Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday. July 21, 1951 Enemies Allied Against Tod War-Painted Savages! 0 uled lummer cruises, she changes her run this trip with only one day at Skagway, Instead of two. From Bkagway, Chllcottn steam up north to Glacier Bay, giving tourists a first-hand looked at the most scenic glacier fields accessible by boat. fit Ni' WATERFRONT WHIFFS Prince George NOTES v'. w bt 'turn i LOW TIDES This being .the lowest tide season of the year, most ships docking in the forenoon look quite insignificant besides 20 or more feet of dock and piling. Seafarers not experienced with these big tides have asked why Trollers Getting Good Fishing Now A Third Steamer Cassiar for This Coast il.ll i.p.l.-nnmini nnlli i Thousands of dollars damae.3 j was done by a rainfall of cloud-I burst proportions which vlsltea ; the city a few years ago. It was one of the worst deluges in the 1 city's history. Hardly a home-! owne: was spared the sight of a i flooded basement or flattened ' garden. Telephones were silenced and homes darkened. Warnings of further sever? ; storms have been issued. Some of the best fishing yet this season has been experienced of late by salmon trailers, who are rack the docks are built so high in Prince Rupert. And one story ing up high totals in nearly all area and are blessing ( teiu of an inexperienced yachts- EVENING SHOWS 1 . J Committed For Trial Robert Woods To Go Before Assizes in September Robert Chapman Woods, 29, will stand trial in September assizes here on a charge of attempting to break into the Capitol Theatre early morning of July 3. He was committed yesterday by Police Magistrate W. D. Vance in police court after a preliminary hearing and intimated he would take jury trial. Crown alleged Woods was discovered trying to break into the theatre through a basement window. After a chase around the block, he was apprehended by a police offecer and searched. On the accused were found a steel chisel, and two steel punches, described by Const. Ross on the witness stand as "safecracking tools." Const. Ross, railed as witness by Crown Prosecutor Rod Mac man who docked here in tne late afternoon when the fide the dry weather for their success. .A'j'rKDAY MATINEES ! During the sunny weather, fish Girl's Summer Outdoor Wear j was well high, and went ashore, ownership, as well as name. She He had tied up tight to the bol-is in the north again, being lards and when he came back known as the Thea Foss, named In the morning to look at his for the founder of a Seattle little ship, she was high n' dry, launch and tug construction . straining against the cables company. It was upon her In- j wtiich all but parted with the TODAY JAMES STEWART in "HARVEY" 9:05 7 p. Cominq! Monday to Wednesday weight. C Sun Suits Swim Suits Tee Shirts Shorts Slacks Socks After thirty-four years' residence in Prince George, Mrs. W. H. O'Dell has left for England where she will make tier future home with a sister. A dentist has been added lo the Cariboo Public Health Unit. Dr. Douglas Yeo, honors graduate from the University of Toronto, has arrived. He will work through the area between Van -derhoof and Williams Lake. food rises to the surface and with it rise the coho, principal fish caught by .trollers during this svason. And one of the greatset runs of coho for several years combined with the weather to give fishermen this boost. So the trollers are having a regular "hay-day" with averages running to 1,500 pounds a day in the Seven-Mile area of Graham Island. Top catch of the year goes to Johnny Carpenter, who. with his troller Evian, un-lioaded 3,500 pounds of salmon dressed and cleaned in one ADDED FKATI'ti ' 7 p.m. and lli.lpc t 1 1 rflcrnni p at Sen fieri teresting history that tha well known "Tugboat Annie" stories and film were based. She is 120 feet long and was last in the north eleven years ago Union steamer Coqultlam docked yesterday afternoon at 2:30 on her regular trip from Van-cuover with 85 passengers and a full load of freight. Some 30 tourists are making the round Oh to bp young again! Tropics Stare have outdone themselves in fetching girls' summer wear. Priced right, too. RANDOLPH SCOT:" ( 1' NANCY KEm'f.:iV In . C "FRONTIER Kill! lllimiM mull ill BASIKART CORTESA IUNDIGAN rrirmi ji ill day, IIUU3L UN Mkl That may pay off, alright, says 1 trip to Masset and return to MARSHAU : Rupert Peoples I Store Vancouver. Twelve disembarked "it's a h of a lot Johnny, but ! t TELEGRAPH HILL .ti- ii Ku li t is 'r work, too. at Prince Rupert. They were: Miss M. L. Bird, Mr. and Mrs. J. But on the other hand, the dry! w. Brogan, Mrs. m. jonanson. To Vancouver (Friday) J. Woodward, S B. Esplev. B. Whu;. E. 8. Stewart, W. S. Noble, C. G. Ham, G. L. Carson, Giles Mackenzie, J. Stringfeliow, W. Robinson, W. A. Best. T. Tensong, O. Dinsdale. F. J. Uttlng. To Sandsplt (Friday) Mr. Carson, Mr. Burrough, H. D. Foster, Dr. Toucher, Mr. Hur-rop, J. 8. Wilson, R. Wiley, R. Heath. From Vancouver i Friday) -Miss Kennedy, Miss McLeo.1, Mrs. Pearoe, E. A. Young, V. Baker. B. Harris, Mr. McKernon, O. Fleming, Mr. Cross, Mrs. C. Starr. H. Christianson, D, Friz-zell. Mr. and Mrs. J. Kohlruss, M. Gray, J. Thorne, D. S. Watt. From Sandsplt D. Kendle, N. TWO KEATt'KES Last Complete Show Starts at :20 RADIO & APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE GAS AND ELECTRIC RANT.ES PACIFIC ELECTRIC Phone Blue 992 weathtr has put a crimp on gill- lurKnam, n. nix, mr. ana netting, due to closure of some of ! Mrs. E. Choquette, Mrs. E. Wol-the better sockeye areas. stenholme, Daw Hopkins an dauBhter' B Hangwud. Because spawning s t r e a m s ' have dried up. and soekeye are; sleamship Chilcotin milling around the the estuary p u west coas of Banks Island Ai is-, o,clock m yBn. tasabal Island and Prince Island .ver ,t ,M angers-all Prince Rupert D. Watts, J. Thorner, G. C. Wightman, T. Mackay, Capt. and Mrs. Hr Doiron, Mr. and Mrs. R. Newell, Mrs. C. L. Starr, L. Pooke, J. Smith, J. S. Graham, G. F. Boothby, Mr. and Mrs. J. Brogan, Mr. and Mrs. J. Archam-bault. W. R. Lewis, B. J. Boucher and Mrs. E. Wostenholme, Vancouver; F. Gray, Winnipeg; S. Thomas, Butedale; Mr. and Mrs. C. Pearce and Eva Kennedy, New Westminster; Miss D. Peterson, Bufedale. Mr. and Mrs. M. DavU,u Ing, W. A. Patterson, W J Jeflerey. Mrs. O. E. Hohson, Mrs. O. Aitkeu. To Vancouver iToilayi-S. O. Rtnpsfnrd, O. Colton, O. Mi-Kenzie, A. E. Janes. B. E. Blair, : round-trippers. Although this Is ; one of Chilcotin 's regular sched- H. Goltz, W. Krawchuk Seheeler, O. May, S R Floyd, L. Malella. have been closed for conservation purposes. Leod, said he heard the sound of breaking glass at about 12:45 a.m. July 3. The sound came from the lane behind the Capitol Theatre. Witness said he had just come off duty and was in the barracks. He looked out of a window and saw a man beside the basement window of the theatre. Const. Ross said he gave chase and finally aprehended the man after circling the block in pursuit. The man was Woods, he said. To Defence Counsel T. W. Brown, K.C., witness said he had not been dressed in police uniform but in civilian clothes. He had not shouted "Halt" or said anything to the accused before he was apprehended. RECEIPTS IN SAFE J. H. Black, manager of the theatre, said in tha safe of the office were receipts of Saturday, Sunday midnight, Monday matinee and Monday night's shows. Mr. Black said he knew the accused well and that Woods knew the interior of the theatre. The theatre manager said he had checked the windows and doors of the theatre after the last show Monday night . Everything was intact, he said. There had been a pane missing in part of the window which was broken. This had been nailed up with a piece of plywood, said the or f CNR steamer Princa Rupert,1 on her return southbound from Ketchikan Thursday, arrived here several hours late, due to an unusually large freight load for the Alaskan port. BAPC0 FLOOR ENAME NOISY WATERSPOUTS The Lion group of geysers In Yellowstone National Park erupt three times a day after Ladies and Gentlemen LING ( ! making a roaring noise. I Supplied in Ten attractive colors Dries in 4 hours the tailor f 220 Sixth St. Phone 049 Thompson Hardware Co. It: Frank Waterhouse freighter, i Yukon Princess, Capt. Angus i Campbell, arrived in port Thurs- j day following a call at Kltimat: wlrere she unloaded several tanks j for British-American Oil. Co. , Ltd., who are establishing a stor- j age depot there. At Watson Is- j land, 8 500 sacks of cement were i unloaded in two trips. The Yu-1 kon Princess proceeded to Skag- way with a major portion of her , cargo. Some 30.000 feet of tim- ber will be unloaded at the Alas- STEAMER Prince Rupert SAILS FOR Vancouver a. id Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. WancaaMltoiBqlbgfflxai) 9 If . . . You are a man of integrity You possess a better-than-averg education You are successful You are willing to study diligently You want to be in the "top earnings" group You like people and tbey like you it bci witness. The lock on the window Civic Centre DINING ROOM wishes to advise their patrons that they will be closed for staff holidays, had been secured from, the Inside by "spiking it' 'with a nail. Victor Welch, assistant mana For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Lvxury at Low Cost CITY OH DEPOT commencing Monday, July 23 for two week kan port, 194 tons of cement and a considerable amount of mining equipment. Returning, the Yukon was loaded with 3.000 oil drums (empties )at Skagway and 600 tons of concentrates at Stewart. Also at Prince Rupert, a carload of powder for Silvan Mines at Smithers was unloaded, 213 tons of coal and four 90-foot piles. ger of the theatre, also was called by crown counsel as witness. Mr. Welch said he knew the accused and had spoken to him briefly Monday afternoon. Woods had wanted to know if there was a midnight show Monday night. "There is no midnight show to RE-OPENING MONDAY, AUGUST 6 OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, For Reservations Write or Call B.C. night," Welch had said. Witness said he also had checked all doors and windows immediately A new steamer Cassiar is going Into service on the British Columbia coast. It is the Vancou- " - - Every after the last show Monday, iirmT-TTTrni and ver-built former China Cnaster- "about ten after eleven, had found them Intact. tvpr freighter Blue Peter II Glass had later been found I which Frank Waterhouso Co. rc- Occasio MODERN PLUMBING is a wise investment, in terms of family health and home economy. Call Blue 846 PLUMBING SAANICH HEATING "all over the inside" of the wash-! rently brought out frcm New-I room to which the broken win-1 foundland and which is now d?w led. said Const. Ross. Noth- going Into Burrard Dry Dock atj ing had been missing from in- North Vancouver for conversion! sid the theatre, both Mr. Black; work. The vessel, on her way to and Const. Ross said. this coast, called at a Virginia ' Accused had nothing to say. port to pick up a load of nitrates. A practical training course An Immediate income while training A personal interest in your success An employee benefit plan providing Retirement lncome, Group Life, Accident & Health and Hospital benefits. If you measure up to our requirements, we will certainly meet yours. To arrange for an interview write or telephone: birthday . Anniversary . . . . . Shower and Wedding . Cards and Wrappings AH under one roof Mr. B: own said he did not pro- which she discharged t James pose t .summarize the evidence. .RESTRICT CIRCUSES YARMOUTH, N.S. Disturb-"rt. by reports of gambling In :(im-j concessions of a circus that appeared here recently, town council voted to increase the maximum licence fee for circuses from $200 to $1,000. Dependable Auto Service troirnr mi ito Is'and powder works. The new Cassiar is the third of her name on this coast. First was a small passenger ship which Union Steamships operated many years atfo on the logging camp run out of Vancouver. Second Cassiar was the former Prince John which Grand Trunk Pacific Steamships (later CNSSi used for thirty years on the Queen Charclotte Island run until she was acquired by Union Steamships and re-named Cassiar. Incidentally, the second Cassiar Is now at San Francisco to which port she was recently towed from Vancouver for scrapping. Call 363 FOR ItETTEK . . . Planning Building or Repairing NEW TRUCKS IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY li C. F. DUNFEE.C.L.U. Branch Manager Royal Bank Building Vancouver, B.C. Telephone MArine 0421 1 I K(.0 3-TON SI'ECIAI. Hvavy Duty eguipnOT1 Tires, battery, radiator and crankcase . . . they need constant service, and I hey get that service here every time you drive up for gas! Be wise. Drive up here for exprrt service today and every day! ! . RtJin MM 152" 1 I AIM.O 'j.TtlN EXritESS I FAIUiO "j-TON EXPRESS with Fluid Drive ASK FOI SCOHAND'S FAVOURITE SON JOHNNIE WALKER SCOTCH WHISKY I" 'if!'; i) p If It SPECIAL (Hie 1!M! FAKCil) '..-TON EXPRESS with covered Willi wharves at Kltimat and Kemano Bay, new Aluminum Co. of Canada ports south of Prince 11 li ill! t&flf 1375 b K. li i:(.'llrnt, condition. Low mi!ca;;e Great-West Life ASSURANCE COMPANY MUD OFFICt-WIM NIPIC, CANADA Rupert, now In readiness, Frank Waterhouse Co. is about to commence a regular freighting service to those ports. It will be a ten-day service between Vancouver and Prince Rupert carried out by the motor vessel Island King which a couple of Rupert Motors Limited CHRYSLER. I'LYMOUTII, FARCJO DISTRIBUTORS KEEP IT RIGHT Inside and sW Out. fl DRIVE UP A AT Superior MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMITED Buililfi tit I un Ira rimi r, . r-Ljr vniiNc!ST BLONDlc Tha'.'i Wrtol Latinq Elmer! Dy ir i iv ten , fp r-,piOI $ ....miiiimiMhllMimiilni 1 I I'.'il'hlll llln.'.il hiinm. . i I ' i ij- h i ' 15 'nuiiyiiiH ipiipuiiliinr u 'ippi!lr l J & weeks ago made her initial call nt, Kitlmat. A coast fishing boat owner, -ete.- Ppuhkurinen, died recently from a hart attack, shortly after his boat, the Snark. ground-ft in a storm off the Columbia. Himself and son were taken from the Snark by a coast guard craft that, putting a line aboard, hauled the two through about a W look-mei b-1 MM Stm 1120- Stld Goini Stronl I . OMty fc"LM? LET'S V. KJOW POLL OVE 9 THAT'S ) j , f "k ll ' ( SEE HOW high OU ( GWT WORE- MCE r I; I NOW SIT UP ) CAN JUMP (tOP V . ' I f AND SAY - I. 9jpPte H , I' I I ,V please ) I m&H& um om mM$m Auto Service LIMITED 5tudebaker and Austin Dealers Third Ave. at Park. Green 217 hundred feet of water to safoty. Moving, Farfcing, Crating Shipping anil (general Cartacc and Storage Complete,' Reliable and Efficient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen, Acetylene and all wvlding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Est. 1910. Phone fit) and 68 Distilled, Blended ana Bottled in Scotland CmUbu om, OHN WALKER & SONS UD. Scotch Whitley Oilfiller KILMARNOCK. SCOTLAND As long ago as twenty years when the stage and screen star John Barrymore was on a bear hunt, the yacht, then called the I "Infanta" was in northern B.C. and Alaskan waters. She, was then his temporary home. Since jthen, the vessel has changed This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the ' Government of ' British Columbia. Mm '- - -; ' - - - - - --. r -- -f,:-. . -in-.,MaMMM,,M,.J. m SMMW