taunts and ladies In general are erable Prince Rupert Daily News on cenevea to ne air Send them socks! i.-iiri, 'n flip- .... ray tons of socks. Korea has a mis- shun Monday, February 26, 1901 " ' " '' '"' '" ' ' fn.iiauiiin.iu. jjv tin ;njr yynv 3 vVf , y j J?' - ,.V, i As I Sec It I "ftl ore Reflects and Reminisces -j. independent dally newspaper devoted to t,he upbuilding of Prince Rupe rt and Northern and Central British Columbia. SUBSCRIPTION HATES: ! Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association ! Piiftotf eTHjt i. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY, Managing Director v Carrier, Per Week, 20c; Per Month, 75c; Per Year, -tb,, SM; By Mail, Per Month, 75c; Per Year, $8.00 sSjin Published eveiy afternoon except Sunday by Mnce Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert. Vz ICAIRO MOVIE The same sort of nervousness experienced in the homes of Canada between 1939 and 19ta is being ielt ugain. The Princess Haia :ave had their first cu.Huall!j8 in Korea, hroiii Ottawa will crtiie messgps "regret tmg to Inform." Yes, tfwx In wir in the wo: Id in its full and complete wrise, even if last July it was called police action. Pi iftfl CAIRO, EGYPT. In the English and French language papers published here most of the movies advertised are Holly Va,, In k(.. wood, with a few British' "'Hi ir in. r"'l at In, Sylvia hoti:l productions. I was determined to sw a real Arab movie, so walked to th Daylight saving remains a nuisance but thi cliunces ae there won't hfi so inuith of it. 1 iiere are signs in Vi-toriu thir lis application will be restricted to July and August. A p-oclatiia-t.on Is on the way and whatever th." government will do to shorten It should be OK with everyone, anyway. 1154 OIKoid SI. Mcilic 33l Hillmd C. 1,1a, n. s . Prince Rupert has been hav ing a lack of t.'-U'phones for yeais. fservk-e was started here broadway ( very early in the city's history. Opera Cinema on Saturday afternoon. 1 A seat in the so-called balcony ' cost me 42 cents (that is 14 piastres, local money. All seats are reserved, and shows do not run continuously; "i'hat is, yiu buy your ticket tor a movie just lik? for I he live1 theatre, and get ther at a certain time. ( o&o 1 1 WAS ASTONISHED AT the theatre building. , Offhand, I: cannot think of one single movie ' house in Canada sd well design-' ed. The seating capacity is noi so great as in our larger big city jDutf PaUullo liad somi'tlung .) do with that. Well, If th.'re at'? ;tot) few 'phones hire todiy. Prince Rupe t has tibnndant company. Taking Die province ,a; a whole, 23.030 British Columbians are still on th waitin Our M.LA. Speaks Out HIS CONSTITUENTS will heartily applaud Prince Rupert's young M.L.A.,' Jack McRae, for his vigorous speech in the-Legislature at the end of the week when he charged that the people of the north were being penalized for the benefit of the people of the south of the province. Mr. McRae really went to bat in the matter of highways. It is to be hoped that full and immediate attention will be paid to his demand in regard to the road from the city to the industries of Port Edward. Two or three years ago assurances were given that this road would be hard-surfaced and be in good shape before the opening of the pulp mill. Instead of that, the road only a few days ago was all but impassable and its condition was causing general protest. That is the situation as the Columbia Cellulose plant is about to go into production. And there is also the important nearby fish-processing industry which does much business with Prince Rupert. The M.L.A. for Prince Rupert also had something to say about hospital service, suggesting that this city was not getting the same value for its premium dollar as were some other communities in the province. , Now he has had his say in the House and has gone on record publicly, Mr. McRae will, undoubtedly, vigorously follow up the matters about which he complained. The people of his constituency will expect him to do so. PAIR OF QUEENS Miss Valoree Lord of Winnipeg, queen tif the IWj! Hanfl Winter Carnival, is .shown clowning Jean McKay of Hev."!:iloke, queen of the 12 cari.Wul. The i rowning of the 20-year-old Kevel.Joke girl clo.'.ed the annual winter sforts event. tCP HI'WJi jliit. Of couiv.'- lor perhaps Jj I you've guessed itl continent t! j defence preparations contitili-.; i ) to cul into material required ir J :the manufa-ture of the almost ', llimrs-.liii For take home orders Pixjne 2C ,' indispenxible plwn.". movie houses. But the layov.i. seemed better to me. Th. house was very muc'.i wider than is the custom with us. Also, the whole floor was on about the ftlmb level. Frn come the orchestti- seats, Ihen slightly raiswl are the logos, or boxes. Then 'beriiMfJ the logfs is the "balcony," only slightly Report from Parliament JJij JaaiJ O. yliijttmLtile DIP J, I There will not be the .',llh'.-est chance of having xweeo- stnkes In Canada or .-veil a nior? I modeist form of gamhlint(. H)' one lias ever lived In expectation anyway. But this, vou ei. iinoiiiiccinm ; is Ottawa' way of emphasizing ' , "'. , , I that defence expanse; will I had noticed that when the Dominion govern- make your YaTe uoiiars evi-i ment advertises tenders for works in our district, I scaicer. the jilans, etc., are always availahle at the nearest Most Cf lH ihink of iimisard, post office to where the work is to he performed "nd' We ore expecting another shipmem Austin Sedans and Station I toon. A few are still unsold. Superior Auto Service higher than the rest. It sj happened that some of the top movi stars In this particular play turned up in person, an J we' immeu'ialery ren-; nized and hero-worshiped by the youngsters in front of th.m. ouo THE MOVIE ITSELF was called "Ballet tl Mahboub." The cast is very smalt, not more than about a dozen ail toid. The sliow is really carried by about thrne very fine male actors and abom three gals who also know their stuff. Of course, the dialogue was in Arabic, so I only got the general drift of the play. The Boy and Girl love story falls into sou.- at Ottawa, Victoria and Vancouver. document from which nothum So 1 took the matter up with' : the Minister of Public Works f(,.t Hp saifl .nat this verv spring it; ml'-u. However, me rnrsrrs-;lve-('one vative lender. Mr. Drew, hai made a motion con- STUDBEBAKLR and AUSTIN DEA.:1 pointing out. that, while thesr w , c(JIIa spn( iIlto the field geol Third Avenue at Park G eerning certain member r--mr.viii"; from the re-ord. w i'd.i 1'iev hiM uttered, but had no wish to have reported, find would not make 1M percent Hansard. plans should always be available ()f)ists, prosecUirs and others to where the vork is to be done,' , e';irc, the northwestern part of Prince Rmxrt tiie only city tnis country, so that next full In the riding and that several of lne Minister of Trade and Com-Skeenus largest contractors ai nierce (Mr. Howe might be able FISHERMEN . . . located there, also that It takes tu tise in lls piu,.e uu tell us ti. ne io get plans and spec i lica- ' that we in Canada have an princess Pats have only !--tins in from Vancouve.-, and abundance of thvue vital metal.-t. r;VeU on'lhe Korean battle" llr. that, thev should always be made j TI HKOI ITIHtl.Nti On b'ut ai,c-ady they a 'P lettini the kind of complication and Boy j falls under the spell of a very competent night club tuinmy-etc. -wriggling dancer.. . This dancer is the mistress i f available at l'i-nce Kupeu as , Februarv Hi. Hon. Stuart Garson. i , knaw thev ha".-? well as at the scene of the, job. Mr. Fournier, the Minister, has now advised me: "Instructions ;a rich sugar-dadday, . of ve.y ! jealous disposition and who h'is Minister or Justice, told the neVPr needed socki wor.-e. Neiv House that the government of r-i naif It f n'l of ho'" Canada has given Instructions Mother1, fosters, cousins and have Nn issued to the proper, to aimly for leave to appeal to For complete, ouuhaul of your IHrIi .Sliced (lasoline F,nriiw, see lfupert Motors Ltd. We have the trainrd mechanics and specialized equipment to perform this work for you . . . . efficiently and economically. To nvnld delay this sprinrr, when the ru.' h is on, let us have that Job now. mm ALL PAID PCUT AHTIIUK, Cnt, iCPI --Mavor F. O. Robinson was one of 20 hou.'"hoUlers who forf piled fines and ecu t costs of $!0.!.'J ta !t for fa'linf! tu produce their radio licences when insK . .;n ". made a check . Are We All Dumb? jT SEEMS a very strange thing that the people I right here in Prince Ruper should seem satisfied that their port should remain so continually inactive, that the grain elevator keeps permanently empty and idle and that year after year so little should be done and little said about the opening up of this port as the Pacific coast outlet for the Peace River. And this is mentioning only a few things. Why should elderly Page Rideout all respect and power to him and a Member of Parliament from another corner of the province be more audible apostles on such matters than we ourselves are? Where are the people of Prince Rupert themselves? Where are their own voices? Surely we are not satisfied to let things go on this way and permit this great port to continue quiet and idle as far as world commerce is concerned, particularly now that trade with the Far East China and India is beginning to develop substantially again. Why should it be taken for granted that Vancouver is the only port through which these shipments to the East should be made? Maybe Prince Rupert people, in their new prosperity, have lost their fighting spirit. a violent temper. The comedians get into the lady dancer's home by mistake when they are supposed to he next door on serious business. When the sugar-daddy knocks, the lady dancer sec.tes th" two comedians and then the fun really begins. Ot course, it is what we in America wo.dd call "corn on th ; :ob," and the plot is as old as tb.e hills. But the audience loved it. And I must make clear that with the possible exception of a few close-up shots of the dance routine, there was nothing th-ii on.? might not see in America offices of the Department In tut- the jnivy council at'ainst. the ure cases of calls for public ten-1 judgment of U; Supreme Court ders in the Skeena District to of Canada In I he case brought by have Plans and specifications t. Attornev-Oeiifral (if Can-available at the Post Office Hull-, aila and the Canadian Wheat dina a' P.-ince Rupert, B.C." 1 Hoard against Jeremiah J. Nolan VISITOR I'KOAI HOVti: It ol Chicago un his unenLs. Hallet was a great pleasure to me n and Carev Limited of Winnipeg, few days ami to have W. J. Th. Important basic principle n-Davies of Oueen Charlotte City ( volved is that nobody should be walk in to my office. Visitors allowed to make fort nitons or from home are a rare occurrence speculative profits out of the for me, si it W somewhat of a process cf decontrol; in effect (;ala occasion. While here, Bill that, (here should he no decon-inleresl.'d himself In the pro-'trol profili erint;. 4 posed floats for Queen Charlotte j and discussed the,,, with Mc.. Mrs. F w Skinner ;r;v,,t, Rupert Motors Lim I 1 any week of the yea '. In otiur words, the movie was not of the Be Wise.. BUY NC roionier, muo.-.ier 01 rui.iM: 1 h. city on the Caino'.un ye-.tvl-Woiks- I day alterrinon from Victo:ia to KVKKYTHINn 1 P Accordinf! attend the iunei ul this after -to figures jur.t made available, 1Mj0 f)( fatU.f, lne Lite aggregate payrolls, aveiage hour- Canon W. F. Kii.itibrook. ly earnings, and average week-' , ly salaries and wanes in Cana- stan Savllle, local Red Cross. risque variety. oCo . IP THF, AUDIF.NCE I saw was typical, then audiences h.;re are much more demonstrative and' responsive han we are at home. They rosu.ed with laugh GENERAL ELECTRIC WASHERS $J (1 ! 1 dian mannfiirtuTlm liwlnsi i-.ps pre.smeni, returned to th." cilv vviin pump i un naiuruay s plane irom attending the annual session of the p'ovinclul council In V'tn cotiver. GENERAL ELECTRIC DELUXE REFRIGERATORS ter at all the jokes. They clapped and cheered at all times. They sat on the edges oi their seat! In the exciting, MCs. olio 3! mmmmmmmm GENERAL ELECTRIC DELUXE RANGES reached new peaks in December Production or automobiles in December totalled 30,783 as against 30.222 In November and 25,921 in the same month of 1949. IHVOKCK Mil,!.-The annual flow of divorce bills has started in fact it's well under way I estimate about forty of them are now on the Order Paper. Fortunately, they don't usually take HOW TO IIIIVI IT'S SPfcING! Time to give your home a fresh new coat of naint, both Inside and out. Cull on us. We have the top quality paints and workers to Insure perfect results (pilckly and reasonably. I'HONK ni.U K 21", SPENCE & MATUIK THEY MAKE .THESE MOVIES on the outskirts of Cairo, and they seem to bedoing an intelligent job. y. t But I notcedK.hat With the Egyptian-made feature th.-y PAIN IN THE JOINTS NOW ON DISPLAY AT Warm aftvettd parti. Rub in warm oil. covarvd with warm A showed a Wanier-, Brothers shor the animal -cartoon variety. It! up much time in the Commons, flannt. At druyglifi' was in English, flat-noticed too, as all the heavy work involved Northern B.C. Power is done in Senute Committees. CHIVALRY In a debate on a Phone 210 Prince Rupert that the recorded music with which the show opened began with a medley which started with the Star Spangled Banne-. o0o; ON TIIE WAY HOME TO MY private member's bill the other day we had some excitement when our only lady member. Mrs. Fairclough, and the old war- horse, Jean Francois Pouliot, tangled horns. Although Mrs. Plenty In Moderation ONCE AGAIN we are experiencing shortages of many kinds: of goods, of commodities, of services. For a while, early last year, the supply situation of most things became about equal to demand. But as the year went on, and the international situation became more acute, shortages which have plagued industry and consumers alike these past ten years were back again. In addition, defence plans began to have an effect. , Defence orders this year will be considerably higher than last year, but estimates indicate that even the full weight of the expanded government program will account for little more than five percent of the total national productivity. Even though many materials may become scarcer, relatively few real hardships are likely to result. ' With Canada's total actual productive capacity about double what it was ten years ago, a strong national effort, can be made without the need for any extreme dislocation in our present way of living. - The prime need is for self-discipline and moderation. If that is practised, there should be ample necessities even comforts to go round. w I hotel after the show a street ' peddler sold me two new Mal-iacca canes. I left my two old j ones with him, and it was like I parting with old friends for I ALLACE ffliU pay Yourself, too, on pay-day. with Persal Pi-Wit Fairclough is a Conservative and Pouliot, like the majority of us, a Liberal, still the sympathies of the House, in that particular clash, was all with Mrs. Fairclough. Incidentally, she held her own. without needing any sympathy. ;i:OKOE MURRAY Our friend, George Murray of Cariboo, got into the debate on the resolution asking for federal aid to education, and made an ex have cairied then for 10 ysarr. over half the world. My old ones were all scarred with puppy tooth marks wher" I used to play with our black spaniel, Rulfy, when she was very young. She'll turn a suspicious sniff HOURS: J cQ MY BANK" L on these sleek new ones maybe smelling of snakes and all sorts WEEK DAYS: of things, for all I know ' V.'ouldn't it be terrible If 9 o.rfl' cellent speech. George opened his remarks by making it clear that he Is opposed to the resolution Ruffy didn't remember me? p H O N E 7 9 las I think most of us are). But SUNDAYS: GOOD DEED KITCHENER, Out (CP) Fiv he did favor Dominion assistance in such practical matters as members of the 11th Kitchener 12 Noof 7p.rr.." prospecting, and, using his own Rover crew of Boy Scouts did a partlcular'y gcd deed when Ak lor four ropy of "Ptrsoiul PUuniug" si yuur uriplifMjurhood brmuh . . . loday. There i no obligation txuft It ftrnlt. Bank of Montreal . war klnf with Canadian in avtry walk of I If itne 1 1 17 thev painted the headquarters of the North Waterloo district district as an example, said that the old-timers knew where there was manganese for instance, and the Dominion might well assist in its le-discovery and develop- jpfure Paisage for OoJaij "For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as is all the churches of the .saints." 1 Cod. H:33. of the Boy Scouts' Association tiiiko The senior scouts did the worK SIXTH STRF.ET AND . ment, aa part of the defence ef- on two Saturdays.