Prince Rupert Daily News rav Prairies Need SiiyAraAy.. June 23. 1951 ! f il ..DIRECTORY ISCinircliii i etvjces: ? In all ,h,h, m . . . "" at I, "Willi Reflects and More Rain th Am. w r.I m"" Reminisces Saturday Sermon WINNIPEG TlirouKhout die weslern crop region, tempera- i tures have been moderate dur-: ing the past week, with on'y , scattered showers reported from any province, according to the : lr.gep?rj.dsnt paliy ncT.-jpaper devoted to the upbuilding of Pnncc Rupert r.nd Northern and Central British Columbia. X-ir of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Ne-s-spaper Association P A- KXTSTZX3. Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY, Managing Director SUBSCRIr'TION RATES: .3y Carrier. Per VTcek, 20c; Per Manth, 75c- Per Year. Tt-n, $3.00: By Mali, Per :ncth, 73c; Per Yiar, 58 00 ''Lsi?? Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. 5ai DL Qft f More young Canadians have become more sea conscious in Minuter; Itv plSt me pait it 3a tnan vrlw yeurs of rKHIltur of the iB Rv. Basil 8. Priiufcter, Canon of St. Andrew's Catludral) in any Cunadian NaUooal Roilw-ays. uuuuti' iuatury. tlufy havt Havist raius .occurred from The jrift of Faith Ls not like the gift of some kind EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH 415 5th Ave. E. SERVICES SUNDAY Morning 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 12:15 p.m. Evening 7:30p.m. WEDNESDAY Prayer Meeting 8:00 p.m. Pastor: Mr. Charles Sinclair Phone Black 313 "I was glad when they sukl unto ine: 'Let us go Into the house of tlie Lord'." . . .... j tcaaviue .mj wiuwwouncn an. i.:h ,i 'i;,.. southern Baskawhewan and be- U1 ' nJi w' ululJ- h u iiui .vuiiifiiung ui.ii urc sea, lived on ngming aiupi. aiutred iii c-juitwt and n Uie world, trior to 1M1. few iu-aea could iiuve said lliat much. Bewildered People HKT tMTKI) twen Portage ia Prairie and people can have and other people cannot have. It Amaranth in Manitoba. More . ,. . . . .. . .... . ,. rain in required at owny points i basn t anything in common with the ability to di.s-in Manitoba and Baskatctevn j tinguish colors or pick out a tune. Those who sutv they to repteiuah topsoUfliokiUire und f . i 4JT HAVE JT Euapeuiiuu of a iimll weakly thiiik 10 maIltain erop rusjeev; at i wish tnrv iwu l aitiriiKe Jlt? ouier ivupw nivr present andards. Faitn nave a very false ldea ()f in Anchorage makes one of another distant sheet DEMOCRATIC people find ourselves bewildered. W2 Ye are pricked by strange fears. Every man and woman seems, as never before in the history of the world, to feel an individual personal stake in the political restlessness which is Newo "v.r ".'."'! th nature of Faith. Faith, ol anyway ... any mure than you stays as healthy as ever. Born ?kanagan Uuit ra has been dry and windy Ho course, means faith In, God and v. - " ' " M mi, Ave l-uMur: c. p8wn. 11 VATIOI AH Ml CO.: w. Pouiu Li..lui c.a j ;m owl Kr.i.inhf mi ill t liA alum water or friendship ... i4w of n .old tkP. it nag is reuorted lroiu any in Christ, it fl'jes not mean anything In connection with race- hoists, doctors or politicians. cause. And Faith is essentially a liv-i I l.vp thing since it is our contact: f jrst PresbyftftOn Church j rnking havoc in our peaceful lives, says the Royal rtXZ : Willi Lilt? OUUJUC ll ' JsaTik monthly letter. wrote countless yarns, and bex mta J ot them all sliould be the story j Ol Us own life. I Development of knowledge and the great of our inventions complicate living. Conditions Are Heading For Kitimat ruiUl u,,c u. v..c vami..B1,Tnus as we rectlve lt are we eil- i virtues, and nobody has Uiese by j aDie(j to malvn forwar(l l)w : nature. We are all borrf and can Et(,rna, R(jad b()un(1 for Great grow up without theme although venture !it is tragic when we do. Put -Frtenls aiMl l,)m we have none i they are gifts bestowed or gwen K()f regt nor blest abl)de ,10 those who want them. They , VK1 , ,h f n,, Kr hn.n I I Tmil(v Wli Ave. at MiUnum ttMUt: t. H.A,m4 " ihatt l i. -P.. tl,n Knffc an.-l vcr ivp I It s' one can be. stonv "Wr. r.ft', lW ievotuuuui-ieu iui u.c - ,broke iu-lrsd and ca'f ovp not bannv. We mav not be able to put into starved and pretty blanket v - btaiiX blank miserable in th Norseman flying boat Jrf B.C.i re not Unites which you either AtUle olnvr end of the road." HT. PKI I H S xiil,iu ral Cum Sunday txhm., a do,,, words the difficulties we feel, but we do know that ; have or do not have on acaiunt South Sea islands It may all be iCeatral Ajj-yg Wlis ner y4(. iMaesfieldi i IUw t, life-is for most of US a continuous process Ot getting irue, but hundreds of novelist. ' terday ferrying to Leraano i&y who your parents were. The, oiwii a.wy wjiw-is buu u men who arrived Brrivw from r,u., Vaueou vnixo,. iniee caiauiaj virtues are Faith, Kl-lil MH MirtM 6-J9 fltli Avr K j,,. must have had a shrewd notion tsed to things we hadn't expected. ' In all cur experiences, we started out with Vr. -j -r . , pf what the reading public want- ea- -iney craved leitu'.e, love ., , . , , , I... .v, i.,. ver by Canadian Paific Airlines. 1 "Pe and Chanty. If you want Eighteen in all will Join the er- any of them badly enough they ; vice of Aluminum Co. of Canada. !-an be fW"- ""w assurance is I Puring the pust week some ' Ut those that seek wiU find, i I sixty men have been handled ni ho kn(X the door i . a- wilt nnen. Sn if vnu haupn't jinv i ideals Ot Wiiat SllOUia oe, out mtse e '""l' and luxury, and whatever else We extend a cordial invitation ! into frustration and then bewilderment. We find might be fancied. FIRST UNITED CHUsI vi.i'b TVii'ir inrougn nere enruuie w zveuiano ' ' ' - -j I'vr St lot tt lU.NOlt. t., . , u.. Fllh it it is is hMan because vm ha. Full Gospel Tabernacle 202 Sixth Ave. Wust I (Across from the Armouries) SIMUY Morning Service 11:00 ' Sunduv School and , 1 Bible Class 12:15 Evening S'-rvice 7:30 , WEEK DAYS i A m u.iL.j.tai.v ,:. ;.., corlsit considered so tat that you can to Central B.C. Airways. Ls to public speaking training that compromises and adjustments have to be made, and we become confused as we try to keep the changes within the bounds of our principles and culture. . . ... . net q nnn u-itrttii.T k''iiih Uah!, to visitors to worsilip with us. 231 Fourth Ave. East Minister: Rev. E. A. Wright, D D. i Organist; Mrs. E. J. Smith, John Currie. Sunday, June 24. 1951 Morning Worship 11 o'clock Sunday School 12:15 Evening Service 7:30 o'clock "Remember the Sabbath Day to Keep it Holy." gain enough confidence in one- i "ue to neavy trainc in air -'""a - . , can learn from nobody m-where Canadian Pacific Air- self to be able to get up any- passengers. to speak one's mind. Si 'lines flew an extra early flight Pfrwnce but their own often , said Gecff Hill, at Ui Junior ! from Vancouver, landing here at lr years 5uch will o' the . . 'n c-ij,.,. tu wisos && nueuess. moiiev nariies i We have made the word 'progress" include C36 Sixth Avtn West Prince Rupert, B.C. Rev. Lawrence U Sidw 11:00 a.m. Holy Btrmmi: "Exprpssfd a, iunlty" Children: "Footprint!" Junior Choir: "Onward Christian Soldiers" .Ved. 8:00 Prayer mecllni; whole p ,rStem Of philosophy and politics, ine ClVUl- ,,,0. flnd ,,. h,, r(,1T1pm. , fneht was made in the after- Uj great outdoors and o on ... , and Bible Study nni. .oiitnrxr allnu-o thp avprnrrp man tn bered too often. Tj be tons ue- noon, making three in all for " euc1. Wings in thetr way I'hurs. 2:00 Women's Mis x ..0 V cied. thoueh lifted, lea-.ned and the dav. but not as substitutes for Cod. - - - 1 - I . 1 . I r L,,,-, hiixv.", Ua if ' - So I say to you and to myself sionary Society 'ri. 7:00 Boys and Oirk Clubs 8:00 Christ Ambassadies "Every one is welcome al 7:30 pjn.-Evening Wurship S.'rmon: "CrcsMug the B. . on th Uisis of Divine promise RAT'S STRANGE LOOT : that Faith is mine if J really LONDON if A diamond ring, ! want it. Hope is mine if I really partake iaitniy ut an auunuancc uj. vuingo. ue ia widely exptrinced is to o surrounded by marvellous machines, healing arts, tuoxugh iiife undet -a grave han- . , - , , . ,. -i dicap. Ability to handle oneseif fatherly governments and comforting privileges of 0n his feet gives a iai-reaching A Irinrlc advantage. Many a man .is s- FLAN DROUGHT BANK RIO DE JANEIRO tf A spe-elul bunk of nortlteastern Brazil lias Kuan r...,., . . V. . C i ........ .. tommon Adventure." Anthem: "'at I found in a rat's nest beneath vant it. Chftrity iS mine if I Prinae Rupert's fenteeuslal Church." He ; ftoorhie at Woolwich Arsenal, really want ijt. t realjy is as Minister Lafter witii the basic i COME AND WORSHIP ' tontshed when discovering Where is the principle to be found that will cn speak. j was lust 10 years ago. It was re- simple as Uiat, There aren't any aim of financing defence against j SUNDAY SCHOOL lit First 3r;en 331 Pastor C. Fawci tt Us .or buts. You don't have to be i f 'V. ' 1 . I ' if -' st c Vl '"-V ' 1.1.1', Air " ' 1 M,r v ..i . ; f ' V Vl! ; 'ST.. . 4 ' b V r ; i . ,' ' " ' ' ! . ,. : i 'V- ! f I I! ' ': vMr .i J ! ' p e i 1 ' 1 J it 1 droughts that periodically ravage stored to its owner, N. Vaughan, who still works at the arsenal. d till at 12:15. worthy end you an't be worthy , that area r- . JOHN H. appeal to all people? That is likely the most mo- seventy-three Sons of Free-' mentous question before us today. Of some things dom, for the present dwelling ni , . . . , the penitent ia-y, a.e eating we can be certain, but they are mostly negative: a again. They had been on a uiiitimr principle is not to be found in nationalistic hunr strUte ljr nve weekai By , .. . , , that time, not the slightest per- movements, political dogma, secular peace programs suasion was necessary to cause or economic panaceas. The principle we seek must consumption of cups of richly , , . , , 11 i- . fortiiied eggnog Tne Sons be ethical and universal, something appealing to couica t but admit the stuff wa.i the highest moral sen.-e to which people of various lmp!' line tx a sta"ter- BULLETIN No. 3 vwnn fni BULGER Cjftwit'lisl , MM xv b cultures have attained. It needs to be etrong if it is to overcome the obstacles which social usage and Canadians who re" perhaps not giving much contemplation to liiiaiK-e mmisie-'i remarks John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue elfish impulses will put in the way of its cultivation a month r Snore ago, are risk ' as Ume No si-natures on paper and no outward rites jSngrera,noi r 1 ean lane ine place ot a true spiritual culture, which (r easy to pay a new car, or ?c Aei-:.A v,- aij t T,-i, i-;i- v.:- v:., icaar' for another Nor will the encouraging of credit con-tmue indefinitely. Most of us know something about prescriptions which are anything but pleasant U) taste but often ihey give ynu a- healthier feeling jater on. 1? uts3-iuiru xviiitjiu o. iuiiocc uic tins ill nip Civilization on Trial: "the inward force which alone creates and sustains the outward manifestations of what is called civilization." Building on such a spiritual base-does not mean that man will vpnrmnia tlio anru-itia.-. r.t tn r-timi . BlUHL Tjis TJME gKEESA his natural iaculties or scoit, ccienee and improve- suggestions are heard thai ment. On the contrary, as was so eloquently said in jiifj IT TZto?r iitcjcucai loiter 01 roper rillS Al in lyy, '"He i'urtiwr awersUwu. -In a land like this the project is not wita- thu3 ennobles what is merely natural in life and secures for it new strength in the material and temporal order, no less than in the spiritual and eternal." ioox advocacy.- A new out ti doors aiea is merely a niattr-r of time, or. as po()ulations grow, j Another national pUygKund, this time s;niewliere along th j fckeena River need hardly b--, urged. ft Scrip criflure l are f-a MODERN fc for laiiaqe "Let not mercy and truth forsake thee Prov. 3:3. PLUMBING The hag of the Communist .People's Republic of China bea -s 1 the. date Aug. 1. Coinmuntst revolt started. is a wise investment, In terms of family heallh and liome economy. Coll Blue 846 nl I I liBlklC Thousands or Yards of Broken Concrete from Prince Rupert Warehouse Especially recommended for water front fills, by engineers Commencing June 1st, 1951 Approximately irm Founda SaanicK Th worl "attark' may fill some of uh vith apprehension. But the word "defenee" . . . modern defence . . . in one that v,hen properly understood can dispel fear and instill reassurance, t Many lurid stories of destruction are exaggerated but they have their origin in truth. Modern defence is understanding tthat may happen and knowing tiow to fight hack. Any defence must take into account all the various methods and weapons which might he used against us. An attack with high explosive and incendiaries would producei Blast . . . Splinters . . . Shock . . . I'IKF. Fire is certain to he a prime factor in any attack. Every family must become an actual fire fighting unit to control fires in the early stages nd to prevent them spreading. You cannot dceiid on service from regular fibre fighting units who will be busy controlling major outbreaks. A major attack on a thickly populated area may cause casualties nd render large numbers homeless. A knowledge of First Aid is vital. IT CAN HAPPEN HERE! Watch for anotlier bulletin in next week's newspaper. ' ' ARE YOU CLIPPING AM) RETAINING THESE BULLETINS? tion blocks. Ideal for building a commercial building. RUPERT RADIO and ELECTRIC 21 -Piece Breakfast (0$ Sets U j 32-Plece Breakfast Q9i J Sets Cta Peg's Wrecking Co. P.O. Box 1279 Phone 644 Jl-Plece Bone . 15 4850 Fraser Street Vancouver, B.C. China Tea Sets J Dinner Sets, tromSA-JJ 60 pieces at ... fa ' djicludlne beautiful wood and Couldon Platel Mac Construction i If : 1 , h . , , , . 3 v I t ji , .1 : v , SPECIAL China English Bone f 1 , '3 1 Comp, any CI PS ANil M"1- 69c 97c PI NCIHJOWI. SETS 7.95 MANSONS 'Hospitality and WILL DO YOUR JOB CHEAPER Roofing . . . Siding . . . Alteration Estimates Gladly Given Ciood Food" That Ls Our First Aim Phone 17 fr Orders To Take Out Commodore Cafe THE GOUEnnr.lENT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Shop! China Black 6C0 Blue 182 seU HON. W. T. STRAITH, K.G., PwvinciaJ Secretary MAJ.-GEN. C. R. STEIN, Civil Defence Co-urJinator will buy. A classified find it.