I f .,.f, . 1 '' V . Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday, August 28, 1951 the tun?smith of the songs "On. biq Car Tlie Plvli'ra," ,,Hamy Ending" BollovoU the and "Rhythm of a New Ro- cut-stone, a 80 ?''r'!l mancc," which also are featured-welching' ivm . in the film. ruins 0f .SiJ?n Like Father Strings for Like Son KaYe 1....... '., v I WALLACE'S DEPARTMENT STORE ml .J V , i I "J Tail I V IHTHnuv nrv. SOMEWHERE IN KOREA. i Zany Danny Kaye turned pup-THe Reids, servini? with the 25th pet fur one of the big musical Canadiali Infantry Brigade Ord- scenes h his latest Twentieth nance Company in Kuiea, look Century-Fox Technicolor extra- alike, and probably vaganza. "On the Riviera, no at the Totem Theatre, in wnicn -MfcU - ELEANOR Pabv 7 - 9:00 in "VALENTINO" www WWW mM Jun K EAGLE n HOWARD , t alike, speal speak V"fc '' tiunk alike f ,J " fa.rseant- A wiUi 1,1 the -Major Fred O. Reld ne co-stars witn lovelies oeut. mobile bath and H'rnry aau ormne .... . ... . , - i ..I T .1. aunu.y unit and frivate rea wormng wnn a troupe ui jatik C Keul, Ins son, is in tne sPare Cole dancers, Kaye and the crew parts section ol the company. perform a number enlill.'d, '"e lhe PuPlt." and actually The two were together once 1. ... .... ,.!, v-h 1 ,o...i are suspended by ropes' like El - f 'I f ' REMODELING SALE Storewide Clearance WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE and "Pinoc- tn the ordnance comuanv at "Wowdy Doody cnia. Moved In tempo fuVnished by a ninety-piece orchestra, Dan- iort Lewis, Wash., after joining ihe Kpe-iai t'orce. Fred Sr., a permanent forze - V - . nys aclioll!i wert controlled by kick out man, received quite a aaacBaBBBaiiBBi ot having his stui in Ordnance. II.. ,.,rt t.. i.. L,, i,lt, (1 a system of counter-balance , , . ,b ... "' ou" "r weights to operate the ropes and ESHIEITIO:i. iSiTORS Defence Secretary George C. Marshall of the U S , left-, chats with Anothony Eden, former British loi(i:.;n minis' after tlvj official opening of the Canadian National Exhibition in Toronto. Gen. Marshall was the firs: . lauiuuy unit even oy caiiuiB i"r ; ,rf,1Pm perlormers. Th The Pnlltnp routine, seen Captain A. M. liu:all,s sails by1 the U.S S. Camosun for Vancou- I ver this afternoon. i Inm bv lumi', but young Fred 1 on the screen for a total of foui moved into the spare parts ! minutes, was dreamed up by American t.! officially open the "Ex." 1 CP PHOTO 1 1 Director Walter Lan who heard If you wxnt to sell It, advertise GORING Nelson Again NELSON More dam:ig. similar to that which happened in the Nelson di.-.inet months aeo has been reported. This includes the dynamiting of telegraph poles. 1 '7,y Am USTINOV However, at 18 he was too Danny humming the tune on ;yti!ig and returned to Canada, iiie set. later joining the Active Force, j Mrs Kave Sylvla F!nPi 1 ilien.- a.i he- was completing 'composecl the tUne of "Popo the basic traimriK. a call for volun- PupM.r originally to entertain ! leers came up and he stepped ; their three-year-old daughter. forward. Dena. The prolific Sylvia was RADIO DIAL 12-40 KUweiea cm .C-li'ny CAPITC1 j wnen tney are alone relation (hiil.jer t u Change) TLESDAY P.M. 4:00- Sunshine Society 4:30 Tall Tales 4:45 StocK Quotations & ."',;) . : .".at li'iud Copily. Vjr Bill r.'I-irt-in Siims lilt PRODIGAL SONS CALGARY fP Arthur Peter-ton. 13, and his brother Roy. 13. decided to leave home and head for the UniKd Slates. The next day. just when police started to organize, a search, they returned home. Alter heading in the wrong direction, they had changed l.hvir minds. 7: 15 -CHC News Roundup 7:30 Leicester Sq. to Broadway 8:00 Club Date B:15 -Fish. frosh and Fowl 8:3:)- T7iane 9:00 T.B.A. U:30 Continental Varieties Hi '.."J CUC News i():10 - Cnc-Ncws 10:15 Let's Find Out i'j:3o Adventu:es of Richard Hanney 11:00 - Weather Report Fish Arrivals WEDNESDAY A.M. 7:00 -Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:10 Here's Bill Good 8:15 Morning Song B:S0 MornhiR Devotions 8:45- Little Concert 9:00 -BBC News & Comtj. 0: 15 Mu.su: lor Moderns Chop liuoy - Cliow Mem Open 6 i m. - 3:30 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE "'or Outside Orders Phone 13S ship slips into an easy familiar ! Dad'' and "Son." But when j others are pre.sent conversation I is strictly military. I Hockey, Canada's national came, will find both Reids .hanging over a radio or newspaper lor the latest game results. Both have played the game, Fred Sr. with the Army Leasue belore the Second World War i and young Fred with the junior ; leagues in his home town.' 1 Recently Fred Sr. came in for ja bit of kidding from his son Itthen the mobiie bath unit was I TODAY "UAMBLINU HOISE"""' JaiW k 7-8:20 p.m. . "COMPANY SHE KEEPS" Jr 2:ffSTARTS TOMORROW! ! to RHTtr Kt J tht aU ,nd ,ihu V never fairer... the fun and Jl!) SU , ? fti!rl, Canadian Amateur Goif t. January I m t, : : 1 : a u Review I.yiivMl Lady CB'J News .Sa,-:).-i' tii-.-en.Mle Ilavi-.uian Melodies - :.lo;ni. :,:o:ai.. in in M;wi.: M;wi.: -CKC News News 5:30 5:43 5:55 0:f-0 6:15 6:30- I ! i.w-CHC ! i ! fl-ld -Rtmrisn KnrMinHo oUs-Your Music Appointment If washed h"? ral,us and part away. 0:59 - Time Pianal "Dad had iitst finished re 1 pairing tlie washing machines ' when the liood came,", chuckled j in iiiltii l iif I lie i:iH I IN!I Fred Jr. "AU his work was for nothing." 10:00 Morning Visit l'1: 15 M. irninB Melodies 10:30 This Week's Artist 11:45 Invitation to the Walt;: 11:00 Man and His Music 11:15 Roundup Time 11:30 Weather Report 11 :31 Message Period 1 1:?3 - Recorded Inlerlude 1 :45 Scandinavian Melodies xounjj Fred manages to seel his father regularly once a week. a y ' i ' '..-I mm wa m m f M t m k Heides a ration truck up to the ' ' lit- -i,. . .. . . t , . . . ' i- sr n, .'J- ' - ...,.L - j - t, m - , T -....- J.t r' Hi-,,,--... - ' rti v - "' , . . 't ' ; V J! " .: ' 1 1-1. ' v ir - V '5. unit which operates near the troops. "We 4aik about home, Niag-ara-on-the-I.Ke. Ontario, mo.,'.-' ly," suid Fred Sr. "I have two daughters and another son. We T1 M. 12:00 M:d-Day Melodies . 12:15 CBC New 12:25 Program ites.im: have lots to talk about." m I !12:30-B .C. Farr.v Broa 1 jar.t ! 12:55 Rec. Int. to. Uil. Theatre Bookings i Following is a list of bookings i at. the Totem Theatre for September: t I Sunday midnight, September -te(auik.ll 9 O m HnMl TOTEM 2 1 :00 -The Concert Hour 2 -00 Fasy Listenins ' 2:30 Records at Ramloni 2:45 - S111111HT Picnic. Conily. 3:00 Music Box 3:15 Don Messer and His Islanders 3:30 Let's Look Around' 3:45 Announcer's Cho'ce 1, i, 4 Biue Lagoon," Jean Sot. A Famous Players Theatre Simmons. Donald Huston. A' 1 ! L'i -t 1 September 5. 6 "Molly," Gertrude Berg. Philip Locb: "Star Spangled Rhythm," all star cast. Yes, when you drive up here you're pur-ting your cor In expert hands. Our attendants have had years of experience and training in proper car care. They know what you need they have what it takes to keep that, car of yours in "new" condition longer. Drive up here, today! September 7. 8 "Excuse My Dust," Red Skeltoh, Sally twenty years ago In Prince Rupert EXPORT Fire King Oven-War mirror t finish easy to da fttfW(f(H 'lK 7 EXPORT CANADIAN WHISKY PIE PLATES MEASURING CUPS MEASURING PITCH! BAKE PANS CUSTARD CUPS UTILITY PANS September 10, 11, 12 "As Young as You Feel," Jean Pet- ! ers, David Wayne. September 13, 14, 15 "The Frogmen," Richard Wldmark, 1 Dana Andrews. i September 17, 18 "The Guy! Who Came Back," Paul Douglas,-! Joan Bennett. September 19, 20 "Return of the Frontiersman." Gordon Mac-Rae, Julie London; "Great Jewel Robber." David Brian, Marjorie Reynolds. September 21, 22 "Cariboo Trail," Randolph Scott, Gabby Hayes. - Thompson Hardware Co., Lt August 28, M31 Retail Merchants Association, with president John Bulfcvr in the chair, had as their guest their candidate for the beau'y mieen contest at the Fall Fair, Mis:- Pauline Furness. at the din-r. r meeting last night. HarcHon had a most successful f'ower show and a sports pro-prirn fallowed by a cmcert at ' night. Flower judges were Mrs. ORMES SUPERIOR Auto Service Ltd. Bus-well and S. S. Phillips of Smithers and W. H. Tobey, W. E. Funnell and Jack Frew of Prince Rupert, B.C. , beptembcr 24, 25 "Pa.ssage West," John Payne, Arlene Whe- lan. September 26, 27, 28. 29 'Captain Horatio Hornblower," Gregory Peck. Virginia Mayo. 1 II C III1IIISII IIIS1ILLLRY GO. LTD NIW WISTMINSTIR, I.C. Thts advertisement is not published or displayed Jlio li'iucir Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia .tf?$-.m The Pioneer Druggists Chai'.-s Caird, a paralytic patient of the Prince Rupert General Hospital for twelve years died last night. Prior to his Illness he had been mate on vessels belonging to the Canadian Fish and Cold Storage. MV Dagncy; master Dave L. Murdvy, from Ketchikan had three carloads of canned salmon for transshipment over Cana aiun National Railways to eastern points. (mm amm ) "li- ' ' PHONE 81 DAILY NEWS CLA-iaiFliUJAnVERTIdEMENTS BRlNO" ' VW PHOTO WRATH A LI'S , FINISHING DEVELOPING. PRINTING ENLARGING EXPOSURE METERS AMATEUR SUPPLIES Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltri. for Oxygen, Acetylene and all welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 'Ind and Park Avenues Est .010. Phones 60 and 68 STEAMER Prince Rupert lax 478 1 1 I'liiinc rerr 136 I 111 W ,V"r 1 rr--, MMSsx RIGHT 7 i SAILS FOR Vancouver THIS WEEK SPECIAL Good Selection of : v. MODERN and Intermediate Port:.1 Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Luxury at Low Cost For Reservations Mac Construction Company LAMP, COFFEE and OCCASIONAL TABLES li! IllllSjl ajOKD(3!Gf : is a wise investment, In terms of family health and home economy. Call Blue 846 PI I IMKtkin m Ti"vnr " l at Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. WILL DO YOUR JOB CHEAPER Roofing . . . Sidirg . . . Alterations Estimates Gladly Given Blue 182 I m& mmm asm GORDON & ANDERSC Saanic HEATING Third Avenue Yep Iradc-in allewani your DUNtOP DIALER lodoy