the kind of part that deteriorated In u h? Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday. September 4, 1951 N versatility is eminently apparent in the role of an American doctor who is forced to put down his sriilnet nnri nick tin a enn Screen tj( District Salmon Pack Higher cwi Wild Life Is Exciting j i in .. i ! tn mnlra. t, SHIPS AND WATERFRONT During a uuiu-pui i4ea journey i ' v seem solw from Shanghai to Peking. This Is and exciting. uiu evtcw RADIO DIAL 1240 Kilocycles CFPR By PERCY GRANT WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY SHW STARTS Nearly 60,000 more cases of salmon were packed in the Naas and Skeena River areas this year than in the same period in 1950, according to end-of-AiiRust reports of the chief su- Canadian children who live at 1 (Subject U. Change) the fringe of the wilderness in ! Union steamer Camosun, Capt. " ONLY ONE COMPLETE SHOWING the various provinces can study theiar natural history at first TLESDAY P.M. :00-Sun.shine Society tolhand and cluse t0 home Increase was due mainly 3P-Tall Talcs Whether marine life on the John Boden, arrived in port at 6:30 Sunday evening from Vancouver and waypoints, sailing at midnight for Stewart and Alice Ann. Coming out of Vancouver, the vessel had over 100 passen heavier runs of coho, chums and :45Stock Quotations & Inl PEOPLES STORE Fall Opening! : Special j m Ladies' and Women's : Chenille : i Housecoats I pinks. Sockeye are down about J tidal flats of the Maritimes or flocks of wild ducks on prairi 10.000 cases over last year, com parative figures are: 1950 1951 MOLLY There is a real rags-to-riches story behind the success of Gertrude Berg, star and co-author of the uproarious comedy, "Molly,'' showing today at the Totem Theatre. This tireless and talented creator whose long-standing airwave success, "Thp Goldbergs," has enriched the lives of more than a generation of airwave fans, can trace her phenomenal rise to the bleak days of 1929. At that time the immortal Molly walked uncertainly into a ladio executive's office with several page's of her brain child scrawled on yellow paper. The official squinted wryly at a paragraph of ragged longhand and ponds and marshes, there is always something exciting to study gers ana a urge ueigni cargo when crowds and traffic are fur Snc nad ioo tons of Torbrit ore 16.720 38,876 Coho ... Chums 52.901 64 235 139.978 away, to load at Alice Arm this trip But it is not often that any- ! and returned here this afternoon 131,931 Pinks Total pack of all species of fish j thing as thrilling as a moose is southbound. obliging enough to call at a school to give the students a: chance for close-up observation. It happened in the little in the Naas and Skeena area this year is 351,799 cases; for 10."0. 292,20ii cases in the same period. m m CPS Princess Kathleen has been put on the pontoons at the dry dock and what Is believed by company officials to be a 10-day repair job began this morning. The vessel will then proceed to Vancouver. I m i m ! m then snapped, "You'd better read :0(l- International Cotnty. : 10 -Bill Morton SinR.s 25 Canadian Amateur Golf Summary 30 Intimate Review ;45 Lyrical Lady 55-CBC News 00--Sii)per Serenade : 15 Hawaiian Melodies 30 Moods in Music mi CMC Nevkb 15 OHC Mews Roundup 30 -jl,eiees!er Sq. to Broadway :00 -Club Date :15- Fish, and Fowl 30-TzU'.ane :00 T.B.A. 30 Continental Varieties :'"J C'BC News, 10-CBC Nrws 15-Let's Find Out 30 Adventiues of Richard Han ivy 00 Weather Report Fish Arrivals WEDNESDAY A M 00 MuMeal C'l.ieK 00 -CBC News 10--Hi-re's 13:11 Good :15 MorninR fcong Total pack so far this year in j setfement of Pevensi-y ,in the all areas is 1.207,144 cases; in 1 Algonquin Hills of Ontario's 1950, same period, 967,863 cases. ! parr Sound district. Morning Meanwhile, the U.S. Fish and j lessons were in progress in the Wildlife Service reports that one-room school when the tuach-Kdlmun pack in Ala.ska, up to j er announced that a great bull week ended August 18. totalled j moose was peering at the win-2.351,315 cases. Loot year for the aoW8 irom 0njy a lew leet away, .same period the total pack was I There was a rush to see the it to me." Then he signed the show for $75 a week. In two years sh was earning $2,000 a week. Since then the unpredictable activities of "The Goldbergs" have appeared in a comic strip, $5.95 A IX SI .US 11 to 20 and 40 to 44 "Sciftex'' . Chenille. Comfortable wrap -a round stylr. Limir; sleeves and .haw! ro'.kcr. Popular Fall i.hnors. New sttrk just arrived at Peoples Store. Special price lUXOW city prices. Ketchikan motorship Sidney arrived Uu.- morning with 42u0 cases of salmon for trans-ship- numerous vaudeville skits and 2,281,455 cases. ! Pinks are leading the total ! pack lor Alaska with 890,700 animal that seemvd interested ment. in getting an education; books were knocked from desks, the rapidly running water, anchored whole' world represented in a re-( there in a tangle of fine threads successful Broadway play, and their varied activities have earned millions, of dollars. "Molly" is a screen Illustration of Mrs. Berg's screen ability to concoct and enact riotous and heart-warming comedy. volving globe lor the geography ; (m stones, leaves and sticks. Be lAWM "BLUE W., 'S jL LAGOON" lesson was overturned, and some lore pupation the insects make oi the small boys climbed to the minute n -sts, not unlike swallow top of book shelves for a better lu.sts in design, and glue them view. to water weeds. Their open ends hotel arrivals Prince Rupert PFPING EXPRESS Anyone McLennan. McLennan, T. T. D. D. Lanceley, Lanceley,! C. ii was an enormous animal ana always noint down-stream. But who believes that the road to . . . . ,,, . .-.!... ,n n f .. V.....n Vr.,41.. . ... , . ... u. Aiuue, m. nciuy, w. uriiii-."-'i. " , me mature ny nas gauzy wings : s(.r(vn stardom is a short, :30-Mornitm Devotions : 45 Little Concert Vilnliumu stead, ti. n. cnurcn. Mr. aim wi u uiuim u i. nuu wcie ne ano musi use ur.-m to escape , st raiclit well-uaved Mrs. J. Dobie, C. Hull, Elaine stood lor exciung m l n u t e s, ' lr. -m the water. ihnM h o ,ith Maynard, Audrey Patterson, Miss studying the pupils with the I has s(,ivrri Ulis prob-j Joseph Cotten. Joe will puickly C. Sirett, Mr. and Mrs. B. Gau-j same concentration that they ;,,,, witn dCverness worthy of a assure them that the route to tiller, Lt. airetl, MIS. n. UUIUIU, g.iv-- nun. lu Hlirilll! the final I th cli rllr. nal. I. o l,,nc rnimh 00 BBC News & Comty. IS - Music for Modems 30 Sunrise .Serenade 45 Your Music Appointment 50. -Time Sr.'iml 00 Morntn-4 Vi.-lt 15- M-irniiiR Melodies ; stage of nupation the skin of thv j winding trail; and to prove his I Rupert jj Peoples Store: ollliltllBIIIIIIIBkl I STEAMER Prince Rupert SAILS FOR Vancouver and Intermediate Torts Each Thursday at 11 :J5 p.m. R. G. Fraser. C. H. Ho-sken, D. But if schooling meant asso-H.iwkins, Sandy McComb, D. B. ' riation with those boisterous Harrison, D. A. Finlayson, Mrs. 'young animals behind the gloss, J. Gilmour, Miss J. Galbraith it wasn't worth the cost, the and Mrs. M. E. Porlier, Vancou- moose must have decided, for he ver; D. Hoy, North Vancouver; j turned suddenly and took to the K. H. Izard. Victoria; Mrs. 3. woods again. ap( umm rides m am PEKING aJ?w exjrrfss rJ HAL WALLIS ffr JOSEPH GOTTEN CORINNE CALVlT ' TAabh EDMUND GWENN I h TJday & Wednesday CAPITOL I JV Show 7-9:01 friiiiKHiM flutr Thrutrf 1 :30 -This Week's Artist pupa becomes lntlated to the point, he can cltj his own car-breaking point with air extract- : rPr. Before he drew his first film ed from the water. This skin ; paycheck, he earned his keep as puncture creates a bubble of air a paint salesman, drama critic, which ni . s 16 the surface carry-: professional football player and me; a black fly with it. Wheif the advertising model with a few bubble bursts, the mature fly is periods of unemployment sand-launched high and dry into the wiched in between, ah to commence its nefarious! In "Peking Express," showing ; BLACK FLY'S LIKE-STORY I Evjn the most charitable and Edgar and .son, Westview; E. Wiltman and G. Hill, city; O. Stout, Terrace; P. Wilioughby, '"vitat'on to I he Waltz 00-Man and Pis Mu.sic 15 Roimiiup Time 30- Weather Report 31 Message Period 33 - Recorded Interlude 43-Scandinavian Melodies ' M enthusiastic of nature students Llovdmin.ster; T. Moffett, Vic- j at the Capitol .Theatre. Joe's would not hesitate to classiby icarcet. the b'.ack fly as an unmitigated pest. Nature, however, appears to have rxerclsvd unusual , ingenuity to perpetuate the spe- : 00 Mid-Day Melodies For . For KETCHIKAN W MINI-SNA Y MIDNIGHT ;ona; J. w. MorLson, caspaco; L. C. Gunn, Prince George; K. E. Falardeau and Miss K. Russ-man, Prince George; Isabel M. Copeland, Anchorage, Alaska; L. F. Holder, Flm Flon, Man.; R. W. Read, Chilliwack; Mrs. P. Toiman. Los Angeles; K. Tan- pest or not. NEW CONSTRUCTION and REPAIR WORK Luxury at Low Cost Larvae ol black flies thrive- In i i hi: Ne t; PTii"r:ini iVcsjm:-30- B C. Parr.: Broa 55 Ren. Int. :00 The Concert Hour 00 Vfnv l.istTiiiri :30 Krci.rOs at Random :45 Sammrr Picnic, Comty. SEE nock, Nanaimo; Mr. and Mrs. W. Ross, Porcher Island; I. Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Rugg'and Air. and Mrs. H. Rempel, city; For Reservations Write or Call city or nr.roT OH H K PH1NCE RUPERT, B.C. GREER & BRIDDEN LTD. - p. .1? .1 I 215 -1st Avenue West Xtt dwtlcnt b net publlinKi er dlipltytd by LkW Cm flO'l P.O. Bom 721 UeWiit Rowland, Tacoma; R. W. jackson and J. E. Eccott, Sunny-:ide; Mrs. K. Linder and daugh-ler, Masset; W. J. Mitchell, Lan-gara Island; Mr. and Mrs. J. Ducry, Eureka, Cal.; T. May, Kll-icoty, Alberla; Anne Kuch-ll:a. Klemtu. i at tvmm jeimim I '.ft EE hi (U,-y Xcasoums-' rgjV Chop - Chow Men ' ' xll 5 ouey 4 (,m pm km i wm a m &i v At Open fi p.m. -! S.::tl ...n. 'J,' j ""'"VyL HOLLYWOOD CAFE I Pur f iii'si.Ic- I )rilfia rhono 131 -' -4 B j 1 ir j Lasting f Tltii tdvtftlMiiMi li Ml puMthd a diipUytd bi At liqver Control BoorJ y (ho CovtrnmM tt B'Kiiti ColumbK. Mrn r. -ti Announcing REVISED WEEKLY SCHEDULED FREIGHT SERVICE Effective September 7th BETWEEN PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. end KiTIMAT, KEMANO BAY, OCEAN FALIS, CAMPBELL RIVER, VANCOUVER, B.C. S.5. "Princess Norah'' Leaves Every Monday Yes, when you drive up hero you're putting your car in expert hands. Our attendants have hod years of experience end troinlnq in proper car care. They know what vou need ' they have what it takes to keep that car of yours in "new " condition longer. Drive up here, today! WAFFC fif-Hfl IHIH II l,v. 10:00 p in. Monday . . Ar. H;Otl Tn-s(v .. Ar. I :oo p.m. 'I npiiiiv "i'Mtt WtMlnotdny Ar. !):;! ii.m. TImm'mI:i . . . . I'r. HiiMrt . ... Kittmat . . Kfiiiaiiti tiy . . Ocpuii I-ails ('uniitM'll Rlcr. . . . iiiH outer . Ar. H:;ini n.m. .Mnufl:iy Ar. H::OM p.m. Mtmlny . Ar. 1 :4M p.m. Hiioii;iy Ar. It: 00 p.m. hiitiirOny , Ar. 3:oo a.m. SiiMiniuy l.v. K p.m. Krlttay CCT YOUR SOLID BRASS BOS JAG... etei with your dog's name and address for ANY THREE DR. BALLARD'S LABELS plus l W mailing and handling. Send to: Dr. Ballard! Animal Foods Limited, Toronto. Port of discharge for Duncan Bay freight. . . . The very thought of DR. BALLARD'S will always bring the love light to your dog's eyes so show your love for your best .friend by feeding him nothing but the best -Dr. Ballard's "qualify controlled" pet foods. He'll love the meaty satisfying flavour sealed in every tin of scientifically prepared Dr. Ballard's! Don't forget on a steady, balanced diet of Dr. Ballard's, your pet' will keep healthy. Feed your dog Dr. Ballard's tinned foods alone . . . or ... . for taste tempting variety, mix with Dr. Ballard's New Meal Formula, Kibble, or Dr. Ballard's dog biscuits. ' Qofif"0 0 le"oro"OMU Anmaf FeoA 195) RefriReration and Cool Room Stowage Available Freight "Shipments Accepted and Delivered at OUr Pier For further particulars of service and also rates in effect apply to Affcnt, Prince Rupert, B.C. ; Jaiforing. or j Ladies and Gentlemen LING the tailor Superior Auto Supply Ltd. 220 Sixth St. , Phone 649