1 Prince Kuperr Daily News Friday, December 7, 1951 ' "-- ' lilt- I MMII-,1. . . . . . Housekeeping . : 1 CAmoi llHllltiii IVllit 1 ' ' . V: Il Opens Bear! Meat Mart RAMORE, Ont. (CP) Kelly Chamandy has opened an unusual butcher shop in this town 100 miles north of Sudbury. He Is probably the fir.it man in Canada licensed to .sell the meat of bear, beaver, muskrat and racoon. Already knawn for his famed "Eskimo Land" a unique collection of northern Ontario relics Chamandy predicts a boom- 1 IVini UJerilSJwarU LONDON F Award of Merit by the Royal Horticultural Society goes to Canadian Welcome,' a n;w variety of the worht-fam-ous 'Bow Belfs' orchid, well-known ore Canadian markets. ' The white orchid, in the form of a boufiuet, was presented to Princess Eflzabetrr ami Princess Margaret at a reception in London's Oui'dhall, given as a "welcome hi.me" to Elizabeth' alter the royal tour of Canada. "Canadian Welcom e" was grown by Peter Black, director of an orchid-grawing firm, In honor of the Canadian visit. t f ,V - wall. The decorations should be characteristic of the season with a co! ;r scheme of red, green and white. The plates, cutlery and nap- 1 kins may placed at one or bo'.h ends of the table and duplicate dishes of food are a good idea if many are to be served. Card tables with pretty cloths ' ' r i With Christmas only a. few days away, Rrevtini cards will poon be arriving. The last of the presents are being bought and wrappe'i in attractive paper. Dacorations are leady to hang and a haw festive note rings throughout he hou:;e. Activities on Chi'ihtmas Eve vary from home to home in our vast eountiy. In some, the children go to bed early in anticipation ol Santa's visit, while father dresses the tree and mother complets last minute preparations for the Christmas dinner. In other homes, the first party of the season takes place. Some ing meat business. ,: Since obtaining his licence a month ago, he ha.s sold the meat -s of two whole biack bears but 4 - " rsxjzss2bzrr.zr claims he "could have sold 10 of I . , ' tnem if I had them." r. i. i .i. j. i 10th of December marks the third anniversary of the adoption . i 1P Universal Declaration of Hum.. Rights by the United Na- , P,PJ 01 bear meat now K-'-.i Aemhlv. Tlti dIM.m.n JL.i...... .!. 18 exhausted t and he doesn't ex- Arrlvu fi JUL times it takes the " form of a jh ijrm - '"pn v'-u Hiirr ran ui , :, ;.M and discussion, expresses the hifhest ideal ami aspirations "'"",, " . : "ouse-decoratlnR party. If this i I. human family. The work of many minds, the Declaration com- ""Tn , ',, trapping sea- , is tne case. as the Euests arrive, ., "'n ln fu he v expects he 11 , I, the experience, morals, laws, aims and beliefs of many differ- thay are made responsible for i,plfs towards securing the universal recognition of these rights; "ae a ?00? suPPiv bef v" i some small part of the riecora- Prince Rupert G. Titus, Prince George; J. K. Stevens.'J. Usborne, C. N. Shears. D. Newton, E. Kissock, E. S. Warner, a. Burns, j. II. McSaufehlon, G. Speirs, F. H. Weeden, H. B. j aim iuM meal, un i.auu oy ; tions an(i at the end of the the end of the month. ! evening their work is iuded and will be appreciated by those present without laps, that is, the 1 men. The home economists suggest that the menu may be sliced ham or tonpoie with perhaps a potato salad, and for color, a jellied one in a Christmas shape. Another good idea is to have an ea.,; -to-prepare hot casserole di h such as creamed chicken and mushrooms. Whether the main dish is cold or hot, be sure tc have a festive array of relishes on the table. It goes without sajing that a'generoiis supply of iiui, loiis snouid be there too. i I'or an informal gathering, the home economists suggest that the hor.tess havo a large saucepan or soup on the stove. Everyone is sure to enjoy a cup of hot g'jjp either upon arriving or before leaving on a crisp, jvinter rie.ht. Consomme or bouillon are roth quite suitable for the occa-' sion. To s-rve with the soup, there is nothing better than Me'ba toast, croutons or small salted crackers. Hot sausage rolls made with either sausages j rum (fe;' Jt I & ir i' I- to Racoons, he said, are lew and i a prize awarded. In still others far between in the north but he it is the custom for the family to believes he'll have some racoon ! have a large meal after th.-y re-meat for sale occasionally. i turn from midnight church ser- rmers tion plant in Saskatoon, which has been processing rape-seed oil for low-quality European margarine. II ! The The two two influential influential co-opera-! co-operatives Re'iuests of friends for bear vice. . No matter which type of Rn!im0 . tlve.1 do do not not sneak sneak for tor the th. en -meat gave Chamandv the idea celebration is taking plaje a ake UI Vj V. Everett, G. E. Wilson, W. C. Budd and J. Mouatt, Vancouver; R. E. Balardeau, Prince Georgvj; E. A. Magel, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. E. Snidal and family, Cassiar; H. Wipperman and H. Guy, Mas-set; I. McAuley, Ocean Falls; O. H. Dolond, J. Heckling, city; A. J. Bond, Hazelton; J. McMahon and G. Heffernan, Vancouver; Mrs. G. H. Joliffe, Queen Charlotte City; L. Casey, Terrace. tire Saskatchewan dairy Indus-'0' lne "Utcner shop and set him pauy oecoraiea iree witn coior-try, but their decision to get ''bout trying to get a licence. ful packages piled behw, candle Into the margarine business With tongue in cheek he ap- n8nt and a P'y centre piece -I.VftoN (CP) A group of Tbii advertisement u not published or ilUfttayed by the Liquor Cootr! Board or by the GovcrnmcDt of British Cohmbia. " mi -i '.tn larmers nave '""" iium me pre- ,piuai;iit?u tne wuuiue omsiun oi -,v - - ,n about-face on mar- vluus stand. Only a year ago Mr. i the Department of Lands and for the Christmas Eve party. Invead of fighting it, Gooding, voicing scepticism re- j Forests at Kirkland Lake in . Home economists say that when rilke the butter subMi- gating a news starv that somt search of the licence. entertaining, the refreshments -mivs. "-V fwners cashed their And with tongue in cheek the fhou'd be pland an,d P ww no prejudice again.-.t cream cheques in order to buy, division took Chamandy'a re- n fvance 80 a" .may T01" n th' Sm ot lhe even,n- n ,s margarine, said: j more," said, m,y quest to the Ontario government 1!fi!il!i;i:W!(ii!iii!ii!!t!'!m;f;im imim i ; I TTJftl ( : !" i i i! i '51. . SITTUilfj H H 5 1! Iftf 'I 11? I 'j -I ""II ? Hi ! nmru??nf??m liiiu,..,, iiiihit,. 'uii.njr1;, ...! ; ni'.i,! I: ..-': ,.::i,.-.r :,.,;...,. .i!. ;!:...; , :U'i i;' i If you want to sell it, aJvertlse j it. News classified. or Werners', a large p'ate of assorted sandwiches or a make-your-own sandwich tray ara all t'nun. president of 8ask- aarry farmer would be a I in Toronto. .ih.imhuuu io near in nuim. inai Federated Co-opera- fool to cut his own throat, and dairy farmers are not fools." WON'T 1IIKT DAIRYING Gooilint', manager of tho i.w.m Dairy Pool, add- OPENS BtTCIIfiR SHOP ! rich foods at Christmas time and Within a week's time the li- that simple, but attractive party cence came, enabling him to fare, templing to the eye and the open his butcher shop but .stipu- : appetite, without taxing the bud-lating that only the meat of g-et will be very much enjoyed, beaver, bear, muskrat and ra-; . h,.ffp, nBrt ,, piiminatp Announcing the new plan, Mr. b'en mviri!? Urwin said: "Before very long ,rv industry a ride. We you will be able to buv co- good foods whh can be prepared well ahead of time. f or a sweet to.it.h filler, a tray of cookies could be the answer. I Why not fcrve an international selection of cookies such as Scotch shortbreads, Chinese chew;;, Danish fancies and Canadian applesauce cookies? The final touch to entertaining at this season is, of course, Christmas cake and coffee. than have we should t!,:,: raiher .i,c hurt us, many serving difficulties. Tho coon be sold. The plight of the now lowly-paid trapper is part of the reason why Chamandy believes he secured his licence without de- guests, by serving themselves, he'p with the work. If the dining room is large enough, leave the table in the centre with the operatively produced margarine. For the life of me I cannot see that this is going to hurt the dairy industry in any way because, as I say. the Dairy Pool came in with us on the proposition." Federated Co-operatives will distribute the margarine help us." 1U.IiuO.000 pounds of ne a.s brought into :n .iii from outside the The Saskatchewan ili- Hied they niight as .: t:e:n.-,elve.s in on the j & fe I lay. i decorations in the middle of it. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS ' If you have missed your paper, please phone your newsboy. If you do not know your newsboy's name, coll the office before S p.m. KOI TE 1 Alan I.arrd, tlreen 1S3 Watt.-! and Nic ker.wr's to FrlzzelFs Motors: Fulton Street S1G-600 ; 6th Ave. West 600 and 700 Blwks. ROUTE 2 Ralph Olsen, Blue 123 Herman Street; 1430 fith East to Seal Cove. ItOlTE 3 Victor Maskulak. 1st Ave. West 248-1077: 2nd Ave. West. 041-1023 incht.-I-ins 0th Street; 3rd Ave. Frizzeli's Motors to end of 3rJ West. ItOlTE 4 Alvin Nysledt, Blue 638 7th Ave. We.t 704-1427: 9ih Ave. West 102-60!) 80'1-Cfil: ' Fulton Street 700 Block; Tatlow Street 8t)f-i;23; Comox Ave. ItOlTE 5 Jimmy M -Lean, Red 822 4th Ave. West 100-445; 5th Ave. West 105-515; 0!h Ave. West 3U8-539; Dunsmuir Street 211-421; Tallow 612- FOR A LASTING "The trappers used to get $75 ; If the room is small or 11 the for each blanket beaver pelt and ! living-room is to be used, place now they get only $25," he said, j the table acalnst the wall and Chamandy pays trappers 20; arrange the decorations along cents a pound for the meat and , the side of the table nearest the The British Naval library fn London has records showing the po; ition of any vessel at any date Io: two centuries past. SHINE, through its 300 stores. The c ,in to take the bail rjahy Pool will take care of the soap companies ing.it to Independent retail out-;:ir manufacturer of lets. and keep the saving Butter production in Canada, whs it at 'S3 cents a pound. He had already sent out a number ,lrm-x,in, said Mr. Ur- now nf. t.ho lnu,p! levul tn 9li,nf clrrnlnrs -idvisinff i.ranner of 0 e 3u(l retail co-opera- years, has dropped by about 40,- j the new meat market and mail-cs have ben selling be- boo.OOO pounds year since the j ed to settlements from Nortn '"'U ,ui(l 7000 pounds nf manufacture of murgarine was 1 Bay to Moosonc-e on James Bay. 1 atavarltW a Week at riPrlared leunl h the itrli.lnl i K.. nnn t ... ...ill w -j -" nuuui uu uduiici win ftv-v ij I'f-nis . '. ouutr committee of the Privy Council circulars. Some of the circulars here .it 09 cents. nearly three years ago. I went to trappers Chamandy al- Besides competition from the I readv knows, while others were Ii.,ir Pool and tiie Fed-(' eopetatives. are con-by Mime 1211.000 Sask- mailed directly to settlements SATURDAY and MONDAY SPECIALS 14 Shopping Days Till Christmas margarine, dairy men blame tiie decline in butter production on i l.irniers. The two br-.,i.s have organized a s ,rv. We.ncrn Foods Ltd., f ;!cture margarine. The the difficulty of obtaining labor lor dairy farms and the relatively high returns to farmers for other oroducts such as beef for the trappers' information. , Chamandy cstin.ates that 75 per cent of those who buy from him since he obtained his 11-cenie had never tasted the meat before. -lit owned by the Dairy cuttlc, gram, hogs and poultry. 4 -i be lood. Boys' Dress Shirts I they all keep coming But Girls' Coats . Sizes 8 to 14 . To clear 15 DISCOUNT D'MKV TltOEH'tTS If you want to sell It, advertise back for more. They like It so S1.29 Reg. $1.99. To clear ... it. News classified. well I cant meet the demands. f !ii of tiie new enterprise I in make maximum u.se t y products. Legislation 1,'n.s.sary. Saskatchewan nii'iire that at least fient ol any butter sub-He vim-table oils. West-f -'is Ltd. will be able to J -.i e about 10-per-cent 1 Talk in its product, but -a in and Mr. Goodins I .ke to -see the proportions 10 DISCOUNT Toy Department CHINA Black floral Cups and QO dJ Saucers. Only, each Kinsmen Peanut Day jj On orders of $10.00 or more in our "i Toy Department DOMS' DEPT. STORE 515; Emerson Place; Agncw Place. ROUTE G Eleanor Walker, Green 929 8th Ave. West 105-537; 9th Ave. East 110-270; MeOrleie Street 113-708. ROUTE 7 Glendon Smith, Blue 931 All of Section 2 ROUTE 8 Jimmy Johnson, Green R61 Waterfront and Pacific Place; (CNK-Fi.':herjuei:'s FioaLs). ROUTE 9 Mclvin Bjornson, Green 113 8th Ave. East, McBride to Hays Cove Circle. ROUTE 10 Bruce Roald, Green 719 4th Ave. East 237-73H; 5th Ave. East 301-719; fith Ave. East 119-245, 301-626; Hays Cove (Jir::le 82-667; Cotton Street 511-516; Green Street 411-416; Eberl Street; Young Street. ROUTE 11 Leslie Murdoch, Black 285 Piargfitt Ave.; 1st and 2nd Overlook; Herman Place; Piggott Place. ' ROUTE 12 Sammy Alexander 11th Ave. East 333-1865; Frederick St.; Shcrbrook Ave. :' t UOUTE 11 Ronny Eby, Grfrert 258 Mi" C'.C""' 1st East 225-247; 2nd Ave. West 137-341;" 1st Street 131-225; Market Place; 3rd Ave. Daily News-National Motors. ROUTE 13 Alleyn Ritchie. Black 888 5th Ave. West 035-735, 741-745; Borden Street Frarrr , Street Blggar Place. ROUTE 16 Frank Kilborn, Green 977 4th Ave. East 124-234; 5th Ave. East 101-240; 7th Ave. East 108-658; Bowser Street. ROUTE 17 Charlie Lindstrom, Green 924 6th Ave. West 210-539; 7th Ave. West 120-537: 3th Ave. West 221-528: Lotbiniere St. 721-723; McBridc St. 4i:i-704; Tatlow St. 625-733. ROUTE 18 Arvid Hardin, Blue 665 6th Ave. East Block 800; 8th Ave. East 915VI76: 9th Ave. East 1000-1144,; 10th East 900-1130; Alfred Sirrft: Bacon Street; Donald Street. Phone: Red 846 McBridc end 4th Ave. ors of the plan see an-'Uig-raiiRp advantage for aewan farmers, who ive been urged to lessen n:e on grain growing. ! encourage farmers to jail'Avers, whose seeds iih-LTade vegetable oil. "tn Manitoba has had "able success in growing if''.s for .salad oils. In n Saskatchewan, about '''mental sunflower plots "' out this year. Already s a vegetable oil extrac- Saturday, Dec. 3 , 3 ean$ of peanuts in a pack 'i pound peanuts, cashews and almonds $2..00 a Pack IN AID OF CHILDREN'S XMAS PARTY FUND ,HlR$ lot 04 A W.. Lit fOt SCOTIAND'S fAVOUHII SON OHNNIE f,'" : . " l : tl s r-f I1H,W " A. 5 a m ALKER C0TCH Gk I insnr I ' Ujo-- P- i? A Lovely Little Gift Hassocks a r e presents that everyone can afford Hiram l-w .":.. , CP , v and yet they give lasting beauty and usefulness to any living room. ROUTE 19 Jimmy Johnson. Green 661 6th Ave. East 870-1140; Ambrose Ave. ROUTE 20 Jack Rudolph, Green 731 8th Ave. East 1038-1944. ROUTE 21 Jimmy Moorehead. Red 335 2nd Ave. West 1135-1314; Park Ave. 1005-2279; 11th Street; Water Street; Beach Place. ROUTE 23 Larry Parent, Green 487 8th West 615-735; Summit Ave.; Taylor Street. ROUTE 24 Brian Roberts, Black 480 2nd Ave. West 716-3rd Ave. and 6th Street: 3rd Ave. West Daily News-Watts and Nickcrson's (5th St.). . ROITE 25 Gary Tarkin, Green 660 6th Ave. East 1141-1476. ROUTE 26 Frankie Stewart, Blue 716 7th Ave. East 931-1086; 1103 Ridley Home; Hays Cove Ave. 928-1154. ROUTE 27 Christopher Harvev, Green 214 Oth East, McBride Hays Cove Circle. Hays Cove Circle. THESE ARE THE DAILY NEWS LITTLE MERCHANTS THEIR SUCCESS- DEPENDS ON YOU . Special Three types p I 'a i n storage, record and slipper, also solid and pillow varieties. Colors tan brown and grey. red. green, ivory, A Old ... r."'ll'-I, en,e,l find """'e in Seothnd nienii 2AU M From 3.95 to 18.75 CANADIAN WHISKY IViM'.V--'- .--'5J- Walker l son im Scorch WhJky DisliHers j lWANocr, SCOTUND By me MsnutKS w me fJMTavs(atmtian &8Mrmisxr I A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. i 1 !"ri!s,,mp"t Is not pi!bl!shtl1 ;;ry,t ''V 1he I,ltuor Cnntml k; ,'v flovcrnment of I J "A good place to buy over a quarter ol a century This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by ' the Government of Canada. 6 327 Ifrrt Avenue n :ii;npili!i!mmim!lill!llli!;!iiiil l!miiiiffitiiinimii!ii;!;ijflijsN 1 lUiiiMtL.iii:M,i,uiilli;ii::uil.ii,..ii,:iii.hliL..iihii.il.l.L:;jiii;iiiiis.!l.i.s,i.,.i.iii ,i .. m, 1 1 . i , , 1 1. ,i. :.i n ... :: I I I ......i,.i.,iiiLi