TODAY 6:51 -9 JEANNE CHAIN-JFW Told f,-.i, . llTUa IF' Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, October 27, 1951 JJotei Jrriru Is ' wi Sl'NUAY MIDNIGHT u,..TZT Letterbox '"11 MTi.7 GENE AUTREY 1 ' " RUPERT MEN'S AND BOYS' STORE A Complete FINE CHILDREN IILKE I DEFENDS CATHOLICS 'Editor. In ( T B(j j.. "SONS OF ) - NEW MEXICO" ( i,??LN! ! Il (Prince Rupert) J. Wilson, city: R, Hamilton and G. Miibuin. Vancouver; Mrs. Z. Wampler and son, city: W. H. Dodson, New York City; Mr. and Mrs J. Prescott, Prince George; W. H. McConncll, Terrace. Editor. , Daily News, Daily News: I hou,d like to take exception ! I stronR.y of Protestant's Man's ... u,a iattr in votir issue WATERFRONT - WHIFFS In the lirsl place, , October 25, signed "Now a Ru- Dally News no one Ls asKing lor pnvu'.B perlitc." . ,,j 'schools. For your information,; r Starts rAonday She stares mat, "" :lnni, it ,,D some time. Bad Roads Good For Tire Sales L ren'are "dirty, rough and luufin, ; Protesting Protestant says no U What accepted." a! mey hey ami arent . Hoinan Catholic peuple but; Slut V I'" " " . , t,.a u.t uirin Prmre tC Homan Catholic Church ! Wheat Movement to Prince Rupert Under WayHow Much Do, Fishermen Make? EuWrt! I'm sure if she wUI Just want -s private private schools scliuols. BURNS LAKE It has become a habit, nay almost a public duty to revile the roads of the inter- '-Tt'D nn ill . Did not your school teach you , ....i, ,.,,4 cl,.. u III find that the RIO HOT romonce ,Wot rock o New Orleon rig luu ; ... that chinch means congregation nnee nnee KUpeil Ulipeil And And Gcorge Gcorge and and Joe Joe Slcslngcr Slesingc.' Bit-' event of the week on the 1 i '", J "',' nea'thv mul well of people or sect belonging and $29.95 ! $39.95 j Either price includes: B 1. Choice from m 50 Suits 2. Any Adorn $7 Hot 3. Any Tooke S $5 Shirt ! 4. Any Curric B $1.50 Tie 5 Size: fiom 33 to 44 vvatertront-wheat v 4 !,., at .it the thu giain o-ruin citvaioi flpv;ltor have cashed In on it. A year agj : ; V j f,. "- vr.vhe the odd believing In one laitn f Aner an, armiriR tjre ( ; tnc schools are only asking a after ten Vears since the last had arrived and SIX seVeral years' standing in Burns ' 3e 0a, ,nai,v but they are "tile help which they are en- . . ii j.. 1 Lairs In a Hiiitriino sivtu fo ,ilu"-' . . ' ' - titled to the same as the Prot- e base Aon o s since the last had departed! until wen ioau -,hir- a wwehoS,; a i .TJ '"5 ? extant schools. year; Prince Paipei't should -he handling shipload 3 the back, customers' tires arei'"r ir children after an -I m el1 ovt;r 50 '''ars o!d sprintr. At inwt ha t a i'nti ujr "u:,wnirit,'s pntertainment., this is " - ?.".V4li v" J There will be full cargoes. of cra'n. j getting the political thumbscrews on, where any Catholic a gross exaggeration, I'm sure. do.-cn Un a? freighters-probably j I happen to nve on tigum ; . ,,tt ni,i,.(i in ii,,ntii al yard engine replied. For this was concern. an occasion. During his stay, it wa - clear that the thoughts of I EWES. England t Tiny a the okl man" were with the cat. always uses the bridge to haibor- it's beauty and spacious- ccs the tracks. That's because rtsi it's future in peace as well Ttnv stepped on a livj rail when as in delence. And it didn't c kitten. one per month are to load, destined for the Orient, the lirst to b.- here next month. This alone will give a welcome stir to the pjri dtis im the quiet fishing sca-s n. indirtcliy. out because of it, P hue uuiitit st-e oihti iienis of busii.-.vs. Twenty-five men went to work at the elevator this week as unloading of cars Avenue East, but the children in this neighborhood are not allow- ' D(J not CaUl,jhcs pay laxt.a JS ed on the street to play util I ProtestanU? they are three years old at least. Afer aU no matler wnat re. and then It is under the ver , to, a.l U.lun one belong we are watchful eyes of their mothers, j w.orshippiiiK the same God In Children are a problem all owr ! 0Uf Qwn wnU,h ls our own the city to the car drivers, 1 , business knew. But where are the child- a scnoo!s tallKht more re. ren to play, when there are no u (un jn lnb Uoubled world sidewalks, oxcept on the streets? , .. , b cn missed much of any si-.vm lie I HURRY ! ! HURRY! : HURRY! I RUPERT MEN'S age delinquency our cities and childish or teen as there is in fiKOul iit tmtTii ShowiT.?; How much money fishermen ! make in the course of a season is uncertain if one depends on them i to tell. It is simple enough to thing. ftinc of ocean gales. But for cold He spent a forenoon aboard a that g"ts under the skin, facing sternwheel river steamer cruis- the North Atlantic, and the ing the wide estuary of the waters off Labrador and New-Skeena. A holiday for school ioundland can give more than children was declared by no less ?:ie feels like accepting. The p vi-itor than the PM himself, eastern coast, from Maine to Labrador and Newfoundland, and the decV As he slowly paced bare headed, hands behind his certainly the Maritinres. is well represented m the fishing popu-of back, his gaze rested on a part lallon o Skeena. Its milder Canada he had never seen be- lore distant coast lines, sunlit here. I imagine that most people don't find Rupert is such a poor place to bring up children. If they did. there wouldn't be so many here. Recently we were vi-ited by the President of the B.C. Parent BINO CHObBY - JA.Nfc. VMtt : & BOYS' STORE : : towns. What Protesting Protestant knows about the Catholics could be printed on a postage stamp. Wake up, Protesting Protest- TODAY ONLY 7 9:05 p.m. ead the daily catches of halibut, in "HERE COMES THE GROW identify the boat and the price. . T-.i thi? wav. one can gain a rough ide? but that's all. For fishing n- J if K.. not tn a e IllU .M nrflc. fnrnsts ,H loftv Teacher Federation, who had ant. Why are you alrald to sign been touring the interior of B C. your name, for some time Shi- remarked j I say think what you like but that nowhere in B.C. had she : remember these words: "There 4 CASSI.Ml IX PORT Frank freighter now peaKS. healthier, better dressed ! is so much wrong with all of us 1G.airfi.fw2-iSa Cassiar. Capt, William Gleason, seen ROD CAMERON WAYNE M3SRIS -kh-wi 4 Age had overtaken Sir Wilfrid but he still had an accent, though slight. "A grand countray! A grand cointra," he remarked to readily. There are many little nit'ff tied up with the trade and hav nt a b"annc on finances that one does not think of. "I ckared two thousand dollars last summer." remarked a young fellow who devoted his energies to the salmon. And he raid it quite casually. arrived in port at 7:15 this morning from Vancouver and Is proceeding this afternoon to Watson Island to unload cargo for Columbia Cellulose before going children than she had seer, right I that it does not pay any of us to here in our own city, where she! talk about the rest of us. visited all the schools. That cer- GEORGE H. PAINE. tainly does not sound as though j we neglect our children, does it? ; If you want to "el. it, 8th AVE. EAST MOTHER I It, News classified. Starts - Monday to Wednesday $ lr, 'j' p "' on t;i Alice Arm, Stewart and Fo'k lore isn't unknown among, skagway. Southbound from Al-the f. shei folk, of Nova Scotia, j asltai tnp cassiar will again call Superstitions are by no means , a) Aijcp A-m and Stewart to load ojfoiete. The rocky, indented concentrates Coming north, the ;ea coast seems to breed myths, cassiar called at the Alcan oorts MICKEY TERR! A J $200 Weekly W.OTVRKrroNT Kl'SY If this is close to winter, the 'arm floes not look or feel that wav Th" waterfront continues active in this tenth month of the year for several good reasons. It of Kemano Bay and Kitimat Capt Gleason reported heavy weather at Kitimat with strong winds down the river valley. be summed up because n on in the mtei&$ AM2:kn i there is more going Whittling or spitting on a tish-ing ves;el is considered taboo. Ci if you wear mittens, be care-lul the color is not grey. If a rchooner is clocked on the east side of a wharf, it ftieans a profitable season. A black cat under s. basket can prevent a ship from putting to sea. Should a loaf of b .ad be turned upside down, it t ir-Wiliii'i'WW north. Cons'der KHimat f.; and the covering For selling electric clock refrigerator defrosters. Our electric clock instantly converts any home refrigerator into a fully automatic s:lf-defosting refrigerator regardless of make, size or age. For particulars write to: Defroster, P.O. Box 1275. Saint John, N B. With light list of passengers but heavy freight cargo, Union steamer Chiclotin, Capt. James Hunter, arrived in port at 1 p.m. ieht. Tire Utf'iU- iiUr both passenger and fre 3 KWHH OEKASKT H!llil' business created through the j'sterday from Vancouver and opening of the cellulose plant is worth while. No matter hew large or how small, anything in TOTE i:- not altogether Improbable that ! wavpolnts. The vessel sailed at the boat will not be upset. r r m or Masset Inlet points on : S the. Quern Charlotte Islands Distilled, Blended and c Bottled .in Scotland- SdW ol. bonle 1:ns adcru. nn'iit. ls not putDiisi,t-.l SHOW STARTS 7 p m. Last complete show at 8:20 p m. th" way of trade and develop' Eastern fisnermen were not i whence she will return here to- ! KAMOl'S PLiYtEs nl ment. not seen at Prince Rupert before, has its value. This is the long discovering that, once the , morrow evening southbound. or displaycU uy thp I.i.iuur contr. Govtrnmcnt ot Boiird ur by the British C-jlumbla. first winter since Watson Island Grand Trunk Pacific Railway took its place as the hub of a stalled running, changing to the major industry, and Prince Ru- Aett coast would have its advan-pert and its unrivalled harbor tages. It is true enough that cannot get. away from feeling the ' Brilirh Columoia and Alaska helpful consequence. j have their cool hours on blue : v.ater. One can feel U.e fiost and Waterfront service establish- - CPR steamer Princes. Louise. Capt. Hicks, is due in port at 3 o'clock this afternoon from Skag-wav and other Alaska points and will sail at 5:30 p.m. for Ocean Falls and Vancouver. t i taring for A FEW CENTS A DAY KEEPS INSECURITY AWAY Ladic m d 'jentlemen LING the tailor menus such as machine shops and boat repairing yards experience j continued activity at a tin:e of j I he season where in years gone hv they u.v. d to be almost closed vr. Now they are trying to catch ' n on the backlog of work which Ins been produced by the re-oi'iT m-nts of the new industries ' ' " ' "'- " J-1. 1 nil in i'" xth St 221) Si rhc-i" 649 : n'tded tr th ? increasing demands of the fish'ng industry what with ru-.v and expanded plants and i, mnrtrrn and up-to-date equipment which is being con ittamuuui ilriurllrni Always Leading With the Best in Watches MONAMEL 1 Jm stantly insiaiied. "We never had such busy times as these." said one waterfront service operator this week. "I don't know when we're ever going to catch up." WHEN I.ACRIEIt CAE High Gloss . Paint Best for- ALL I.aurier .-' one and only appear-; Prince Rupert was on a 4 funny September day away back HOMEWARD BOUND AW the tciml 'Mores hml from the " Our ship she sails un hioh at IM-Huzza, we're homeward bound ! For over a century Lamb's' NT- been the call of those who to cood rum. Smooth and mellow, " ... i l 1910. Surrounded by most of SiiA thr launches and small craft in port, and that meant scores and i Your Woodwork scores, the steamer Prince 0"o-:-e. th-n new and spotless, swept up the harbor. Her whistle echoed along the shores and a Representatives P.lchard Sepnton. District Agent. 475 Howe St., Vancouver, B.C. R L. Mortimer. Representative. Prince Rupert, B.C. Will Robinson (E. T. Kcnney Ltd.) Representative, Terrace, B.C. H. C. Webbr.r. C.L.U., Branch Manager, 475 Howe St.. Vancouver, B.C. matured, blended and doww Britain of the finest Dcmerara r '51 SUPER PIONEER A Liqht ONE-MAN SAW with a HEAVYWEIGHT'S POWER! Its endurance and dependability are "field-proven." .Whatever the Job. your '51 Sl'I'rit PIONEER takes it in Us stride. Some of the features lire: Dyna-Torque tingle cylinder engine Automatic clutch ai'r rewind starter Balanced design for easy cutting and currying Only 25 lbs. without cutting ' attachments. MONAMEL solves your DO'nting problem vherc vcu require a smooth, beautiful, durable finish. X THE BIST I qualityL e-3 Uaiab's Navy Si This Jvcnijcmcnt is nol publnhrJ ' Jl!!'la!d of Bra Comrol Bo.rd ot by ihc r,ov.niin: An old tt. io MO 'M A MIL I?, highly J rcsic.tan'r to acids, elkclis, alcohols., grecse stains and scratches. Easv to keep clean . . . it's scruhbable. MONAMEL is your most economical finish for all interior woodwork. CS,'N. Cutting attachments from 14" to 18' tfe.,';v Craftsmanship In Type... Let Us Solve m VANCOIVEK mail for full J Fill In and particulars: Your Printing Problems rilONE 234 use im tmim o on v" It Yi for Address Name . Dibb Printing Co. BESNER BLOCK SAWS IN ANY POSITION WITHOUT ADJUSTMENT See it today! We caiyy a full line of spare parts for all McCulloch Saws. AUTHORIZED SALES AND SERVICE MONAMEL 2.65 per quart Dav, I' icr Lowest Co! per Hour, Dealer: RUPERT MOTORS LIMITED Prince Rupert, B.C. BROADWAY 0 DUijE j Disi.: PI RVKS K. RITCHIE & SON LTD. 658 Hornbv St., Vancouver. B.C. NEED EXTRA MONEY? We nd an attractive irl who wants to make extra money in her home area on a full or part tim'. bafiiK. The one selected will be Riven a Iree beauty and sales course. Enclose recent snap and write for details from 827 Vancouver Block. Vaiif nuvfr, B C. Gordon & Anderson Phone 46 PACIFIC ELECTRIC Prince Rupert, B.C. Box 1399 Ph. Blue 992 BAyview 6161 VANCOUVER 9, l-C-