Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday, August 28, 1951 Report of Loca n PERSONAL Works board Waste Paper With ... BARRET ASPHALT Boxes On City Streets SHINGLES H. G. Perry Resolution Chairman At the regular dinner meeting of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce held last evening in the Civic Centre, a hearty welcome was extended to H. G. Perry, managing director of the Daily News, who Is visiting In town. Later In the meeting Mr. Perry, a life member of' the Associated Boards ol Trade, consented to act as chairman of the resolutions committee at the annual convention being held In Prince Rupert next week. New members in the persons of Dr. R. Ball, J. D. Notman and Robert LeMarquand were also weirnmpri ! Application of J. Moritz to trade an existing sewer line for , certain properties on Eleventh Street was not granted until such time as city can make use of the sewer, board of works re- j ported to council last night. i A ditch on Hays Cove Avenue will be cleared by the city, as requested by Dr. Duncan Black at last council meeting. , i Superintendent of Works D. 'C. Stewart was instructed to A dozen paper receptacles soon will be installed at various points II Mi. arid Mrs I,. Shaw and sons, from Inverness Cannvry, sail for Vancouver this afternoon on the Union steamer Camosun. C. L. Co-f, ..f th Prince Ruj.-rt hotel stafl, sails for a vacation in Vancouver on the Union steamer Camosun this afternoon. Leaving for a vacation in Vancouver, Mrs. Vic Menzies is sailing on tne Union steamer Camosun this afternoon. VANCOIVDR VICTORIA : Sunday, 8 p.m., Coquitlarn Union steamer Camosun Is due In port at 2:45 this afternoon and will sail for Vancouver at 4:30. Mrs. c. Stokoe is a passenger on Union steamer Camosun en-route to Vancouver for a vacation. C. McKinnel, manager of Inverness Cannery, sails for Klcm-tu on the Union steamer Camosun this afternoon. A party of Indian children leaves this afternoon to return to Indian Residential School at Albernl on the Union steamer Camosun. rr detailed information, phone ert & McCaffery Ltd. 116 - 117 - 58 or submit a full report on Mt. Old- j lield dam and pipeline, showing! costs to repair and total gall6u-age expected. along city streets. City council i last night approved purchase of the receptacles. j Said Aid. George Casey who made the proposa : , j "I think Prince Rupert people can be educated to use the receptacles for waste papjr. "It would be a great help to keep paper off the streets. Some- , times there is as much as six inch, s of paper In the gutters.'' Repairs to certain sections of city sidewalks also will be made. : nd City Builders Supplies , Tuesday, 12 Noon .s Camosun ALICE ARM, STEWART AM) POUT SIMPSON o Sunday, Camosun, 11 p.m. FOR NORTH Ql'EKN , ; CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Ci quit lain August 3, 17 and 31 FOR SOUTH Ql'EKN .. CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Coquitlarn, August 1C and 24 9 p m. KKtVK 3 SKIVNFR-; Prince Rupert Aent nii'-d Avt'M up Phone 068 Blue 820 Death Was Accidental Regular Moose Meeting, Tuesday, ' August 28, 8 p.m. (202c) ISP . MS ,v Dance, Civic Cell nijpacaiion ior membership irom C. S. Mills, agent of the Canadian Pacific Airways, was accepted. In reply to a re4uet from the city council to participate In the reception to Jobs Daughters on their return from their successful tour of the United States where they won three championships, the sum of $20 was voted unanimously in To Go Or Not To Go C. Legion Holds Denning Funeral The funeral of the late William Denning was held from St. Andrew's Cathedral, Prince Rupert, yesterday afternoon with Canon BasU S. PiuokWr olliciat-ing. Active pallbearers were Vic Lewis, Joe Zab'jdney, Bobbie Reid, Neil Cameron, Howard Hill and Fred Barber. Honorary pallbearers were Rod McLeod, C. L. Youngman, S. A. Bird, Jack Judge, Hugh Killin, H. A. Breen, H. F. Glassey, William Reid and J. S. Wilson. Ushers were Graham Alexander and James Nicoll. t Interment took Dlaci. in thp Mrs. Tom Wallace and children will sail on their return to the United States this afternoon. Mr. Wallace is remaining over ar 3. Legion Auxiliary w and Tea. Seutcm- Verdict of aiderta! death' was returned by a coroner's jui yesterday at the indues! In the jeatu oi Auolph Cnnstopherson last Friday. Victim was killed by a westbound train near Phelan. The:e was no evidence to indicate under what circumstances Christopher.son remained on the track. M. M. Stephens was the coroner. LEARN TO FLY at Western Cqnada's only-seaplane school FALL COURSES NOW STARTING AEROCLUR Kl Rl PERT PERT fc Call 363 I OP. BETTER . . . Planning Building or . Repairing ,n Church Tea at Mrs. Gcoi'SP Mitch-Ave. East. Si'plem- Cuordlnatlng Tea, j lor a time. I William Gilchrist and daughter, Mrs. Annie Hill, sail on the I Union steamer Camosun, on their ! return to their home at Esper-anza, V I. Master Michael Thompson, who has been visiting his grand- Mil, Bazaar, October Cafe Garbage Collections , Restaurant garbage will be Three new Businesses Three new trade licences were granted bv citv council last Phone 344 Tea, October 13. After two months of controversy and harangue, city council last night finally decided to pay expenses of D. C. Stewart, superintendent of works, when he attends an engineers' convention at Victoria next month. T'i. vote whs three to two, Acting Mayor Harold Whulen cast-I'ei the deciding vote Three aldermen were absent on leave. Aldermen George Casey and H. F. Olassey dissented, holding that Mr. Stewart already had been allowed exDenspn nt on Ba.aar, October 20. 21lpt I all Bazaar, Detour. November 2. night, as recommended by the! I I I soldiers' plot at Fairview Cemetery wnere the Bueler Sergeant sounded the "Last Post" and P. M. Ray conducted the flag ceremony. The service was under the auspices of the Canadian Legion, of which the deceased had been president in early day;, and honorary pallbearers included the present and past-presidents of the organization. slliary Bazaar, No- Church Baz-.iar, licensing committee. New licensees are: , T. While, transient photographer; Paul Postula. pressing service; Don lurward, manufacturers' agent, retail and wholesale. earlier convention In Vancouver. PLUMBING ' and mother, Mrs. M. P. McCaffery, Is I sailing on the Union steamer Camosun on his return to his , home In Seattle. j Miss Barbara "Teng, who has! i 1 been a member of the Elgar Choir of British Columbia that J has been , touring the British Islands, Is due to arrive In' Que- bee on her return this Friday, j August 31. ; Prince Rupert Film Council! 1 will show two very important and ' well-produced films. "UnflnLsh-t ed Rainbow" and "The Curiosity ! hop," Tuesday. 8 p.m., at the1 I Civic Centre. Admission free,' collection to defray expenses.' Aid. Don Fitch and Acting Mayor Whalen both felt that th vuucucu jriuay ailernoous Instead of Friday mornings, city council decided last night. A special board ol works and health committee meeting recommended the change to take care of the week-end overflow of cafe garbage. And extra cans are to be provided by restaurants to carry overllow during the two-day non-collection period. Cans that don't meet requirements of the garbage by-law will be tagged. Board of works chairman Aid. Dun Fitch also DroDosed that all : of the Moose Fall mber 16. :l Bazaar November city will benefit" by Mr. Stew HEATING arts attendance at the convention The works suDerintenrtpnt's r- mitchell & currie: LIMITED Bu-lders & lonlratlirs Fall Bazaar, Nu- Discover How Good j quest for expenses first came up rome iwo months ago but had I been referred back nnH tnnh' between the board of works and ; council. Exnpn.T.'B bkIpH tnr ti.n I Iced Tea Can Be! Make tea double strength and while still hot pour into glosses filled with cracked Ice . . . Add sugar and lemon to taste. inese films are in Technicolor, I and of the best in 18mm pro duction. (202c) j $125. Mr. Stewart will attend the meet on his holidays. The Reliable and ' Prompt Service You Know PHONE For Repairs and Alterations Kv 58 ! PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed-,, PROMPT SERVICE CHANDLER'S STVDtO ; 210- 4th Street "Box 615 ! Phone Grern 383 , Prince Rupert J cardboard boxes should be broken down and tied In bundles and garbage cans provided to take care of refuse now being put In -boxes. Meanwhile, at the garbage dump, a runway will be buil'. for private dumping and rat poison will be purchased and applied under supervision of Sanitary Inspector Edward Bradley. I, ii Kill ft A i Lot sales Mr. and Mrs. Ralph De Coursry I and children sail on the Union steamer Camosun on their return their home in Springfield, Oregon. Mrs. DeCoursey was the former Miss Eileen Hamblin and they have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Llnzcy for the past week. GK DAWES ITIONEER n 810 and Red 127 Smith &E!kins Ltd. Sale of lots 41 and 42. block 1 section 2, for $800 to Mrs. Bess N. McBroom was approved by city council last night. P.O. Box 274 r'ii it., advertise 1 If you want li STARTING 9 AM WEDNESDAY UITS ATS DE1ESSES JERSEYS, CREPES, CHECKS, PICKO and CRISKAY , Sizes 14-24-48 Regular Value $22.50 : ON SALE AT ' $7.95 BLOUSES All Sizes and Colors I Reg. Value to $5.95 Back To School Special $2-95 Gabardines, Glen checks Worsteds and Plaids Reg Value to $55.00 All Colors and Sizes Back to School Special $7 7 -.50 ALL COATS REGARDLESS OF COST TO CLEAR AT $2500 I 1 t I SWE ATERS THING SUITS Re9 Value to $8.95 ! I PANTIES Regular Value $1.00 ' SALE ZlOf SPECIAL A SPEriAi CARDIGANS Regular to $7.95 CLEAR " SCCDE5TS PLAIDS,' CHECKS and GABARDINES 100 WOOL ' 7 Sizes 14 to 44 Regular Value to $9.95 I Back to School Special $1.95 TO CLEAR SLACKS Gen Checks v c9ular Vauc to$9.95 SLIPS In Pink, Blue, Yellow Black and White. All Sizes. Regular Value to $5.95 Back to School Q JD SPECIAL PULLOVERS r . Regular to $5.95 9 f School $4.95 $1.95 TO CLEAR I Vl-ON HOSE The above and many moce specials are on sale Wed.oesdcy Morning at f Gaugc Sub Standard NYLON HOSE Regular Full Fashioned Back to School -f Q SPECIAL IJ $1.59 ANNETTE: AAA!