Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, April 16 19tl her "bad ,,f Kirl- J Breaking iC.. a Navy nurse in , 1 submarine comm,J0'e K SHIPS aNd WATERFRONT Sweets Cause Of Bad Teeth SYDNEY. Australia P Australian children's teeth are in appalling" condition, according Submarine Epic Here The ividcrsca war which raged in the Pacific, encounters between submarines and enemy surface craft are portrayed In :votiontoSUbmrr: i'ove forPat1; 'The ween dramas.' Burns Lake is Booming BUKNS LAKE The village of Burns Lake is humming with activity as contractors and equipment are touring in to town to begin work from this angle on the $500 million Aluminum Co. of Canada pro jeer.. Officials of the Morrison-Knudsen Company of Canada and their sub-contractors, the Mannix Con- Wallace's Department Store New Spring '51 TROPICANAS Fresh from an overhaul which included the Installation of a fire-sprinkler system, CPR steamer Princess Louise, Capt. Ronald Hicks, docked here from Vancouver at 10:45 this morning "Operation Pacific," which be business, man LT' gins a three-day local engagement at the Totem Theatre to With their t.nrVU0 N contact parties ZZlN pnrnnte to stcaewav. me win- to Dr. Robert Southby, retiring president of the Victoria branch of the British Medical Association. Writing in the medical Journal of Australia, he said that school medical examinations have revealed only 49 per cent of one group of 20,038 children examined l.I riintirm Co., unloading heavy f underground forces machinery and the building of road camp ncaf Nat1ina post night. Co-starring John Wayne aiftl Patricia Neal, "Operation Pacific" provides the stalwart actor with the kind of action role he does well. For Miss Neal, the film refugees and ' , pern nel enemy territorv A New Shipment with New Styles in A.C.T. Spun Rayon icess Norah. Capt. Graham hughes, is relieving the Princess Mary out of Vancouver and will return to the northern run In 'June. About 13 tons of freight were unloaded here before the Princess Louise continued north $4-?8 and Photographing beaches preoarat , '5 1 w iflva at 12 noon. Disembarking here were L Dav. W. P. Clarke, Mrs. at WALLACE'S of course houses is being rushed to accommodate the men and warehouse the material. A spur is being built on Canadian National Railways property near the booster station. Clearing and grading railway property east of the Francois Lake road preparatory to the building of a large warehouse will begin this week. Loading platforms will be had good teetn. Of 621 kindergarten children, ! averaging about four years of ! age, 79 needed teeth taken out and no fewer than 568 required fillings or dressings. In a group of 8,350 children of pre-school age only 1,222 had good teeth. OCEAN-SIZE EXCITEMENT The road from Nadina to Emerald Glacier will be improved at once and will follow the route of the Emerald Glacier Mines. Within a month five hundred men will be employed and by next year the road contractors and tunnel work will require one thousand men on this section of the gigantic project alone. As soon as the road to Tahtsa r.... ...................... E. Cannon, P. Fraser, J. J. Gunn, Mr. Falrclough, Mrs. J. B. Rothe, iF. Ibbotson, D. Pratt, J. Camp-1 bell, E. K. Lewis, J. R. Mcintosh, jMrs. T. McCann and son, R. Dale Mr and Mrs. C. Dale. Miss Timely R erected on this site. ecipe 'Lake is completed, men, mach- a namn for workers in transit J. Dale, Miss Cs Dale. Going ! Dentists blame refined sugar ! as one of the causes, according i to Dr. Southby's report. Every j year Australians eat 131 pounds of sugar per capita, of which I h:iif yoes into production of can Salmon and Spaghetti Cutlets to the road and tunnel jobs islry and ' supplies will move homa beiiiE prerteri erected and. and, while while the tne ! lwn the big lake on barges. with JOHN WAYNE and PATRICIA NEAL "OPERATION PACIFIC f rom uie west ena a luimvi ten north from here were Mr. McLean and R. C. Dudley. The snag boat Esslngton, Capt. W. F. Robertson, of the Department of Public Works, leaves to- . i 1 dies, cakes, biscuits, jam, condensed milk and other sweetened food. camp and warehouse are being completed, work will proceed on the completion of the access road from Burns Lake to Tahtsa Lake. V. A. Roberts, district superin ! miles long and twenty-five feet in diameter will be driven , through the summit mountain which rises rapidly from the ! southerly portal of the tunnel Veteran Mining Man Dead -93 VICTORIA William B. George, veteran British Columbia mining man who in recent years had devoted his attention mostly to the Portland Canal district, died here yesterday. He was 93 but, despite his advanced years, he had gone into the field almost every season. Mr. George located the George Go,ld Copper property in the Portland Canal district, which he sold to Consolidated Mining and Smelting Co. I morrow ior ner urai uiu ui wnc season. She has been In the dry- tendent for the Morrison-Knud 12 lb. can salmon, naKea 1 cup milk 2 eggs, beaten 1 cup bread crumbs 2 can spaghetti in tomato sauce Seasoning Mix together the flaked salmon, milk, beaten eggs and bread crumbs. Then add spaghetti (the canned variety with cheese and tomato sauce is perfect). Season. Drop in frying pan in cutlet shapes, and brown on sen firm, has opened his offices in site. A car load of powder per of supplies from Burns Luke. The Morrison-Knudsen Co., l dock, undergoing her usual over-ihaul before the summer's work. Accompanying the stern wheel one of the world's largest con- the Tweedsmuir Hotel. From y win ue ui mantms ..u there all phases of the work will the tunnel, which will be cement .... j, ,h . ; lined throughout it s entire i trading concerns, nave several I huge contracts in various parts er on the trip up tne &Keena, will be J. A. Rutherford surveying engineer of the Dept. of Prefabricated buildings are length. of the world, including boutn America and the Far East., being constructed at Burns Lake ' Sub-contracts will be available in readiness to be moved to a ! to local truckers for the hauling Public Works. toivim;TK .snows 7-9 p.m. RioN. to wi:d. both sides. 4 good servings. NOW AT POPULAR PRICfi (3Eeu Infill m . m i m i m mm m i mm m .-.w 1 i lll.l3JJULfl SO f 1 IS (P Pf K T 1 ffl P 1 PI T 111 1 (PI K il 1 11 1 w II L 1 1 oil t S W 1 i i w w I ( t A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE M fit1 j JOAN UHMfBl'tS' Kiiew'tL'Sf.w-i A tM4MXHMWN- 1 wMil. uulu INGRID BERGMAN A VICTOR FLEMING PRODUCTION 1 UMttiMMtU 1 Mr COLO 11 IICHK1COU C'll Of THOUMNM Today - Tuesday ADDKI) SHORTS CARTOON NEWS Show 1 - Ml MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT THE FRASER HOUSE Sea Cadets Now being reorganized under the sponsorship of the Navy League of Canada Those interested apply to H.M.C.S. "Chatham" Tuesday, Thursday ond Friday 4-6 and 7-9 p.m. Age limit 14-18 years i' Northern B.C. Power Co. Illustrated I h-Luxe 4-L)oor Holiday isvdan I'lione 210 Prince It u pert f Inspired Beauty and Unequalled Performance . . . with Improved Hydra-Mafic1: Iefiafjfe GARDEN TOOLS Garden rK Rrxnrnro'! OldfiniiliilcV great "08" Series niiiKe a triiimpliaiit rntrjr into l'l.", unil oilers to CunailidtiH new moilelK of hlieer iiiiiritiliceiii'r! Here, lieyoinl iief,lifin, are (he mont laiiiour-itim motor car ever liuilt. 'l'lie f,')8" llrluxe llnliilay Seilan Iirealli-takin; new tl vliri for the four-loor liody I tw! I lie '''ill" Deluxe Omvertilile mjie ric h anil liraiitifiil, in.-iile anil out! Anil the '"98" Deluxe ami Standard Holiday (Iimim, offei inc all the danli of eonvertihle pllni with the ifetv of a Kolid leel top! liihidc, Oldonjoliilc "'Jo" give you new uileriorn, nuH-rla- 11 v"- ciipp"! ciipp'i lively styled for more room, more viru', nwrP comfort for you! And every new "98" is liuilt In perform j"t as inagnift cently an its lieanty would lead you In rxeet! Therc'i fuinoiio 'l!iH-Lel" Hwer, now even higher ill eoinpreiwioB for with many lirilliant new rnniiirrring feature. And teamed with tin- preat-hearled "ISneket" l lijiine in every model, there's lldra-Malie Drive, e,ieven-yearti-irved and now even liner than ever, with "iiiManl-reverse"! For full particulars including that of avuilahility dte your OUUiuobile dealer today! I'yclra-matlc- drive option on' all models at extra cost. m li m IM t'SSl m Tro' lv"-"nArye- -.Sv: S -t. . ,6 Rakes lllu.itraU-d-D Luxu Uululay C'r Spades Fertilizers LIMITED Insecticides GORDON & ANDES? Corner 7th and 3rd Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C.