1 TAR 'ScABS 11,1.1 llsrTCIIKI "W s T m. f&OVIKClAl. LIBEARI 113 V OJ E T1CT03IA, B. C. Den 3ah - ot --CIVIC CENTRE NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" Courtesy Ormes Drugs VOL. XL, No. 286 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1951 PRICE FiVS CENTS n7 nETn n n n ET1 PJ n EMS efence SlflfNnf Ar tO - U.K. TOTAL TRAOt ir Mommr tvftm I 1150 i 1951 .- NORTH AMERICA . TJS. . on . , .. m Authorizing Bill For Mean Line Coming up UN Rules Communist China Out Atomic Gunnery Es Ready Oofar Arte vj Neti-ntrlint l.fV. Nmon ogram igging I Prime Minister Winston I'aris 0) - united Nations OTTAWA (CP) Transport Minister Lionel General Assembly today slapped chevrier said Thursday night in the House of Com- Uown a new Soviet bloc attempt , , , , n r i. -n WASHINGTON, D C. 0 General E. Lawton Collins said on irU..HPn.. tW tWn IhA ItnlfaH U) seat Communist China and mons trial lie nupes uiat iicai ycxi r ai iidiucut, win . . , I IHUIMIHV llllflll. IIICII. MIC UI1IHU L lull Sees Less iurr f Wurld War iK)N (CP) Prime Minister fc Churchill said Thurs- our. the Nationaiiots. ; authorize the building of a railway into ismisnstates has developed atomic ar-, tillery and he indicated that .JZnM- Kitimat aluminum development such weapons may be ready for combat use in the "not too dis ! "I hope to be In a position to nounclng a report from the cre-UMilials committee declaring the Nationalists represent China le-pI:v 1hi Rnviet move was de- , nt that Great Britain will j id complete her $13,-f, ion dclcnce program on ,.,. in 1953. get on as fast as we S.li.iil Churchill told the House Radiology fpatjd M In 1 with four absten- ! bring down a bill at the next session for the building of the railway," the minister said during debate on the St. Lawrence seaway project. The railway link would be built by the government-owned Canadian National Railways into Kitimat where the Alumi i in renlv tj n niieA- Important fans. Kleeting in plenary session, the 60-eountry group urged the Se-riB itv Council hv a vote of 54 to V- I y f LV jj PAKISTAN A,aNTV iVT UK.TAOtBAtANCSrmu ' SOUTH AMERICA I rft" S nii I . -'-JU u-iui I UNiOM Of 1 AFRICA jLT W t S tant" future. The Army's chief of staff said that atomic weapons will not revolutionize ground warfare but they will "greatly enhance the power of defence" and be of greater value in defence than in attack. Collins added that the Army is already making plans for the day when atomic artillery and guided missile battalions will replace some of the conventional heavy artillery. 5.' to approve Italy's application Use of X-ray in medicine is for U.N. membership. However, developing in sucn stages to oe j 1 1 , i. ii is considered unlikely the move come one of the interesting wil' lead to Italy's admission for rciences studied today, D. J. B. a Russian veto is forecast. I Harrison, travelling B.C. radio- to legist, said at Rotary luncheon The Assembly rejected 38 5. with six abstentions, a Soviet yesterday X-ray, he said was in most halt to resolution calling for a A,.ron intPrferpnce in Greek cases, "a very valuable adjunct num Co. of Canada is planning to use British Columbia power resources to turn out its product. (The railway will be built south from the Terrace area, a distance of about 40 miles to iii the Laborltc lcft- Ain'Uiin Bevau. .shall do our best but I he very wrong not to lie Hou.se that there will m as tliere has been in nltioiis programs I have been connected with." hill also told the House: ii iia.s made considerable .s toward building the A-Iherc is less danger of a Aui id war now than at a,- since the Berlin air 11M3 because of "deter-,Minst aggression" the- United States, Great and other nations of the st. in Jioonnetc nut Vt satri "if afiairs. x'-ray Kitimat, it is reported.) takes an expert to read h K. WORLD TRADE The world's principal monetary areas are shown' briefly on the map above. The Burling Area, of which the United Kingdom is the clearing centre, embiaccs the entire Commonwealth with the exception of Canada, and includes Iceland, Eire, Jordan, Iraq and Burma. The Dollar Area, centred In the United Stales, embraces western hemisphere countries but Includes the Philippines. Britain's trade deficits during the last year are shown in diagram insvts. The top Inset gives the United Kingdom's total trade for the last four quarters In monthly averages and shows the increase In import payments due to rising prices for raw materials in the world's markets during these periods. In the second insvt Britain's trade deficits with the main monetary areas are also shown for the last four quarters in monthly averages. New Police Coming Here Two RCMP constables arrived yesterday and one is due tomorrow to bring up to strength police complement here, sub- Reds Riot In Tehran Korean War Quietening plates. "Amateurs just weren t able to read them, for they could be interpreted in many different forms by inexperienced people. He outlined the theory and principles of x-ray and illustrated how the science had been applied to industry in testing steel or other metal casings lor flaws. TEHRAN (CP) More than 100 persons were injured today as ' division inspectorate said today. bikers thousands of police and Com- Const. W. H. Doiand has been munist-led students turned Te-' assigned to the sub-division; hran into a scene of wild run- Coast. J. T. Hicking and Const, nlng battles. G. L. Simpson to the Prince Ru- Weather ce Axe rv Workers May Be Fisheries Minister And Skeena Member See Big Shells Lobbed in Korea Foxhole Digging Calls for Speed, Bome 2000 police-troops fired P"t city detachment, const, into the air and used tear gas, Simpson arrives tomorrow. SEOUL (CP) United States planes today shot down a Communist NIG in the 11th straight day of jet battle. Another MIO was damaged in a second fight. There was no report of Allied losses. The frozen ground front remained quiet, save for an occasional patrol clash and intermittent artillery fire. i : Sentence h;ui;c-cl if Nil Siilllement imrrnw fire hoses and clubs to break up; Smuggling Cigarettes j OTTAWA More than eight million smuggled American cig-( arcttes have been seized by federal authorities since last April. Smuggled cigarettes on the Montreal market sell for $3 per carton of ten packs as compared to 45 ronts per pack for Canadian cigaretUis. The RCMP have tinted thai border farmers In Homt areas are linked with the smuggling ring. Synopsis The first in another series of f aciflc storms is now moving in on the north coast. It will cross thj northern interior later today and the south coast overnight. Southeast gales and rain a government-banned demon-1 stration by 5000 Communists) outside the parliament building. Reds shouted, "Death to Mos-j sadegh." AIR PASSENGERS Vancouver F. St. iJiurent. Sandspit J. H. MacAuley, W. Morris, L. R. Valentine. OUVLR (CP) The whether beer will be in British Columbia tav-rlnre Christmas may bo Inlay. Negotiations for' . .si'itii incut are continu-l mini union and opera-1 ).n v htativeji. - , 1 accompany the storm along the coast. It will cause snow flurries j today in the- cr ti Ural and northern j Unchanged f are not too far apart," Reporter Finds ! By BILL BOSS OnHUidU PrfSK tst-Hft Wrlii-r Wmi TIJ K CANADIANS IN KOKUA (CD On a bright, sunshiny noon and just when Fisheries Minister Mayhew and E. T. Applewhaite, MP for Skeena, were in the area, too the Chinese began lobbing hefty medium-calibre shells into a spot that can't be. described except to say that in a conventionally-conducted war it isn't normally shelled. union spokesman today, j Niws-llerald said In ttj use story that, if Brit-1 iimbia s 43-dav-old brcw- Kurt Meyer Still I'mler Control of Canadian Government French Cargo f fci' is not settled by noon ' interior. In the fresh now or moist Pacific air behind this disturbance cloudy weather with scattered showers will persist along the coast on Saturday. In the northern interior scattered snow flurries are in sight i"or tomorrow while variable cloudiness is expected in the southern interior. Temperatures tonight and tomorrow will not be as cold as in the last day or so. Gale Warning: North coast region Gale OTTAWA KP) Ralph Camp- iy. the striking workers ney, parliamentary assistant to M liuniiarged. Oivin U Plane Missing - lor lis .story, the news- The local barometer rose f .r,- an ultimatum has A Defence Minister Claxton, saict in the House of Commons on Thursday that Kurt Meyer's life sentence has not been changed. City Council Backing Telephone Referendum Everyone in Favor, City Clerk Is Authorized To Say Ald.-EIect Youngs, However, , ; Favors Selling Out , Present city council, including mayor and aldermen, City Clark R. W. Long and Telephone Superintendent Eric Janes are in staunch support of the referendum which will ask Prince Rupert citizens to approve city negotiations for a new telephone system. ' I "Either we can have a mod- I j era. up-to-date automatic dial T0CI3V S StOCkS system in three years, or we may ' J J wiwvM I not even be able to phone across (Courtesy s. u. jiiiiiitituii t o. Ltd.) the street," Mr. Long told The ' Dally News today. He said he MARSEILLE, Frailer Unilod States Air Force upon by executives cargo steadily. Shrapnel went clean through the tent of Capt. Tom I ";'" wnicn "vc 1 plane, with ten persons aboard. feet. Responsibility was forthwith transferred. He mast have slaved. The following night saw the camp cot still three feet below ground. ifter Owens of Montreal, just above af last night "His sentence remains exclusively within control of the miles radioing in, only forty warning in ellect again today. nead level, a uuc was wiui-oughly knocked out by a shell- ' htirvl flun fndt. ill fmnt. Of it. Canadian government and has ; r;iiiiiriv wit h showers tonight and from desl i nation here. The The plana plana Is Is believed believed down down In in unit Doimlas Fir con-' - nmi,ia,.. ai.ni atons; me u.c annul one-quarter ol tne mountainous terrain alongside Officers who 1"" 'C British Columbia French Riviera or perhups dn.t dt1R a0le since the Sec-f I the Mediterranean. j ond WorW war discovered they been In no way changed," Mr. j tomorrow. Little change In tem-Campney said. I perature. Winds southeast (45), The parliamentary assistant's j shifting to southwest (35) this statement was made following afternoon. Wind southwest (30) demands from the Opposition j tonight and tomorrow, shifting for a governmental declaration to southeast (35) tomorrow even-on its policy towards the former ; ing. Lows tonight and highs to- barrack boxes and gear piled high behind. But gone was the pile of soil in front. Instead, neatly squared off, the hou.se was doubled. His cot was In its accustomed spot, but clearly in emergency he was prepared to move it down into his conception of safety. And the sandbags . . . They were I , !.... lr...lr land Prince Docks Here I1UUIII Ill.St LUC IWH1.1. They also found that the prone position, extremely close to the ground, is adopted without though, without (almost) moving a muscle, when sounds German major-general convict- i morrow at Port Hardy, 38 and ed of responsibility for shooting 46; Sandspit, 37 and 46; Prince Canadian war prisoners. Jnupert, 38and 46. Social Credit Moving Log Wage Agreement like "I'hw-w-tt cr-rumph! close in on the area. One such was Capt. Hugh Hutton of Hamilton who found himself trying with a reporter to force place for two under an upright piano. Capt. Walt Wheeler of Kingston and Licuta Don Dingle of had been authorized to speak for the council. s For several years the city of Prince Rupert has been seeking proposals from various telephone companies. No satisfactory arrangement could be foreseen, until recently. Both outside and inside facilities of the present city-owned telephone system are totally inadequate, says Mr. Janes. "The outside plant is com spread out as matting on the ground, as protective mats under the gear, decorative, neat, but hardly protective. "No good, Chong. Tomorrow fix. I show." Two holes. Deep. Narrow. Piled around with sandbags. But meanwhile what a night. As the probing cr-rrumphs crisscrossed farther and nearer, backward and forward, not only i were the walls now missed, but VANCUUVtrt w calgury who. seeing space under British Columbia loggers will re- suchB J premium Wive more than than their tncir coastal -oasu . ... , our tent a shattered hole In "'i 'l t. .side about one-third j way back from the bow, fii-iibh Coitmibia Steam- -aihkIi'ii motor.ship freight-4 mil Prince was lifted out 4 water on to the pontoons I- I'nm e Rupert dry dock $ 'sins of the Lsland Prince (! her arrival in port at k la.st night in tow of 1 Ainiour Salvage Co.'s F. H. f; n. T lie vessel had been pumped out, patched (", 'floated before the 50-ow was undertaken. 1 operation was in charge f 'X Sievert, skipper of the 1'hippen, and Hubert J mulct writers' representa- V'ir wind prcvuiied for the 1-lM there were 'no com pit- Into British Columbia Election on Full Scale W. A. C. Bennett, Conservative Rebel, Goes Over To That Side New Set-up Seen KI5LOWNA (CI') The Social Credit party may pletely run down and the switchboard has to be maintained eight brothers if a tentative contract agreement announced here on Tnursdav receives ratification. it's the safest place in camp." Wheeler ran past the spot. It was dark. golly! a roof ought to be there, loo and sandbagged. The situation on the digging front changed sharply next morning. Maj. Colin McDougall VANCOUVER American Standard .... 29 Bralorne 6.00 B R X 03 Cariboo Quartz 1.06 Congress 06 Crontn Babine 51 Vi Giant Mascot 88 Indian Mines 2354 Pend Oreille 9.25 Pioneer 2.00 Premier Border 35 Privateer 08 Reeves McDonald 625 Reno 04 Sheep Creek 160 Silbak Premier 60 Vananda 16 Salmon Gold 01 V2 Silver Standard 2 55 Western Uranium 4.15 Oils-Anglo Canadian 8.35 A P Con 64 Calmont 160 C & E 14.00 Central Leduc 2.50 Home Oil 17.00 Mercury 22 Okalta 3.45 Pacific Pete 11.25 Royal Canadian .17 TORONTO It wasonce. Shreds were move into British Columbia at the next provincial Woodworkers of America an of Ottawa persuaded a crew of public relations drivers to reinforce and direct Chong's strong right arm. By nightfall two massive, five-foot-deep, cot-sized sandbagged fortresses lack picked out by the flashlight, hanging in nearby trees. The ground nearby was adrift with feathers from Wheeler's sleeping bag. A shell had gone right election on a large scale. Political observers forecast this move Thursday when W. A. C. Bennett, rebel member of the Legislature, announced here that he notmced. This would bring the basic Interior rate to $130. half a cent above the coastal rate. The agreement, ali?ady ratified by the Woodworkers' Union political committee, now goes to a referendum vote by the gen- on the voyage here, ed only cover for completion. 'cs.j'1 was almost dry and plans to join the Social Crediters, ! Utile list. hours a day to keep it running. "The main switchboard is the only one of its kind remaining on the' North American continent a travelling museum collector once wanted to buy it and all repair equipment and parts have to be custom-built. "More than 90 per cent of out-time is spent in keeping the existing sytem in operating condition and this with terrific expenses." Mr. Janes said that according to telephone statistics, Prince Rupert operators were among the hardest-worked anywhere. "Each operator handles up to 3ii7 calls an hour some even exceed this. Ordinarily, 220 to 250 calls an hour is considered top operating." If the people want to see this condition changed, and see a the "'U her submersion, r not v But they were draped wlin left-over empty sacks lining the walls below ground level. "No, Chong. Tomorrow find logs. Cover holes. Fill s-acks. Put sacks on top." - Mr. Bennett, ciectcu as a Coalition member for North Okanagan in the 1949 election, i crossed the floor of the House 'last February, sitting as an In- i (,u vuu inc- eral meniuersinp mi.u j eargo, including canned peeled to take about ten days. y and "lld nannr nauer ih-ihIiicLn. ni'nHiuI.K wus .....i Kn r-ilifierl hv fi3 Sudden Death of City Carpenter lb IllUt Ol'TU operators. through the lent ana cxpiouco squarely in its centre. People looking for Wheeler that night found on the spot a sign saying: "Moved to new location." "LOCAL DIGGING" When shrapnel landed on my jeep trailer local digging was begun. The boundaries of a hole jut barely larger than a camp cot were scratched out at the back of the tent. Two hours, two ' dependent member. His action ;"oiinl. 'Ulily a worse Job than the hull repair will be the ""I f the 500 h.p. diesel r and i i ....f,. Under the tentative aui cement, the union would get an Improved security clause and Re-elected At Terrace Aumaque 23 B.'attle 19 Bevcourt 66 Buffalo Canadian 18 Consol. Smelters 181.00 Conwest 3.60 Donalda 54 cost of living bonus of lc for every point rise in the cost of island Prince sank after Won 'luu.sday night near hi it t bv the ftsh nae.ker living index. A spokesman for coastal log- " Lake. Later she was run olng operators said today that blistered hands and much sweat Ui J'e Inlet and beached. while the new interior contract laer lhe me wftg tWQ feel deep 0. ' Chilf'll l ata ic r.t tW. O t scale was actually nan a ceuii Complete failure was registered .j, jiii a, vile aj.v.-. -,,r dllt'lt here now, also hiirhei' than tne coast, iambm. .. .. . t rt vl - ,... Mike Maslinki. a 33-year-old followed criticism of government Prince Rupert carpenter, died , nospltal insurance and last night in hospital here, fol- , ' . "... lowing a length yillness. He was sal( tax legislation, an employee of Boulter & Welter. Mr. Bennett may become lead-Married 4iis wife and four- er of the Social Credit party in year-old daughter survive him, British Columbia, it was report-also a brother, Paul, in the city, ed in political circles. Wife and child are returning to Convention to elect a new the city tomorrow from Vancou- leader may be held early in the ver where they had been visit- new year. Ing. ' Coalition of Liberals and Pro- Mr. Maslinki had been in the gresslve Conservatives, under city for 12 years and had worked Premier Byron Johnson, will as carpenter for several city con- probably be abandoned at next struction companies. election and full scale entry of Funeral arrangements, to be Social Credit candidates would announced, are in charge of B.C. mean a four-way fight for gov-Undertakers. - eminent control. Workers were actually receiving technlclUe ior filling sandbags and so the soil was piled high more because of a cost of living bonus which brought the basic Eldona .2014 East Sullivan 940 Hardrock 15 Harricana 0Ta Madsen Red Lake 2.00 Louvicourt 36', 4 Pickle Crow 167 Senator Rouyn 16 Sherrit Gordon 4.00 Steep Rock .., 7.30 Silver Miller 1.36 Upper Canada 1.60 Golden Mamtou 6.95 completely automatic dial system with a potential of 5000 phones within the next three years, the city will be ready to hear a proposal f rom a company with which temporary negotiations have been opened, said Mr, Long. The company has surveyed the inside installations of the telephone system. Meanwhile, the city has hired a telephone (Continued o.i page 6) TERRACE (Special to Daily Newsi Dudley Little and Jeff Lambly, the only nominees, were re-electod by acclamation yesterday as village commissioners. Which one will have the two-year term and which one the one-year is yet to be decided by the council. There were only the two vacancies. Emil Haugland, Sam Kirkaldy and William Osborne are the continuing commissioners. r TIDES - .hiiclay, December 8, 1951 on one side. Barrack boxes and kitbags lined the others. Excavations continued whenever local events spurred them T 9:33 19.7 feet wage up to $140 an hour. Snuff boxes of gold and silver with precious stones were widely used when the taking of snuff was fashionable in olden times. on, and by the time houseboy 22:19 17.2 feet Chong returned from a visit to relatives the depth was three 3:07 7.9 feet 16:11 6.0 feet J