1 i ri:iilv News Ltd., 3rd Avenue. Prince Ruucrt. Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, April 12, 1951 As I Sec It f 'ct ,( juily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince f SUBSCRIPTION RATES: f o( Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations $n'f think ofcwyffah r ii.ni nn v Npwsnanpr AKKwiattnn tunauiw J i mtfh Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY, Managing Director ,?t per Week, 2uc; rcr Momn, oc; rer Year, rv Mail. Per Monin, ioc; r er Year, jb.oo chiliad every afternoon except Sunday bv more been overrun by the Monsuls,' had his head cut clean off by a fierce sword sweep of the enemy. But the doughty warrior carried on, with his decapitated head in his left hand, till the Job of liberation was done. Smile, cynic, but you will not smile quite so bitterly If you see the really beautiful faces of the old white-bearded men one I remember yet dangling his grandchild or great-grandchild on his knee. Nor shall I forget anothor old fellow, chanting aloud some prayer to God and utterly unconscious of the world around. oOo School Band Enthusiastic TWENTY-FIVE STUDENTS ENROLLED Booth Memorial High School Band Tuesday .night turned out for its first rehearsal, complete with band-instruments and 25 players. And Fred Huber, music teacher and conductor of that band, is quite enthusi j.pdtand Northern and Central British Columbia. pi4oii ce Rupert's 2nd Theatre CE RUPERT, at long last, has its second astic about getting started Huber said, but secretly he Is vie house and the fine new Totem Theatre, hoping to have the band play . "So are the band members," he said Most of them had been lng at the inaugural opening of many distinctive and up-to-date features, the new Bo-Me-Hi. MY GUIDE REFUSED any tip j given instruments a month ago or gratuity certainly something I so tney could learn something Purchase or Instruments was leiidid acquisition to the amenities of the city, unous Players Canadian Corporation is to be iciresning in inaia or any ouir about them. Mr. Huber gave made posibie by a school board them lessons after school hours. ' offorino. an Amannn i,nn, country We drove to Khalsa College, Uulated on its enterprise and appreciation of Last night they played together j businesses and organizations, for the first time. , Wnen mj Huber first Instituted Their conductor hopes to have a small fluto-fone band he where Sikhs from all the world come to be educated. Then, after a nice chut with the presi- need in providing the city with this handsome tractive venue of popular entertainment. band work put on tne school actually had a group playing dent I drove along to see the 'tunes cirrlculum next year he has simpie ln harmony-inter Anglican Bishop (Wilkinson). I ,M thnm , ,m ( .... told them. .This will get credits est in band ith the concern now operating the two thea- a was aroused. knew he -was a Canadian. In lor their work in future. School board stepped in with an ;he new 1 otem and me old Lapitol which is SIKH HOLY CITY AMRITSAR, India. It is some job to get a taxi where there is no telephone in the only hotel and taxis are scarce as hens' teeth. But my hotel room bearer went afoot for one. The driver looked absolutely blank when I woke him up to show me the city square where a British general turned the machine guns on a mob, right after World War One and poisoned relations between India and Britain for many a year. Time is surely a great healer. For the taxi driver had never even heard of the so-called "Amritsar massacre." oOo I DROVE OUT to the famous Sikh Golden Temple through back streets barely wide enough for the car to pass, when not fact, this is the centre of the wor'kdinnindihaUrCh E"g'afld thing startling for a while," Mr. continued on Page 10) The Bishop was in Delhi, and i ill an attractive house and will, no doubt, r,e to enjoy popularity Famous Players are rung position. nvie entertainment is something which prac-every citizen regularly enjoys and the the Bishop's lady was washing her hair. But she sent me down a cordial invitation to come to tea." Unfortunately, I had to turn this down, as I am flying lids of the moving picture theatre are one ...v. Ire of the quality of the community. Particu- back to Delhi this afternoon in I order to see the Taj Mahal to- J morrow at Agra. I met one of the Anglican 1 missionaries a nice young lady! trom Medicine Hat, Ruth Ing blocked by wandering cows, very ! ram. She told me of their many-sided work In the Kangra Valleyhospitals, schools, as well as ,-fis this so in P rince Rupert which, the year depends more than many cities on movies litcitainiiient and, to some extent, education u!tural adification. herefoie, the organization which holds the exclusively here has a considerable responsi-if not a duty to the public, famous Players is in an excellent position to A .1 i t .11 !j. i4 t i i the religious enterprise. We offer the widest markets in which to buy or sell Stocks and Bonds, by reason of being members of all Canadian Stork Exchanges and having a chain of offices from Montreal io Victoria, directly connected by our own private wires. Traders and investors arc invited to open accounts with us. James Richardson & Sons STA.USHCO IV It turned out she had been a good friend of my nephew, Bill Nimmo, who lost his life in the recent war. Miss Ingram talked, too. of irw mat responsiouuy eiiectiveiy to tne sat- India's progress in a balanced way that was refreshing. For most of the foreigners that one meets in India are as pessimistic i and cynical as are mast Indian scrawny in these poor parts. But the temple itself well repaid the trip. A grave-faced, jet black bearded, blue-turbaned Sikh guide, named Earn Sikh, took me around. He showed me the free hostel where they have lot) free rooms, in which each visitor may stay four days absolutely without charge. He showed me the free kitchen, where they serve free meals each noon. He gave me a brand new pair of cotton sox for it is forbidden to enter the temple shod, or bareheaded. As we walked around the marble-paved court that surrounds the huge "pool of immortality" he told me many things about the line Sikh religion. Some of them I knew already many were completely new. Pacific Coast Office i hi of all. No doubt, it will do so. he new theatre is a testimonial to the growing 'auce and progress, of the city. ic wish the company and the management and H'cnicd success in the project a success which rpeiid, of course, as does any other business, ; quality of service. VICTORIA VANCOUVER ane Ashley's Crown Brand Recipes FREE Wril Jan A shiny, Th Canora Stared Company limiltd, intellectuals which is saying a lot. She thinks this country is coming through all right and I feel sure she is doing her bit to help bring it through. P. O. Box 1 2 9, Montreal, P. O. cut ii1' Ji - jiger Is Now United Nations must remember its military GARDEN TOOLS The Golden Temple opens on ail economic limitations in fiirhtinir second-rate all four .sides, as a symbol that it. is open to all classes, creeds, soi's lest tliey weaken the world's main front is Western Europe. That warning comes from a's External Affairs" Minister Pearson. It is races. Inside, from two oclock in the morning on till night, ;;; ,um -Ji i m ..if mA n -..mi- m 'Ml Wt ktl I'icly timely just now, when the Korean war 'are up a;ain to cover something much more, Garden Hose Broomrakes Clippers HTlTrowefs there ts continuous reading of the Holy Sikh Scripture. Relays of singers carry on the holy Chants, The people throng in and out by thousands. Most say a prayer, pass on. In the pool itself many are bathing, , for many remarkable healings are il preparing elsewhere. n'in.H' to guess what the Russians may or may hasn't been a very promising game for a good centuries. Hut most observers seem to agree on record. Rakes Spades Forks oOo THE S1KIIS. of course, believe itlm next six or 12 months are going to be the Hoes in one God of all creation, and critical in a lotm- time. Rv late summer the free that all men are brothers. The Beautiful. ScniLIiaLIe Fertilizers Insecticides best of them really practise this creed, too. Ram. mv guide, told me witn touching simple faith stories Jf miracles, such as when some ni nations should be much stronger in relation i.ia and Russian puppets than they are now. U spring they should be in a position to meet ;l any challenge. , , I, then, Russia is as bent on world conquest as people on our side seem to believe, it would be GORDON & ANDERSON KM ereat Sikh fighter, coming to liberate the temple wnicn naa TRADE MARK RCO'O. r fiable to suppose that the time to begin would 7fie Mirach iisivfiftfsfi 1 7lesJ"a!fs,net 'cpbords took and , sh like the Med ensmef on your refrigerator li' the democracies were still only beginning Mop their strength, not wait until every pos- I'lVnder has been trained and armed. There, net er been an enamel finUh lik, KemGla! h', like m-.c! J5 nce over , .urf.re. Ah-tt,, Ken" f.rt. l rUVe Pr",rrid,ur '. "'l-l.n.r.U ,d otlirr ,r. t Z,,U ' ! fi-mh .hat b .moo.h .d ! , Vv SHOt POLISH Z KIHHK.NH f,W. Your Litrl BIAUTIFUL 11 wills, cuphairdl and odwrk Inwioff, liitini boBUtr with tctub- COIORS it ntiiliot U nhlc K-m-(.lo. It teai, oila ai tmi. .incWing "Slay Vhif" pu i trim and occenf cotors - rmuy srruiiDaiue Willi ordinary soap and water. There's no mixing or mussing; you just Mir and start painting. Yo.ru lve the smooih revili, you get with this eay.on finish, using brush or Roller. Koalrr. Yet it is so tough that boiling wiler will not harm it, it j, pra iieally iruff-proof; and, you ran wipe off grease and alains wilh a cloth jt as you do on your modern refrigerator. Sea Cadets Now being reorganized under the ' sponsorship of the Navy League of Canada. Those interested apply to H.AA.C.S. "Chatham" Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 4-6 and 7-9 p.m. Age limit 14-18 years Northern B.C. Power Co. I I I I 1 Brighter Shines v n si ii mm - mi . v . . -.m . r i i RADIO & APPLIANCE V. . w if I If I I ' BATHROOMS Hot wiiif (I ini will acvar harm Km-(U. with n quirk coil jou yuf halhrm triting nw "baatilf ItKalmrnt" that will rul down your balhrom claaning time. I Mod, by Iht mak.r. ,1 romo, KCM-TONt f " tf8 i iS;, rSI n j eS --vi--r'""-" mLIJs SALES & SERVICE ;as and IXIiCTHIO KANfiF.S rhone Blue !)'J PACIFIC ELECTRIC Stewart, B.C. rbone 2)0 Prince Rupert H4d (ltd Call 363 Klt BKTTER ... Planning Building or Repairing Don't Wait For Your Car to OVERHEAT Brinq It In For A II M J Warn s PRESSURE-PURGE! 1 mum Local Campaign Chairman AIR. D. C. STEVENSON Prmrr- Rupert General Hospital (BfRTCBjf MOD W Your cuolitiK .system I:; as vftul to the operation of your ; cur us the Brakes or Motor. PKESSI RE-I"l R(ilNi is Hie nrweat approved method of cleansing the Radiator and the Water Jackets of the block, j We have just installea a new PRESSl'KE-Pl'KGE machine. ! Drive up for a Demonstration Today! M . Superior Auto Service LIMITED TftSj STUDEBAKER and AUSTIN DEALERS tPMRS Third Avenue at Park Green 217 W iff ' PV 1 Skino Of SOrTNESS P.O. Box 219 Pr'nce Rupert, B.C. BRITISH COLUMBIA CONQUER CANCER MITCHELL , CURRIE . LIMITED Buildcn & Contractors