Part of the 60.000 acres surveyed Is located In an area run Referendum Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, December 7, 1951 r 1 . ning south from a point about Pushing Back Farm Frontier 1 ' '" creased ri,. ft Why rpa, Canadian iren. Br,U' fc HaBr' on h 'W seven miles south of the town of Hudson Bay. The land will be I turned over to the provincial de- Suggest Reading To Ease Tension GUELPH, Ont. P) To ease ten-?ion, read a book. "Arbitrary" good clean fun, suitable in all places and for all periods of life Its var.vty was endless. "Reading helps to give an Insight into our own characters and that of others. With this knowledge and a good command of English, domestic arguments can be steeled quite easily." Frof. McLean urged that In Grfham, am0n0?hetha That's the advice of Prof. E. C. McLean of the English depart SASKATOON f Surveyors ' Partment of agriculture to be this yvar struggled through kneejlca?ed to prospective settlers, deep mud, splashed through! Ale: Stewart, in charge of the freezing muskeg 'and battled survey, said the main difficulties black flies and mosquitoes to encountered were heavy rains push back Saskatchewan's nor-i wnlch turned roads, bush trails thern agricultural frontier. anl the bushland itself into an In 6k months in the bush, ia:most impassable quagmire, they added more than 60.000 The surveyors often were soak- acres to Saskatchewan's survey-: ed to the waist working through In a campaign speech last night, G. Douglas Frizzell, candidate for mayo., called for the defeat of the powvr referendum; asked support of the $100,000 money bylaw '-or rehabilitation of the water system and urged voters to approve city negotiations for a new telephone system. Er.-Alderman Frizzell, who resigned last August to enter the mayoralty field In the by-election, called the power referendum "arbitrary." "It isn't giving the city any bargaining choice. The wording of the referendum is deplorable, and I urge you to vote a definite 'Nr'," says Mr. Frizzell. He supported the telephone ed agricultural land. It was the ' swamps and crossing streams first operation of its scale in the which ordinarily would have province in more than 15 years, been nearly dry in the early fail. ment of the Ontario Agricultural College. Addressing the Guelph Macdonald Club on "Reading for Pleasure and Profit," he said: "Avoid neurotic frustration, maladjustment, suicidal or alcoholic tendencies, ease the tension before its get j .unbearable. Take e. vacation though reading." He gave four reasons for reading: Personal pleasure; knowledge that can be used In one's Job; to makj a person a better citizen; and self -development. Men who made history were avid readers. Reading could be 1; k 1 wiPt;ftti$' . -lit Absolutely . . . referendum and asked the people to vote for it so the city might Japan Asked To THE LARGEST AND .; MOST NOVEL I STOCK OF DECORATIONS IN TOWN 1 1 Bar Relicjion negotiate for a new system to "replace the ancient, decrepit and crystalized system now in use." The mayoralty can lidate advocated complete renewal of the city's water system and asked citizens to vote for the money bylaw to begin such a program. HANGING JOHNNY More Canadian Bank Accounts More Canadians have savings VANILA The Conference of Christian Chuvchej in Asia has -a'lM on the Japanese Government to .ban Shintoism and Buddhism In state schools. A resolution adopted by the -inference urged Japan to "uphold the Fp'rit and letter of the new consMtutlon which, It said "declares the state and Its organs rnl' refrain from religious Education or any other religious activity." The resolution fa!d there Li evidence that the Japanese Mln-;Rtr- of Education is "allowing and sponsoring Shinto and Buddhist forms of religious acts" In government schools. deposits in the chartered banks in Canada than a year ago, but because 'he number of depositors They call me Hanging Johnny, Away-iok They call mc Hanging Johnn i So hang, boys, hang! For over a century Lamb's Navy has been the call of those who know good rum. Smooth and mellow it . is matured, blended asd bottled in Britain of the finest Demerara Rums., ; FARM LANDS FOR SALE : NEAR PRINCE GEORGE These lands have been owned many years and are now offered as real good purchases at less than cost years ago. lot 1 The N.W. Va of D.L 1952. Comprising , " 160acresof Tabor Creek, about 12 miles N ISOTOPE DETECTOR Using a "pinch of salt,'' made radioactive m Canada's alomic pile at Chalk River, scientists measured the damage to a huge extrusion press cylinder at the Aluminum Company of Canada's Kingston plant during the week-end. An engineer demonstrates how the four-ounce aluminum capsule (arrow), which holds 'i-ounce of radio-active isotope of sodium flouricU-, is lowered by means 1 f an electro-magnet and a 15-ton crar,. ins de the 12-Jnch thick steel casing' so that radiographs ran be made and the extent of damaf! measured. This photo Is N mcreared more rapidly than the monetary value of their deposits, the average holding is lower at $622, down slightly from the $643 ave age in 1950 bnd $63 J shown in 1149. Number of accounts rose 3 0 whib dollar volume rose only a little over one quarter of one per cent. Thus the lower average. Accounts of $1,000 or less, numbered 6.415,911. about 87 of Groom Too OA Marriage Out PEDHAM, Mass. -The recent nnrriage of wealthy Eugene Davr of B:ook-line, 93 vears of Lamb's Navy by George Lilley. (CP PHOTO i the total number and represented I Thl idvtrlilrmtnl dm puMnhtJ ot Jrlivtj lh Control Boird or bj lh Government of Bt Uilumbu $1,021,377,846 or 22 of total Stanly Pullen nas arrived In savings deposits. This is equal to the city from Regina to Join the an average of $159. staff of Regal Printers here. ago, has bven annulled by a ' Vlassachussetts Judge. This ac-Mrn was taken by the Judge on Tround- that the groom was too : ;W to know what he was doing, i An CMS SWv More About White Pass Rail Deal continue as gen- Skagway, will eral manager. CASH IN OH To finance the transaction, the new company has sold in London, England, through Ham-bros Bank Ltd 9 rmn nnn nt ii T1FABER 2L OUT-OF-TOWN TWIN SfFCIAL WE PAY POSTAGE An i Jeol Christmas pift . . . moiiad to you or tc vour friends on onv soecific date! (jWsfc) C- Financial Post gives further per cent sinking fund debentur-financial details of an an- stock due 19H1-87 at 33-6-8 per nouncement made recently by i $100 stock; and $1,700,000 5 per The Dally News of a new Cana-jcent convertible debenture sto--k cuan company, White Pass and due 1961-76 (with a 50 per cent Yukcn Cor., having acquired all , conversion right 1 at 33-5-8 per the Issued debenture and f hare ' $100 stock. It has also issued capital of the four companies 503.000 n p v. common shares as constituting the White and part of the consideration for the Yukon route. : securities of the four companies. Directors of the new company, Construction of the White are. Frank H. Brown, Yu'kon01 CBE, pres- , Pas3 and R , y Went. Vancouver. Clifford J. 8tarted in the spring o7 1898 ?o e8R;,anRRngtd,rvt0r'Seat"provide tra'W to the Klori-Robert mrrerp TUVfr: c1yke dl,rlne the U of l" oriR. Ji lnal Eold rush- After the gold Norman Norman f t. w W. H. DArcy h'a and h rush t, rrn. , ..j & 1 lb. box of Chocolates bv Debrett 1 Ih. Rox of Nut House Special Mixture 1 Includes Cashews. Almond'. Filberts. Peanuts, li: a;:ilsi Both for only $2.40 :arr spare parts for all McCULLOCH SAWS Authorized Sales and Service . v,,viinoiw., UUUI Ul I'l.l'S 7c TAX (Postaee I'aiili CLnsiaerao v Ai;hnni,i, ih. Pacifsc Electric Prince Rupert, B.C. Box 1399 Ph. Blue 992 London, England. Mr ROECrS. !lom ,n . "t? ?VWlll T"-e ! " Pment of maTln! " ; teresc 10 tne English holding Fresh From Our Sootless Kitchen. Order Eorly! Order Now! The company and no dividends have !iiii:;ii!i!iiiMii!!!!!!!!!i(l!!i! iii'Ji..lii.ii!iiuiLi.lil:liil;ii!!li!!iiiiLii:ii artCTiij,aagfeiatii:1fesga ii:;iiiMiti:;ii':ii .llilti(m:;iil,illtl;i'lM mm wa tii.l.lii.,!liMii..'i,:!!ii..i!iiihiiii:.iii,l,!!'i Deen paid by the operating companies since iai2. Operating companies are: NUT HOUSE &DEURETT 234 E. 14th Avenue Vancouver 10, B.C ; south of Prince George; half mile in from , the main Vancouver highway. Farms all I around it. Tabor Creek runs right '-' through the property. Much of the land I -' is rich creek bottom land with small . r, willow growh. There is a gravelled road, , the Buckhorn Lake road on is southern ' line, ard land near the road is covered ; , with good timber. On the northern bench ; land there is only light timber. This land is surrounded with good farms, adjoins the Schlitt farm at the Tabor Creek bridge on highway . Only about 2 miles from PGE. It is a bargain at this price as a farm to develop or as a speculation for good farm lands near to Prince George are scarce. Price $10.00 an acre, or $1,500 cash. Clear title, taxes paid. Lo:' 2 80 ccrs of fine farm land right on highway, Vi mile from Tabor Creek bridge. Easy cleared. Very light willow and poplar growth. Price $1C.00 per acre, or cash $750.00. South Vi of N.W. !4 D.L. 1959. Lo: 3 This is a lovely plot of land, comprising 146.51 acres with half mile lake frontage on Tabor Creek famous for its fishing. It has southern exposure. Natural park like land., only 8 miles from the fast growing city of Prince George, about 4 miles from airport and on the Giscombe highway or rather there is half mile road leadinq to farm and its lake frontage from the highway. About 14 acres have been cultivated but neglected past few years. But these acres are in grass and neighbours' cattle graze freely thereon. And people take advantage of owner's indulgence by using this property for camping and fishing and picnics. The whole Vi mile lake frontaqe has a gentle natural terraced slope to the lake where fishing and swimming are enjoyed. This property could produce ci good living for one hiring. out boats. It is well situated as a farm, or as a motor court, lodge, hotl, fishing resort, dude ranch or for country estate o- home. There is a good well with splendid water though now neglected and a small creek. Plenty of "timber-scattered around the property for build-nd firewood. Only 15 minutes' car drive from the city, driving right on the lake frontaqs. Many trails on the property. There is no other such lake property so close to the city possess ing so many advantaqcous features. Price is $6,700. A mortgage can be arranged for $4,000 if reauired at 6",. But having left Prince Georqe and owing to ill health will sell for $6,500 cash. Clear title. Taxes all paid. Fr. NV2 of , D.L 2172. 146.51 acres. H. G. T. PERRY (owner) co Daily News, Prince Rupert, or at present at 190 King George Terrace, V-c'o-ia. or PRINCE GEORGE AGENCIES (local cqent) PRINCE GEORGE, B.C. C : Ut Pacific & Arctic Railway & Navigation Co. covering Al-I a.ska. ! 2i B. ilisii Columbia Yukon "l.iihvay Co. covering British j Columbia. , I (3i British Yukon Railway Co. ! cohering the Yukon district of j Janada. 1 1 (It Brit:sh Yukon Navigation Co. which Li concerned with j..ier cpeialjon.i uf the route. ; Ihc loutc comprises 110 mil ts FOR THE FESTIVE SEASON Thcra Could Bo No Better CHRISTMAS GIFT Ti.on o Sulstription to tho TAKE , KI i ' W FOR GRANTED Jf narrow gause railway through an extrcme.y tliificult and seem-i.ouiiiain a.ta lrom Skagway" Alui.Ka, to Wh.tehor..e, Yukon, m oil pipe line over the same .ouie, a lank farm at Whlte-noise and a large fleet of trucks, Jil tankers and buses providing t re-ularly scheduled .servlm 1 j irom WnltchOTse over some 2000 1 .niles of the Alaska Highway and j erving in particular me rapidly if 1 .i-.cnip.ii;; xurfon mining areas, of which Ktyiu Hill is the best Known. In addition the company operates in tae summer a ..uiiior ot passenger and freight steamers, tL..4S ana oarges down nie Vuico.n Hiver and thijugh hc numerous lakes In the wiiiLenor.'e ar,d Dawson area. 1 : V' Special Christr.ics Ofcr iEic!p D.'cember 31) 1 Ycer'5 Sa'scr'pt:on $ g 2 Year's Su'?3cr:pt!on . 3 Year's Subscription . . . 29,00 'New or Rnivwals) BARNSLEY, England (1 Two J men in court here claimed own- e.nnp of the same dog. The I . -Upje tried the names on the ' c:of, which recognised only one, j with the result one of the men 1 was fined 10 for theft of the do" I IONDON P; Margaret Oaod-fellow, 27, has Just received a card for her fifth birthday. Sent II ears ago by her grandfather, ' It had been lost in the post. A GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING EVERY DAY Take Advcntcgo of This Special Offer DISTILLED ANu BOITLED BY WILLIAM GRANT & SONS LIMITFD DAILY NEWS CLAoolijaj .--i'VKKiiriUMIiNTfa BftlNU KjsSSULlt . 1 iminr Thl Hdvertlsement In not published or itif-plav"1 m Cnntrol Bomd or by thp lidveniinciil i Vi H" u'""