PRQVINCIAL -lOVirJCIAI. LI32A37, LIpRARY 113 163 ICTCSIA, B. C. ORMES IT IRI4. R. c DRUGS site DAILY DELIVERY Phone 31 I NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published ot Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XL, No, 202 . PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1951 price FIVE CENTS K,ijiojHiMIL!!!i2 - .. . 1 MURDER TRIAL NEW UNIFORMS i m jt JkXx? "Sky If" ... , - - 1. 4rr" UN SAYS EliS SGM OWW PLANE m BOAAB-KAESONC K U4 IV- V. , 4 rM Li- S .1 I If IN: . :n . u New Offer by Reds To Renew Truce Talks Beer Price To Jump- 15 Cent Glass Ratepayers To Answer At By-Elections TOKYO (CP) The United Nations command s j i : W v I 4 ' ' I Of ' ',1 VICTORIA. Beer will 1 to(lay charged the Communists sent one of their own j Whether or not the cost more, but a second; planes through the motions of bombing Kaesong last British Columbia Power ! glance will show it's net! Wednesday and then blamed the allies for the attack.! Commission will be asked 'quite so sorrowful as all! 7116 Reds have offered t0 rfHto investigate the assets n U6 that. There are a few con-i ! cessions to modify the! i situation. I COURT MARTIALPte. Glen Roland Blank of Winnipeg, h'j: :c.'i-(l fcy WO. Noe! Woolfson of Kaniloops, B.C., right, br.s a ' t martial In Seoul, Korea. Pte. Blank is one c i-i charged wi'h murder of a South Korean ,: hit i- escort Ft. Lawrence Chri:ten&vn of Tyndall, (AP PHOTO) rates of the Northern allied command - would admit !and that one of its war planes last i B.C. Power Co. Ltd. here Wednesday bombed the neutral ... , , , , conference site of Kaesong. I W'Ul depend on voters next Reds broke off the stalled ' month, talks early Thursday. They! charged that an allied plane Frince, Rupert city eouncl tried to "murder" Comunmist Passed at mollon I,1"4 nif lfhat delegates by dropping explosive! b?-deS himK onrt fior ieiiioH oallniir,. : lne ratepayers .t at oy-eiecuons r 1 K3 1 I 7th Crash In Alaska Takes Four ANCHORAGE, Alaska (CP) Four persons were tions- By the elass, beer Is Jumping: i'rom ten to fitteon cents. But it ! is fully expected and its here the soothing touch comes in ! there will be an extra half-ounce ; In the galss. The size of the I glass, in 1939 was reduced to j Vi-ounces .It may now return Tougher Policy By US to India near their quarters and then j SePtcmb 13- strafing the area. Aid. George Casey called the 'THE "NEW" FORCES Uniforms lor the women's divisions of the three- services are shown together at the Canadian National Exh.bition, with appreciative male colleagues as an audience. The new Navy uniform, centre, Is here shown for the first time. ' The girls, left to right, are: Airwoman Mary Lou Martin, Wren Gay McAuley and Pte. Betty Harvey. (CP from National Defence) ghway Communists broadcast their , motion, with reterence to a pro- j new offer. Allied liaison officer I pesed power rat? hike requested , WASHINGTON (CP) India's to the ciiit-onces. Brewery 1 was scheduled to pick up a mes- i by the power company in spring. evator killed anrl two senonslv sage presumably the offer- ! boycott of the Japanese peace i workers and beverage room dis- i ' treaty conference may bring pensers have made application ! about tougher U.S. policy to-to take a strike vote, said one I j ward her and backfire on U.S. , official. , I . . . , , . , later today at Panmuniom, near injured today in a crash Kaesong. luitMK,, HiijBiaiiio. "r-eopie nave got to realize that 0f an Alaska Airlines A spokesman at Gen. Matthew ad Line i backer of the aid programs, said j ounces of beer for ten cents to- ! Iloat plane during take- Tokyo said the allied com-i today he fears there will be a ! day off at Seldovia. mander was ready for any eventuality. Communists can either con-1 Houses? Perhaps, But $60 a Month SPECIAL MEETING WEDNESDAY If a three-government housing project is suo It was the seventh fatal avia . j "lot of repercussions." vsollltnms commit- Key state department officials till' Chamber of iaili ln(lla-'' denunciation of the tion accident In little more than All Out For proposed treaty seemed to fol ill draft "IY0 low the Soviet line and gave ; Landing Strip i..n urniiur the coii-;1'10" tne Muc,ow ,p,T; p ! R.inda drive apparently aimed at I lmproVi'llU'llt of j wrecking treaty negotiations. ' FLASHES S50.000.000 TO TITO WASHINGTON (CP) Iniled States, Britain and France have agreed to provide fifty million dollar; in economic aid to Yugoslavia to suppjrt Marshal Tito's "contribution to security of the free world." Aid will be furnished in next six months. FXPI.OKKRS SAVED ABERC RAV E, Wales (CP) rhain of 85 men pulled two explorers ti safety last night from a flooded underground Welsh cave Where they bad been trapped for three days. The explorers were unhurt. The two men had been prisoners since Saturday morning, deep Inside a cavern under Welsh mountains near here. a month in Alaska. More than anvt'hine ' ..w d , thev " 8 70 dead Z ZL are or mUstng in the I string of accidents. j The Reds ,n thelr 0erj de ( The latest plane to crash was manded allies re-investigate the a Travelair which operates on Kaesong bombing Incident Gen. i a shuttle flight between Homer Rldgway already had rejected I and Seldovia. i their charge as fake and. fraud.! Dead are: ( "There is yet no indication as( Pilot Tex Hickersorv Mrs. Jack to the nature of the reply Gen. I ! cessful in Prince Rupert, rents will probably be $60 a- V,. li' K, If, nin'mr ,,.;( t.' A A 32-man 32-man Soviet Soviet delegation delegation, owing tOicd by Deputy Forel((n Mlns,erl An all-out , campaign , , for pro a month or higher. 1 Andrei Oromyko, arrived In New visinn of an air strip at Tugwell Island was stressed last evening by Lmi's Frlsenlhal at Prince ally increased vol-f trai'l'ic lietwi'fiv Following newly-opened level government negotiations York aboard the Queen Elizabeth today en route to the peace Edelman and her son, Jackie, Ridgway will make to the latest I Y 1 rt'ipcrt Chamber of Commerce ' Kith of Rriiinvia lor Prince Rupert housing, city and' Johnnie Communist letter," the informa-' tirnI'L'C and Prin(ejcun'ernce ..The parley opens September 4 in San Francisco, niectin. Alex. tion officer said. !L B , council last 'Light' read a wire I from Resources and Develop- I "Cities without an air strlo are I ment Minister H. H. Winters in-I dicating these rentals. being by-pa.ssed in the modern age. Air service is a daily necessity and the lack of a strip for iund planes to serve Prince Rupert is handicapping the de- Radicals Start Forests Burning And the federal jrovernmrnt wants to be sure that there I'l'Aav siitmid be re-aid ::h!:it rrews en-' n; lit .t .m the rood. ns aii be prepar-i.iC: n with the need II.? VAi-n elevator, and !'f Ria.ii moved west- Jobs Daughters Tour New York will be enough people who will want to rent on that basis, to warrant a housing project. eV ' " ' --if - 1 I - i ' i V1CTOR1A Authorities In Nel-i veUipment of the city and corn-son have proof that radical i munity. Doukhob'jrs are responsible f or Eve mPM sll()uld be vm HOUSING MEN HERE ' rernlar month-1 havlnK s,al nrce ,ar "rc ployed to convince the authon- Meanwhile, J. E. Brown pro BC Newsmen At Arvida 4 vincial housing representative. f tli- I'iuhv Riinrrt ' 1 "? ',' llr' ot the -crying need ' for the u-ctra nuiirr mp n I, mil. WTiirp . .. . ... , . and T. B. Pickersgill, regional ot Cnmiirref lust rvvti- By ALEX MITCHELL ' NEW YORK. Before leaving New York, each girl of the Job's Daughters team was presented with a blouse length of celanese crepe manufactured here from pulp delivered by Columbia Cellulose Co. Ltd. " esatousnrneni 01 an airsirip im- the toll of heavy property losses. midiately," he stated. and the tfforts of thousands of workers. Twenty-three fires are TI'OWF.I.I. BEST still burning in the Nelson re- In the discussion, before the Central Housing and Mortgage Corporation supervisor, arrive here Wednesday to meet council in a special session. f 1 ' - H , fe-jaiA: A .fc.iat V l U.iJ iUrvi-y chairman of 1 he a Cciinmitiee, reported mutter of having the 'i 'it Transport remove 'n i he luadhne area taken up ugain with 'rifles gion. None are very large, how- hearty indorsation of the reso In a. telephone conversation Ititi'in, the question of other lo ever, and all remain under with City Clerk R. W. Long. Mr. Brown had hinted at a "changed at Prince Rupert. The presentation was made at a banquet yesterday, consisting cations being suitable was mentioned. Metlakatla, Port Edward and Digby Island had been con proposal," Mr. Long told council. ri,r! By ALEX HUNTER ARVIDA, Quebec The soft white powder alumina was seen Monday by British Columbia newspapermen being converted into 95 per cent pure aluminum at Alcan's nt this, in New Loans sidered but the most suitable of a French dinner at Bonat's, ln.-!iMted truffle "iieratiuiu of the Defence Course Candidate To be Chosen following a tour of Manhattan; and most economical was the site at Tugwell Island. A gravel strip was entirely sat Co. and Al- VICTORIA It. has been an-ta;1"n'i at Kitimat, nounced here that the govern-I n I her weight on i ment will be prepared to make NEW B.C. COMMANDER Col. J. E. C. Pangman, 43. of Toronto and Kingston, Ont., has been promoted brigadier and will take over command of the British Columbia Area later this nunth. He succeeds Col. E. C. Brown, acting commander. Until recently. Brig. Pangman was senior Army officer on the directing staff of the National Defence College at Kingston, Ont. tCP from National by boat. Other placea visited Included Radio City Music Hall where the team was thrilled to see a "' the Department , loans to British Columbia munl- isfactory for all types of planes likely to be used on this run and "rt fu This ! Performance of Show Boat and Prince Rupert's civil defence ! huge plant here, committee has been asked by This is the operation which rclaxation le-' clpalitles at low interest rates, 1 this t: become effective at once. at all times of the year. tne wui m-iaiuuua xiut&eia. Th nartv mot onH rnva tl v I cit.v ennnrii whether it wishes to ! will be paralleled on a smaller Quonset Huts Blossom At . Alcan Site Accommodation for Alcan workers and their families' is being pushed could be made at Tugwell Island. The agencies to whom representations should be made " v"- were " ' 1 received by Miss Lois Stevens !SUDmit a candidate for a three- icale?' K!"!"at near FrlnCe ' i ti t i.i., . rtUDcri m iyo. considered. E T.' Applewhaite.l" I " Amnrlrtnn .nlnn..A r.n-nn-n week civil defence course to be; Xll nhases of ooeration were pes Rage Through M P., was asked to use all his "m"w v'V"'.cf" vu, held at Ottawa from Sept. 24 to i seen from the mixing of alu tion. who were hosts. luce to get results. Mr. Apple- Departure for Toronto and the CNE was made last night. Oct. 10. mina and cryolite by electro- Maj.-Gen. C. R. Stein, civil I lisis. through precipitation of defence co-ordinator for B.C., I aluminum after separation from offered the course to a Prince , oxygen, to the finished poduct Rupert candidate In a letter to ; of ingots, pigs and bars of van- jorest; Logger Dead Murder Trial Transferred To Vancouver ious shapes and sizes for export city council last night. to rolling mills of the world. Council referred the matter to The Arvida plant ships alu Would Throw Hand Grenade the committee, but Aid. Darrow : minum to 20 countries. Gomez was dubious. whaite felt that he had done all that he could, but would certainly continue to stress the vital Importance of an air-strip for the development of the city and' community. He urged the Chamber to contact other individuals and groups to bring pressure to bear upon the departments responsible. NOT FOR DEFENCE Presumably the Department of Defence was not Imprssed with the need for such an air strip so that representations would need to be continued, he said. Monday afternoon the news- Vancouver Island Camps Wiped Out WOUVKU (CP) Forest flames, swept by 'an-hoiu- wind, cut a path six to seven miles tnicroft Island, Monday. A logger is dead, Ktrnig operations are wiped out and 70 women ''hen had to be evacuated from camp. I Crarrnft. Ixlanri is at the "The defence committee was men visited the Alcan port of formed more than a month ago Port Alfred, a short distance and we've only had one meeting, down the Saguenay River. Here, It doesn't look very promising. I ! an averaee of three shins a day SEOUL 0i One of three Canadian ' soldiers charged with murder testified today that he on this Pr0Posal. from British petroleum Guiana, nf winning ... hp ws ,minr tn ! ahead fast, in connection (with the concern's devel-i opment in north-central British Columbia. More than $800,000 worth ' of ! quonset construction is 'already under way. j A contract to provide -140 quonset buildings has been : awarded to a Vancouver firm, i Keystone Industries Ltd., -by ' Morrison-Knudsen Company of Canada, major contractors on 1 Alcan work. The huts are to be 1 used for camp accommodation ; for approximately 1500 men for j offices, warehouses, workshops, staff dwellings, recreation bmid-j lngs, as well as a church, a the-1 atre, a hospital and aircraft I hangars. j Most of the structures are I supplied with prefabricated in throw a grenade Into the farm VANCOUVER P Trial of Wilfred Stanfill Young, charged with murder of Sydney Ferguson at Ocean Falls in June, today was ordered transferred from Prince Rupert to Vancouver fall assizes. Change was made because most witnes.-'s liva in Seattle. Young's counsel said his clent Is without' funds to pay expenses of taking witnesses to Prince Rupert. northeast corner of Vancouver ,Se Weakens Island uhpro fnrpat. firps have be named is Sept. 1. City Clerk j from Greenland. The same ships R. W. Long advised that if a j load aluminum and other prod-candidate would be chosen, he ucts. should be one who would be se- The par.ty arrives at Montreal lected as a future co-ordinator ! Wednesday, following a visit to K)N "A weakness has taken heavy toll In last three ln the bridee grrn.. Weather F'A Klv,,r, according to ! The logger was killed when I here "if the committee wants 'the Shipshaw power develop- house in which three South Korean soldiers were later found dead. Private Donald Mitchell Gibson of Ottawa told the Canadian general court martial trying Blank, that he had heard the Winnipeg private shout outside tine farmhouse, "I'm going to throw a grenade." "Gibson said that he told Blank, 1 "ave been driving struck bv snas as he and other one.' 1 ment. ' lb "touglit the trouble 'workers were trying to save 11 '"'1' Piers. An ; vnlimhlo maehlnprv His nnniP is Synopsis Cloudy unsettled weather persists over the southern portion of British Columbia today ln the !'n 's commencing wake of y e s t e r d a y's storm Rocldiffe Ice-Wagon? First Rain in Three throughout this drought stricken j "Don't be a fool, don't throw it. being withheld pending notification of next-of-kin. The blaze was brought under control and then it ran wild as 50-mile-an-hour gale swept the Island. Property damage will amounj to thousands of dollars. N TO RENT Blank, 27, is on trial for gren Months ade killing March 17 of Lieut. Chong Sung. The three Canadians, members of Princess Patricia's Cana cfcool Teachers sulated metal chimneys. The complete buildings are packaged and shipped by barge from North Vancouver to the Kemano and Horetzky camps. Units to the Tahtsa Lake area will be shipped in the same form to Burns Lake. ,, , ., ',r,lie Places area. Dciased shower activity and high temperatures is expected in this region 'tomorrow. Forecast Over the northern sections of the province the weather is expected to continue sunny today and tomorrow. I VANCOUVER P' Rain the weatherman wasn't sure. Rain- dian Light Infantry, are being tried separately. Oibson, 22, and I first heavy downpour for 90 days making crew, which arrived here ; Pllskeri,(D. ,, in some districts hit the British from Ottawa, 10 days ago, seeded i Private Alan Roy Montgomery Davis. 24, son of a Vancouver ' asked to co-thls '"gent matter. Phone any Vacancies CIS to fifVi I couver. "Wv; thought wrong," he said. "A cold air mass from the north mixing with warmer moist air here plus maybe ice-wagon caused rain." ( Meanwhile, Prince Rupert residents enjoyed the second hottest day of the summer ln temperatures of 73. Hottest day was June 5 ftith 74.) - TIDES- Wednesday, Aug. 29, 1951 . i Pacific Standard Timei High 12:10 17.0 feet 23:50 18.8 feet I."W 5:47 5.0 feet 17:53 8 9 feet. North coast region clear and l physician, are to face a court warm today and tomorrow. Wind martial later. Davis told court northerly 20. Lows tonight and j he recalled drinking beer at a highs tomorrow Port Hardy, 50 , party at camp the night of Columbia mainland Monday .It clouds in Vancouver and the! started shorUy after noon, taper- Fraser Valley during the day. ! ed to a drizzle and then came Cloud conditions were just right i down almost like a cloudburst. ! for dry-ice seeding, a govern- i The "Rockcliffe ice-wagn." ment meteorologist reported. RCAF's rainmaking plane may The weatherman had forecast! DEAD CITY , ; Singapore was uninhabited tor-almost 500 years after rt was destroyed by Java invaders In H 442. a and G.r: Sandsplt, 55 and 65; March 17 and recalled going onj I teep ride. Prince Rupert, 48 and 68 hsvp been responsible but the 'a storm 100 miles east of Vun-; jthe middle 14th century.