had developed a greater Interest Hunter VOUTR,, .. Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, April 12, 1951 J On publications, films, broadcasting ana advertising the fed in public affairs, doing much to Treasurer Mrs. Ella Farmer armer. i mftMTO: ." hue,. Executive Miss Audrey Ramirez 1 ICP eral government spent SC24.420 Biz - Pro Election i lend a hand where and wnen i needed. j Officers elected for 1951-52 ;were: Wrathall. Mrs. J. Bolton, Miss E. ""dent ln ,,2'' I Clements. Mrs. C. Laurie, Miss ! 0111 Urhrenit here soon resigned. They said the LOWESTOFT, Suffolk, England girls they were to teach preferred '(Pi Women who volunteered to N. McLeod and Miss Frances great '"ure f,, 1 dancing. teach cooking at a youth hostel spend about $6,826,301. President Miss Mary McMil (Crass. iMnUtarJ.r' lan. -Vice-President Miss Join After the election, the officers iular krehlterti ej, were duly Installed by the rs-i erica. ln.t.... Cross. Secretary Mrs Charlotte tiring president I biKmadeloflu,. SHIPS and PTERFRO BOAT ARRIVALS Disembarking from the Canadian National steamship Prince Rupert, Capt. William Eccles, which arrived in port at 11:30 yesterday morning from Vancouver, were O. Hoey, L. Donald, W. LeClair, A. Brandon, W. J. Simpson, T. Sutherland N. Lll-leblad, L. Baldwin, W. Bowor, W. Donald, P. T. Warner, M. Hamvsak, H. Hayashi, R. Hay-a.shi, H. Keepence, V. Starratt, Following an enjoyable dinner I In the Civic Centre dining room, ! the Prince Rupert Business and Professional Women's Club art-'journed to the ladies' lounge for its monthly meeting. Among items of business dls-i cussed was the gelling of raffle ! tickets for a fitted picnic case, ' drawing to take place In June. I The play being presented at at Classified Advertising U payable In advance. PU-ase refrain from telephoning ri word per Insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks 7 Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements t bo' SPECIAL DISPLAV, DOUBLE PRICE the Music and Drama Festival is In rehearsal and costuming is; now the big question. 1 Mrs. Bea Grant was Initialed i into the club. i This month'. raffle was won1 by Mrs. Worsley. The retiring executive report-! 1 ,ed on the club activities for last year, showing that the club lud increased its membership and CARD OF THANKS FOR 9ALE , . iT:.;r 'MB Mr C. Oabora would like t nK SALE ISHjH Pivmouth, ra- WANTED u.i A. ... r,.4 ...... '" dio. heater. suntiioht vinfi rubber. One 1948 Poniiac,! J. H. McLean, Mrs. H. Davies, Mr.- and Mrs. C. Twiss, H. W. Irvine, J. Merry, George Duck, Mrs. M. Scott, Mrs. Larry Stan-wood and two children, H. T. Hughes. J. Duff. D. Hart. A. L.' Pourand, G. D. Frizzvll, Mrs. J. Underhill and baby. Miss Taylor, H. Chow, Mrs. Ferguson, H. 'Tubata, S. Armour, F, Petroff, O. Ellitt. A. Stroughton, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hanser, Mrs. D. Fisher, " tVI 1 1 1 1 r Hll in-.iter. snotiiHht, ood rubT. ' i: Cash or terms Armlv Rili't) - ' rniw Hr thank Dr. K G laroe, the nurses and staff of the Priive Hunm General Hospital and the visitors who called to see him trurniif his recent stav in hospital. ULl)l Motor Service or phone Black! WANTED - tab 605. 1 88c I I fHlt'Ed Ptn ?: Steel. hr, FOR SALE Baby carrlaKe od condition. Blue 717. (87pi Honest k railing f: DEATH JNOTICE ' i "FTNDI-AY-At the Prince Rti-1 perl General iliMuttul. on Sac- , urdav. April 10. Dennis James, i jae 9 wei ks. beloved son oi l James and Mae Findlav. and Metals Ltd. U y Jgp- C h WANTED TO Rfat FOR SALE-Bnbv errla?e two week old. Sulle 3. Rand Block. IHoUl FOR SALE-Encvclonaedla Britannic. 1941 edition with vear book to date. Perfect condition. Underwood tvoewriter. 14-incn carriaue. Phone Blue 800. m FOR SALE Babv carrlaze. like new. Call at 1408 6th Ea.it. '""in II U USC Phone 138. flUTOT 0. W. Philllpson, Mr. and Mrs. D. Fitch and child, A. Fox, A. T. Birkenvstock, J. P. Grant. P. iConnel, Mrs. A. Murray and two 'children, Mrs. Cromp, B. Even-off, E. Widen, C. Holem, L. O!- son, L. Lindloss, G. Dibbin, F. Flndler, J. Thomas W. Bleas-dale, G. Hill, H. Owo, T. K. Milne, S. H. Goy, Mr. and Mrs. H. Stout, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davis. grandson of Mr. and MM. A r'HKllav. Suite 3. Rand Block. Deeolv regretted. Funeral service from the B.C. Undertakers at 2:00 P.m. Thursdav. April 12 (Up) There is a aWSTI BISCUIT for every taste "r icu-ime nit ehesteriiHd or 't. E. J. Hiipuf. u C?a m bra i 3. 0. -Z). L JJefpS dloSpila ( In the absence of Regent Mrs. G. McLean, who has motored south to attend the provincial annual meeting, first Vice-Re gent Mrs. M. Van Cooten presld ed at the monthly meeting of Cambrai Chapter, Imperial Ordef Daughters of the Empire. Th meeting wan held at the home ol Mrs. C. G. Ham, Fourth Avenui West. , Plans were made for a bake sale to take place on April 28 Minder the convenorshlp of Mrs C. C. Ham. Mrs. J. Munthe and Mrs. M. P. Houghton were appointed to make necessary arrangements J D f IF YOU WAN'T 2-bedrwim huu afier Aonl 13. Phone Biackl 203. iMuii FOR SALE-Phllco miHh button! car radiu for Plvmoulh '42 to 4a cinuxe model. $0 00. 108 8th Ave. West. (87ui FOR SALE One 29 foot trolling boat. Phone Green 803. (SCJpi e&Sioiici (- uSincM an DEATH NOTICE BRENTZEN In Shnuehnessv Ho'Dital. Anril 4, 1951. Walter William Brentzen. 271 E. 59th Ave., Vancouver, in his 57th vear. Survived bv his loving wife; three daughters: June. Diunna. Natalie at home: two brothers: Henry, Port Essin'j-ton: Paul. Prince Rupert; two "Ister.v Mrs D. Marshall and Mrs. R. Watson and a niette. Mis-s Marion Watson. Prince Ru-"rf one conin, Fred Brentzen, mice IIIUIIUU. u;n YOU CAN EARN p.; similar to UH LeB. 117.00. LB i neat sales assure inas with Hi-Ter. r iiitrtKluciiis to Ca;. j BRITISH AID I TORONTO (CP) Aid for Brit-! ain is still needed, the Imperial I Order of the Empire said here. Since 1939 the Order has sent ' shipments of food and clothing to civilians amounting to more than $2,750,000, plus its shipments to the armed forces. HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE MARGARET McLEODl DPTOMETRI.ST Vancouver. Funeral service MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 818. P.O. Box 520 330 Second Avenue, Prince Rupert, BC. for the purchase of new drapes: Mount Pleasant Undertakint! and chair rovers for Cambrati V's CV): K.i"",?wjlv?nSl K'H1 Room at the Prince Rupert Oen-i to Fipld of Honor. Rev. F A eral Hospital. ! Ramsav officiating. ltp GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS nets new tvocs o1 lamp bulbs and : tubes. Unlimited r direct to cummer tional and indus'. and save them -work In an mm.-Paid 20", conirr,.-on orders receive; tlftv lor conioleif i nle no investme. Daily News. CASH for scran cast per batteries and BIRTH NOTICE Highlight of the evening was the draw of the nylon stocking Room li) JTONE BUILDING PHONE BLUE 0! P.O. BOX 1184 i raffle which was won by J. Coma NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES Linn-belt Sueeder Shovels; Cranes: Draglines; Adams Road Graders: Litlleford Bros. Black Too Road Mamtenaii.-e Equiomeut: Owen Clamshell Buckets and Rock Graonle.s; T. L. Smith Concrete Mixers; Clark Forklift Trucks; Nelson Bucket Loaders lor Stockpile and Snow Removal: Rice Porl-able Centriftmal Pumos; National DraL'line Scrapers and Buckets; National All Steel Gasoline Howts: Nvtiotial Portable Sawmills; National Rotarv Screens and Convevor. Full information from National Machinery Co. Limited, Vancouver. B.C. tf I FOR SALE New and used furniture, hardware, clothes and IokkIiii? boot.s. National cash reHi.stcr OikhrLst 1 outline lacks and scores of other ar-tittle at verv low urlce.s, B C. Furniture, 3rd Avenue W. (tf' COIUSSI At the Prince Ru-"e'f General Hospital. April 11. a son, 6 pounds. 10 ounces for Mr. and Mrs Mike ColussI a brother for Gloria. (Itci 1 dina with ticket No. 302 and Mrs. iC. P. Balagno with ticket No. 428. PHONES Black 7G2 Red 8'J4 P.O. Box 1670 Phone M3-cal K LOST uty. The chapter's monthly raffle was won by Mrs. M. Van Cooten. At the close of the meeting re- OST Cent's Bulovn wrist HEATERS and AUTOMATIC FLOOR FURNACES RANGE BURNERS Unconditional Guarantee of Satisfaction on All Services CORDON D. RONRON Gil Burner Specialist 733 5lh Ave. W. Black 503 watch between 9li St. and InliiiKler Auril 4. Reward. J. McDonald. Inlander. (87p freshments were served by Mrs. G. G. Withers and Mrs. C. T. Stokoe. This ntlvirtlst'mpni xn not piihli.'.lipc or displayed by the Liquor Control H'iird or by the Government o British Columbia. NORTHLAND Dan, ered 'Mr ner qui' more? Phone It I I i verv service TASTY TEA ROLLS tamed todav and (lie Huiicrt Bato M3 for Irders. SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOTJKS a.m. to 5 p m. Oeo. Cook's Jeweller. Ph. 212 II. G. HELERSON LIMITED REAL ESTATE Si INSURANCE Phone 9i Evenings Black 899 FOR KENT FOR RENT One bedroom, new-lv furnished. Phone Red 8(10 after 8. 88p WANTED KRPAin) FOR RENT Housekeeping ac- i WANTED TO RENT 3 to 5 room OIL BURNRK Hit commodatinns for 1 or 2 per- Stove service and D Konson Black lurnisneti auarimeni,. urEem-lv reouirecf bv local accountant Please nhone Mr. Simnson watch repairs-H flcient service ir scott 'McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 608 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels ' and Worn Soles ' Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Jeweller. Salislar. at Green 4l. 'ici WANTFD Housekeeper for six months. Phone Blue 767. 90d A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. BELL, C A. ROT SHAND-, C.A. 353 3rd Ave. W. Box 2C3 Phone 88 SAFE BUYS teed. Accoryrv P.O. Box 374 Phone 347 clubs. i860 1 WANTED Set of jtolf Bix 78 Daily News. Kon-s. Piione Black 277. 80ci ROOM FOR RENT Applv 717 7th West, or Black 801. (tf FOR RENT Portable eavdrlv-en welder. Vou operate it. Guaranteed. $2.50 per hour or $10 00 a day. Phone Green 720 or Box 636. 88p) 41 U-DRIVE CARS. Phone 41. 711 Grenville Court. (tf) FOR RENT-Lleht housekeeoiii" roonv. Black 9G3. 39di REAL ESTATE PUBLIC ACCOraT' Tax specialist. S Swne Buildine. It WANTED Experienced salesman for Prince Rupert area. Onenlnt fnr man who is in HMl:RIFF' N.4I.R IN THE COUNTY COURT OP PRINCE RUPERT HOI,rES AT PRINCE RUPERT l.ltllll It HKIDUIN I. Inilled. versus li;K mow' and VI K KlVd i-arry-ii( on lMitneiwi uniler the firm rwtme mjd tlv r New i ltv Cufe. and the "Mill XMV I ITV KK. UNDER and by VTRTUE of a Warrant or Execution Ixsued frtMii the ubovff Court and to me directed uyulnst the Roods and chattels ol the defendants. Jack Chow and Yue Ring and Pfc-w City Cafe. I have selwd all the furniture and equipment, foods and provisions Including counters, tahles, ranire, Friieldalre, dishes, utensils and other equipment, nnd on Wednesday. April 18th. lSl. at the hour of 11 BO o'elock In the forenoon. t my office in the Court House. Prince Rupert. B C . I will "fri'r for sale at public auction all the riht. title and Interest of th defendants In the above goods and chattels. Inventory may be seen at the of- fk-e of the Sheriff, and appointment made with Sheriff for inspection of the goods. Terms of Sale, CASH; and thU anle shall be subject to the Social Security anl Municipal Aid Tax. Dated at Prince Rupert. BC. this twenty-ninth day of March, 1951. M M. Stephens. Sheriff of the Country of Prince Rupert. terested In retting established RELP VTAVn with larce electrical appliance . : manufacturer. Thorough! SALESLADY WASTE RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 HELEN'S BEAUTY ,SII0P Permanent Waving Beauty Cult ure: in all Its branches 20 4th St reet ! Phone Bf.5 COLUSSFS MUSIC STORE Agents for the finest ln Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 21041)1 St. Ph. Black 389 trainin" on sales ana service i Dart time, apw (riven. Complete line with local! iace'g DeDt, Store terrltorv. Income from sales, ! HELP WANTED lf rennireri bv 1950 Monarch Sport Sedan ' 1949 Ford Tudor 1950 Chevrolet 1948 Custom Desoto These cars are all certified safe buys! Bob Parker Ltd. FORI - MONARCH DEALERS Prince Rupert. BC. B. C. Power Co. I exnemnce not t. ..nniH he verr r HOUSE FOR SALE -Aon'V Chin Jon, Enterprise Fruit Store. (89ci FOR SALE Bunealo. 4-corner lot. placed norch. aara'je, fenced in 343 8lh West. Phone Black 894. (til manent position parts ana jervice. Must own car. he over 26 preferably married, have productive sale" record and accustomed to $300 or more monthly earninits. Interviews will be held Monday, Anrll 13. Plea.se suoolv phone number where applicant can be retched. Box Number 77. Dailv News. 88c) 9, Besner wow- for aoooinimnH. ELECTRQLUX Sales anc Service R. W. COLLINS Phone Blue 970 Box 1B26 For genuine parts and service phone or write above. CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L. HUGHES D.C 21 - 23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 WANTED - Part W; ERNIE SINCLAIR PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING Phone Blue 9G1 Box 1819 241 West 5th Avenue work ironer. r Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Speers are leaving on tomorrow ninht's train for a trip to Vancouver where Mr. Speers will attend a rooms furnished. Box 7, Dnilv CARPENTERS wa. CNR official meeting, News (MMpi n. v. ""-. (M3I.A4.7.11.M) '' " ' m f m BOYS' COTTON PANTS BOYS' TWEED PANTS PUT SHOES... in Red Grey CLEARANCE OF ODDS. & HMDS AT REAL SAVINGS Broken lines. Assorted patterns. Most sizes. Hard -wearing cotton Assorted Tweed patterns. Most sizes. Good quality tweeds. Wh;fe and tac- SUMMER SAND APA $3J5 materials. Cleorinq at, PAIR 2-95 Clearing at, PAIR I98 MEN'S JACKETS UDD1! FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS OXFORM A PA Discontinued lines. Broken sizes in Fall and Winter lines. Most sizes in the lot, including a few Bomber styles. COME IN AND SEE THESE VALUES ! Ladies', Girls' and Children's Pyjamas in printed and plain f lonnelette. All sizes . . . Good selection. COME IN AND SEE THESE VALUES ! ! $495 BOYS' SHIRTS HALTER STRAP SANDAL RAYON BRIEFS LADIES' TEE SHIRTS Ladies' Striped Tee Shirts Sizes Small and Medium only Boys' Cowboy Shirts, Sport Shirts and a few Work Shirts in the lot. Men's Handkerchiefs Men's white cotton handkerchiefs. Large size. SPECIAL 6 for 1-00 . J Ladies' Rayon Briefs, in white only. Sizes Small. Medium and Large SPECIAL 2, pair for I 00 Most s:7es. CLEARING AT (HIGH HKEI.Sr Green Leather; Blnck Suede A PAIR $9-95 I69 CLEARING AT .89 THE DON'T MISS THESE VALUES UN IV FAMILY SHOE STORE PJ DON'T MISS THESE VALUES CHARLIE ROBEKl' Box 3R