Prince Rupert Daily News SMALL TALK IN A MATERNITY HOSPITAL I j-roj-c etoiona tt6ine55 tint Blackwood Oil Bridge By Easley Blackwood f HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE Colussi's Music Store Agents lor the finest In Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNKD AND KECONDITIONKD 21(1 4th St. Ph. P.laclt 3H9 Eddie's Beauty Salon Pet inanents Exclusive Razor cuts. Appointments made to your convenience'. Phone Red 4M - 73 2nd Ave. Opposite Liquor Store ii'V" ""If-.-v;-. -.,. . . 4. r; ' V' - , V,J-v. " " 's, ..';.'. - . - V t 1 . ? 's:; " V- . V:: ..... . v "Oh, no . . . not another girl!" 'On:h . . . do thevm i "iyr "i My friend Mrs. Keen came up with a beautiful safety play on this hand to nullify some nice defensive play by Mr. Champion. Mr. Abel opened the king of " : GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS j "Grab hold of yourself, Joi.vs . . . it's triolets." South dealer North-South vulnerable N.irlli Mi. Ilnle) H-- 6 4 3 li A U 10 7 a C-10 3 ciuds ana alert Mr. Champion overtook with the ace and led back his trey of diamonds. Mrs. Keen figured the diamond mint be a singleton and her chances looked bleak indeed. ; She could see herself losin.? two clubs, one heart and a dia RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS At AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 PHONES: Black 752 Red 894 P.O Box 1670 MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 STONE BUILDING mond ruff. But she found a w-.iy ,,r. aim-d 8 7 2 Knt (Mr. llunipl(Mi) 8 J 9 8 5 3 H -A 8 3 D 3 C A 9 6 5 17 I J 9 6 5 J K t) J 8 2 scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT fames Block 608-3rd Ave. W. PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 Prince Rupert, B.C. oui. can you see it? It was obvious that if Mr. Ab,-1 ever got the lead, he would return a diamond for his partner to ruff. It was also clear that if av.d when Mr. Chaiiij,iJa"(1ot the lead, he would put Mr. Abel in with a club. Of course, if Mr. Abel held the ace of hearts there was no way HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all its brandies 204- 4th .Street Phone fi55 "hone 347 P.O. Box 374 (( l.OSI HE TIMK 10 a.m. on duy at puliliialiun) Classified Advertising Is payable In advance. P. ease refrain from telephoning nsy Word per Insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards ct Thanks, UntTi Funeral Notices, Marriage and EnRagement. Announnmtnu i.m. SPECIAL DISPLAY, OOUULE I 'RICE. South (Mrs. firm) S -A 10 4 H K y J 10 U--K J 1 4 The bidding: "... "1 l.a-t r'ftss North 2 U 8 H H NKKAL NOTIC E BOATS johI not ll lf-l 1 H Puss J H Puss 4 li All uasa CARS 1 OR SALE A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. Bell. C.A. 325 4th Avenue East P.O. Box 1247 Phone Red 87H 1 AURlOL-In the cltv. Sunday. roK BALE- '4(1 Ponllac. Finance tH SALE-JO ft nil, ui-niii. uiaa u can Ue arranged, rnoue tuw. 'leirace. iliuaoi SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS b in to 5 p 111. Oeo. Conk's Jeweller. Ph. 212 WE RENT TRUCKS, COM PRESSORS, CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 Siutemocr I. i9ji. Marv Eleanor it,i'. ai veai.i 9 lnimiiiti, beloved wile ot Mr. Armunu. AUiiOi. 9b4 nav.s Cove Ave. rtev. H. o Bira wni coiiuiicl services ai Urtnvuie iouit C'naoel ai 11 a.m. Wednesday. Seuiember a. 11. 1 s.tlts. 4 fiiKiue. otceuj uu.. Oil MOVC itnU Sl.S H1 la.,l, A Winds.' PiiiHt Hunt Club. I'tKSONAL to shut him out. However, if Mr. Champion held that card and the jacK of spades as well . . . Mrs. Keen saw the winning p'.av. At the second trick she If R'fE M 1 iuuinieui io uillow in Kalum FOR SALE One radio combination anu recurds. wastiinij machine, bullet, carpel txj. s.iun cuMiions. end tuuie-'. collec iook Mr. adcis jacn oi aiauionos ceini-terv Terrace. U.U.. al a: la. with dummvs ace. sue casneu uouioAiinaieiv. u. uhuchuk ELECTROLUX Bales and Service R. W. COLLINS Phone Blue 970 Box 1628 For genuine parts and service phone or write above ers in charge of arranuemenis. dummy's king of spades. (ltd tauie. card tables, loldiim bed, a. -size oed. Clio, uuu KU.:n.-ii cnaus. 1 electric auiUr. A.ij liKe lie'. Pnone Hlue Sj(4, AM ' KM NO FOUND - On bus i wallet coiiuiniiK iuunev. )uer luv caiium lieu iS ln. She continued with the queen MATTSON S UPIIOITEIUNQ Phone Blue 128. P.O. Box 5'!8 234 -3rd Ave. E. Prinoe Rupert, B C. Bin Ave. East. duwustaii'S- QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn .Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL (l)5U Clanr Cutting Sawi THB SEPTEMBER 1 Suturdav WANTKU TO Itv .S3 ot spades and overtook it with in r ace the only quick way to re-enter her own hand. Then she led the ten of spades and discarded the last club from tlv board. With that play went Mr. Champion's last chance of putting his partner in the lead. The club suit represented the only means of communication and now dummy was out of clubs nveninu Pusl contains a bin article on the Columbia Cellulose plant at Port Edward. 'In be sure of a coov eel it earJv hum vour newsstand iuci In mi will cut cImdct, trw, ftr whD filed am mi pneutoo machine. Quick Mrvie on U typM of trine pour Mwa la lodr 014 mw rthwtiitd. ton SALE BOYS' GABARDINE PANTS ili'W hdes. brown and Kiev, liood lit. lots ot wear, iiizes ti to 1 years. Heal parKam, now Sj 75 to 4 pair. B.C. Clothiers. (tlc FOR SALE Household furniture, new Kioehler chester-tieid. washing inaclilne, two bedroom suites, end tables, etc. 91U Alfred St. alter u p.m. 207u VfID SAT FT Huh., rnri-iuutt a.vul r WANTED 'IO HOT celHial or t.,,m. UuA ia4. Wdli rttlt WANTED - To or tl. uolui lll.siieu aaiLt buiim.v Ellis. m:it H. G. HFLGERSON QIVE the fo'.Ks at :iome a treat CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L. HUGHES D.C. ON VACATION . . . net one of our rtelli'iiiu cakes or pies Kutert "viiu'iy Ltd. Phone 643 for order, uti AM- PRECISION SAW FILING 1 1 to PIGGOTT PLACE Bex 1011 Station B 'Afi.nt? P terminal I Terrac Builders Suppl Thit tdvcrtiseixnt tt no) published REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone 96 Evenings Black 899 and had plenty of trumps. Technieallv therp wn si ill one Hit ,...,J di....... u.i u..-' dilpJYc by tfx liqwx Control Bord or ACCOl'NTA.NTS OU liLVt FOH RKNT-SituuiT Itll West. FOH RENT - Piliv PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Income dw Oovmm Bnu CoiwtM I (ianger in the hand the danger ; ' (20oi . , jthat Mr. Abel had the ace of FOH SALE Reasonaole Drice. ! hearts. Actually, however, the Sandvs Cafe. 3rd Ave. West. : danger was past. Mrs. Keen! See urooneiors. ll knew Mr. Champion had that 1 for'sALE -3-rriom house trail-- card. She could tell by the sour, er. 1710 West 2nd Ave. (211pi modern hut. PnoiitL Tux specialist. 8. U. Hint. Bump Buililmu. Red 593. !20in WANTEi WANTED .35 calibre Winchester ammunition, anv ouantitv. Write Box 130. DiUlv News. li-nci FOR RENT- Furnkhff 221 Din Ave. Iml t. Ui-rt nt-auv tu. 41 U-DRIVE CARS 1 711 Oreuvllie Cuiul to,, ,,U 'FOR SAI.E-193H Doriee Pick-UD I Desperately Mr. Champion un- truck. Phone Blue 872 ( 207ui GET THE THAT'S ierled his ace of hearts on the FOR SALE House. 141 Wantage WANTED TO BUY - Steamer FOR A NEW Hftt j long cnanL-e uiai mi . rtuei nau Koad. 121101 5V" ,? l.V1 coveieu aunroxi nnone 53u. Ba ii:a :z ,: :r",w ;;:rv for sale- oh txm. bed. iioiuu. i i tune j(j uuvb. ut t ami a"u Ilia a Green 7B9. (208oi I FOR UtNT Utnn. card Mrs. Keen wouldn't have - had naa an an onenine opening bid Did.) ) I FOR SALE White . babv .. car- ria $17 0() gl lloor oolU'.licu. I Phone 11. ue m. K Uic. But Mrs. Keen won this trick; W31 Atlm Ave. I211pi WANTED TOP MARKET PRICES PAID for gcrao iron, steel, brans, rtiuner. lead, etc. Honest iiudm Prompt pav-ment made. Atlas Iron at Metals Ltd.. 250 Prior St Vancouver. B. C. Phone PAciflc 6357. tf ' with the 10 of hearts, drove out NATIONALIY KNOWN NAMES I mi. vnauiijiuii s ui;e aim spicau- Llnif-beit Speeder Shovels; Cranes; Dra-iuiun; Ad ami fir f, n me nana. Mr. cnampion won ; tricks with the ace of clubs, the i Road Graders: Liti. eford Bros. J FOH KENT - 8a.. SiceiiuiK room B'n cllllies. Oreen Wl IILLf KAMU WANTED Part -time a beal Cove briwu. : K-niMil Board olif Block. Black Tod Ruad Maintenance Equlomenl; Owen Clamshell CASH for spimd cast, brass. Conner h:i! t'i-i. ittiH rtxtinlnrlt Buckets and Rock OraDDles; T L. Smith Concrete Mixers- Phnne '13. Call 623 6th Aver""l West. City. tf) Clark Forklift Trucks: Nelson ace ol hearts and the jack of spades. i The'e were not enough to defeat the contract and even Mr. Champion had to admit that Mrs. Keen had made the safety piay of the week. BISINESS OPPORTUNITIES Bucket Loaders for Stockpile and Snow Removal: Rice Port MliKIC tuition ou: SALE Furniture able Centrifugal Pumps; Na- FOR remiir Ti,.oi,.,e Hlr-luini and shoo Fu Oreen Vil. NoricK flumped snd doim? excellent business. First cl.iss oiJiMittu-nitv for rih. nei.-,on. Other interests reauirp owner to sell. Box S2(i. Prim e Kuuert. P C .(208c) iionai uraunne Scrapera and Buckets; National All Steel Gasoline Hoists; National Portable Sawmills; National KRotarv Screens and Conveyors. Full Information from National Machinery Co. Limited Vancouver. B.U tf) WANTED Fcm '1 rea.surer's Oiut Prince Hupert. BC ween, houra 8 34i it Address nunllili: Notice is h.TPby Riven that on the hana-wriiim uj H i 13lh dfiy of September next the. i undersigned lntiMids to apply to the j Liquor Control Boijrd for consent to j trutiHfer of Hfi r licence Number ! !-&. issued In respect of premises j iM-lnt,' purt of a building known ai ! 1 Belmont Hotel situate lit 726 and 7:27 t j Third Avenue Prince Itupert. ; British Columbia, upon the lands ! j deReribed as Lota 5 and 8. blitek j Cuv Tieasunr. fu. exuectd. aw. marital ki in fiarv affr f service if salbii HELP WANTED-Gi lor eent ral L.undr ' plv in persoa u-I'loneer-CaiiaJiuO i HOl'SES WANTED TO Bl Y WE SOLD six houses in Auou't, We can sell vuu Hnve .v-eral cash buvers for two and four bedroom houses For n o prices and nuicK vervi-p "hone ARMSTRONG AGENCIES Phone 312 B.ack l'J7 eve l i210c RFAt, K.ST ATE FOR SALE Lovely I0-Dleee black walnut diuim: room sui'e. larce eolclen oak lihrarv table. 2 larirp uohol.stered chairs. 3 occasional chairs, laree commercial floor w-axer and polisher. Hoover carnet sweeper complete with Darts one larKe electric fruit liiicer rlcetrir massuTer and reducer 4 electric heaters. 1 small no' burner oil ranee 2 eood oil SectWtn 1. Map U2:i. Prince Hupert ! t.iind Rei;lstn,tlon District, of the Province of British Columbia, from John lloid-.lns to Belmpert Hotel l.lm-i lied of 404 Kandal! Bulldlnlt. ' '' j West Cteorila Street. Vanctmver. j Ht Itlh Columbia, the transferee, j Tiiderl thin 11th day of Auuat. ; A D. 1951. FOR SALE Small home -om- nrtslii' 5 room" ind nutti. Overlook St-ert J3;()0. P'ln Rupert Realtv Co. 20c TWO SPFCIAI S healers nice pictures In frames. 4 f'oor lamps. 1 table lamn. flrenhice with all tools, luree complete- exerctsln kit 40 eallons of iaint. Stunrlurd tvnewrller 7 lare new French . n'nte mirror. Blut:k 823. Me BELItUPErlT HOTEL LIMITED 311 Six-rooin nmi-bnni'alow close i ( INAIIIW NATIONAL RAII.lV.4VSi Hicks. (tf) FOR SALE New and used' to M'Brlde. Livin riMmi. two bedrooms, larae kitchen and balhroum. two bednvimA stalrM. busenient Price only SfKIOfl. terms nrranued. JiJP jr 'wnf, : " " ITiiii ICi :- i l ? ' VSIrT-? -- .Jrf rt -nr inmn t n' -i - -VC. Ul t." .'3 o27r "xl fey "u- ,!,,fg WSM ' " ' Whit tidWQU tirai oplionol at flxlra cdi -."I. t;i WIW'BJl .i?Jt'P-imtwn f - WANTED -Taxi 112 Taxi WANTED Stfinff. fiiU-tiine nmxf-Uuoerl Radio 4 ' WANTED EntiiW . tor Must ' papers or sufffj'S " so that a nermi' steff.n-heatine to, can be obtainri commi'iire bem nfUr Mr A., u. MiJ 53 iTerracei. C .' relarv. Terrace.1 WANTED - Hcllal leiah Dealer. necessarv A n- . to step into w;'!' where RfTlfr5 been .'Old, f'f,' l pMwlel'h'sDffl Wiiinii'ce. Five-room house on full con WESTERN REGION Gcnled tendcrH will be received at the office of the Chief Engineer. Winnipeg. Manitoba, until two o'clock, Centra Stmulard Time. In the afternoon (if Monday. September h. H15I, for the construction of StHtton Iluilding and Platiorm at Burns Lake. no crete foundation basement. Pembrokp buthroom firpn'Tce ilv'n" room Mai velous view. Two lots in lawn. Price $5700, t ARMSTRONG AOENflF.S I'lione 342 Black 1!)7 I208M household furniture. Sliehtlv used Kitchen Bets. Bedroom Suites. Chesterfields. Bovs' Bicvrles Bedside Ruu. Cribs, t Studio Couches etc.. sellimr at thp lowest posjiib'e Di lces B C Furniture Co. Phone Blue1' 324. (tf) FOR SALE Apples, standard box she. $100. Plums lite per lb. Brine vour container and nick tliem. Riverside Cabins. Terrace, B.C. Phone 107 M (212o j Plans, Bpectneations and form of contract may he seen, and form of ! t'-nder obtained at the office of the I Chief Engineer. Winnipeg; District i Engineers at Edmonton and Vmi-1 couver; Division EriKineer at Prlnc? i Hupert. B.C.. and CN R. Audit at FOR SALE-House. 4 rooms nnd bath. Central location. 54iHK) cash Phone Green f)9. (20!)pi ...and now with WANTKD WANTED TO REST permanent lo u. and fumilv. d' FOR SALE Wartime Four with Im nii'l rv room. Newlv decorated Furniture Included PrlT J3H.V). $22"n down bal.'inep .tciioo monthly at 5. Wue 804 (241701 FOR SALE Boxer nuns be-iutl-f ii I specimens. Females JOO.OO, mules $85.00. Aoplv Box No 15. Dnilv News. Prince Rupert. B.C. (209cl FOR SALE Chesterfield" arid 1 chnli-.s fair condition. S30 00. G.E. radio, oood reception. Prince tleortte. BC Tenders will not be considered unless made on form supplied by the Railway and accompanied by an accepted cheque drawn on a chartered bank In Canada In favour of Canadian National Railways, equal to II viper cent of the utal amount of the tender. No bid bonds will be accepted with tni'iers for this work. The lowest or any tender not neces-jmrily accepted. . J. R. McMillan. Vice President. Winnipeg. Manitoba. .September 4lh, 1951. (209-c $15 00. Call Blue 4811 after 5 BOYS OR O.m. (ltoi FOR SALE Industrial lots 4 and 49. block 14. wet Inn 1. Next Imperial Mft-htne Works. Iit are cleared and filled. Annlv Standard Machine Shoo (H) RKPAIKS FOR SALE -Wick burner. Phone oreen bib auer e:3U. y(2(lpi FOR SALE Man's CCM hike. "Test-Drive" the '51 Ford and listen to its famous -proved, oifer-proved V-8 Engine. It's so quiet you can hardly hear it yet it packs the pace and easier response of full 100 Horsepower. Here's quality performance with dependability and hug life resulting from year upon year of progressive Ford research and development-proved by hundreds of thousands of Canadian owners over millions of miles on II types of roads under evcrv kind of weather and driving conditions. And here's economy, proved in the 1951 filoliilgas Economy Run, with the Ford V-8 the winner iver all oiher cars in its class! Now the ford V-8 is available with l'ordoinalic Drive the newest and finest in no-shift, no-clutch driving. Test-Drive the ford V-8 wilh Fordomatic Drive owner-proved by tens of thousands of drivers feel the quality performance and the quality difference. Compare, and you'll buy Ford ! Opening for W r on Daily News ot t- various parts APPLY AT OP "ood condition. Phone Black WATCtr RRPATRS--Prompt efficient, service. Oornf Coot: .Teweller. Sati.sfactlon mil. (212DI KO CLUTCH TO PUSH! NO GEA1S TO SHIFT! OAKS I OK SAI.K Spcciol Bo" CARS FOR SALE IBM) Ford C.KOUf;F, DAWES AUCTIONEER Phnnp Oreen R10 and Red 1TJ LOST for Gooir Tudor Ci'stom DeLiixe. mileage 10 000. First class condition. LOST Gold expansion bracelet. H FORDOMATIC DRIVE optional at extra cost. Conventional tramminion is available as standard, with Ford Overdrive . vptifinal at extra ant ... a choice of three kinds of drive. 1 rnone Black 723. (213pi Reward. Black 71B. (2izpi BLONDIE By Let Ms Be G(r)ov! wmmmmmm ii ii 1 y I mniuv m. ji).. i.i u mini mi i '-' 1nlMVi t '-iti r-Vrw TEST-DRIVE it for POWER V. IT SllWUlTE SO ILLtvE AL'.THE SAO ; HE US : HA'.E I ,-JT L AF-TFs? and New DRIVING EASE! OB SOMETHING THt AkTICi F SA'C ITi IMJL'PlOL'S TO C'Sruf? UNPLEASAUT THIN..S 'rVMILE EATinS i . P. TNT OF IT TDM'.:u- I 1 i -s--..'3 a: ir . 111 4 I PEAt? TCDAV ( Au0 wuncy THAT IT'S HFALTHy ) -i TONIGHT y. TO BE Cheerful ' '3 MEALTIMES J ! j-' f0) A BO.B FORD and MONARCH DEALERS "Home of Friendly Service" PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.