' whelmingly because Gandhi that the great unanswered queJ- ! i was its real head till it and tv; tlon is here. Prince Rupert Daily News As I See It Census Taking Subtle Points Ttia t. i Monday, April 16, 1951 "-OtW Pov4witk) TIMBER BALE X45218 Sealed tender win be rruheil by tile MlnUler of Forests at VI.-torla. B.C.. not Inter than 11 am cn the 8th day of Mny. 1951. fur the purchase of Licence X45218, to cut H.8IK1000 fJi m. of Hemlock. Spruce Cedar, Balsam and Cyprew. on nil urea comprising of vacant Crown lund situated on the north shore of Steamer PiiH-snge. Kitntfe & Const Lang District Five years will bo allowed for re-mnval of timber. Further particulars of the Chltf Forester. Victoria. BC. or District Forester Prince Rupert, B.C. ill. By HAROLD MORRISON Canadian Press Staff Writer An independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By Carrier, Per Week, 2(lc; Per Month, 75c; Per Year, 8 00; By Mail, Per Month, 75c; Per Year, $8.00. "iMf01 a did the crucial job. Even Nehtu 0O0 knows trrat all he has to do to THEY ARE TALKING OF win THIS election is to show building a huge structure, a six-the fine picturei of which I ttorey building shaped like was given a copyi of Gandhi Gandhis head. It will be right and himself sitting side by side, here in Delhi. oOo That seems like a bad sign to BUT WHEN YOU TRY TO me. For if admirers will do : grapple with the question "How something so contrary to every-mu:h oi the teaching of Gaudi-.l thing for which Gandhi stood has really lived on?'' you don't only a few years after his pass-get far. ing, what will they say of him I Congress Party is not much centuries from now? I different from must incoming Maybe they will get as far i political parties in Canada, e- away lvm the teachings and more Wan. 7 1 OTTAWA P How would you like to be paid while going to school say at 90 cents an hour? That's going to be the good fortune of the 18,000 Canadians wlr: undertuke the job of count Use Classifieds for Results. ing their fellow men in the big. WHAT GANDHI LEFT decennial census next June. ; ueciallv 1:1 the provincial Jiekl. nations of the little 01a saini For four days, before the cen-j NEW DELHI, India The longer they have been out as we in the West not from the. sus campaign is launched June 1, rp, ;',, .v,;,.v, T of office, the hungrier they are actions and teachings of the this formidable army will un- 1 nei e is one lumt ,.mn w mill 1 ; lur the ruit!) and t,al(,fits.y,,,;i oaliitan carpenter. ; dergo schooling in census have ylxrey mentioned spoils of office. R. .., ... not The ASK THESE CAHADIAH Work men "weapons." cinfo cf.minp- to India in Au powtr U'"di U ,CMnil wt.rld has had the Sermon on I And while this training is going Miice luiiuiij, w iiiuut, m and the c(jrrupUOil t,.nd.s to .set lh(, Mount for 0Ver 1900 years on, in school basements, town this report 01" Otherwise in quicker and spread faster i,(lforl, Gandhi tool: the principles Hulls and city auditoriums across v , .. 1 . where there is no effective op- jt ,-,,.0;:Utjmwi ,uut hamess-d WHY tin m to .social action. the country, the census-iaKers - J position w nut, - naunw, u-m i will get' paid at the rate of 90 powerful and most alive cry "Stop, thief!" There is no ! rente an hour with tna-e in rural tor&f ' in this W . hole 1 . i.,,l land opposition in India worth ih.- JluiUe areas getting a little more-to cover travelling expenses to wen now. I Su tne Congress Party, us Gandhi took them out of Lnc holy book and put them in .10-Ulill I'li'ill 111 the sll'et-b,, luiufs. even of untouchables. I MuyLe il wuu't tak another 1900 y ars to do it again. j Gandhi's creature, may con "f.chool." I mean, of course, the name ceivably have an actual dra- TV,n iminino li'ill tl'ii't Mi)u 91 . r T, i ;ffw.i,ll .nHndMa'; During. r n.eeve.i try to gueh fttur time, a eorp f mr- S8 how much ufte.X not com- HAHIE3 EXKMPT ! visois win uini turn omticjiw in leacning 01 tiaouiu nas nvrj 1 . There , . pletely the case. is even VANCOUVER KP New-born ' talk of a split in the Indian Com- babies at least are exempt from j munlst Party. One hears that '.he provincial compulsory hos- 1 tome have quit tile party on piial payments plan. Tlie Gen- I the giound that it is too far out tral Hospital lias advised dm:-, of line with what Gadlii taught.' tors that "there will be. 110 ' And so I can't report any hard co-insurance ehurge for new- facts or convincing statistics on boras while the mother Is in the subtle art of waging a sue- on in the hearts and minds of eessf ul census campaign. I me people. Kor what I do not The census-taker will learn all know and cannot find out, was about the history and back- whether they followed Gandhi ground of a census, its import- because of admiration lor his ance in the growth of a nation tactical skill, or whether they and the need for accuracy. 'really got the point of what .10 was lrylnt5 lo demonstrate (TN'Sl'S FQl'IPMFNT Ernest Bevin tough and indefatigable, Rt. Hon. Ernest BLUFF, Bevin, until recently Britain's Foreign Secretary, who died suddenly, will go down as one of his country's great statesman. That is why, in death, he is stcknowledged on all sides regardless of political stripe. He gave greatly of his effort and talents and the strain of his post undoubtedly helped to induce his illness and death. His passing is a great loss both to his country and to his Labor party. Homespun Ernest Bevin came up from orphaned poverty to the Foreign Secretaryship of Great Britain, a post he held during one of the most difficult periods in the Empire's history. It was he who charted the nation's policy in (he cold war with Russia that followed World War II. That policy conformed generally to that of the United States. While Bevin sought to reach agreement with Soviet Russia, he spoke plainly and bluntly in warning that Britain could not he pushed "too far." He cautioned : "The people will one day say, 'we are tired of this.' There comes a moment when we say, 'we have had enough.' " Bevin never concealed his scorn and distrust of Communism. Early in World War II he denounced the Communist Party and its associates for having told British workers in 1940 before Russia entered the conflict that their nation was fighting an imperialistic war. "I shall never forgive them for that to the day of my death," he vowed. In the spring of 1949 Bevin came to the United States to sign the North Atlantic Treaty, by which 12 nations agreed to confront any Russian aggression with a united defense. "Our peoples do not want war and do not glorify war, but they will not shrink from it if aggression is threatened," he said at that time. Later he described the Atlantic Pact as a west this matter can just remark hospital." JJo u.ill luaen ton n nhnn ' J "'" .v.ov consider to be evil, but you must the pen that is loaded with black do so by methods which are ink that conducts electricity, the " 1 not evil, too. little population card that re cOo I AS A MATTER OF PLAIN fact, Gandhi demonstrated the mighty power of some of the , truths which Jesus Christ him- ', places the cld-type newspaper-size information document, the questions he will have to ask and the answers he is likely to receive. THE STEEIWORKER Me rides one 10 work became he knows (hat the (.jiudiaii su-il in ( .(,.M. is good itrtl. self tauffht in the Sermon on But most of all the census- , tne Mount. i taker, fnan or woman, will learn (Suddenlv this thought strikes something about the art of : me; In a few days I myself may 1 . getting along with people. For ; stand on the very spot where ' THE PAINTWORKER His enamels give (X.M. Bikci their lusting beauty. '1 he (..( .M. lie has ridden to work for yrtn prm es this. without the co-operation of the the Master Jesus preached that t THE RUBBERWORKER His pranked rye reio);niws hi own Canadian tires ua the t X M. Hike in the raiks ti hit ' plant. Thus why he ridts a ' mighty sermon.) I Gandhi, apart lrom being a great saint and teacher, wai also one of the most productive political leaders who ev.r lived. But would his techniques have worked if his "antagonist" had been, say, Joe Stalin or Francisco Franco, and not British statesmen who had also adsorbed the teachings of the Sermon on the Mount, often at their mothers' knees as intaniu" person who answers the doorbell, all the two years of effort that census officials have put into the census structure will count no more than a puff of wind. A door slammed in the census-taker's face, a stubborn refusal to supply Information, or the still worse insiduous supplying of deliberate untruths these are the things that can wreck a good census. Fortunately, say officials, Canadians in the past, such as in the 1941 census, have shown tremendous willingness to co-operate. Not a single person was r MS Ji ..(..M.UJO. Then Compare it and See Why C is the ONLY Bike With the BIG FOUR 0O0 - . I OVER AND OVER AGAIN I have thought of the meaning of 1 this: V f IT'S MSIlOBtAZf D - 0 IT1 MMOWE i renter irength with AnmifftW "cuihiaMiHuniton fiUin. Ukn) iustw hauled into court although the law says you must supply census ( ' information. 'K, ern shield against the biggest army in the world-Russia's. Obviously referring to the Soviet Union, which kept insisting it was interested in peace, Britain's Foreign Secretary declared: "There has never been a dictator in the history nf this worU who has not talked neace when he has I f I - 1 Sufc, ieniiivr, swivel -at nun tu-erina .lur "Srmahi Linf v j There is no nook cr corner of tins vast iand wntre the name of Gandhi is not kiu.wn. in iat, uanun. s nuine is tne 04uy name that everybouy in iiiUia does know. Not another" n.i.'r.e if living cr dead, huma.i 'or v.: human, Is so we'.! knon. The above is the k;y to ne election coming up this year in India. Congrei.3 wiil win over- IJrive . Census officials shy away from court action. They'd much rather ,ee perfection of co-operation. They're banking heavily on the census-taker to get it. H t, tv i ; IfjjgtvoimrrHSHJ' Housing For Cellulose? Company and Housing Officials Have Meeting I Prinof Ruwrt 1 ('CM Dealer in I'rincc Ruperl I McRaeBros. Limited J - - - - - t been preparing for war. Do not be misled." Bevin accused the Communists of "creating a situation of fear in order that the will of the Kremlin could be carried out and the whole of Europe brought into bondage." The Atlantic Pact was the answer to that situation, he declared. He said the Russians and their satellites had thwarted peace efforts at every turn. Earlier Bevin had cooperated immediately and wholeheartedly with the program outlined by U.S. Secretary of State George C. Marshall for a cooperative effort for European recovery. He hailed the plan as a "bridge to link the east and west." As Foreign Secretary, he helped to pattern the "changes that Prime Minister Clement Attlee's Labor Government effected in the British Commonwealth in the post-war years changes that made India, Ceylpn, Burma and Palestine independent. f I I "pi -r-. . Columbia Cellulose Company officials had "no comment'' on proposals for housing made last week bv T. B. PI c kvi r s g i 11. Central Housing and Mortgage Huh advertisement is not nuhlished AGRICULTURAL I Corporation, and J. E. Brown, or displayed by tlie Liquor ('ontrol iioa.nl or by tlie Government of liritish Columbia. provincial government representative, j Hou.'ine officials said Friday night at their meeting with city council the company would be approached Friday with a proposal under which tlwy could build homes for their employees. . "I hope the council doesn't feel that housing for Prince Rupert IMPORTANT BROADCAST HEAR HON. HERBERT Leader of the Progressive Conservative Party in B.C. and Minister of Finance in the Johnson - Anscomb Coalition Government, Speak on . . , will depend on anything our company may do," said W. C. R. Jones, mill manager. J'i n he a; ked Mr. Pickersgill if the government would assist individuals in building their own Knw is the time to j'.ive your parden and lan G Prevents Acid Soil 0 Troniotcs Growth I orrjer Vegetable? More Bontjliful Flow 1 sack delivered ei HI Up to 5 sacks delivered V Over 5 sacks delivered ' PHI LP0TL EVITT & Co PHONE 651 BUILDING SUPPLIES - LUMBER "Hospitality and Good Food" That Is Our First Aim I'hone 17 for Orders To Take Out Commodore Cafe homes if groups of employees undertook the actual . labor of I construction. j Mr. Pickersgill said this could be done only under' National I Housing Act . loans. If these could be obtained locally, pro- i visions were made in such cases for direct loans under the Act. "We have men who would only be too willing to build their own houses in order to get a place to live," said Mr. Jones. n-'. Wait ForVo"' 0 Interest Rate OVERHEAT P.nn It Inf : spare us I his lime ; IT IS to be hoped that Ottawa follows the policy ; I which Washington announces of using plain Eng-: 3ish in the orders it will be writing in relation to the defense mobilization effort. ! During the fast war, the legalistic gobbledy-gook ; in which many of the orders and regulations were ; clothed caused not only frustration and hilarity, ', but worse stiH, confusion and misunderstanding. The I complex is also a prize way of concealing loopholes - and trick clauses. Business Week cites-one gem of obfuscating ; officialese ; "Ultimate consumer means a person or group of persons, generally constituting a domestic ! household, who purchase eggs generally at the individual stores of retailers or purchase and re- ceive deliveries of eggs at the place of abode of the ; - individual or domestic household from producers or retail route sellers and who use such eggs for ; their consumption of food." ; This was rewritten to read: "Ultimate consumers are people who buy eggs and eat them." There are many places in business and industry .where plain talk would also be to everybody's advantage. Some New York real estate operators have just replaced their traditional 8,538 word leases with a ; new one: 992 words. Financial Post. PRESSURE ! UK vital t" Your cooling system is ns a Iho BrflllPS OT MotOr. D v. o.-, v.... ., PRESSl'IlE-PVRGINl. 'RESSl'RE-ri;RGlNO is is th nper ,ac cleansing the Radiator and u,e ESStR-'l1i" : . . "..., a new " rm Boost Housing! OTTAWA O'Sdi ficial quarters ! are considering the possibility of j boosting . the interest rate on I Central Mortgage and Housing' Corporation loans to five per j cent from 4V2 percent, it was! learned Saturday. j This development follows a i general Increase by insurance and trust companies of interest on i mortgage loans to 5'2 percent! from five. . : An informant said that, if the ! government moves to boost the j rate, it will have no effect on ! current Central Mortgage and Houpsing Corporation loans but it would have the effect of cut- j ting down a number of prospective mortgage seekers. I . u-t inctn mstuiuu it'll a. - - We have jusi VANCOUVER VICTORIA Sunday, 8 p.m., Chllcotin Tuesday, 12 Noon Camosun ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday. Camosun, 11 p.m. FOR NORTH Ql'EKN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Chilcotin April 13 and 27 9 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Chilcotin, April 6 and 20 B p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 868 TONSGnT Superior WS) CFPIU0.15 p.m. STUDEBA"- Third Avenue at Paf