TORK’ SELL TOVE Prince Rupert. —— ON SALE AT Gurneys commenced mak- ing stoves in 1843. Still in the same line of business 1919. Hundreds in use in Fred Stork’s Hardware SECOND AVENUE Phone Black 114 a STEWART IS Thirty MillWew Deliars in Gold and Silver Blocked Out at Premier Mine. SHIPPING COMMENCES SOON AS SNOW FLIES Bear River Country Beginning to Receive Attention Once More From Prospectors and Miners. “We have every reason to be satisfied with the advancement of the Portland Canal district dur- ing the past summer, and with the assurance of development work being continued on many iming properties during the winter, the outlook for the camp moved to Opposite CIGARS oe — ROYAL Pool Room 721 Third Ave. The Empress Hotel SODA Two per cent. Beer JOHN PELLICANO Address, 3rd Avenue, of Second Street. AND HEATING Estimates furnished. head Phone 174 -— P.O. Box 274 SMITH & MALLETT | 2oe $2875.00 Seven-roomed house with bath and finished basement. Newly painted. 8th Ave., W. ) Very Easy Terms. 523 Third Ave. < ~ DOUGLAS SUTHERLAND | [The Gurvieh | , Transfer Phone Green 548 -P.O. Box 102 Office, Fraser St. We: Sell : Coal 3 is brighter than it has been for some years,” said J. W. Stewart who is here for a few days. “The phenominal ore bodies developed on the Premier mine has been the main facter in rescreating newed interest in the district, and capital has dlready been forth coming for the bonding of a large number of properties. “The Premier mine has now an available ore tonnage practi- cally blocked out estimated to contain something like $10,000,- 000 in gold and silver. The con- struction of a concentrator under way and the wagon road to tide water has been completed and shipments of ore will go for- ward as soon as the winter has set in and the sleigh road is available. This road, whieh now serves a large portion of the Salmon river valley will be con- tinued next summer to the Big Missouri and other properties on the upper valley. “Development work has con- tinned throughout the summer on a number of properties, notably re- is on the Big Missouri. The ‘49, Mineral Hill, Yellowstone, Bush Mines, Ltd. Diamond drills are at work on the Big~Missouri and “49 and so far as known the re- sults are satisfactory. Wagon ‘Read. “The new wagon road hetween Stewart and Hyder will be com- pleted shortly. Thi¢ road, cest- ing in the neighborhood of 830,- 000 and ‘built entirety by returned men, is a first class piece work, the road is about a mile and a half long and is practicatty one of solid rock cut for its entir« length along the shore line. The construetion of the new Dominion wharf isexpected to be commenced shortly, the contract having been let some time ago. The approach to the.oid wharf is in -bad-repair, but it is understood that temporary repairs will be made immediately. Bear River. “In the Bear River side of the OR: J. 6. BROWN DENTIST OfMice: Smith Block, Thirg Avenue. Phone 454. ® am. to 12; 1:30 p. m. to 5130 p.m. district mining deveiopment tia: proceeded more siowty, the Sal. mon river settion Waving natur- ally attracted the most attention from mining men, but lately the Bear river seems to be: coming into its own agam, a wember o! properties having changed hands within the past few weeks. The Lakeview on Glacier creek has een bonded to Welch & ‘Retter who are interested in the Mineral Hill claims on the Salmon, and the property of the MeNeil brotl- ers on Bear rivervhas heen ae quired by Alaskan people. Options have been taken on several other properties. TEXAS Profits! “Many new mineral locations lave been: made during the pas! summer, ueatiy four hundred ‘having been recorded, mainly on the Salmon river, but a large ee E) or then OVEN NWGHT, Over SIX MILLION por. |2® Systematically explored, for 1 LAKS in DIVIDENDS the FORTUNATE] instanee, beyond the Maybee INVESTORS in 90 V6. Do NOT be aj. = : pessimist; investigate the WONDEKPUL| Claim tive mites north of jiwd OPPURTONITIPS to MAKE L TURNS on a SMALL INVEST Eg it DUBS NOT OOST anything to INVESTIGATE you Owe — Vv learn THE and will the State of Texas, FIELD; over FOUR HUN ou ce nade! milllonaires from there ‘BUN in mans Of tine oii POOR MEN! AS ODD dfs~ KE- Surety OURSE: covertés in two years. Thousands of peu- ple sede small fortunes and tunities are getting greater. But get the TRE PROLDCTION and will mail m, the offiee of the State osanen Ot Companies o TEXAS. with ir ag the DEND “payers. you ABSOLUTELY PREP official, State Government report made io oppor: about TEXAS: (rt Ww ar) for t repor , « Obl, vilwed ab $31,254,192, to the State In- ae, come Tax _ 2 red by” Texasttows, will furnish you the en- tire It, giv produttion of * the they Peeelve for the oil, piled. We want ''e world to FORTY WORTH, hnow "hale ilenier Barca 120 Oil Operaters Buliding oogpenmnerter (90 days) of 1049, wash os. barrels of high-grade Cliff on American creek lies fifleen miles of good \prospeeting ground on whieh, as yet, not-one loeation has been made. This creek par- aliels Caseade creek on the -Sal- mon viver side -along°which most of the Saimon viver cvlaiins are located, and prospectors for the most part have confined their at. teritions to the more easily reach. ed pertions of the country in the neighborhood of known ore bodies They have also crossed the divide at the head of Gascade Creek and have found the mineralized zone extending into the territory drain- ed by tributaries of the Naas, but American creek so far has not ®e- tme|Ceived the attention it. deserves of companies, thetr amount of mone) carefully com- the for the evidences of extensive mineralization that it shows. Next season will no doubt see the }; advent of the prospector into this section as well as the more out jlying portions of the Bear river vexas Valley and its headwaters.” DEVELOPING Bs ——— i SKEENA LAND DISTHICT— DISTRICT QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS or } TAKE notice tiat Ester Mahelia McMillan of Winnipeg, Manitoba, oecupation grocer, intends to apply for permission to prospect following deseribed lands for coal and eu ree Commencing at a post planted about one Mile east of the mouth of Steele Creek (Port Louis); thence south eighty chains, noe eset cighty chains, thence north Seso chains, thence west eighty chains ft the sit of commencement. PSTER MAHELIA McMILLAN, Per Albert Jacobs, Agent July 14, 1019. KEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT Ut , QUBEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE notice that Merry MeMann of ictoria, B. C., ocempation mter, in- mds to apply for carpe rmission to prospect following deserihed lands for coal and pum Commencing at a post planted at the outh of Steele Creek, Port Louts, Graham land; thence south 80 chains, thence east $0 chems, thence north 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to the point of commence ment. HARRY MeMANN, Per Albert Jacobs, Agent. July 14, 19179. od SKEENA LAND DISTRICT——DIST! QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE notice that John Joseph Fenerty, of Victoria, B. C., occupation grocer, in tends to apply for permission to prospect the following described lands for coal and petroleum :- Commencing at a post planted about two miles east of the mouth of Coates Cretk (which flows into Port Lovis) Graham Is jand; thence south eighty chains, thence east eighty chains, thense north + chains, thence west eighty chains to the point of commencement. JOHN JOSEPH FENERTY, Per Albert Jacobs, Agent. July 14, 1919. SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—-DISTRICT QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, TAKE notice that William E. Simmona, of Victoria, B. C., occupation inspector, intends to apply for permission to prospect the following described lands for coal .and petroleum :— Commencing at a post planted abow forty (40) chains south of the mouth of Coates River, Graham Island; thence west (80) eighty chains, thence south eighty (80) chains, thence east eighty (80) chains, thence north eighty (80) chains to the point of commencement. babe * E. SIMMONS, per™Albert Jacobs, Agent. 14, 1919. Se SKEENA LAND DISTRMT—DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE notice that A. Harper M¢Kechmie, of Winnipeg, Man., occupation engineer, intends to apply for ission to prospect the following described lands for coal and petroleum :— Commencing at 4 post planted about two miles east of mouth of Goates Creek (which flows into Port Louis); thence south eighty chains, thence west eighty chains, thence north eighty chains, thence east eighty chaims to the point of com- mencement. A. HARPER McRECH.\it, Per Albert Jacobs, Agent. July 14, 1919. SKEENA LAND _ DISTRICT—DISTRICT QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE notice that John J. Fenerty, of Victoria, B. C., occupation grocer, intends to apply for permission to prospect the following deseribed lands for coal and Ppetroleum:— Commencing at a post planted about one and one haif (1%) miles north of the north shore of Otard Bay and at the south- east corner of Coal Licence No. 10028; thence north 80 chains, thenee east 80 chains, thence south 80 chai thence west 80 chains to the int of commencement. 20HN J. FENERTY, ne Albert Jacobs, Agent. 1919. OF July OF duly 14, SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—-DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE notice that Walter Govan, of In- dian Head, Saskatchewan, occupation farm- er, intends to apply for permission to prospect the following described lands for coal and petroleum:— Commenc at a post planted on the shoreline of Port Louts, about one mile south of Queens I Graham Island; thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence ea $@ chains to the { of commencement. WALTER GOVAN, Per Albert Jacobs, Agent. ivi’. July 14, _ TAKE notice that Robert McCaubrey, of Victoria, B. C., occupation merchant, in- tends to apply for permission to prospect the following lands for coal and petroleum :— Commencing at @ post planted about etehty (80) chains east of the mouth of West River, Graham Island; thence south eighty (80) chains, thence east eighty (&: ebains, thence north eighty (80) chains, thence west eighty (809) chains to the peint of commencement. ROBERT MecCAUBREY, a Albert Jacobs, Ageii. Dated July 141, 1919. SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE notice that Edward Charles Francis Allen intends to apply for rmission to Prospect the following described lands for coal and petroleum>— Commencing at @ post planted about forty chains northeast of the mouth of Joseph Creek, and at the S.E. corner of C.L. No. 10149, Graham Island; thence east 80 chains, thence south # . thence west 80 chains, thence north #0 ehains to the Rist of commencement. c ee ee ALLEN, per Jacobs, Agent. OF EDWARD Dated July 12, 1049, SKEENA LAND nee 0 QUEEN CHARLO ISLANDS. r a NOTIOP that Lonts MeOultiin or- cu accountant, and ©. N - gieish, tion barrister, of Winnipes, tromimet the tattle alse c > — 4 Port Channel, G t 80 chaims, ieee West 80 cies, chains to the peimt of commence - LOUIS CRE a. i saotee tee “ TAKE NOTICE that a. J, Vietorm, BLOC. a nell River, thenee eas aie, s uth 86 Trent. + north hains, ms to the point of commen: KENNETH SUTHERLAND, r Albert Jacobs, Agent. Dated July fotn, 1019. vai SKEENA LAND piaseugt —oreracT OF | ment QUEEN CHARLO ISLANDS. THE DAILY NEWS A GOOD RAIN COAT is avery necessary gar. ment in this climate. Many-of our old custom- ers.are enjoying the com- forts of a good coat and are-satisfied today that it pays to buy nothing but THE VERY BES7 | HAVE YOU GOT ONE If not, see ours at prices ranging from $15.00: to $35.00 ttl tl ll i itil ail, a Oa ati til SHEENA LAND DISTRICT-—-DISTRICT QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE NOTIGE that James V. occupation medical doctor, and Benjamin Whitham, occupation medical doctor, of Regina, Saskatchewan, intends to apply for permission to prospect the following de- scribed lands for coal and petroleum :— Commencing at @ post planted about two and one half miles east of the mouth of Cave Creek, Ingraham Bay, Graham Is- land; thence south eighty (80) chains, thence east eighty (80) chains, thenee north eighty (80) chains, thence west eighty (80) chaims to the point of com- mencement. 4AMES V. CONNELL, BENJAMIN WHITHAM, r Albert Jacobs, Agent. Date July 42, 1919. oF Connell, or SKGENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRIC! QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE notice that Charles Paradis, of Regina, Saskatchewan, tion «medical doctor, intends to permission tO prospect the follow seribed lands for coal and petrol Commencing @t.a post p one and one half miles east of the mouth of Cave Creek, Ingraham Bay, Graham Island; thence south Agew (80) chains, thenee east etgh (80) chains, thence eighty (80) oi thenee west ecighiy ($0) chains to point of commence- CHARLES ROUDOLPH PARADIS per Albert Jacobs, A b Date July 12th, 1949. SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT OF QUEEN OHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAEE NOTICE that John Mair of Vic- toria, B. C., oceupation retired farmer, in- tends to ly for Tmission to prospect the fol ng described lands for coal and petroleum :— Commencing at a post planted at the mouty of Mace River, where it. empties imto Port Channel, Graham Island; thence nerth 86 ch thence west $0 chalne, thence south 80 chains, thence east 80 chains to the potms or t. 0 HN MAIR, Albert Jacobs, Agent. 1019. Roudolph occupa: r Datel July Ps PSREENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE notice that Robert Dowswell, of Victoria, B.C. m retired hote! keeper, intenas’ to apply for rmission to p t the foll ng deseribed lands planted on the fo: coal and petroleum:— Commencing at a post sb reline of Port Channel, near the mouth of Connell River, Graham Island; thence south 80 thence ‘west 80 chains, thence no 80 chains, thence east 60 chains w the int of ment. ROBERT DOWBWELL Albert J "agent. pated suly Poth, 1019, seein SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—DisTWwict YULEN CHARLOTTE ISLANUo. , TAKE notice that Isaac Waxstock, of Victoria, C., occupation billiard room onangm, . - off ger permission ollowlp escri lan fo: coal and petroleum :+~ eK: - Commencing at @ post planted about a tig West of the mouth of Connell River fort Channel; thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence north 8&0 eels, om 80 chains to the point of commencement. Der Albert decoder’ r rt , Agent. Dated July i 1919. = SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE notice that John Moffatt, of Vic- torta, B. C., occupation retired farmer, in- tends to apply for rmission to prospect the following described lands for coal and petroleum :— Comme t 4t & post plan shoreline of rt Channel a's. 28 of Mace River, Graham Island thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence , thence north 80 chains to the point of r Albert Jacobs, Agent. Dated-suly fein; 4949. , SKEENA LAJD DISTRICT. —DISTRICT OF QUbes CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE NOTICE that M. L. Sands of Vie- tare, = “Kas eat undertaker, intends oO ap sion to prospec e following described lands for Soar. and petroleum: — Commencing at & post at the mouth of Mace River which enypties inte Port Channel, Graham Island; thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thenee south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to the point of commencement. ; M. L. SANDS, per Albert Jacobs, Agent UF ee, or lanted Dated July 15th, 1019. MARTIN ——S SE SKEENA LAND DISTRICT-—DISTRICT QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. | OF TAKE notice that James V. Connell, oc- cupation medigs! doctor, and A. W. Sher weed, occupation medical doetor, of Regina, Saskatchewan, intends apply iur $er described mission to prespect the following petroleum :— Commencing at a post planted about te PHONE 58 O'REILLY | lands for cos) and > two and one miles east of the mouth — of Cave C ek, Graham Is- land; thence north 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence east 80 chains to the point of commence- meat. JAMES V. CONNELL, A. W. SHERWOOD Albert Jacobs, Agent per Dated July f2, 1919. SKEERENA LAND ‘DISTRICT——DISTHICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTR ISLANDS. TAKE NOTICE that:-Jamese V. Connell, oceppation medical doctor, and A. Leith, oceppation meu:cal doctor, of Regina, Sas- katehewan, intends to apply for permission to pros t the following descr lands for coal and petroleum:— Go pening ata st planted about two east of the mouth of Cave Creek, Bay, Graham Is- land; thence north 80 chains, thence eas 80 thence suuil 30 thence west 80 chains to the point of commence- ment, JAM ¥v, CONNELL, A per ‘Albert Jacobs, Agent. Dated July 12, 1919. SKEENA LAND DISTAICT—DISTRICT QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE notice that John Wesley Connell anG@ Albert S. Lock, beth of Victoria, B. «.. oecupation brokers, imtend to ly for permission to prospect the follow de- seribed lands for coal and petroleum ( at @ post planied about oe (40) chains in @ north easterly di- rection from the mouth of Rock-run Creek, Kennels Sound, Geaham isiand; thence (80) t chams, thence weet eighty (80) chains, thence north eighty (80) chains, thence east eighty (80) chains to @he point of commencement. JOHN WESLEY CONNELL, ALBERT SCOTT LOUK, per Albert Jacobs, Agent. Date July 16, 1948. TIMBER SALE X 1805. Sealed tenders will be received by Minister of Lands not Later than noon op the 13th day of October, 1919, for the purchase of Licence X 1805, to cut 10,-) 296,000 feet of Spruce, Hemlock and Cedar on an area situated on Shannon Bay, Mas- set Imiet, Queen Chariotte isiand District Two (2) years will be allowed for re moval of timber. Purther particulars of the Chief Forest er. Victoria, B.C., or District Forester, Prince Rupert. B.C CHICKEN a Specialty Mail Orders promptly at OF NOTICE reserve exisfing over on Porcher Island, Kans notice of which appeared Columbta Gazette on the 26th is cancelled, NADEN M G. R Deputy Lands Department, Victoria, B. C., 15th July, 1919 the NOTICE OF OANCEL NOTICE I8 HERESY rv reserve existing over on Grabam Island, District, notice British Columbia (Gaz 1908, and the 3rd . , G. R. NA M Our Deputy Lands peperenen* . oe Victor ° 15th July, 191% NOTIC! iN THE ~ — the teave of a fresh NOTICE OF CANCELLATION [!) Nie oe ! Map 923 NOTICE IS intention t mont a fre NOTICE 139 HEREBY GIVEN MERE! i resq@rve exist over certain Crown lands in nge 5, Coast District, lying three miles on each side of the Kitsumgallum iver, notice of which appeared in the British Columbia Gazette on the @nd July, 1908, is cancelled. G. RR. NADEN ty Mi : of As, Sade he paew nister of Lands Victoria, B. C 15th July, that the my of one i tion hereof the above ment Esther Mckenat was issued the 3 is numbered (37 ne Diatt | hhewist! Land Registry fice Prince Hupert, | ii 22nd day fs u wl IN. PROBATE IN THE SUPREME MATTE! ACT IN THE TION THE MATTE! MARGARET A CEASED INTH IN NOTICE OF CANCELLATION be TAKE NOTICE t at administrator of ' Augusta having elaine hereby required | verned tw tHe 4 Oetober, A. ! debited to th the amet forthwith NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that the reserve existing over certain Crown lands onthe Naas River, Cassiar District, notice of Which appeared tn the Brithih Columbia Cagette on the 25th February, 1909, is canmelled. 6. A, NADEN, Deputy Minister of Lands Lands Victoria, B. ” c., 15th July, 1019. Dated this 1° Hay, Grain, Feed Seeds and Fertilizer FEED P. O. Box 333 908 har of wh appr MATTEI ’ are VEN that oF Little, decea said et is ume, | tended to 3rd Ave. NOTICE OF CANCELLATION 1S HEREBY vi a ‘ as rown lend ' Revtts March, 1006 the LATION EN that te wa lands tte Islands red in te oh July cancelled a priTisil uw ypsTRA