f Prince Riipcit Duily News Kuduy, Dccmibor 7. lyjl News of the District ..5teel ?ui,.d.i.ngs! Drama of 'EBEBEIIEEIHIZIBHaBBEBaHaSMBBB Shipping foA a Girl's Xnus Gift WALLACE'S AOsMtMa 1 - M a it a 1 i 1 9 OF COURSE 1 fill, rcnlic liir eve! yth.iii; ti Ji!i ;j il l's afl ( 'in-;. Si, vs U) 11 cvciy av.c .u.lil. riiio.s 10 ,i-a.so all. :. a aiul V ! 7 ' .iv ' . j Dresses Skirts Blouses Housecoats Sweaters Pajamas -A Also Cartoon - News Evening Shows 7 - ;3 Saturday Matinees 2-4:25 Today and Saturday WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE: "iv TODAY toSATn.J v i ... 4 '""lvMistinMj,., ' fiorir,u iiii.iit-tictt.iaaaiiiiiiiiRuiaiiiiiiiiB f . . ".' ''"S i! n SI TOTE V "'l .'jhlkKL. A - ? : . ' I ' 13 ' .,,.'t V , '-.,., 'f ,. . -" . 1 ' 4 't - i ,. fit' 'If' t - -rife. t M 0 A blrl... V to produce such fin f I whisky 0 J a gift everyone will enjoy S', flat finish. , fJTyn I I Hnnrl-rJI.l .L: I t . 1 1 01 siyiei ona colors . Kll ilUSelAutiOllS j They ore enceplionolly economical .. .-,.,, hiding qualities. Hand up to yeon of Vv 1 , . .... ,,,ilT I uS lor the complete Murlin-Scnour ! vj (ll l'lri. i (or every iob. ' Xri i i f -jJa i'iiNCK iut'LJ(r, I ror Atiin Mine I'li'liihriciiti (f. all-.stvcl Imikl-inns arc p'ayiiiR a key rule in 1 ho I1C. mining btom. Tranrunt incnlul Resources I-'d., cf Vancouver, is crcctinK $-t;,,(K)0 worth of tliesc- units on iti Black Diianond t u iii4:,t t-il property in the Aiiin district and at it'. Kpud Valley dvvclnpnient on the wrst, co.i.st of Vancouver Island. The f in- mills involved will nrov'do 'Iviinr. dining, office and Ionise incoir.modittion. and are 1-i'ini; erected by the .supplier. Ke stone Industry's Limited, of Vancouver. They wcie "packaued" in Vancouver, c.'inpletr with finishing ,.,.,1,. i'lchidiiiK 1 1 1 1 i r 1 u . insula lion. Homing and prefah'Uid -crl Pieliil i hinineys, and shipped to the nunint; sites by water. Pn -i sui'it for Key.-tone Industries report 'that iiom three to six a:i-lee! preiabrVated strnc!Hics i'.-e beiim tinned out each week at their Vancouver plant. They repo t a nartieulnr mand from the mining Industry o'.Miiji to the quiik i vailiib'lity of the .i:u's. their eas., .shippiiiK and, erecting features, and because they itiinirnbv the fire' ha:;ard in remote nr. as. STEAMER Prince George SAILS FOR Vancouver In Ita mediate I'urts Each Tiiursdcy j .it ll l.'i p.m. For KETCH! SCAN h 1 im:suay MlDNIGH I i Luxury at Low Cost I - Prince George Sends Skins PRINCE GEORGE - FortJ bearskins for the King's Giena-dier Guards arc on their way to Britain. About a year ago. inem-L'.te of the Prince George Chamber of Commerce began a collection of the required number. Francois Lak( Now thai there has been an-othvr fall of snow the road is packed and much boiler for t.rcvelling'. The day; have been mild nnil plcasi'iit. lor s.ane time Mrs. da: 111 " ( 'O- IIS is visit lug in Prince Itlioeit :h Mr, 1 R B. Skiiuii r. i Thr-e hp among the children imtl the it t-' leudauce at school Is very , erratic. Mr. "ltd Mrs. Harry Johnson 'eft by ear on Friday nig lit lor Pi luce Rupert, With them was Mrs. Johnston's sister. Miss Eliza- i belli O'Connor. John KeeTe. (r . 1. ft on Tues-ciayclay morning by car for Vancouver. From there he v ill travel bv plane to SI John, New Brunswick, where he and Miss Eunice Pa.tter.soii will be married TERRACE OPICS I The dedication of a memorial to the late George Dover. People's ; warden from 1H26 to 1!M8, Villi take place at St. Matthew's An- : alican Church cm Sunday morn-ling. V'cnei able Archdeacon Ilod-i ran will conduct, the service. The memorial has been subscribed to ! by the .Anglicans of the di-lnel and consists of an inscribed altar desk and two inscribed prayer ! books. Margery Marie, infant daugh-i ter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl l!"b n- shield, was r'dpirnt of an in-jsrlbcd silver cup comiuemorat-' , lug her birth in the Terrace I hitspi'al tin .Saturday morning, :iic hour after the hospital olfi-;ri:il!v passed out of the hands of the Canadian Red Cross .Society into the ownership of thv town of Terrace. The members i of the Hospital Board subscribed ; to the t'ift wlvch is to be pre-: sented at the firs! annual meet-' , Ing of th-j association to be held on F,iday. Jsinuarv II. I!ift2. The I baby is the third child and ' second daughter of the Hoben-i shields. $ ' ! VA.N U VI It -YK lOItU ('. ituii lam 8 p.m. Ijcci-inher II. and 2.1 'amo.'iiiii ioiilii!',hl, 1 c iiibi r a. l'i and :tu Tuesday, 12 Noon Cumosutl l.l( I) ARM, MhWAIll AMI POUT SIMPSON Sunday. -C'lt'osiin, n p.m. - I OK NiiltTII Ol I I N I (IIAKIOITK ISLANDS J 'ei iiilier 7 anil 21 ss CtKiuiUam midnight t KOK MH'TH t)I H. (IIMMin ii; ISLANDS s.i. C'ii(iii . lata Noveo. Ik r 30, ft Dec, 14 iii.d iii niidnight UtA.SK ). SKINNhH , yt Prince UujK'it Agent IZ I'lilrd Avi.'.vie Phone O'iH 0 I nm-,.,.-n TTAl MniiTmirri i . 6 72 M 'K i. m::',i sharing - fc-? L ;z&t' -'n m IVtt hiIu ilueii,.'iit, is not piihli-lieil or(li-,il,nisl,vil Liquor Control Hoard or l.y the ( iovenimcntof ll.'iii.t.t',. s'ti1; 'Cf fcf c.x! tt.'fftt'i's ftttn' ! A MAN'S CHOICE FOR CHRISTMAS H'artimn I'reicliters I'.eiu? liiilett Out (if Mothballs at Huston BOSTON-A drama of ship-pine: is beinrr enacted in Boston as. Liberty ships, idle since shortly after the end of World War 11. are reconditioned far e.r.ersjency service. Coming into B:ston rusted and deserted at the end of a tow-ro.. . with their machinery idle and their holds bare and mtistv, th"se big ships are being; fixed and shined to do more yeoman duty in carrying cargoes of gram and coal to our European allies. Lying at berths in the Bcllile-h' :n Sh.p.vard at East Boston tn-i!av are two rust-colored Liberties stripped to the bare hull of all ringing, deck fittings, and ether accoutrements carried !v ships that, are ready for sea It has been several years sine smoke swirled up their slacks and the rattle of pans and dishes sounded in galleys and mess-. rooms. Just 10 years ago these shit ' were bluvprints on drawing boards or patterns in the laying-out lifts of shipyards helping to buiid tilt greatest cargo fleet evi'r to s'c.i.'ii the seas. IViS AT WORK During the war ears lhc car-tied guns. ammui'iLon. trucki. tanks, and other material to the fight ng fronts, risking submarines, dive bombers, and mines to supply the invasion "armies. Today they are being readied f ir service in the cold war against Soviet communism in Europe. Today, there are gangs of workmvn aboard these ships SC!a)ing me nuns, spraying paint, ripping out moisture-ruined deck coverings, repairing 'neglected boilers, replacing bear- inys nnrl rlninw h mirl ,.f nthpr inhs rnr-pyrv r.. mf.i kilc ship for active svrvire. Iti a .short time these rusted hums vsuii uieir Dare masts and empty crew rooms will be transformed into bright, newly painted,, and completely outfitter! ships. : i ; If you want to ,v i1 . ad'-, rt . t ; News cl.i..-s.iied ' iKemano-Prince Molorship Nilinat, With Colorful Skipper, on Initial Voyage InauBuraling a weekly .service which will be operated 'bctv.eca Prince Rupen and Kemano Kay for tran.port of passengers and freight in connection with the extracting for the great Alcan project, motorship Nitinat, Capt. John Vosper, was hi port Vwu-nesday. The Nitinat is well known as a former fisheries patrol ves.se! in British Columbia waters. Siie recently underwent an extensive remodelling job at' Vancouver to lit her for her new work. Capt. John Vosper is one of i BETTER USED CARS Thcso cars are older rr.ocJels but they are in 7Cod condition . . . and mosr important of all they are priced so that vou can afford to buy. 1947 Austin 8 Sedan ' Prefect Sedan International Pickup in very fjood shape 1928 Ford Coach 1950 Austin Sedan with radio 1948 Thames Van 1937 Terraplonc for good transporta-ion VOTE DEC. 13 get RESULTS iJ ' ' " ll ! . . . v. . " ., ' ; C litt rill Utu-Sa(e Ti:rltACE The Vvonian's Auxiliary to St. Matthew's Church ' held a successful tea and sale on 'f-'.i"ird.iy last in the Oddfellows' lull. Despite inclement weather, which made walking on the streets very hazardous. the caid!e-lit tea tables were kept filled by patrons all afternoon. The home cooking, candy and novelty stalls were quickly sold i out and the ' 'white elephant" stall was just as successful. r residing over these stalls were: Home Ci vklne. Mis. H. King. Mr; C. 1. M. Giggey. 'andv Mrs. J. ('alder, i White Elephant Mrs. D. L. !-'iiu!li ii:- I Mrs. .li'ir Lambley. (' 'h ei - Mrs. L. Newhouser. Dispensing t.'a and coffee at II;. Iii'iialilully appointed tea table were Mrs. Hudson and Mrs. Pei-cj Skinner, while those serving were Mrs. Hamlin, Mrs. Mor- t.i'n. Mri. McNaLb and MioS Marilyn de Kergomnieau. A'teiKling to Hk kitchen ar-raiigein-nt.s vc Mrs. E S. Laird, fur... R. Thomsoi., Mrs. E. Sande and Mrs. E. Head. Tile affair was openeo with a message of welcome by Archdeacon E Hudson and the guests 'Acre received by Mrs. Bert West, president of the Auxiliary. Kelowna To Have Woolworth Store KELOWNA-F. W. Woolworth Company Ltd. proposes to erect ;. new buildiirg here at the corner :f Water Street and Bernard Avenue. Preliminary plans recently submitted to the cily building Inspector, show a two-storty build- 'h;;. it is understood that Poole Construction Co. Ltd., Edmonton, has the general contract for the baiidmg. IKON SOURCE arly 7() per ci ul of the United .'"'silos supply of iron ore has long Ir-en provided from open-pit a ii"; in Minnesota. Rupert Service the pioneer master mariners on this coast with a picturesque career in both sail and steam. Now owned by Morrison-Knudscn, constructors, the Nitinat came north during the past week from Vancouver to Kemano Bay where she will be based. Under a tentative .schedule, the Nitinat will come north each Wednesday from Kemano to Prince Rupert, leaving Kemano 'lue.sda.v evenings at, 6 o'clock, arriving hi re ti a.m. Wednesdays, leaving here at 4 p.m. Wednesdays and arriving at Kemano 0 a.m. Thursdays. Tiie vessel will connect with, the Canadian National steamer arriving from Vancouver Wednesday and will also await the arrival of the daily aircraft from Vancouver. Her passengers will consLst of company personnel. Licensed to carry 56 day passengers, the Nitinat is now equipped with comfortable sea 1 1 it u accommodation in two saloons, cine forward aliaft the wheelliousc and another on, the deck below. There is no sleeping accommodation. Hold space aft provides for cm lying of 25 tons of freight. In addition to the weekly run to Prince Rupert, Nitinat will operate in general service for toe company from Kemano to such other Alcan points a-s Klti-mat and Kildala, also meeting coastal vessels when necessary at such points as Butedale. Built in New 'Westminster In 1!)39, the Nitinat Is 107.8 feet in length with 17 fi,ot beam end' depth of 1U. feet. She is equip ped with a 230 Vivian engine: whi'h gives her speed of 10.5 i knots. I A crew of seven is headed by Capt. Vosper with William Green as chief engineer and h. L. Cadieux as first mate. COLOitl-l., Stvll'lr.ii Capt. Vosper will be remembered along the Prince Ruperl waterfront a.s skipper for many years of the T. A. Kelley Logging Co.'s service boat Nora Jane which plied between Prince Rupee and yueen Charlotte Islands. He succeeded Capt. W. L. U.is; in command of the No.'u Jane. During World War II and for ,a few years alter, Capt. Vosper went back to deepsea with Canadian Transport Co. He had the distinction of commanding the .last sailing ship which left Canada in loieign trade the City of Alberni I formerly Vigilant! with which he made lumber-carrying voyage.? to Australia and South America, finally leaving the windjammer at Val- paralso, Chili, where she was sold, and Hying home to NEWS ADS . .... I V I - Martiri-Senour finis.rini nffar n - w mM" e,erY decorating need. hoe oulslanding coverage and wear and weather. Be .ore to see line paints, varnishes and enamels r ,..-- - - 1 : LONDON Tl.is a:! vcrUsement is not tVC""& ' -" -' : fefr- & ' -J V For the slippers ('' Don't mi fr-"? wo nrs... if our comfort-giw; i selection. Geo. Hill & Sons Ltd i lea, '.'rf Box 737 1 WhT; I Uv - I v . t-.''rf , '' .' 1r '.-f "'h-'? I ... . ;.rf.. ' 1 ' ' ; , ' ... ny I i I 1 ! ' 4',-.s I ! . l---j 1 1 . . .-' n h ' ..fr v I ,', ; V vT.'HVj I ? ' ' r'l '': 1 i i 3 - V;' : ...5 j ! ' ;'" 1 .:"'.. Phone Block' 3,,1,.'3,M1 ..,i..l.J,'. i, iii,i,i,AJ,j,i)3, mrm i CANADIAN LEGION iviure tin i Pre-Chrism BALL Qrygm TONIGHT Ladies Formal - Men Optional Superior Auto Service Ltd. 3rd Ave. W. Ph. Green 217 DRV G S3 Ri S Distilled in Canoda and disrribulod by Th. House of Seagram published or disptaycu by the I.i,aor , ontrl ..,, r v Oovcruineul of .i.itii CoIumUn. V J I '2! i!& 10to2-$2.50PerCoup 'it r .