Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, April 16, 1951 r Ml I HUH AM HOSMIAL tttontinued from pime It scheme, W. D. Griffiths of the Blackwood on BriJL - ; - if i - .i ?s 1 II , 'i ti ii i ir - t, '-it'' . I . V r j Marine and Boiler Makers said: "If it can work in England, it n i. Report f By Eoslcy Blackwood rom Kar lament You can gain a lot of points by using the hold ip play, which is refusing to win a trick that yo;-. By E. T. APPLEWHAITE, M P. can work here. " Declaring that "they can find money for destructive purposes" Mr. Griffiths asked for an inquiry into the B.C.H.I. "It is time for an accounting," said H. R. Hill. He talked on the free enterprise system Uwt forced the B.C.H.I. subscribers to deal with the government. could win. This play is employed mostly at no truni, although it has its application to suit play too. Durinjr the Easter recess and immediately after VjK.!it some time with the Secretary of the Air jiispoi t Hoard on the application of Central British North-South vulnerable fihiml'ia Airways for their TerraceSmithers-Burns ! Mr. Hill said it was like a butter 'merchant demanding custom at 'his store, although his prices .;e.VaiNk'riioof-lTince George license. I w ould like mention that Mr. Morisset, secretary of the Board, and were nigner. In a lively address, John Mul-loney said that the B.C.H.I. is absorbing, besides its own loss most friendly South dealer (Mr. Imle) S A 6 4 H Q 6 D K 10 7 C A J 9 5 3 (Mr. Mtr) (Mra. -krrn) S--3 8 S J 10 9 3 2 H A J 8 7 4 2 H 10 5 D J 8 5 D 9 0 4 2 C 7 4 C K 0 (Mr. .Muster) , S K 7 S H K 9 S D A Q 8 c q io o 2 always l ably mean defeat. How convenient it would be J ' the right-hand opponent, afte-winning the king of clubs, haV-I none of the danger suit (hearts ' ; to return. Can that be arf inged , Well, perhaps. And that's wha ; Mr. Masters had In mind whoi ! he ducked the first trick. j 'Now see what happened. Mrs , ; Keen, after winning trick on i with the 10 of hearts, returnee ' ithe five of th'lt 5t!it. Mr. Ab "' ul. Nw the board has ren- hrl a luvoraoie uccunuii un t application and the license -. "" tjt '--., .. !".. I ! . .. . , . , , - - u , , , , lM j j Hji-i'ii lorwarueu io lul-ii i.ver o! fk-e to be issued in ihc oiieratiiig certificate biaiiH'd. As 1 understand it, S outriding ccrulicate in-i tin' airworthiness of the craft and personnel. Well, any t -i i r 15,. i...- Eist Tim r,i ailing: South West North 1 C 1 H SO es, the less of the Compensation Board. I'M HOLY ALLIANCE . "There's an unholy alliance down there," said Mr. Mulroney speaking of the Coalition. "There's been an Indirect split between, the Conservatives and j the Liberals," he added. Pointing out that, .should un inquiry be held, the government would appoint the board of inquiry, Peter Lien, ul the Civic I won with the ace and led a thin heart, which went to Mr. Mas ' ters' king. The club finesse was taker? now, without danger. Mrs. Keei won with het Irintr hut irni mi 3 N T All pass The simplest form of the play is where you have the r.itany waueu uy ace and one or more small cards LEAFS IN FINALS A 4-1 win in Toronto Saturday night and a 6-0 victory in Boston Sunday ingm gave the Toronto Maple Leafs the right to meet Montreal Canadiens in the Stanley Cup final by defeating Boston four games to one. Here Leaf goalie Turk Broda seems ready to stop Boston's Eddie Sandford's shot regardless of where it conn's from In Saturday's game in Toronto. Player;, left to rieht, are: Ray Timgren, Fern F.ainan, Sautlford, Broda, Vic Lynn and Bill Barilko. (Cp PnOTDl in the suit led by opponents, j of hearls Sne led bark a dia' i..)t iikeiy to nave murn an-j.:y along lines. Now, I i:;iise, ilie next step is winter Uciiauee of the Terrace air-i iirh 1 am now going after. of depletion of our waters by foreign fishermen, Mr. Mayhew pointed out that hitherto the vast distances hindered such competition in North American waters but now with new ships and gear, either from Europe or A.sla, local fish populations can ae subject to increased foreign lushing, Co-operation Of great interest to the pe'ople of Terrace and in fact all Central B.C., was the resolution passed by the Council asking for the establishment of "a greater degree of co-operation between fisheries and powr agencies in the planning and construction of hydro-electric installations in British Columbia." Protection from Japs Tlv; Council also passed a resolution which, alter reciting the possible repetition of encroachment by Japanese fishermen in areas adjacent to Canadian waters, lilKfuctmy Appointment mond and Mr. Masters won tin rest of the tricks, making four odd. If he had won the firs U'ii:k with either the king o: : queen, he would have won sever tricks Instead of 10. AnoH I TOWN TREES BURNED rin Dolores lUIUIW nroc , RICHMOND HILL, Out. (CP Protest Pmtnrt Postal D, l IIUIWI I VJIOI Workers' Hours A grass fire here caused slow death to more than 500 trees in Waterworks Park. Officials said r- seems to be (ilil.e genera) l;iiliuii over llie election of Millard, Sr., of Van-u-r, as new (resident of the , f-rii-.s Council of Canada, and j.viumcs thi.s post with the ranee 4 the utmost co Coming Back Dolores ( ostellu'i, Come-back , Some (;ssip By ERSKINE JOHNSON HOLLYWOOD Dolores Cos- For tactical reasons you decline to play your ace on the first lead. ' ' It is more difficult to see the need for the hold-up whe.e your stopper in the enemy's .suit consists of the king three Ion:; In your hand and the queen and one small card in dummy. Mr. Masters had that situation i!i today's hand. The opening lead was the seven of hearts. Mr. Masters has played a lot of bridge and it took him hardly any time at all to duck the lead in both hands, permitting Mrs. Keen's ten spot to win the first trick. Would you have made this play which Is necessary to the lulflllment of the contract? Here is Mr. Masters' reasoning. Increase of hours for city letter 1 tno flre na(l damaged the trees carriers was discussed at the J,cfori u was brought under con-ifBular monthly meeting of the i tro1- Tne ttv;es nad been Planted Prince Rupert Trades and Labor !elKnt years the "rticul- Council last week. Alter hearing Ullal Society-. employees union spoke briefly. i "We endorse these petitions," .said Mr. Lien. j i Other speakers Included Eugene ll.illlstou of flu? Plumbers' and Pipe Fitters' Union, J. W. twart, president of the Prince ' Rupert Fire-Fightera Union, and ;Mr. Hopkins. 1 John G. Burgess, supervisor of regional representatives for the B.C.H.I. from Victoria, was present at the meeting and answered questions of administration. ! Mr. Burgess said that one in ' six persons were admitted to the hospital during the year THE RESOLUTION In moving the following resolution which passed unanimously, both Mr. Brett and Mr. Parkin, who introduced the resolu Starting on Extension of Hotel Here llation from t lie Industry as .fn,mes to it equipped with a l-iime experience in Canadian iicnes on the West Coast. which could virtually destroy our tello's return to grease paint in a report that most employees almon and other fisheries, ask- of the highlights of the re BATH, Scmerset, England (CP) a local stage play means that would now have to work from 48 she's ready to resume her career to 50 hours per week, it was de-1 A train driver here stopped now that she and her doctor c'ded to send a protest to the his engine at an unscheduljd husband have called It a day. ; federal government with the re-'spot and ran back along tho Still beautiful, Dolores' last quest that it revert back to the i track. He went to repo -t spatting role was with Orson Welles nine 44-hour week. ; f ire In a mill along the railway Sessions of the Council nere eu lor me utmost co-operallon f: the annual dinner, which I and support of Ihe Federal Gov- f.Kled, at which the head table eminent so as to ensure the ifc,ts included the following realisation of a fishery treaty Jiinet Ministers: Hon. Brooke with Japan before or concur- ijxton. National Defence; Hon. renUy with the general treaty." ee; Martin, National Health ' vears aeo In "The Mainifir-enr. Rpnnrt. nf r nhnr'n inint inhht"ne- I has only seven tricks in sight Amberson." The film career of in Victoria which had interview-her son, John Barrymore jr., ed all members of the govern- To commence work on a nev s, 50 by 50-foot extension of tin Savoy Hotel at corner of Fraser and Fifth Streets, Gus Dresss of Adee Construction Co. ant' srew of eight men arrived fron Vancouver on the Camosun Sun -f, day afternoon. The job is to b finished in three months. v It will be a two-storey framt structure with full reinforcet concrete basement. It will con- members employed but many still without a finesse two spades meanwhile, may be halted tern- ment and solicited their support had their 1951 agreements to ne-1 one heart, three diamonds and poraniy oy uncie &am. He u be on behalf of amendments to the gotlate and the steady rise In the j one club. Therefore he must 19 in May and the draft winds Workmen's Compensation Act, cost of living, also with the gov- chance the club finesse in order 4 Wellare; Hon. J. J. MeCann, iional Revenue; Hon. M. F. 1 f (!, V C . Labour; Hon. R. W. 1 f :', Fisheries; Hon. Stuart ,ir.'.on, Justice; and Hon. F. O. ! J. .-y. Secretary of State. As 4 who was there I can say j ii real lee ling that I wish I Will Is Forgery to accumulate nine tricks or more. But that involves letting his right hand opponent gain i tain 13 modern new rooms, al the lead, if the finesse loses. A ' with bath, an enlarged beverage heart return then would prob- parlor and' 25 by 50 foot lobby. ara wowing. ;the I.C.A. Act and the Hospital ernment's apparent determina- Elizabeth Taylor is back in. j Insurance Act was received, giv- tion not to institute price con-print with the sweetness-and- ing a record of answers as re- trol, was making negotiations light comment that "Nick Hilton, ceived from all members inter- extremely difficult, and I still want to be the best of , viewed. All three Labor organ-1 A warning was received from friends. Just once Id like to izations had , been in Victoria tne secretary of the Trades and hear a divorced movie queen say , this session and received no sat,. Labor congress of Canada asking - I halo the and I C isfaction guy hope to their requests, but it all unlons to be on their d never see him again , was encouraging, the report ; aain,t bogus union labels and Jack Beutel moves into the big stated, to find that a joint pre-ClUng a c)0thing company which !SToWaii.HTa.rd;H',Hughes'iSentaH0n Was rcceived and lis-'sold their products through a Half Breed. It is Jacks third : tcned to with more consideration Cha?n and had Introduced a '"""Id all have heard the de- j VANCOUVER O Disputed will ;ht!ul alter-dinner address by i of a millionaire hotel owner, 4 :d L. Thomson. Dean of the Jam. Thomson, was Saturday tfulty of Graduate Studies and 1 ruled a forgery by Chief Justice arch. McGill University, i Wendell B. Farris. f added to his already en- j His Lordship said the docu-f "reputation as one of Can- ment, which listed heirs to a tion from the floor, said that : they "didn't want the hospital scheme squashed." ! "WHEREAS the citizens of British Columbia have signified their agreement to the setting up of an adequate Hospital Insurance Plan and their willing-' ne?8 to pay reasonable premiums thereto. And "WHEREAS i 1950 the Government saw fit to increase such premiums io meet rising costs of hospitalization. And l "WHEREAS the Government has .again, against the wishes of a great majority of the citizens of the province, imposed a f ur-: ther increase in premiums together witn certain co-insurance charges, thereby placing an Tin-bearable financial burden on many thousands of our citizens. And : "WHEREAS it is maintained i that the practice of paying hospital deficts out of Consolidated Provincial revenues is fair and iui.m.ini nuimuuu i as Wfll 9iio.l)nn PstnU. wiis not. iniili speakers. und tne signatUres of two wit- p e in us 1-yeur movie , man on previous occasions. union jabel of lls own to serve M finservalion Basic At an ne.tes. Charles E. Smith and I curw-r. mis urne ne piays a sav-, ttepori oi unions snowed all a substitute for the label of the age Indian by the name of (Amalgamated Clothing Work- hYivkt'ij'.1i l00'11 never sec it but she has ers of America. All delegates . , . 200 feet of herself "tatle at her were asksd to report back to That wild ,j rumor of a fatal j husband's Texas ranch. The 'hfir union that the Bind automobile accident involving i scene sh(lws hw ridi r ing cirthing Ci. sells nc-.i - union t luncheon Mr. Mayhew j Angus Campbell, were forgeries, made an outstanding ad- j Chief beneficiary was named in which, as he said, he '. as Gilbert Campbell, son of the industry something of j Angus Campbell, old friend of dew on their mutual in-1 Thomson. Had the will been S. that is the interests f ; ml) lfellnillp nilhort. ramnhi.ll 1 Thli fdvcrtlicmcnt h not published or 'diiplayed oy the Liquor Control iUrd ar fca the Gownacnt 4 Britlih Columbia. E i-wu, ayci,n.mi uuui u" and helping to brand Uie tattle. ckj:hing Depart ment of Fisheries and : would have received $600,00(1. I fishing industry. He said j Six cousins of Thomson fclaim-f conservation is the basic ed the will a forgery and now tiuml is a big job. He pointed i will share in the estate. f that North America has a j . 1ndous land area, with less! MOULTON, Lincolnshire. Eng-one-twentieth nf thohnnrf ico no,,t-o ih. h..n, i just. "THEREFORE be it resolved that we, the citizens of Prince I I 6-Pc. Breakfast Suite .stuuwuy lan ,su.siani- ed by him a few days before. The hospital X-ray showed temple bruises but, says Jerry, "no more concussion than usual." Wanda Hendrix and ex-husband Audie Murphy ran true to Hollywood form and had lunch at the studio. "Just a friend," he said. a church shook the tower every population, and that ' countries with less land "fr tllUS more rilMlunrtunt n Regular 89S0 llvttiivvd time they were rung, eight of the bell ringers raised a fund of mure conscious of, the prod- 1,200 $3.600 to have the bells MGM will hit a tinv.My subject ; nl the sc; ; Rupert, in meeting assembled, do most vigorously protest this most recent imposition and urge the Government to withdraw such legislation or, alternatively to place the question before the I electorate of British Columbia." At the close of the meeting, a petition that the public as being asked to sign was circulated. a. On the dangers hung In a different manner. Mushroom-Smothered Chicken PETITION The petition reads: "That while we recognize the need for an adequate hospital insurance program for the people of British Columbia, the additional premiums and coinsurance proposals, as adopted at this session of the legislature in "Teen Age. Jane Powell and Debbie Reynolds will share tbe bobby-sox honors. Errol Flynn is collecting a reported $2400 a week from Lloyd's of London for the back injury which still is keeping him off the sound stages. Sylvia Sidney Is here to resume her film career. Mack Bennett's annual birthday picnic will have a new cheesecake angle Mack will pick the Mack Sennett bathing beauty of 1951. Kzio Pinza's endof-the picture gift to Janet Leigh his co-star in "Strictly Dishonorable" was a silver dresser set engraved: "To Janet with strictly honorable intentions." 1 Anil j(f -WKpii.- places an Imposible financial burden on many thousands of our citizens, 'Therefore we urge the legislature to withdraw the provisions for additional payments, or alternatively, to place the question before the electorate f British Columbia." "" " ' i fXr The Italian release of Slrom-boli has Ingrld Bergman doing j her lines in Italian: j ON THE ROCKS The Jeff Chandlers have de- j rided to take the divorce way out . and a property settlement is ; being negotiated. ; c IVIC ENTRE 71 YL 907. Illy u U m KJ .'. 1' 5 X The whispers about those sour notes in the Clark Gable marriage, hushed for many months, have begun again despite de foATveould be better than Now on Display at Simpson's Mail Order Office Aioom .?h a rich ARTS AND CRAFTS SHOW The Art Club is organizing the tea for Sunday afternoon, April 20, the first day of the Arts and Crafts Exhibition In the Civfc Centre Auditorium when the large skillet or pan. Drain off e cess tat. Pour In soup and stir well; cover and simmer over low heal for about 1 hour (takes less time with fryer). This la enough chicken with mushroom gravy tor 8 ler lugs. nials. ' I Greer Garson in a western? William Spencer Is Laid at Rest Funeral services for William H. Spencer, 70-year-old city barber, SOUP SCOOPS- 6-Piecc Breakfast Suite. Save $19.55 on this regular $89.50 line; Sturdily constructed of select 5-ply and solid Canadian birch. White enamel finish with black enamel trim. BUFFET Size 38"xl4". Height 40". Two full-width drawers (one at top and one at bottom). Two glass doors and two storage shelves. Neat stencil design on glass doors and buffet front. JACKKNIFE EXTENSION TABLE Size closed 32"x42", with leaf 32"x54' Strongly braced, solid birch legs and centre, 5-ply birch veneer top with rounded ends. CHAIRS Of solid birch, firmly braced. Seats and backs well padded and upholstered in black leatherette. 71 YL 907. 6-pce. suite, reduced to $69.95 tt'em' fe1 4 Pliltter ot be-r to ,, 8 f ,real cmpany-style Wu.h' Chicken- slow f.od Afla,vor that "wonder- in the T,r"p' readr ,or 1'cf hronmm0t conised cream 6m,0BUp- U' d wvemJ",Cnal Chlcken dlnner. uch . 8hed Potatoes, a vege- 8 8alH Scn bean. ni a lflnihh00Bue something e Hi ll, , ' perhaP Pring rh,r'd ch,cken Symphony will play but this club has not a large enough membership to handle any more than the picture hanging, the kitchen duties, and the table supply for the tea. Help is needed from other Civic Centre members and it was thought that in particular the leathercraft workers Who will have exhibits on display, and those who took the Extension courses might help by serving or donating food It is suggested that those who made suits or dresses during the sewing courses might wear them while serving. Roly Miles, any. Art Club member, Mrs. L. M. Cireene, Mrs. J. W. Rogerson or Mrs. J. T. Harvey are receiving names of TOMATO CHOWDER: For an extra-rich, "tomato-ey" chowder, combine 1 can ot condensed tomato soup and 1 can of clam chowder. Then blend in 2 can-measurea ot liquid, milk or water. Heat as usual This serves 3 or (. ' SPINACH 13 GOOD IN 80UP: A little chopped cooked spinach is tasty addition to any ot these condensed soups cream ot mushroom, chicken or celery. Tastes so good, looks pretty and sprlnc-llke. MILK 'N SOUP: When you serve condensed soup mixed with an equal amount of milk, you're doing your family a double favor. They enjoy some mighty pleasant eating. And there are real nutrition benefits In each bowlful. You can either use fresh or evaporated milk with the soup. When you use evaporated milk, you'll get good results by mixing It with an equal amount ot water before adding to soup. Try It with any condenaed cream soup, green pea or tomato. who died here April 15, were held yesterday afternoon at the Gren-ville Court Chapel. Rev. H. G. Bird of the St. Peter's (Seal Cove) Anglican church officiated. Honorary pallbearers were Howard Keith, G. W. Nickerson, John Bulger, John Hoskins, J. B. Scott, Charles Millar and Capt. Mulligan. A. K. Nelson, John Judge, W. Bussey, William McKay, R. B. Morgan and George Ross were active pallbearers. A solo,. "The Old Rugged Cross," was sung by John Linney. Hymns were "Abide With Me" and "Nearer My God to Thee," with organ accompaniment by Mrs. W. D. Smith. Burial was in Fairview Cemetery, with the B.C. Undertakers hi charge ot arrangements. Shop and save SIMPSON'S Catalogue way. SIMPSON'S Mail Order Catalogue in your home offers you the greatest selection of merchandise at the most economical prices. See Simpson's new, exciting 131-page Summer Catalogue for additional value-packed merchandise. Satisfaction or money refunded. W8 (21 menpi 11, . 7-"in oup drv ,lnl.- . a ad er; (an 'ay i. , Ull"pn with thli ' to nut fl.. . PACIFIC Tin: iioui:iiT simpsox 312 3rd Avenue Wcsl LIMITED Phone 460 SCIENCE PIONEER X-rays were discovered by William Roentgen, German physicist, in 1893 and he received a Nobel Prize In 1901. w ban .jj ' """ura in ten ,7s; few piece of ). BrL me' nd ''' to- ' " ho. ""t ? ,chl"en on both I melted uortealni m I