blankets. Years of service "v"'" and sleeping pleasure make a difference. The Place to Co For The Brands You Know WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE: ON RESCUE JOB CPSS Princvss Norah stranded briefly near Powell River yesterday. For the MEAL that REFRESHES Norah Strands! SHIPS At 'D In Tug Rescue (WATERFRONT I Parts night club star, again MIA1... FINEST OF I CM TOM "Wi NtMI ! Muck' M-G-M pretexts BEST OF FOOD ' fri.!'; 'I. Fish Boat enters their lives. At the same time the daughter falls In love not only with Paris but with a young government clerk. Various diiemmas are Ironed out before a satisfactory conclusion Is reached. RICH.YOUNG'U M KOH MS COOK'NG I) j I oaslal Liner Touches -.sssssasc5sss. I Near Wcslview I One Trip Cancelled j The veteran lighthouse tender i Alberni has been tied up for the VANCOUVER P The 2.731-; wilUer at lhe scal Cove base, ton Princess Norah of the Cana-iThe vessel has been steamed cian Pacific Steamships Tuesday d()wn Witrl oniy a small crew I night cancelled her scheduled i landing by. The Alexander Destro yed I-OK TAKE OUT ORDERS PHONE 20o BROADWAY CAFE AND PRETTY tmmi JANE POWELL DANIELLE DARRIEUX WENDELL COREY FERNANDO LAMAS AND INTIODUCINO VIC DAMONE jiip-coasi run io roweu Kiver MacKenzle is carrying out the A gasoline explosion is believ- ; after damaging her propeller ed by firemen to have started the j and hull in trying to help three lighthouse work by herself until the Alberni is recommissioncd next spring. blaze which destroyed a 25-foot December At Totem Three-day picture runs will be featured during the month of men being swept ashore in a tu',". I Tuesday's storm was another in a succession of blasts which have raked the west coast for a , troller at the new fishermen's floats near the drydock at 8 a.m. today and sent a man to hos mm TOTE Thursday to Saturday Kvrning Shows 7 - 9:10 p.m. Saturday Matinee 2 p.m. pital. With burns on hands and face. week. A FAMOUS HAVEttSlm.il December at the Totem Theatre here and a number of Interest- ' John Watt, 25. of Piggot Place, is' reported in "fair condition." He a drydock worker and was on i The three-men crew of the tug New Delta lashed themselves to the wheelhouse to keep from being washed overboard when the boat at time of explosion. Southbound after a voyage to Skagway with 600 tons of cargo, frank Waterhouse freighter Cas-siar, Capt. William Oleason, Is in port today. The vessel arrived from the north at 7:30 a.m. and wi" leave this evening for Klti-mat. While here the Casslar Is loading canned salmon from the Canadian Fishing Co. plant on the ocean Uock and Is also taking on a large shovel and crane and caterpillar for delivery to Kltl-ii . On nnclu.sion of this voyage, the Casslar will go on a scheduled freight run between TOD A V 7 - 9:00 LOUIS HAYWARD - TOM TULLY in "DICK TURPIN S RIDE" Ing features are on the list of bookings for the month. Here is the list: December 3 and 4 "Anna. Lu-casta," with Paulctte Ooddard and Oscar Homolka. Dec. 5-6 "Best of the Bad-men," Robert Ryan, Claire Trevor; "Jungle Hcadhuntcrs," Amazon Expedition. Firemen said the blaze could ;tnp 'US was driven ashore in a have spread to other Vessels tied j howling gale ivoar Westvlew, port nearby. They cut. the burning I oi Powell River, craft adrift and towed it with I Capt. Ben Macdonald, Engin- row boat to the beach where It jeer John Argue and Deckhand If you want to solve your transportation problem see our used cars . . . these cars arc older models but they ai e in Rood condition . . . and most Important of all they are priced so that you can afford to buy. 1947 Austin 8 Sedan 1950 Prefect Sedan 1948 International Pickup in very good shape 1939 Plymouth Sedan 1938 Ford Coach For good transportation a 1936 Chrysler Royal HUMPHREY ELEANOR w . Sd , w mmm mm Tir extinguished. Firemen said the boat was in poor condition. It's owner is not known. Dec. 7-8 "Hanoi' oo Lovely," Vancouver via Kemano. Kildala.l vcra Ellen. David Nivea. Kitimat. Prince Rupert and Karoicl Hie-, uii oi Vuncouvci, escaped, soaked but unhurt. The Frincess'Norah, with some 200 passengers aboard, stood by helplessly for two hours. She .t. viu.htiy Homager! when Capt. L..W. McDonald tried to get close i the 5v-.joi i.ug and a gust of wind swung her into shore. The Norah touched briefly but ;i)t off without difficulty. The 1 1 it was a total loss. southeastern Alaska points- to Ekagway. . j Qultj an Increase in the num-! bcr of rats is noted In and near the elevator since wheat shipments started being delivered Superior Auto Service Ltd. Phone Green 217 Third Ave. W. Dec. 10-12 "Cyrano de Berg-erac," Jose Ferrer. Mala Powers. Dec. 13-15 "The Secret of Convict Lake," Ethel Barrymore, Olenn Ford. Dec. 17-19 "Mr. Imperium," Lana Turner, Ezio Plnza. Dec. 20-22 "When Worlds Collide," Richard Derr, Barbara Rush. Dec. 24-26 "Drums In the Deep South." James Craig, Barbara Payton. Dec. 27-29 "Golden Girl," Mitzl Gaynor, Dennis Day. Dec. 31-Jan. 1-2 "His Kind of ranndian Pacific Steamships , n cfficials faid they expected re-; pairs would tj completed in time ior the Norah to make her usual run Thursday night. Bixim of logs for delivery to the CelluUxs? Co. continue to arrive here. There has lately been hand logging at Pitt Island, not ur south of Prince Rupert. Attention Legionnaires F. C. Northrup of San Antonio, Woman." Robert Mltchum. Jane t ' ... ( : -1 T if, , - .1 j um sh.-llAY - TliUi) a) j SKLKCTtI) SHORTS - NEWS VfJ F"fff$ Stewart Card Party, Dance ; Texas, In a letter to the CN j pu-ii lf fir hi ,1;.$ j magazine, praises a tourist trip, jan, 3.5 "Two Tickets to The annual Christmas Tree for the children (under nine jaooard the prince ueorge last Broadway Tony Martin. Janet : inowi - :UJ tyyrrT years) of members of the Canadian Legion will be August. In a reference to Capt. Caldwell he writes: "In many cases he called the passengers' attention to numerous places of interest that otherwise would not have been seen or understood He explained and demonstrated navigation." held in the Navy Drill Hall -from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday, December 16th. Leigh. 1 iii - ' mf - j ' Wax to your w STEWART A whist and crib-bage drive and dance was held on Saturday in the Moose Hall, under the joint, auspices of the Loyal Order of Moose and the Women of the Moose. Winners in the whist were: ladies' first, Mrs. C. E. Gibson; consolation. Miss Greta Soderlov; men's first. Henry Neilson, first; consolation, George Bunn. In tire cribbage Mrs. H. Wilkinson was winner and Mrs. G. Seaton took the consolation prize. Constable G. Sea-ton was first prize winner for men and Isaac Soderlov took the consolation prize. After supper a dance was held, Mrs. J. Stewart officiating at the Stewart Bride-Elect Honored STEWART -Mrs A. Manojlo-vich gave a shower, at her home, for Miss Greta SfKlerlov whose marriage will take place shortly. Many beautiful and useful prc-sent were given to the bride- - Names and age of children must be registered by December 3rd either by leaving names in the Legion office or by phoning 479 or Black 609. . W. J. WILLIAMS, Secretary-Manager. Now Open for Business ACME ROOMS ond BOARD One block East of Red Cross Hospital TERRACE piano and Bobby Hutchings at elect. tho drums. It was a very enjoy- able affair. For action se "News cla&slf led ! JWH$i Y i 111 mm 1HIIW mM,llilifililililEak : iiinminmnini.m.i.n t , ! A 1 1 -I CjS.'fiSf Y AOINTMtMt JUrrUUS OF XAMAOIAM C1UI" WHi: I NOV 29 FOR EVERY OCCASION NOV 29 THE f ALASKA MUSIC TRAIL 11 vtJo&iSk Cesarr Ciirzi Tcnr lnmiKii K.ni.iawa Supt aim Uii liard dimming Pianist FOR GRANTED 1 ' pifA I .'WWW uwvivm'mi I V "llmA S OPERATIC SELECTIONS IN COSTUME Excerpts from Showboat New Moon Roberta 44 HIKAM WAUtl 1 iONi UtHItO I i m iwn I I Special Two Concert Tickets Available I'lus IMial 2(1 Discount to Members Rcservaltons Taken Now TICKETS ON SALE CIVIC CENTRE "Aiiurr fr nnrwriiTinu' m Iik- ' w ' " ;S VptA - t'A 1 wunvt ur rrttVLHiiun Promotes Your Child's Lifetime Foot Health Poorly fitted shoes during childhood often undermine a child's general health. ..cause nervousness.. .retard scholastic progress ...interfere with health-building mm This Xmas play . . . cause lasting foot ills in later years. Our X-Bay Fitting Service leti you &ee that your child's shoes fit properly . , . that they will aasiat naturm develop nor vav- wmr GIVE ELECTRICALLY Bs wise and lay away your gift now while stocks are complete. mal, healthy feet, keep pliant bone and muscles in proper alignment. We make no charge lor this "ounce oi prevention". Use it freely.. .whether you're ready to buy oz not. Give Electrically" OIST1LU0 AND BOTTtED BY WILLIAM GRANT & SONS LIMITED DUFFTOWN )COf&tnef GLASGOW FASHION footwear NORTHERN B.C. POWER Co.,ltd. t P ' oi. run. t or ' I . , ttard ' "' It'-sner (tlock Phone 210 fhis advertisement Ib not jiubliuhed er display eO liy the Liquor. , Control Board or by the tlovtruniEiil ot British Columbia l"rim- Hupert. II C. SI. trtrt. i ;iM!:ii'i!iiiiKifiHiiiiwi'iu B-C 1 1 This tdvertlsement in not published or displayed hv the Liqimr l "'1 Government uf British tdlumliia, . il'Ki'iiiriMi'iiii!;:!!! l lll.lilil1l,1lim1ll,,ill,1i:.,;il,1!lJ;;, ,,,,,,,,!;;,,!!, HA