Prince Rupert fDaiiy News LETTERBOX As I See it (Jack Everett Dies Career of raf(ftf , September t. 1951 By Alf to. TERRACE td 'shore. Tne oiiiei dutu drowned. Everett eventually came ashore and for a time served ( coastwise with the old Boscow-itz Co. on such vessels as the Vadso and first Venture. In 1916 he finally gave up seafaring lile and -started fishing at Wad-hams. He married Miss Jean Fenton of Port Hardy and Is survived by his widow and one son. Miles Everett, both at Wad-hams. ' I It was deceased's request that he be Interred on the lonely is-i land off which he had made his FACTS BEFORE FICTION The Editor. Daily News: j May we u:a a few lines in your! paper to satisfy the urge to', make a few comments on our city as we two of the general public see the facts: ! 1. Kitimat-What bearing will this envelopment have on Prince Rupert, in the way of increasing it in size, especially when Klti-mat will have its own harbor facilities, rallwav sidinc etc. and da independent dally newswwer devotee to the upbuilding of Prince Iluprt ana Nurthei n arid Central British Columbia. Wember of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations , " v-" Canadian Daily Newspaper Association 3 A. HUNTER, Managing Edi-pr. H. U. PERRY, Managing Dlrectoi . " ' SUBSCRlPTTOrf RATES: iy Carrier, Per Week, 20c; Per Month, 75c- Per Year, Cufj3ltt $8.00; By Mail, Per Month, 75c; Per Year, $8.00 -Republished every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. High Seas Adventure Supports India On tinv Florence Island, about first fishing cast. im Wdhamc In Rivers Rev. O. H. King, United WE HAVE had some dis- it position further south than Smithers, Burns Lcke Vandorhoof and Prince Goor- Leaving Prince Rupert Mondays - Wednesdays . Fr:d: t , us? wort mat drain most oi Church pastor at Bella Bella, inlet, where he had engaged in gidLtiui cacuuo Qur population? As it ls nt)Wi "";m "7a; nd logi,lg f0r conducted the final rites. Fifteen slanted, distorted neV3 pretty we!l everyonj you meet thp ,a't 35 yels were interred boats from Wadhams formed has one sole purpose, and that on Saturday morning the re- me iuncrai piuieaauin. reporting since the worl te to get where there's big money frnzp its moral values in!t be mad? in other words aiienqerS mains of Jack Everett, whoss career, covering the seven sea.s,, wa.s as adventurous as that of any seafaring man on the en- ; tire British Columbia coast. Everett passed away on Friday at the R. W. Large Memorial At 3 p.rn, ( PACIFIC n.'.YLKaiTTUIF, Air Field Vital Necessity than 20 years ago air travel to and from MORE Prince Rupert was pioneered. It had its ups and downs and for several years remained static. The time-saving element in air travel, however, has overcome anxiety expressed by many travellers in the past, and today Vancouver, for instance, is only a few hours away. The main airline, which transports passengers in and out of Prince Rupert, announced recently that "business .this year already has been three !., ;kitimai. ,tne C'Olil War. 2 ncusing Don't you think But I doubt there was ever a n(, r ty council is a little late in : worse example than that which srr'iring accommodation and j told the ptople of North Am- at what rents? Remember Rupert, erica that India had declined to j,el 7re the Celan.'s? came, Cen- To Vancouver ( today I Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Norberg, H. M. U,.-,-.ial lit ReUa R11n flftPr A - , .,..rr... T., f.. Cr, IT, In Elutl 1 l I.- wv""" " - nUnSOIl. IV1T. MUllULl.. iVll. iiM'U, r " ' ,,rVo." u,u mlni'1 ,mu 10 long Illness He was 65 years oi c s &' Fulelaua J'ule'"1"' Cap(. CrtlJ'" o u J WU- a "peace treaty" with Japan. .;.,.SP.- h order to get them oc- - India has never aivepieu the cupied. there was that much " ' , , . , "ls0 . , , flr, which John Sun of 3 British sailing hlp To Sandspit today l N. Ora-Foster basic on principles h(!int. opP what about all Dulles has prepared thiv suites? You find Everet Ufe .staned on chen, T. Penny. J. MicDonalU. "e sea he wa. born o r. MacDonald. take-it-or-leave-it peace treaty thpm Jn pract,caHy every house ";p CENTRAL BC. AIRWAYS Prince Rupert Agent: Crawford MowC( 14-15 Smith Block Phone Black .ti'.'i ' " t t;,vU. A.r With Japan. ine snort, neai includins; new houses being built. K: " "T' ,aaS Ti limes Llie VUilllW Ul ld. 1 v. u iiifcuu, a uy i tta,m.n. hv t.he irrivernment of ,v. v,.. t .v, , QUICK RELIEF ASTHMA the seven seas until the age of 11 with his father and mother have been introduced instead Of One, and there Still India tells exactly why. But in- Koads and Telephones rr..fUn i.;;',1 VfUwrn tn o Ave tn nhtnin stead o Publishing Nehru's own Durin(t foimer elections, all kinds UAll.Y NtV-d CLA.-hlhii;ji AUVKK'IidEMENTa BHINq j and then signed on from Vic la nukM.nry jk-iiuu ui uujc v ; brief statement. North America 1 on't whrm, jtasp, cuugh, fight tor breaili. Take Tfiiilrtun RA-MAU of promises were made especial- lorja Q cabjn boy aboard an seatino' i&ot a great blast of propaganda ly in regards to the telephone Capsultffl, tiM-i.illy nuittr tu Help gumma He obtained ...i w otner snip : -and threats. The The Associated Associated ..i.. 1 - ,., t.ptpi linfi it was snortiv -i.i ..i,u. ann 1 .. t'H"- And yet, aviation in rnnce Kupm is sun in us tress mspatcn irom wasmngion. .. pcl? Roarl!!? Well we must glve after that that probably the uugrMtiulmiihauii;ii.65c-,i.J5. i-ji most striking adventure of his career occurred. Aboard the h - i i . s i crcd't to the late mayor. He ac-c.:nip!ished much more with much less than the one before . " tilt. , , -1 ,, T1 v ,;,.,v.f 'aaiea August w, was a glaring pioneering- stage. Why? Because we have no-anpoit. -example 0 this beginning: . . , - I -A new and less benevolent For several years, Prince Rupert (.number ol 'American policy toward India British ship Kinross in the Pa him. Were In favor of a city clf,c 0cean p00r food resulted Pnmmnii,,, l-i.i.. fnll-arl iifnmnto iirvrl fmio-Vlt fflr ATI appeared certain today to result rommtssionei-. someone that El-i in a bloody mutiny. All of the Kiiows me ousiness oi proper , . irro)t ;hn airport a lantlintr field on Tugwell Island, a flat, fai to sign a united states backed peac-e treaty with Ja- management. 19 and & stamen were killed.' 4 Northern B.C. Power Let s Possessed of the ony remaining ; get rid of them. .. Kverptt cnmnelled the surlv pan Wel1' Mr- Editor- 'e have tne take into survivors to the ship INDIA'S OFFICIAL statement nerve to say it, have you the Victoria. Everett was rewarded : If makes several points against nerve to print lit racis Deiore wltn jjooo by the owners of the' the treaty which is due to be Fiction JACK TOMPKINS J. BEALE. Jr. 5 'i i' ' i modern four jtunnmo S149.7 end up ship and $3000 by the cargo! owners. The other men received sentences of up to 15 years fori I mutiny. j Another episode of deceased i I career was when a barque listed I and foundered In the Pacific, j Everett, the captain and his, iwife, and another crew member j with a small baby took to a i lifeboat and, except for the ;baby, which died while drifting i six days in the open ocean, were ray . . Reflects and Reminisces 'signed at San Francisco. But above all Indian explains why there would be no useful pur- pose in her attendance, because i "it has already been announced ! that the conference . . . will not be open to negotiRtjon," j India sets out as one reason why she believes Mr. Dulles' draft treaty to be weak and wrong the provision for virtual annexation by the U.S.A. of is-; lands which are naturally and 1 morally a part ,of Japan. Thus, ;she says: fZrleJ'! GORDON & ANDERS1 gravelly island which has been declared ideally suited for such a project. In the spring, we had great hopes that the efforts of Prince Rupert people would bring fruition. E. T. Applewhaite, MP for Skeena, made a gallant speech in Parliament pointing out the need for an airport. But he was told such a project did not conform to defense planning of Canada. In other words, we not need an airport at this time, says Ottawa. But citizens of Prince Rupert know differently. Northern and Central B.C. have been passed up long enough. More and move people are coming to .settle in this area, which means that more and more votes are coming with them. With a strong backing, the governments cannot afford not to listen to us. Why do we need an airport? At present, there is only water landing available here. This causes great inconvenience and expense to companies operating the airlines and only a limited type of service can be given. Airfreight can only be accepted at a minimum, because of lack of space. The best the airlines can do for us now is to Third Avenue i the sole survivors. They were Of numerous arrivals in Prince eventually picked up and taken Rupert from distant points, are into port bv a French ship. I "It is only natural to expect some who say, despite the boom, j Slill anotner notable expert- j that Japan should desire res-1 that it feels unusually quiet hre. 1 ence of the decfaseci was that toration in full of her sover-! Tliey number about thirty, and f b , -shanehaied" at Nome.' For the MEAL that REFRES eignty over the territory of have been in the city before. Coming to as they were being ! taken uboard the ship, which which the inhabitants have, hbs1 ' . , -. . ; -: .t torical affinity with- her own meet THE SCADS J . R.ilitiits on some wcMcrn f irms are leading Irustrated livii tliew d.nv 1 lie sun uli nt li nk ol their, laviii He Iruit trees li,i Ikcii wr.ii-il in aluminum foil, so ncivs they ;m't g' t M it, l lii was a new one ml us. We luil Iitaid of dim n of uses lor die foil we roll at Kingston. Out., but in h i (or ii usir;iting r.ililiii. However, it jiisl goes to illiiMi.ue why more oile are using more a I mi: i 1 1 n 1 1 1 anil sshy vse, aa ihe lost ( tlKil'lll produnT ol thi ihikIiiii must noon expanding. A 1 ii in ii Company of Canada, Lul. (AUau). was anchored off the Bering Sea people and which "he has nut , passengers Cn the Printvss nort. Everett and a commtnlon BEST OF FOOD acquired by aggression from any jfnthlren were quick to pass the ' jumped overboard. Everett made other country. The Ryuku and hat. thereby raising $800 for the - PInnim TclnnfU full., ciitict., thie -it i . l. , ..i 1 ' j " j eauurs wnu luai wen pri.vniui n,nt! borne cn,. m may .v have nave I f-nnri una u It In- ln- riescrint on Nverthp ess the .Ff.. effects. tw,. The not passengers were convenient, yet unexpected XA&- r. Tk n i Dulles i treaty proposed that, until tho ii - tooii- . , , , , . ... ure in rnnce nuneu wus nut 'and trustee ovr" g wo "V .K' ' unwelcome to the pansen-' ana obtain ootain t. usiee.'-nip ho ovai man nature For onp to sav hes .. , .. .. . ' FOR TAKE OCT ORDERS 1'IIONE !M BROADWAY CAFE : these islands, they should con- rcrry when another has felt th-a and Prince Rupert. Th.ey looked unue io oe suojeci 10 me iegu- har;, str':ke of fortune, and is It. talked it and bought it, i tii'ovK e a snuttle service between herp and Sandsnit ,iative and administrative con- iooh,, ..,in0a i. nii,u..n! W th a converted Rf!AP Cansn anrl the least said luo 01 I But the bracing and strengthen ..... . . . Iirr iiiuctir me feel or good old hard casn it "' a lot better ' Tlle Dailv star of SRult 8te-' ilarir radio station asks a daily I I CONTRARY to the slanted im-i pression given by the crude ffiflDflD forthehopek about its comfort the better, although an improved version of this type of ship is expected to be introduced shortly. Princess El'zabefh and Prince wlre-press-ervice d i s t o r tions. India did not say that in no cir- Fn,"P bf the KUMts of Wlls"-cumstances should American ingtnn. but it is not at all clear question, a recent one be'ng j "who is th-a British Prime Mln- ister?" Of the first dozen letters j or -'ned only one had the right j answer. A few named Winston i Churchill, and another Anthony 1 Eden. One but one only ven ! armies be kept in Japan. India lf the former's secretary will ac- ! did say that Japan had a right company her. The secretary re- j to make treaties to have them rfnt!v mailed a letter addressed 1 there IF SHE DECIDED TO DO "rne ci,v 01 Lakeland. Florida, j SO IN HER OWN INTEREST California.'' Puppose some mis- and acting as a fully free agent, guided mortal would mail a let- We pee that Central B.C. towns are now developing their landing fields provided by a former defence program because they are as conscious as we are how much air travel will affect the economy of the community. Already extensive use is being made of .Terrace tured the ooinlon that he was General Eisf'nhowvr. ! But India hold.s that Japan .3 11 - ""B Lne lnurc m l"K 'not yet a free agent but is in : Mayor u! Tc.'n.'.o, Montreal, ;?v -if fact controlled by U.S.A. jC. ',vHt:. I -- - J "PROTECTION AGAINST INFLATION" Aik your Invtttmant Dalr for fh abov folder and prospaclut of and Smithers' airfields by an enterprising new airline but which only recently started a bi-weekly 1 TIME VFKS . . ; SOME or,xir slanted 1 press wire reports . Sp,dom if er, hect thera been ;,sh7u1 inuia aerriana-1 a gmarter example of emergency J tls.-.! i-T7,,-.- i l J 1 m'VlPQ U'Un n cni O I r-nnn nnn Ki I I... T" i ' o a .man .-ccqriane iiuin x mice nupei't ;f" on. u. ouuuiu oe , w(lrk performed at the shipyards I ....... llirouli Ii' iiiih'rsaiuliii!4 lioarl mid Hio lllHIIIIII loiu li To The Salvation Army, no human being is ever htyond hope. However maimed or scarred by sin or circumstance, however despairing and seemingly hopeless, no individual, young or old, appeals in vain to The Army's understanding heart and hurian touch. To provide fhe support for its endless task ;Gf human salvage, The Salvation Army relies upon YOUR dollars. Again The Army appeals to you with confidence. " w .e c. nt,.!lf than during last week. This to Terrace. Further inconvenience is being experi ,.Tk " , ""J; w-as when the f5S Prince Rupert, t,hL ,S ,me,m 01 I?C"a a " " r-Tlision with the SS Princess VI" : , , 1 i. " Kathleen, was put in strong the treaty providing that the ennugh shape to resume her Lsland of Formosa should be re- voyat,j to Vancouver. It took 28 mnr., f T' . u.l 1,c"rs- Th speed and thorough- E f J"1 'on 'mediate and de- hi lnBti, Jh?,t ? ,sepalfahte fner0' rved PPreciation. tiations, but to leave the future of the island undetermined, in CALVIN BULLOCK - ltd. It is, of course, Just as well to ol hfe ls expanding, the length remember that, while the peHou of time in which people must leak after t'hemiielves is beoom-ing short ?r. The baby bonus lasts t ...... r. .1 thn ..1,1 n. nn spite of past international agreements, in a document which attempts to regulate the relations of Japan with all gov-'. ernments that were engaged in j the last war against her, does enced by water landing there and transferring to land planes between points nearly 20 miles distant. Waterlanding by aircraft is completely outmoded except in emergencies. How long lo we expect airlines to put up with these primitive facilities? It may be shocking but quite reasonable to expect that the airlines will see fit to pass us up and use, for instance, Terrace as their main landing field. We then can find our own means of travel to Terrace for air transportation from that point. Wherever there is traffic by rail, sea or air-there is bound to be business. We. in Prince Rupert would stand to gain much if a Tugwell Island airport were realized. But by the same token we stand to lose what we already have in the way of air travel if we re-main content with our present primitive and outmoded facilities. not appear to the Government ""'' ',: c r,u i" fi!on bPgins at 65' of India to be either just or ex-' pedient." i , ; over the 38th parallel. India INDIA was right . when she was right again when she warn-warned the UN forces that ed China that she would regret China would come into the war her own armies' drive south In Korea if they drove north across that same line. RED SHIELD SERVICES W II Appr.lmiitlr 1,346,000 Con- jj ' - Aj, t II dlan svor mvlssrially htpMl lL . , . : J I latlyorbythprionoilrviCM . . ' : , . . , . jl of lh Solvation Army In Hi It " ' ' j'Xtl Molomk-yHomn - JJStll II Oonoral HoipMoli l ' - X f fiJYl I & - j Old Folk.' Homo. 11 , V Iff 'r ' II fthm ond Polic Curt Work I T -1. . . , .'I U ' I V U Chi.dn'.M.m If lt ?(' Childron't tirmmor Compt - -4 M fiA 1 1 y Mining FrtOMh' torvkt irfl 1 rV fr lobow lorvlc SA TIV" VA?fC(H.'VKfl VJCTOKIA Sunday, 8 p.m., Coquitla'm Tuesday, 12 Noon Camosun ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Camosun, 11 p.m. FOR NORTII QI EKN C'MARIOTTE ISLANDS ss. Coquitlam August 8, 17 and 31 FOR SOUTH Ql'EEN CHARLOTTE ISLAN1IS TOPS In Seirice TOPS In Supply Scripture PaSAage for JoJatf "Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand . . ." Eph. 6:11. mm ss. -Coquitlam, August 10 and 24 p.m. FRANK I. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 808 PRINCE RUPERT OBJECTIVE $3,200 TTTTTTTTn nUUsl'V fflfiiV n TOM nWriSTlV rnYnirm nUnir-mn, VT OT nnnlWfr CUlTiptl11 Rupert Radio and Electric CAMPAIGN HEADQUARTERS S. PERCY, TINrtER & CO., LTD.,- BESNt R B' For Action Advertise!