Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, November 26, 1951 TOTEM A KAMOl S PLAYERS TIIEATKK i TODAY to WEDNESDAY First Grain Ship in Years Welcomed Here ml u CPS Princess Louise has taken I transferred to Princess Luuise ever I he company's Princess j from Princess Elizabeth, follow- V 1 Kiyokawa Maru Shows Few Signs of Having Lain for Years on Ocean Floor ing his holidays. Princess NV.;ah has been shifted to the Cult Is No. all's run for the winter month.- and arrived today from Vancouver wicrx the following lands run WALLACE'S DEPARTMENT STORE Not Just Blankets Ayres Blankets For Sleeping Comfort Arrival of a deep-sea freighter may be routine ' pasenf 'oybhavn.' j. business in other west coast ports but at Prince veitch. c. Knutsen. l. g Hariing, .HAWK Making another early Arrival, Union steamer Camrun, Capt. Jack Halcrow, reathed port at, Rupert such an occasion Saturday afternoon was not only a novelty but was considered of enough importance to call out a city delegation for an official wel Sgt. Fance, Mr. Wickens, Mrs. John Fisher, D. McMillan. P. Hegpr. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Allen (Spokane and return), Mr. and Mrs. Klamut. O. Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. O. Mostad, C. Parmer, .181'" Mill come, G. J- Manson, Oeorge Flewin, K.. It pays to buy good blankets. Years of service and sleeping pleasure make a difference. The Place to Go For The Brands You Know WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE Campbell, W. Krwyak. At Kemano, 70 passengers were landed; at Kitimat, 39. New Service For Alaska From the Alcan project, 49 passengers were loaded. J. A. Merrix, purser, has been Added Attn, i ociock yesieriuy afternoon from Vancouver and waypoints and sailed at 11 p.m. for Stewart and Alice Arm whence she will return here tomorrow morning to sail south at noon. This voyage marks a change in scheduling north of here with the call at Stewart being made ahead of Alice Arm Instead of the other way around. The Cam-osun had a full freight cargo as well as a goodly number of passengers, those for Prince Rupert Including Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lindsay, Mrs. A. E. Field, Miss Irene Lindsay, Mrs. R. Hoban, C. A. Prltchard, I. W. Good, C. Gregerson, C. Fontaine, T. For-man. A. Willie, G. Smith, C. Mc-Guinness, F. Moore, Elvin Phillips. 8. Barrewick, D. Fuller, Miss R. Gibson, Mrs. I. L. Bush, Mrs. B. Redditt, D. Mackle and Miss J. Moore. "TL. e. . wifVR00NEY - sally porrest P Show Starts 1 p.m. - Last Complete show i.u i DISTRICT NEWS jfELKWA U ALKS . . . Yukon Princess Here Yesterday Inaugurating Northern Freight Run Inaugurating the fortnightly freight service which will be op- erated from Vancouver through Prince Rupert to Alaska during the winter now that the passen-i 1 ger vessels have been withdrawn from the historic run, freighter; Yukon Princess, Capt. A. F. j Campbeir. was in port yesterday j northbound. The Yukon Prln-! ces', which belongs to the British! Columbia Coast Steamship Ser-I vice of Canadian Pacific Rail-! ' TODAY and TUESDAY The love story Mayor and council, along with a few spectators, customs and immigration officials shivered in the biting wind for more than half an hour while the freighter Kiyokawa Maru first Japanese freighter here in 25 years came in to dock to load grain from an elevator idle since the Second World War. Aboard, Mayor H. F. Glassey shook hands with Capt. Kunlo Mishima, officially welcomed the captain and his ship and introduced the aldermen. Representing the Chamber of Commerce, Vice-President T. Norton Youngs informed Capt. Mishima that a presentation would be made to him. Meanwhile, customs men said everything was in order and expressed surprise at the cleanliness of the ship. Said one officer: "Ive been on many a freighter and this is one of the cleanest." The captain's quarters and the wardroom were spotless, but no more so than the crew's quarters afterdeck. SHIP'S HISTORY The Kiyokawa Maru seems little the worse for the three years she lay in several hundred feet of the Japanese inland sea where of the greatest Again delayed by stormy weather on her Queen Charlotte Island run, Union steamer Art Bates suffered a painful1 v"',l-u " ' l- 7 .. "un." V way. is being operated opposite ; accident while worku.g on his m Prl " ' o clock tms the Cassiar. Capt. William Glea- n0Use. He fell, breaking one of lng 'rom, awet ct son, of the Frank Waterhouse his ribs and was unable to be De P0'nlJi,and a"ed a couple of line in this service. The Cassiar hours later for Vancouver. Chil- out for a few wwdays. days wlll be here two weeks hence,3 coUn u be,ng taken M athe conclusion of the pres- northbound. Flre occurred in one of the e voyage in Vancouver for The Yukon Princess, having -p f & M Mills bunk houses and ca'led at Kemano and Kitimat Lsed contplet destruction of Zd bTS rl t,l wh on the way from Vancouver, ar- all contents The fire started In & rt tT JrJ rived here at 8 o'clock Sunday tne afternoon aroimd 3 o'clock n0rthtound m-rning-. Having omitted the Friday. - ihlng northbound. call at Kildala Arm because of, ; I she was sent by Allied bombers .tmravorab.j imfavorabl. in 1945. weather conditions near accident was averted Capt. Mishima related this in- with the advent of winter, the at the approach of the bridge! cident when he explained his 'vessel was running twenty-four here when John Greene, f rom j Dick Turpi n's Ride Filmed Picturesque times of cany Eighteenth Century England are snip naa Deen renoaiea m i4 nours aneao oi puousnea scnea- Meadow Brook Farm. Just mls-and then extensively refitted. ule time. After discharging 45 SPd a truck driven by V. Kerr. This is her third trip to Canada, i t.nps of freight at the Canadian Tnis approach Is a very precar-Last trip across the Pacific was National dock here, she sailed at i0Us situation, to Vancouver, in May. 2 p.m. for Watson Island to put, But, said the captain, this was off 19 tons of steol there before ( t'-''(''-'-'-'-his first trip to Canada since heading on to Ketchikan where nrni before the Second World War she was to arrive at 8 o'clock r L tx v W and, of course, his first time to; this morning. The Yukon Prln- j K.I'TCC Prince Rupert. jcess will also make Petersburg,! INv I CO recreated In "Dick Turpln's Ride." For a clean engine I switched to IVlarveEube Motor Oil You j;et more engine protection under ail driving conditions with Marvelube the Heavy-Duty motor oil that meets car manufacturers' specifications for correct lubrication. Marvelube is a detergent motor oil. It not only lubricates it cleans. A clean engine free from gum, sludge and abrasive particles lasts longer and gives you more trouble-free performance. Let your Imperial Esso Dealer protect the investment you have in your car with his "Care-Saves-Wear" service. current offering tonight and Tuesday at the Capitol Theatre. Louis Hayward is the star of the swashbuckling romance. Many old English landmarks, which Turpln allegedly used as nih lKir Juneau, Skagway and Wrangell His ship crossed the Pacific in in southeastern Alaska as well Tfilor Btiyd! Y 3v- SSSSK- " PATRICIA MEDIir GS&iim m Suzanne Dalbert k ' 10 days, leaving the port of Na- as Stewart before returning here j Donald Wight and Albert Pres- hide-outs, were photographed rip route 0-horl..loH .all t li.o Arm u have come In FVrnw tn nmrk 'or t'-'vtlngl 01 the lense, last "We had some lUtle stormy southbound will be omitted so for Harold Wight at his mill here, i Paced actln and bright ro- wealher," he said and affirmed the vessel will probably be here' I"1?,"0?' . ... , . it "had been cold for the last him.tT..Hhi,hi.h.ri Thp Mnnrlmann hrnthpra nfi eatured In the stirring drama EXTt-A! CARTOON - NEWS SHOW 7 - 9:00 (PIW a iiaom fiiini unit lew days.- regular due date. : Peazanc, Saskatchewan, are back . -!""-"" '"V""J The Yukon Princess left Van-! at Perow and employed by I. Bye. 1 la n n"w oriiusn icgena Patricia Medina the girl mm.r -th nnn t,,n. r,r t riht ! are as Mrs. K. has visit-who helped to scandalize an era; of which a considerable amount Byman been ou.aiiiic ut&iurib as f)is pi lvjt accomplice, and Tom Tully as a He said he had received word a Japanese freighter sunk on the same route shortly after his departure from Japan. The unfortunate vessel, he said, was the Kinu-gasa Maru, owned by Hashimoto Shipping Co. fellow highwayman. was unloaded at Kemano and n8 at Houston. Kitimat Including two 28-ton! , caterpillars for Kemano. She' R. V. Leboe's car collided with still had 520 tons aboard on ar- that of H. C. Ferguson, school riving here. Cargo for Skagway inspector, at the rock cut the The famed ride of the highwayman, who nevertheless loved the country and had certain noble characteristics, climaxes the ptcturization of the career of the famous highwayman. The picture is based on Alfred Noyes' famous poem, "Dick Tur-olr's Ride." the sign that says ' I y ' t E A l E R "We were too far away to included .32 nimty-foot treated omer morning. Neither car was help." Piles which afe being put in a seriously damaged. i A press dispatch a week ago stockpile at Skagway for use In i said a Japanese freighter ha.l renewal of the wharf in the deep Mr. and Mrs. Vic Dunslng and radioed an S O S from a posi-, water alongside the cliff at that children have returned from the tion on the Great Circle route.) ; Alaska port. prairies. Mr. Dunslng Is again The Japanese-built Kiyokawa! Capt Campbell reported new employed by W. Spencer. Maru, one of 13 such vessels of snow low on the mountains of the Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha line, Gardner Canal with two Inches' New roads are balng bulldozed to stop fov NOTICE Whol's the Cleanest Place in Town? SCOTTY'S SNAPPY LUNCH (formerly Johnny's Snack Bar, located mar Bus ftp Now Open For Business FISH ond CHIPS - HAMBURGERS To toke home . . . Phone Block 889 into the new timber limits at was launched in 1937 and his a on the dock at Kemano displacement of 6875.32 gross Perow. R. V. Leboe and the Wll- son Bros, have their "cats" on i the Job. There are about 18 mills I operating in the Perow district. " ' ' ' . , in, s Mist or fine rain sometimes Fire on Boat Proves Fatal To Fisherman tons. She is to load 318,000 bushels of grain here. Dimensions are 479 feet long, 62 feet abeam and 30 feet deep. Her holds were lined before arrival. Ship's crew is 52, the oldest Deing the captain, ranging to boyseamen, youngest of whom is A. Tamura, 17. Capt. Mishima has sailed in the merchant fleet for 35 years, 15 years as captain. He speaks five languages. I fl s from a cloudless sky in tro-I ' pica' coum.rtas, caused by cooling of water vapor in the air. f J ! m i ftl : : II I" njl tt m - "jj (jj mii-p (f rrrfrirn n i i if: : I :t!: : ili:. ;i, !.,:!!! Juiliii!' iinihm.ut'iili liiu.ilr.HUin'-i'ilii A veteran flfherman of British Columbia. John Sather of Van- NOV 29 THE NOV 29 With loading to begin this couver and known all along the morning, shipping officials con- coast, died recently undor tragic ALASKA MUSIC TRAIL --raaS,?': rf rrjTj sidered it likely the job would circumstances because of a fire be completed Wednesday. on his gillnctter, moored at the loot of Gore Avenue, Vancouver. KINGSWOOD, England His body was recovered from the Cuiing' a church service in this boat. C7A , 1 VS55? i 1 c L4L x Osare ( ur.i Tenor Tomiko Kuna.-awa Soprano Kirhard ( uminin(t Pianist J AVILL DO iMl-ajiJ ! Surrey town the pastor apolo- Also found on the gillnv?tter g.ied to the congregation, saying was $1500 Mr. Sather had saved he would have to lea,ve. His house for a trip to Norway. He had in-war on fire. tended to leave In a few days. OPERATIC SELECTIONS IN COSTUME Excerpts from Showboat -- New Moon Roberta Special Two Concert Tickets Available Plus I'sual 20 Discount to Members Reservations Taken Now TICKETS ON SALE CIVIC CENTRE 7 . ,V.Sw V, 1 H T If te&m) For those who ore "on their feet oil day," mis Amas VlP GIVE ELECTRICALLY Be wise and lay away your gift now while stocks are complete. we've a large selection of easy-on-the-fcet shoes. Add new hennfu i. .-I- r . Give Electrically" l; , , lenmg nxtares '"pbr.Ws"'' new shape of .h ' tumi-bowi f . ''''rd lWht. Ask ore lodny n,p' )" O-i Ump Uralcri NORTHERN B.C POWER Co.,Ltd. Brsner Block I'bone 210 Tbi advcrtiiement u Dot published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or bjr t I Government of Brituh Columbia. him Geo. Hill & Sons Ltd. Box 737 phone Black 69 1 Fil k I 1 Prince Rupert, B.C. DAILY NEW3 CLASSIFIED .UiVERTlSKMENTS BRING RESUXTt