Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday, September 4, 1851 ouncemvnis New Manager Of Bank Here COAL ARTHRITIC FAIN Don't witter niifht and day with dull, wearisome arhe or sharp, atabbinf paina. I.ead an active hie again. Taka l fmiileu.n l T-K-Ca, Canada a largest-aellina proprietary median penally made u bring loneed-Ccr relief to aufferert nam arthritic or rheumatic pain. - T-S4I H. H. Church of the Depart- ment of Veterans Affairs Is on I one of his periodical visits to the ! city from Vancouver and will be : meeting local veterans at the Canadian Legion Wednesday afternoon to discuss matters pertaining to veterans' allowances Canadian Legion Auxiliary Fashion- Show and Tea, September 13. Presbyterian Church Tea at Loca Ernest Paulding, new man- a y Your Winter Supply Now 6Sc. TEMPLETON'S T-R-Cs ager of the Bank of Montreal in! lnc nome Mrs- George Mitch-Prince Rupert, arrived in the ! ell 333 5tn Ave- East" Septem- n and pensions. city at the end of the week toDer il- d PERSONAL Women's Coordinating Tea, assume his new duties here. Mrs. Paulding and daughter, Jacque Owing t 1'1CI ,'as,'s ln frelBht rates and labour costs, we rtthat it Is once again necessary to raise the price of coal. 1 In ordw that our customers may take advantage of Sept. 20. Li stiifks, new prices win noi go into effect until aWjyL OATMEAL ROLLS They "pan out" perfectly with new Fast DRY Yeast! Catholic FVil bazaar, October 3 and 4. Lutheran Tea, October 13. I ember 10th. Any orders received prior to that date, for Lfry before September 30th, will be invoiced at present Dr. H. A. MacDonald, "physician at the Torbrlt mine at Alice Arm. was a passenger aboard the Camosun Sunday evening returning north after a holiday visit to his home ln Vancouver. line, and son, Richard, accompanied him. They are staying in a hotel pending taking up residence in the bank's apartment. Born in England, Mr. Paulding has been ln the service of the bank for 30 years. He came here from Osoyoos, where he has Rcbekah bazaar, October 20. ' . , . .. V "m Ji i '. V', r ' t 3- ' i - "-.;v' V . iT ' . lei. 1 H orders for foai unaer one ion low will be crelivcred b. unless Pllkl lor Prlnr 10 d,llvery- Mr. C. R Fnrman and dauch ters. who have been spending the been manager. Before that, he IPERSCAN BE PLACED WITH: No more yea worries ! No more yeast (hat stales and weakens! New Fleiitchmann i Fa Rising Dry Yeast keeps FULL STRENGTH till you use it FAST ACTING whtn you use it ! Needs no refrigeration get a month's supply and keep in your cupboard! summer vacation at Crecentas at Kelowna as assistant Beach near Vancouver, returned manager. He started with the to the city on the Camosun Sun- j an at New Westminster and, day evening ' ' I among other places, has also " j been located at Trail and Van- Mrs, r. J. Skinner and two couver. L.O.BA. Fall Bazaar, October 26. Sonja Bazaar, November 2. Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, November 7. Presbyterian Church Bazaar, November 15. The Women of the Moose Fall Bazaar, November 18. I.O.D.E. Fall Bazaar November 22. St. Peter's Kail Bazaar, November 23. Albert & Mdartery, Limited ' Island City Builders' Supplies Armstrong Agencies H. G. Hclgerson, Limited Sonja meeting Wednesday at Mrs. R. Webbers. (207c) Mrs. John Hewslck and child are leaving for Vancouver today ori the Camosun. C. Tynlsma of Inverness Cannery, was a passenger today on the Camosun to Klemtu. Mr. and Mrs. H. Webster, here on several weeks' vacation, return this evening to Vancouver on the Camosun. j Attention ladles! Meeting of the Catholic Women's League will be held ln the school hall on Wednesday. September 5 at P m. (208c) Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Steenbergen and son returned to the city on the Camosun Sunday afternoon irom a month's vacation trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Marc Gormcly and two daughters, wiio have been on a daughters, after spending the summer vacation at Grantham's Landing on Howe Sound, returned home on the Camosun Sunday evening. Free Book on Arthritis And Rheumatism Jpecial Bargain Prices (While stocks last) TEACHER REVEALS SECRET A. W. Robinson, school teacher at Stewart, was a passenger aboard the Camosun Sunday evening returning north after spending the summer vacation ln Vancvouvcr. Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Scott and sons, after a month's motor holl- berta Diplomat Egg . berta Diplomat Nut . HOW TO AVOID CRIPPLING DEFORMITIES An amazing newly enlarged 44-pa(?e book entitled "Rheumatism" will ie sent free to anyone who will write for It. It reveals why drugs and medlcloea give only temporary relief and lail to remove the causes of the trouble; explains a proven specialized nonsurgical, no-medtca! treatment. You incur no obligation in sending for this Instructive book. It may ue the meana of saving you years of untold misery. Write today to The Ball Clinic, Dept. 6217, Excelsior Springs, Missouri. 15.50 13.50 20.00 rt;it TON rm TON PEK TON I ' - , : two weeks' holiday trip to Van nmore Briquettes . . . couvei , returned to the city on day trip which took them through the Camosun last evening. j Jasper and Banff and as far a .. , , I Yellowstone National Park, re- in Z l,.""-ned to the city Friday. OATMEAL ROLLS Stiuing coiuunll). qutLAiy pour 1 c. boiling water into i4 c oatmeal. Scald y4 c milk, 2 lbs. granulated sugar, ItA taps. sail. 2 tbs. molasses and 3 tls. shortening; cool to lukewarm. Meanwhile, measure into a large bowl l2 c lukewarm water, t tup. gianulaied sugar; stir until sugar is dissolved. Sprinkle with I envelope Fleis hmann's Fast Rising Dry Yeast. Let stand 10 minutes, THEN stir well. Mix in oatmeal, then lukewarm milk mixture. Stir in 'A c. once-sifted bread Hour; beat smooth-Work in c. (about) once lifted bread Hour, knead on ligluly-lloured board until smooth and elastic. Place in greased bowl and grease top of dough. Coer and set in a warm place, free ft 0111 diatight. Let rise until doubled in bulk. Punch down dough and turn out on board sprinkled with oatmeal; cut into 2 equal portions and cut earn portion into 16 pieces, knead into smooth balls and arrange in 2 greased 8" square cake pans. Crease tops. (-oct and let rise until doubled - in bulk. Bake in moderately hot men, 37"( about 50 minutes. Yield 32 small rolls. LBERT & McCAFFERY Dr. J. Bede Harrison. Vancouver radiologist, Is paying his monthly visit to the Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital ln his ex rii .leili's at Ejlia Belia, returned to the city from down the coast on the Camosun Sunday night. F. E. Anfield. Indian suoerin- LIMITED Phone 116, 117 or 58 pert capacity. He arrived from Undent, leaves on the Camosun, on'tne Camosun 8u: this afternoon, accompanying 30 dav , native nallv. school .k,l .hiu..n children t i y evening. 4 N to Lyt- ton, C. A. Hunter, who has been on Britlsl British 1 1, I trip with a party of , , , Mrs. - a, n u- W. R. McKerricher leaves ! r,i,lhi. . ,, "1 1 to" 10 'Docs he run to you - BLUE RIBBON COFFEE I'.'snderful Fffiimn! 1 day here and visit with her son, ' ,".,"' ZZZZ TJLlT..'" 1 Don McKerricher. the Camosun Sunday evening. or from you? L kJ A "Blum maket whit" "Helping my young Johnny with his homework proved interesting the other night. He said his teacher had told ' the class that seven colours combine to make white and blue is one of them. I've always used Reckitt's Blue in my washing and now I know why. Out of the blue comes the whitest wash, and Reckitt's Blue costs just a few cents a month." i I Mrs. J, T? A ti ;.'- cuKar UI1U buii, JU1III, wi.. ir4fci u . ! following a holiday ln Terrace . , j j ; lh vne nallve scnooi at Klnco,lth Kincoiiin, i where where they thev 'visit visited ei Mrs. Mr Edgar's rnr'. I was a passenger aboard the cam-! ! osun yesterday going through to ! the Naas River village after spending the summer vacation f lim-K I -I fe5AV HH, HEH, HH.' N 7,'vVf SHE BLAMES HIM V parents, Archdeacon and Mrs. E. Hodson. returned to Powell River today on the Camosun. ! Mis fTarnl Wlrlr ritiirnprf hnma L J' M 11 her fly off jUrU t'ir jisk e handle yvr i at Prince Rupert last week following a seven-wwk holiday with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Adams, of Vic If you want to sell it, adversise In Vancouver. A. W. Cormie. superintendent of th-3 Torbrlt mine, and -Mrs. Cormie and family were passengers aboard the Camosun Sunday night returning north after i spending summer vacation : In I Vancouver. . toria, l COME ON FELLAS DIBBS HAVE School Supplies PRINTING CO. Phone 234 S3 w r i i t n i mil miAcu , LEAGUE BOWLERS Closing date for team entries in 1951-52 i bowling season will be.Septem-! ber 7. Entries will be accepted DIBB Bcsner Block ' Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Hunter left; by car yesterday for Banff where they will attend an automobile dealers' convention. After the i meeting, they will make a motor ! trip Into the United States, expecting to be away - about a by E, Mussallem, Black 469; H. Winrit, 48rf, or at the bowling alleys, phone Red 709. Entries will be closed at General Meeting to be held September 7, Friday, at 8 p.m. Election of officers, league schedule and other important items to be discussed. MOTORISTS . . . month. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Oood, after a holiday visit in- Vancouver, All Mixed League bowlers are returned to the city from the invited to attend. 2101 south on the' Camosun Sunday lev nlng xhclr son. Arthur, re-, turned by train Saturday night after spending' the summer ln Victoria, and their daughter. RADIO & APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE on't let "Caffein Nerves" Come in today and see the stunning new PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE In the BELVEDERE you may enjoy the broczincs' of a Convertible or the KniiR comfort of a Coupe. THE PLYMOUTH BELVEDEDE 15 THE SMARTEST HARD TOP ON THE ROAD Do you know that the deprpciutlon on r-built cjirs Is less than most other makci? Current Used Car prices prove this tii he so. CHRYSLER-BUILT CARS ON DISPLAY AT Rupert Motors Limited ' -3 v;'. if. r - - : V -VVT- V'.:o wv-w '.vS 4' J , -r-.H'''V.,, ."-vtrV': V'.v i .;.- V' .-VI . V"'. ' : -, fi Ml. V GAS AND ELECTRIC RANGES PACIFIC ELECTRIC Phone Blue 992 ?(HicL make you cranky! ae it KNITWEAR Lois, returned with the Job's Daughters party Saturday night from their trip East. International Hod Carriers', Building and Common Labourers' Union of America, Local 1427 Special Meeting, Thursday, September 6. J p.m.. Carpenters' Hall. It Is to the benefit of every member of this Union to attend this meeting. i. H. Mair, Secretary. 209cl WITCH TO POSTUM! rj &skTH Corner of Second Ave & 1st St. Phone 806 and 568 4 v YOU FLY OFF THE HANDLE - if you're nervous, n t sleep - your trouble could be in tea and coffee. Vf'JW : ft f Ml caffein doesn't bother manv (or nthera it pan sleeplessness, nervousness, indigestion. So, filch to POSTUM, the caein-free drink that is bring- mim- i&s&mm' KJ relief t0 millions. You'll like POSTUM'S deliciom Mac Construction Company vr . , . and it's real economy . . . costs only about much as coffee. You make POSTUM instantly DOMS DEPT. STORE PRESENT CREDIT RESTRICTIONS HAVE MADE ' JOHN Q. PUBLIC ECONOMY-MINDED c)nsiih:r these facts when buying a car: Ford's English Prefect and New Consul display pt in the cup I Get the big 8 oz. size 1 Use ROLL BACK EXPENSES Ul ?STANT POSTUM aptone" 100 CAFFE IN-FREE i WILL DO YOUR JOB CHEAPER Roofing . . . Sidirg . . . Alterations Estimates Gladly Given Blue 182 OJTJ ABOUT '3 AS MUCH COFFEE . . . Lowest price in their field . . . Cheapest per mile operation . . . Small down payment available . The Wonder Paint for Decorating Supplied in many attractive colors Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. V K6SSS 7 Bob Parker Ltd. FORD MONARCH DEALERS Prince Rupeft, 3.C. To-days Best BUY One Only Spartan Washer ?9 LEARN TO FLY ot Western Canada's only , seaplane school . FALL COURSES NOW STARTING PRINCE MX A ERO CLUR RUPERT RUPERT U . QD u rr 'u nyions l I V I hm ,n 'ne excifmg new ... I FASHION ABt I SNADfl r i pAsiti rtonti . I "" " 13 1 SUHOUITTI t(5CO ?l OtCO POUTIAY hQ Pioneer Druggists I J I adltlon P H O N E , 8 1 ' i JToolwear j $149.00 G.E. Washer With Pump $189.50 Northern B.C. Power Co. Ltd. llrsner Block flume 210 Prince Rupert, B.C. Sitsart, B.C. SCHOOL SUPPLIES AT Phone 344 (211p) If you want to sell It, advertise ,n, news cia&smea. . , 0$