Prince Rupert Daily News As I See It ', r' I i , I Tuesday, August 28. 1951 ray.. Reflects and Reminisces Fisheries To Be Guarded Council Told An independent dully newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Fupvrt and Northern ar.d Central British Columbia. Member ol Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association 9 A. HUNTER, Managing Sdi'or. H. U. PERRY, Managing Directoi ; ;-. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: more Sume folks live happily aftrr-deiidinic not to get married. "3y Carrier, Per Week, 20c; Per Month, 75c- Per Year, 1 (uji.'DN rvBf I $8.00; By Mail. Per, 73c; Per Year, $8.00 ' Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. Minister of Fisheries R. W. Mayhew will be presvnt at the signing of the Japanese Peace Treaty next month and "will do the best he can" in the interest of Canadian Prince Rupert city council was advised fill. WALLET ILHLS KINK! It was Lenin ho said the best way to destroy free economy is to choke it by printing unlimitej quar.tlties of money and government bondi." But the trouble Pride Civic " . ' , . V. . .....-- , with a !-t us is the idea inert can't be too much cash unlimited quantities. even In last night. i A 'letter from the office of ex-'tunal affairs and from fisher- J " V 1 ' NEW 10 T Tivm j i oi 1 na:m d : ! l i i ri lutinn ; v -. .. .. t'.f-t Ion: I I i tieneva C'i-i. r!ali( i, 1 d vcti i a. i ol Nehru Hasn't Quit NOBODY can accuse the British Colonial Office of doing things in too much of a hurry. A solemn annju.H-ement sava that on 22 September 1951 tne town of Singapore will ol-feially become a "city". The population of Singapjre town is about one million. L.ivir. turough the desert country of the southwest U.S.A. you get the other extreme. 1 remember or.e sign which read STOP ATCM CiTY Population 2 It is dawning on ;ome that ail i Us. In I . ply to council's request the questions to be answered to; that fk'Iterles b Faf.'gimrded in the .satisfaction of the govern- ;.-igning of the treaty said: ' ment in this seventy years old! -your resolution has been forage pension bu.sint-s, are not so wanied to the minister and lie .-:n:ip;e. But li a man does his wj 1() hla best ..." " ! cest to oualilv. a:d is content to: Wai , s. rvi .-ion. A i:: he Win a. Sept. 1. 'let it go at that, the fact should not pass U4vn.itic?d. Ottawa . AOLiiu pieier to see him gel. ilia : pension. Wire Rate Hike Asked tMLL GhT MOKE i ine inking ol seme score CANADIAN C?Tii-Citnadi j during dairy cn-.rv.. j WHEN I was ever on the prairies many peopled askea me had I heard tne news over tii radio about Nehru quittinj ms job. IASES BREATHIN farms will oe part ii Alcan s uetaticns in central B.C. Some I OTTAWA ( Canada's two t-i ..a- i..r.nt h j. tier to uo w.ih- jt.'legraph companies today aj-oui the water, at the prire of-1 plied for permission to Increase lered, but otiiers think six or rates on messages sent within teven thousand not sj bad. Like I Canada, except Newfoundland. i...jugh everyone is wrong in a I They asked the Transport ! ceal l;ke this. Who ever accepts Board to authorize boost of 10 the fust bid, no matter wnat is'cents on basis of full-time tele-ceiu'j sold? There must always gram of ten words, with varying ce little picliuiinary dicker- increases lor other types of scr- ing. ! vice. They asked that Increases x ! j become effect: v. October 1, In- K.VIS, AND SIX II ! creased etist of labor and mater- i hcsumpuoii ui active hostlli- ials wa.- given as reason for op- ; ties hi h.jrea remums uncertm.l. plUaltuii. heavy casualties are eporl.'tlj J from the Albei ta-S.iskaUncwun I That is just another prj; cf how deceptive radio can be. unless given out With clantj I and explanation. Nehru .esigned from the ex-j ecutiVe committee of the Cz-j gresi party. But he his rut x:- signed as Prime Min.sttr and RELltf VETERAN NEWSPAPER MAN William iBilli Nuakes, editor of th? Brandon iMan.i Sun, is dean of Western Canada's news-p iper men. lie is shown on his 80th birthday in thv Sun offices. Betnc settling in Brandon in 1921, he hud a varied career as artist, cartoonist, feature writer and all-round journalist in England. Ireland, the United States and Canada. He has worked on newspapers in Toronto. Ottawa, Regina and with The Canadian Press. uCPFHGTOi CMVIC pride is still a live factor in many Canals tlian municipalities, but it is refreshing to hear of 'a younr community that is today demonstrating the same lusty spirit of local pride and independence which created a healthy inter-town rivalry durinp: the early part of the century. ' At Corner Brook, Newfoundland, a thriving pulp and paper town on the sheltered St. Lawrence Ekle of the island, there has been a revival of those days when civic programs and civic boasts were a noj-mal part of local life. ! Comer Brook was born only 25 years ago, but it had the good fortune to come into being with a planned townsite. In it were housed employees of the new pulp and paper mill. More than 20,000 people now live in the beautiful valley, and Bowater's new sprint plant has become one of the world's largest; integrated pulp and paper mills. The result has been widespread unplanned home-building on the hillsides above the townsite, which has every modern convenience, while the surrounding areas are without even water except from wells. But realizing the danger to health and from fire, citizens have put on a sustained drive for adequate municipal services and complete independence and self-administration. Many other Newfoundland communities have been inspired to launch similar civic campaigns for mimicipal improvement. For the first time in the province's history, an all-Newfoundland convention of town councils was held this month at Corner Brook, where the new spirit of civic independence first took hold. An act making town councils possible was only passed 10 years ago. Progress was slow, but with Corner Brook to show the way, 31 town councils have sprung up, several new fire brigades, and water in many homes are other innovations. And, mot-e impoi tart, good men 'are flow offering themselves for municipal office. Those Canadians who felt they were taking on a ".poor relation" as a dependent when Newfoundland joined the rest of Canada in 1949 can now re-vise their opinion. This new trend toward municipal independence reveals Newfoundlanders intend to help themselves. from HAY FEVER t border, the -at invasion belt: j rei..'i!ed. Ci the Skeena lron-vier nothing late has bren d:s- eksefl re rodt .-.1-generali.Sjimj ; ' conferences. has teen endorsed by the Congress Party M.P.'s. following his -esigna'tion from the ou.ide party committee. We would have a similar situ-aticn in Canada if Mr. St. Laurent were to say ihat he wa3 resigning from the executive of ine national Li'jral party but meanwhile summoning thi elected Liberal M.P.'s to a caucas to derlare whether or not they were to back him, or the outside committee. NEHRU LCCMS far above most of the members of the Ccn- ASTHM (HAXUING tl.lMATLS People are wondering if climates r.iatV'e. Below-zero temper Victoria Report InhaU the lootlarg I vaimri of KeHo'i a. Kclicf - Breathing 1, mora fret and natural Brings effective rdipf chronic Astlima and Hay f uflprers. Over 6y ycBn if Available in cigar t e fonr,, ttred Ask your tiean-it atures are becoming fewer. , l ik:mos are catching cod, a fish' V'- i . . . by J. K. Nesbitt t t-ui ly in ilia p esufce kuu they never -aw cr heard of fifty years ago. Meart annual temper-iture nl FilaSelphia is rising. ' Ine change, if cliange there be. I VICTORIA. The people who call themselves conservationists showed, this reviewer thought, some I -lie people, cut cetween nenru and the people stands the Can-gress parly machine mui.h hk3 NOftTHROf I IYMN CO ITB.KS' t.t l!M can ha dly be called unwelcome. the Democratic machine stojd : hvsteria durinp- thp recent hearings into the contro- belween Riosevelt and thai -t ' ' ? ' ' i From the Prime Rupert point i i i people in the U.S.A. jVei'Siai liuttle Lake Situation. ! 3f vieWi lt deserves b.-ing rated; I The people will not vole for, The conservationists, much to i au to tne good, wnai more naw-i j Nehru unless all signs fail. But my surprise, I round staging a down. John Hart was premier less seascn ccuki be hrped for : j the candidates who will be elect- real high-powered high-pres- then. He hurried to the Malah:it, .han ine on? we still revel in.' ed will be har.apicked, not by sure campaign, complete with looked over the situation, de- Such were exceedingly unusual j ! Nehru but by the Jiaid-boiled costly public relations experts, cided one, 6f the island's mastvjti oa l jeas, Tne e would be: j plum-p:.::in3 Cc naress party, 'expensive lawyers." even hotel magnificent views vouid be summer, of course, but nothing i j That is w.nat the 'turmoil is all' suite? filivd with good Scotci so opened up if the timber were i a - .: . a this, i .lanxe of! about in India. Nthru is an ad-1 that they could better be ab'e cut; And so the timber was cut climate? Let it change, and right ' ivanced thinker, a progressive, to talk, with telling effects, all and a. glorious view came into thoroughly. I ! 1 'iW'arlgor,!' 7 "Ins is a jiitiurt of things .is uy m,iy tit lnii iiiit- im- r 54 1 i . t I uidi ,i I tint i inn ii (ilie )iutr,t Ijctii jj.ut iued) Lei p Kcan-rs .it l :ist l!" c(HU-r in Mimiiur, w.iiiu'T in uinur. I fieri1 st eins to he no end to the uses ol iiliimtinim. New one pop i j every l;iv. lis utiility to retlnt is only one fif a it n rc.ivon (or ,ilti-inintnn' ooiiiiiij; (Ktpnl.n iiv. 1 (i keep ii Willi (lie (!ein;iiul, He ;ne :it present him innlilin new tl.inis, MMeilMuiset ;ml lt( is ft r;i .iml t lie free woild. Ahirnimmi ( om-p;my of (iii.k1j( Lul. (Alt an). who is the leader of an "a my'' j 'about conservation. ' .being. ' , or political party in which most j One conservationists, in a mo- Years ago, conservationists in NAPROW ESCAPE other generals a n d , ment aDDroachine hvsteria. eot California the oi tne ; colonels are hard-boiled re-, Ud and cried alouM and in some Colorado River was being dam- ictionaries. forced agonv that the govern- med to provide power lor the Thus in a sense, 'Neh-u has ; ment na(j hidden an Order-in- city of Los Angeles. . been a prisoner of the army he ' council authorizine the B. C. Tndj. v, tinnwr rvim i ABERDEEN, Scotland 0 A 20-pound ro:-k, hurled nearly 200 jard1- during blasting op.'ration.s h'rc. crashed thro:h the roof ci a houe and narrowly missed Ivv, (hilUrtn sleeping on the top llcoi. PRCSCNTCRED" RESTRICTIONS HAVE MADE ' jCHNC.r:n : ECONOMY-MIS 'ON.SIIHT. Tills!: r WHEN UUIVC. U' Ford's Cnqllsli j is supposed to leod. Tnat is what; commission to dam But- of the showpla-es of Nprth Allies really behind all this fuss and tle Lake The government had erica Beauty has been created ifuro-e-but how it will come out; done no such thing; it was just bv the miracle of man-made is just a guess. that nobody asked to see the engineering; a rare beauty spot inany set Buttle Lake and orrier-in-council. has been made accessible to C(r..;i,.,., e,i, i,i . .u.. icrifinire - aaaae for soaaij DOES BRITAIN 3 health sch?me 1 nnncrvsattnnlts in h rad evervonp A wilderness, formerly --j i.-. . ..... and Now Corv.ld' -"About the fourth watch . . . Jesus Cometh unto them, .1 walking upon the sea." St. Mark 6:48. pay? Would the Tones abjliihhav been wrong It-S oniy i0 the preserve of only rich men, nhli . . . " . . , . it if thou tA nmroi in Vin '., H"0"-- " . " " ,c " ""- j years ago that they were in nas oeen openea 10 tne masse. The Legislature should mLsery because the government Hoover Dam has become a shrine make thp decision rememherins fori j n fj of Not on your life. was building a streamlined Is- of beauty and wonder. tlat jn lnls tay aiKi a(,e there's Here is one figure which ex- . . . I.mves! pif '1 1 f:Hd ,..n,':lp' l W lipfi-i'i' ii . . . Ti:;..'! mx. r Ladies and Gentlemen J " " I "" u.u ira.iun lut i 1U mat iya,Kl nlTins uihv Th rioath roto ale" In1 , Fnplnrt L m ! conservationists, look at the well have a population of 500.- there can be a combination of fh-fn m J n, limber that's being ruined' iut 000 PeP'e- They wm nced in" bot" natural beauty and indus- compared ; for a road, Look at the beauti. dustry; the Power Commission trial progress, with h 143 icia tn the greatest drop in fui really picturesque old Island ; supply energy for such in- Bob Perfali LING the tailor Prince Ititf-rt. B' 220 Sixth St. SKK t'S FOR . . . Hoists, All -Sled Dump Bodies Winches all sizes. Heavy and Light Trailer Frames and Wheels. Power Take-Offs. All Certified Operators fur high pressure and general welding li .,.v o,r,iC ' ' j Highway by the seashore that's , dustry. Buttle Lake won't be -,, . . . being abandoned. , ; ruined; in time It will setae paymeftsTthe I some timb ruined 1 down to become once more a r hu pot a Z frl trtiS it ? ! and the old Island Highway has wilderness, playground and. b.--allsi beinabie been more or less abandoned. 1 cause of I-ower Commission ifaH she win to naf more 'than a .mallei But would we have ress earnln8'- there couItl eU be a tm'nP oyf what she contrac ea stemmed? PeoPle todaV want r0ad into the lake' where there streamlined highways; if they isn't now. It's inaccessible now When that haDoens the skies shattered want the picturesque they can ; to all except rich people who can of Walnator whl oe stlattered bl mfiMrt roa mooch along on secondary roads afford planes and a few hardy Vfur cio b tbe ashore sou who can hike with packs the worst mistake the " s not long ago, either since on then bailu. British ever made was to ask for, ; and take that loan from Uncle the government was hounded by , But when all is said and done INDUSTRIAL WELDING CO 1?. -1st F.. Flume Green 8M -It should be up to the Legisla Sam. The whole British Com- conservationists who wept be- cause a fine stand of timber on ture to settle this question. It monwealth should have had the guts to get together and stand the MaIanat being chopped I was the Legislature which orig- on its own feet without accepting handouts from anvbody. ' For the "borrower is servant to the lender," as a very wise book Wrote thousands of years ago. GENERAL ELECTRIC WASHERS' Model MS9P with Pump on $189-50 Northern B.C. Power 6 Science Progresses or 50 years we have used Mttla white tablett acttyltolkylic add for relief of pain. Today thlf familiar pain-killer It available In a new form without tht disadvantages of acidity, Insolubility and bitter taste. It is called 'DISMIN' and is' sold at druggists I ""7I,V ,. ULV"' ' 111111 ji.i.ira.fTTiTri all your " tfvtl FAVORITE ARTISTS kbjS' Now available I RECLAIM MARSH CHEBOQUE, N.S. (CP) An engineer says vast areas of the Cheboque marshland could be reclaimed at "a very economical rate." He estimates that more than 1000 acres of valuable land could be reclaimed- between the Cheboque River and Arcadia. B.'sner Work I'honR "10 lirP-J --7- 4 k l1 I - ill f Strwart 'DISMIN' is available In Rot ties of 26 tablett or Handy Pocket Folders of 8. Prince Rupert, B.C. "PROTECTION AGAINST INFLATION1' Ak your Investment Dealer for the above folder and prospecti of Headache?. . take a Disprin " ) FoT the MEAL that REFRESH! 5 -DECCA 45's- at Rupert Radio and Electric Why DISPRIN? Became DISPRIN Is louble and tubslonlially neutral. When taken in water as recommended, it enters the stomach as a true solution and not as undissolved particles. It is therefore less liable to cause' stomach discomfort. DISPRIN is readily absorbed. Because it definitely dissolves (not merely disintegrates) DISPRIN permits speedy absorption and gives relief without delay. DISPRIN is palatable. Even children will take it readily. BEST OF. FOOD DISPRIN FOR TAKE OUT OKDDRS PHONE SAFE SPEEDY PLEASANT CALVIN BULLOCK lid. ...FOR PAIN RELIEF .MmmhlMAtim mmfr I BROADWAY CAFE yncrrT rn M.'.v.r.'.vADA; UMnrn. PHARMACtirrift ihvision, muni n m