Fiince Rupert uuiiy iNews Tuesday , Auguol 28, li)al C. of C. Notes Giants Hot' Football Postponed There was no football game on Saturday. It h-ad been hoped to 5-4. then took the second w!th r:c Uoublt, B-U. The Brooks who 1 now ;vad by i.e games, whipped ! the Pirates 5-0 in the opener, be-; hind the two-hit pitching 01 ' Ralph Branca, but lost, the nlght-! cap, 6-2. I Philadelphia Phillies shut out 1 Cincinnati Reds twice in a twl- 1 Iw.hl-nti.M mln h.'l 9-n h..l,',i.,l Smokies Rout Hawks 15-4 in Semi-Final Win On Heels of Brooklyn In the ladies' Singles of the City Tennis Championship Miss V. Smith won from Miss B. Bed-i" . . Mi's B. Edgcumbe from Miss I'. Smith and Miss I. Mitchvll irom Miss J. Edgcumbe. P,'ifM'stl San ''ne.cis K 1 v, l l-Cilv 3 a., NEW YORK -(f Hut New York Jo(lb Thompson, and 3-0, Willi Giants won tlwir fifteenth and Ken Johnson pitching the whiL-rixteenih games hi a row yester- , wash brush. Boston Braves won from St Louis Cardinals shaved a Pair and in the prm-ess , , . . IP another twlilght-nignt b:l , another game off the lead of fnat 0.3 and 4.2. Jn the only American League .action, Bobby SlmnU of the pa:e Brouklyn DiKlgers who spin , twilght-niRnt uouoienvucier 1 P I vhnruh V ruleH I ; MONEY ci,. I AUCKLAND, j, U;bieti ,.inibll,s ; f"t' a V-taj,,' si-ei'du-.i, 1, their s( , i1 1:' I'x-a to o,lf, prices Ulll la; 1'ave be,,, a:m , from Philadelphia A s iitii up a 1-0 Leo Duri-h-r's men came belrnd to whip Chicago Cubs in shutout at expense of the fictile first game of a double bill, tr::lt Tigvrs. SMALL TALK WITH A SICK FRIEND v "Por thing you look Just terrible." "Boy, you shoulda bM'n there . . , you'da died laughing " 1 rp I t J Lla V. H. Tobcy and W. L. Stamford were leading S. Darton and V. R. McAfee one set when the mutch was called on account of darkness. Aiyansh To Meet Locals Th." Fringe Rupct Football Association will be meeting to :hoose a team from the different clubs in the city tj meet the team on Saturday tyj-. ning. The Aivanxh eleven will be as follow:;: C. NLyok, Sidney Eli, Rjd h ibinson; Reynold IXivist Clear Mercer, ('-.'oil Morvan; Percy Tail, Gus Ruira, Pe-cy Ad-pnis, Jimmy Adams and Ernie M ivvan, with replacements of Dick Ni :yok, Dick Guno and Sid-l nev Clayton. (CLOSIUE TIM 110 a.m. on day if puliliiation) Classified Advertising is payable in advance. P oasu relram from U'leihimiiig. Clas i:, Word y r Insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 60C. Curds if Tliuiilu, Ikx Funeral Notices, Marriage and E ijae,ement Aiinounn nunus $iuo. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PIUCE. ct-nt'A 1 ' !L--5rk? Iff f ' jBv n uvr "Say, didn't old bui ke', w.tti 1 SJ. rt.KsuMi PHONE lDvuJrNui ; lor dally Ui'i.u'rv . d-.iv. Uv lookiiie 1111IK viur iiaik ,. vuu. Keen 11 cu. Kiiaraulred. ;OlVE tlie fa'Kl w h . . . Kel unt ul i cakes or dm Ki. Ltd. Piiune 64.1 1 IIOAH1) AND t WANTED - Board ; housi-Ki'i'iunj r,,i bank .'.eiks 5 D ili. I'oit Km 41 U-IJHIVK cua 1 1 1 Ciii FO' rvT . D,,a.. j .room. Blue 43J. FOil KENT Fiw ! I mi-iH itli sail-! L'd.ili cnlv. hi NEW r'll, U. FOR KKNT Gr!!' ton SALE FOR SALE - Tiiree Diece bed-reasunauie. room suiie Phone Oreen 404. (Ul.l)l FOR SALE -lt 1939 ,M"V'. Ford , Couue. i jijb um Ave. t,asl. iZUuu) . FOR SALE Dlntm; room .suite, mnetie set iiikiiu. wasmn , inacinne. vaintv and stool, single bed. 2 floor laiuiM. ie:- uic neater. Blue JUi. uiwui I FOR SALE Two-piece chester- lield suite. .)0: uined can dm-! eite set 4a; two J4-si.e belts, $15 each with surma aAi Slh Ave. West, or call 791. 1 i204pi FOR8ALE Househ'.-ld furni-1 ture, ehesterlieid. washlna, machine. 2 bedroom suiies, end liOiei etc. Green :if.7 after 8 0 nv i20";u' FOR SALE Wartime heater, S10.0U: MeCiarv enamel woad and coal ranne, eood condition. &40 00: RCA. 5 tube mantel radio and H C.A. radio since hc. mk I I ! A reply from the director of pc,':ta! services stated that the amount of business in the lo-al p-toffice would not warrant t!., installation of a postal meter j in the lobby of the pot office. I Instead, it was suggested tllat i congestion could be relieved if local business firms did their j mailing at other times in tine, day. I da Members held that separate 1 v.'iikets to handle letters and parcel? would facilitate matters,1 a and. a de.. gation was appointed ,i, meet Post master J. R M u ison j '.ocally to discu s the feasibility t arranging this. COXVEXTION I W. V. Stone gave a full and : detailed report on arrangement 1 for the annual convent ion of th ' Associated Boards of Trade and ! affiliated chambers of south-1 eastern Alaska t o be In Id i:i 1 Prince Rupert next week on p- ', leinber 5, 6 and 7. It is expected j thai I hero will he f-fty dele'Mil s ficm outside points anil thirty- 1 live Meau. Chairmen or mio-oommitttes were named and de- tails outlined. A full and busy time is assured, and there is a lam, li.'.t of lb m-s lor business ;x.-:ions. Provision i.s also made' lo; the enterlainmeiit. of vlsiti.i'j. liciecatrs and their wives. j DAILY TRAIN'S A letter from th.- Canadian National Railways stated that 'lie matter cf having a dally tiuin service In and out of Prince : Rupert was being considered and riply ould be given soon. Th." uimber felt that it was already time to have a, reply and the secretary will write the Vaneuu- ! ver offii stre.-'sing the need for sn'li daily seivcie and the hope that it will b.1 re-inlrodueej shortly. Ballet Fans In All-Night Line-up LONDON CP Sports events are nit the oniy Ih.ngs thai attract a'd-miht queues In Britain. , Ballet Is claiming larger aud- ; ienccs with each season, making seats harder to obtain. Some 50 1 eager tans stood in line all I when the famous Sadler's Wells' Rroup opened at Covent Garden. 4 . . 1 Tl .1 tl 1.. j miee 01 me I'liuiusiasis uo,en 0.1 camp beds another o'nouni aiong a sireicner. 1 : v j . lie a 1 i 1 J(. 1 i I S : Sf I , J V iwi&JV ;Y NTW MINISTER Pet' r Ohif Ireschow, new Danish minister to Canada, is scheduled to arrive in Ottawa this week-end to take no his .new post. He succeeds G. B, Holler. (CP PHOTO 1 If Zmmif I 65 Tliil aifvflttMiiitnl il not ptiblitktd or ditpUytd the Llqvot Control Botfd ar y tKl GevfmfftM f BtitiUi Coliimbll. - f BLONDIE HOW WOULD VOU UKE MC TO MAKE VOU A TALL. CO D.GLASS OF LEMONADE ? ,. vi, ft. 1 a nt. mm m i 1750 i twenty years ago in SPORT August 28, tOIIl Anyox All-Stars at Ijome de-lea!-, d tin- I rail's Rupert loot-ball 1". 'ii live to time. Goal :i-. (:'; fir l'lincf Rupert were V.. VVf'jitcr, M. Colossi and A. l ikki i;.' . Anyox scorers were j'.f.n.' r v.illi Ihree wiul liui'haiHui Dl. .ii cue t urh. In Can.dian National Urcrea- solttiall .seiies tile RouiHl Ili.kS' 1 1 i i u ibattciy Tulloch and ;' i ti e: on i ill li ated the station j with Styles pitchm", 11-3 rr.d .ii: . won th- trophy. ; la tl'.e East. Knd S iftball ! Lca'iin , Hand.spit iP. Ferguson 5Hi! 1 Car ey I defeated tile Mer-eliant ' i Walter ,liiliii"iu and : l;oii!'l:i." Salter I 7-1. ' ' In 11.) city tennis champion-; liip- 3. Darton defcateri W. N. Ciaaie two sets to one and Col. H: p. MeMurdie won from Col. J. ' ,' NIcii-rtlK in two straight sets. -fi '' l famous 1 uti 1 ill I ' f:-'j-'--t-l:' j VICKEHS" 10NDON DRY GIN l Calvert , A 1 III illjc' V ' . ' .i 1 r 1 This advertisement is not by illlCM . HANDYMAN : HOME SERVICE OFNERAu CONTRACTORS Buildinr; and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS PHONES: Black 752 Red 894 P.O Box 1670 SCOTT McLAREN CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT lames Block 608 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS ' A. L. Bell, C.A. 325 4th Avenue East P.O. Box 1247 Phone Red 879 ELECTROLUX Sales and Service R. W. COLLINS Phone Blue 970 Box 1626 for genuine parts and service phone or write above. Cleansr Cutting Sawt Jmmr mw will rat clanr( S3 trur, fftittr when film! on Mr prcciiion machine. 4uteg ervfc on til type of uwfc Brine your uwi ta UnUy. rr Old MW ntogthed. In the replay of a protected game last night the Firemen won by a very d?jlsive sco e of 15-4 jver the Hawks to win the s 111!-finnl ror 'id of the playoffs. They will now meet Rupert Radio in the finals. Last r.lfcht's fame was a eoJ Tiuv.e nutil the fourth inn'.na when the Hawk's d 'fence tell apa t completely. The j-ore at hat time was 2-2 but in the t ip cf the fourth. Firemen sc "d five times r i four errors, two walks and a sinrde by pit her Art Clsen. Hattks sta ting pitehe,- Dick Rye was pitching $u:i ball but .ien a team makes 11 errors tr-hind a pitcher hj ihasn't much of a chance. Hawks cut-hit the 5iremen 9-6 but couldn't bun h their hits when they need d ,.iem. HKFV fS-tharpe, AB R H 3i ... Llewelyn, cf Bill, lo Carlsen, If .... . Spring, ss 4 bcnwub, c ..... Wai.-h, f Clsen, p Whattam, 2b Holms i, 3b .... 30 15 HAWKS AB R Lawrif, ij . 4 t Vigar, -. 4 G a Waters, lb, ss 4 1 ( fcii'Lin, ji. lo 4 1 0 Rye, p. cf 4 1 1 Letouneau, c . ... 3 1 1 Sedgwick, ss, p 4 0 3 Becker, :; 3 0 U Hodgkinsjn, rf 4 0 2 0 34 4 9 11 Summary: hits, , Viga: ; 3 - base hit, Martin. Etr.keout , by Ol.svn 10, Rye a. Sedgwick 1: base on balls, oil C.sen 2,. Rye 3, Sedgwick u. L.i pires, Windle and Dallyn. Frisky Fox Family Pet TORONTO (CP) There's only one letter's difference between pet ann "pelt," but it's a big dir-fe'er?e I to 1'i-ytar-oU A.idiy 1 Hinds. I AuJ:ey. who lives in suburban jWillowdale, has a p.t fuK.nftil-'a ilreddy and -he is gettirj a htllc weary of people telling her f red- i dy would makj a b:tier pelt a pet. i're:idy was fcund playing with the Hind's ,10 dogs on iaw.i lour months u.i. C'.iit ter Pat captured the fox and gave it to Audrey. Although he takis tne occasional n:p a. strangers, a.. a 11a, eaten the family- pet ncza "Snow White," K'eduy is l:ie:e to stay has ru intenUjn oi run.iiivj away. lis kr.ows Audrey's affection lor him is more than skin deep. INDIAN NAVY The Indian Navy traces its be-ginniin; from the Marine of the East India Company, formed In 1C1-. j NOTKH Notice Is hereby given tnat oil the l'Jth tiny of Sepn'inber uexv the uiiUerslKned inteluls lo Hpply to Hie Liquor Control bourd for consent to transfer of Beer Licence Number 8!)D5. Issued In respect of premise being part of a building known as Belmont Hotel situate at 725 and 727' Third Avenue West. Prince Rupert. British Columbia, upon the land:; described as Lots 5 and 6. Blok 32. Section 1. Map 923. Prince Knpert Land ReKlstrattim District, of the Province of British Columbia, from John Hosklrn to Belrupert Hotel Limited of 404 Haliihlll Building. 635 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, the transferee. Dated this 11th day of August, AD. 1(151. UELRUPERT HOTEL LIMITED. (211) IN RE ESTATE OP KARL EMIL OI,SfcN, DECEASED. TAKE NOTICE that as Administrator, duly appointed by the court, of th- estate of Karl Emll Olsen. who died at Naden Harbour, British Columbia, on the 19th day of Mny, 1HM, I require all creditors and other having claims against the said estate to send the same to me, properly verified, at the addrej-s men tioned below on or before the 30th day of September, after which uate 1 shall proceed to distribute the ! estate to those entitled by law, hav- Iiik regard only to such claims of which I shall then have been notified. AND FURTHER take notice that all person, indebted to said estate i arc required to pay their indebted ness to ine forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C., this 18th day of AuKUSt. 1951. Gordon Fraser Forbes, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. BC, (A20,21,27,28) JOHN H. BULGER Ojtlonu'lriit have a game between a native I team from Greenville and a strengthened Heavy Battery! eleven but arrangements were not completed. , Footballers are hoping to get the Man.son Cup trophy contest ' started this w eek but with Football Association President Alx Hail? Indisposed owin to illness, final arrangements have not , been completed. Remember When Byron Nelson of Toieiio spread-( aided a field of 122 golf professionals and seven amateurs by five strokes, seven years ago today, with an eight-und.-r-par 2S0 to win the fourth All-American golf tournament at Tarn f 'Shantei.' The victory boosted ! Nelson's earnings fur 1M4 to $2C,70t. I V-, r,- -Jy,. . . J eSSionci Eddie's Beauty Salon Permanent s Exclusive Razor cuts. Appointments made to your convenience. Phone Red 490 - 7.19 2nd Ave. Opposite Liquor Htorc MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 STONE BUILDING, PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Geo. Cook's Jeweller. Ph. 212 MATTSONS UPHOLSTERINO Phone Blue 126. P.O. Box 526 234 3rd Ave. E. Prince Rupert, B.C. H. G. HELGERSON LIMTTED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone 90 Evenings Black 809 ' WNWNUKTU1IN " B JUjyTpv lii? i! I -Mfcffl ft ' j I E I record uiaver. both i0ti0 B.ue hOH A 804. 12031)1 i Iftr e . . ., 4 r t W "'' ""J . ,4 cir, . ' ,: . ,1 and 2nd. FOR SALE New and used 1 household furniture, tslieli'lv ' FOR KENT- Km Used Kilclien Sets. Hi -fl room i nolel "'I 'ltlliWi 1 Suites. Chesierlield.s. liovs' A VP. West. I uji r hu Lslic!s. 1 Hicvlcs Bedside Runs. Cr.l). Studio Couches etc.. si illl the lowest nnssio'e once n r Furniture Co. Phone U : : i r-k I 324. i:n ACCOUNTANTS I Phone Bide ' - - JITBI.IC A:COUNTANT Income j WATCH HKPAIRS published or displayed by the Licfuor Control hoard or the Government of British Columbia. 7 "in 0 m m w H .NKRAL NOTICE 1. CHRISTOPHERKEN-Near In- verness Cannerv. B.C.. Thursday. I AuBiist 23. 19al. Adoloh Chris- tooiier.sen. aae 57 years, of Smith Island. B.C. Rev. H. O. Oisen win conciuit .services at Grenvillel Court Chaoel at 2 Dm. Wednes- nav Auuust 2H. Interment lo tollow In Fairvlew Cemetery. B. C. Undertakers in chame of arrangements. iltci LOST LOST - One b'.ack snaniel do2. iii'tle. tail uncut. Phone Red 773. 203d 1 LOST- buduie bird, vicinity of Ambrose Ave. Reward. Box 181. Dailv News. i2()3i)i BOATS FOR SALE FOR SALE 30 ft. mil boat. 9 ft beam, draws 4 'A ft., 500 square It of siW. 4 rvllnder marine engine. Sleens three. Lavatory oil stove and cnoklnu u'en-si's $200 rash Aoolv "Four Winds." Prince Rupert Yarht Club. (tfi $1500.40' rabin cruiser "Oriole": 90 Universal' comolete reiiriv to ko Moored at Yacht Club. Box 179. Dailv News. I 2U5c I ( AR? rm SAM? FOR SALE 1949 Hlllmail Minx sedan. Phone Red 773, 203pi FOR SALE 1939 Willvs. recently ovei'h-"i" $4.(l. piick 276 or call 537 8th Ave. West FCIR SALE FOR SALE 3a ( o ! d 1 n e bed stirlm? tilled niaUics.s Almost new. Phone Black 7G6 alter t O.m. i2U3oi BOYS' OABARD1NE PANTS New shiule.s brown and erev. Eood fit. lots of wear. 'i to 12 veurs. Heal bam a In now $3 75 to $4 25 uair, BC Clothiera. (tic ) NATIONAL! Y KNOWN NAMEf LliiK-beir Sneeder Shovels-Cranes: DraHllis: Adamt Road Graders; Lhllcford Bros Black Tod Hrad Mintenanf Fauloment; Owen Olam.shel Buckets and Rock OraoDles-T L. Smith Concrete Mixers-Clark Forklift Trucks: Nelsor Bucket Loaders for Stockpile and Snow Removal: Rice Portable CentrifuKal Pumus: National Dracline Scraners anC Buckets: National A'l fite' Oasollne Hoists; National Portable Sawmills: Nations' Rotary Screens and Convjvors Full Information from National Machinery Co. Limited Vancouver. B.(J (tf) B'OR SALE Lovelv 10 -niece black walnut dining room suite, laree eolden oak library table, 2 lame uohol.stered chairs, 3 occasional chairs, large commercial floor waxer and polisher. Hoover caruet sweeper comulete with narU. one laree electric fruit 1 nicer, electric massaser and reducer, 4 electric heaters. 1 small not burner oil ranee 2 eood oil heaters, nice pictures In frames. 4 floor lamps, 1 table lamp, flrenlace with all tools, larite complete exercising kit, 40 gallons of naint. Standard typewriter. 7 laree new French Plate mirrors. Black 82a. Mr. Hicks. Ufi -Unhcppy Medium. let me see viiiiw' i IF IT'S SWEEr K ( me) HLFAIIt Jt wcilcr. t.-cd. lll l.e HAM WANTED - Taxi 4 ' Hi! Ltxi WANTED - 8'fii"-" lull-1 line eniuj'"' Kiinerl Radio 1 CLERK fur iwg ! Aliniv Ui Box ! WANTKH-Oirl ' n ti -.t-w it k t' Iv. J'liinie B:-"-' I). in. MAIDS rfMiilrftl ' laundrv :ui(l f; tlll-.t'l-Clllr-iS fISf Prince Ku.x't J per iiionth If4' l and board utf lo Mai run Mn.c-llasiiital. Prwwf WANTED-EnpW' tor. Mii't ,1 ; r papers or nil""'; so that a otrro -steaiii-lica!").'! 3 ran be-bWjj - 'after (I. Anolv in SY 53 i Terrace', t retarv. Terra. ' BOYS OR OpcnliiRS fr on Daily New various parts ol ' APPLY AT Ol Soccic for Good 51 Tax si)ecl:l! S, f. KurK, Stone Biilidliv. Red 5!I3 1 2l)i)i vam:i V ANTED- .35 calibre Winchester ammuiMthm. anv il v. Write Box 130. Daily News. il-m-i WANTED -. TOP MARKET PRICES PAID lor scran iron, steel. bi-u;..s. coddit. lend, etc. Honest uradinc Proinnt nav-inent madt. Atlas Iron Metals Mel.. 2.r0 Prior St Vancouver. B. C. Phone PA-ilic 03o7. i If: CASH for scran cast, brass, cop-nr. batteries aiir) radiators. Phone i Call (illy 61 h Av West. Cltv. (tf) RKAI. KSTATE FOR SALE -Lake Katlilvn Aulo! camp. Aoplv Box h. Srtni.h-ers. B.C. i204p) FOR 8AI.E-Warllme Fou7iTh laundry room. Newlv decorated Furniture Included Prl e $3950. $22.r0 down balance SC0.U0 nionthlv at 5 Blue 804. (207p) FOR SALE Industrial lots 43 and 49. block 14. .section 1. Next Imperial Machine Works. Lots are cleared and filled. Apply Standard Machine Shoo: (III FOR SALE Two fine harbor view lots on Atlin Ave. Price 1800.00. R E. MORTIMER Real Estate and Insurance 353 3rd Ave. Phone 88 (203d! FOR 8ALE Large furnished ; home with .self-contained fur- j nished apartment. Must sell 1 immediately. $3500 or best of- j fer handles as down p-avment. i Income from nunrtnient makes payments. 1078 7lh Ave. East, or phone Black 298 evenings. I (2051) l 1 ana Colussi's Music Store Agents for the finest In Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210-4tn St. Ph. .Black 389 RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS fa AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all Its branches 204 4th Street Phone 655 WE RENT TRUCKS, COMPRESSORS, CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L HUGHES d.c: ON VACATION By CHIC i -miik im Nerryii i cive . , LJ aMii w "' (good) Wv -.-i M, WOMtFt?FLIL! I D LOVE IT PRECISION SAW FILING I'tl.V PIGUOTT PLACE , B( 1011 Station B - fAfi.nt- Pii Tprmlnal) Terrace Builders Suppl) John Sulger Ltd. Third Avenue