T . . ' 1 sr. .he returned to ;he rjr-,n I There would be also a na j cleanliness week (nation I railway carriages would be c" ! ed ,and station waitins , Prince Rupert Daily News Festival Plans Arouse Fancies Tuesday, January 9, 1951 Ray . . . f&ffecfs ami Ieminticei LONDON (P-Lord Balfour of a naUonal ubt,r, Inchrye says he would like to see censing lnwg wouu Britain appoint a "Minister al by half); a public courw (bus drivers would no j thunder past stops i; a na silence week (no public ingi; and a national i (with pris.es that would u independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and northern and central British Columbia "Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association -. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY, Managing Director r-- SUBSCRIPTION RATES "arrier. Per Week, 20c; Per Month, 75c; Per Year, gvpftf. -RO0: By Mail. Per Month. 50c; Per Year. $5.00. P Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. Pleasure" to organize a series of "natpna1 jollification weeks." In a tongue-in-cheek speech obviously aimed at 'the Labor government's plans for the Festival of Britain this year, Lord Balfour told a dinner meeting that Deputy Prime Minister Wc wonder what the real estate men and the papers would have done for scare head space back in 1910 if news of the aluminum enterprise had come in. Five hundred million dollars! pool winners look like pat i By ELMORE PHILPOTT PENSIONS AND GUNS IN A FEW DAYS I am leaving on a trip to Europe, the Middle East and India. So I won't have much chance to write about things which will come up for decision in Canada while I am away. The most important of all such matters is pensions. For years back Canada has been moving Jerusalem! "Uncle Jerry would Herbert Morrison, chief backer, have been swamped with "snaps.", of the big festival, should take (over the "portfolio of pleasure." President Truman has declared I Morrison should be supported, that Russia is out to take over Lord Balfour said, by a well-staf-the world step by step. Though fed department of national hap-many have been the attempts, piness. National Jollification IVs not been accomplished yet. weeks should start with a nation-Follow any honest history ai d al food week. In which food ra-look in vain for such a record!.; turning would be suspended. i Nations hae been conquered. j "There would be a national Wars have been almost without pledge of abstinence from con-number. But never, a conquest sumlng cod and cold custard. i '"' Vntr r , STARTS lowoRKlpt .V IN 2 SECONDS , yViWWW Willi PUW A ' ' )jL Al ii iwlilll J Fffl BITTER HsjfK MISS 1951-C:nada's first babv of 1951 Bonnie Louise Adams i-. shown with her proud mother, Mrs. Douglas Adams, In the Hotel Dieu Hospital at Moncton, N.B. The six-nound girl was bcrn 30 seconds after the Nw Year entered the Atlantic Standard Time Zone. She is the first child of Mr. and Mrs. Adams, who live in suburban Parkton. (CP PHOTO of the universe. It isn't clone. Sausages would stage a pre-war revival and whale meat would ft Basketball Globetrotters see toward the day when we will sot ' up a really decent plan of providing financially ioi old age. j Victoria Report SAVINGS fllEX'S WORK IH.OVKX A Af Big variety from, tiuir tEV TRUMAN FORTHRIGHT the fortunes of United States forces ALTHOUGH in Korea may hr fading, President Truman stands resolute enough in his determination to combat aggressive inroad? of Soviet Russia .which he makes sno bones about as naming as the real .enemy. Certainly the chief executive in his "State of the Union" address to Congress yesterday put himself plainly enough on record. It was a forthright answer to other prominent Americans who seem to have been wavering of late and tending to drop back into isolationism. Truman, at least, is emphatic that the United States frontiers are not to be .drawn lack from either Europe or Asia. It was notable and politic though' that the President did not deal specifically with the matter of sending forces to Europe which has been so much in debate during recpnt days. However, he was already on record as reserving the right to -fiend such forces if he deems fit without reference to Congress. Mr. Truman's speech should have -a .bolstering effect upon some countries which seem to 'have been wavering of late in their determination to resist and arm themselves against the Communist aggression. The President drew no punches. It.is to be supposed now that, from (the Communist sphere of influence, there will be another outcry of MIN'S VI.I.-WOtH. WORK 7.2," PANTS Good for fishing ... HOYS" SCHOOL TKOCSMtS 2.23 The danger is that the arma-1 ment race will give our politicians j the excuse to shelve the plan (for another few years. That would be a blunder. That would be crime. oOo WE MUST FACE the I aot that we can't have all the guns some want, and still let the people have all the butter they need. It is foolish to think -that we can pour a vast tonnage of steel into making tanks, and still have that steel for- making automobiles, refrigerators, tractors, or baby buggies. . . . by J. K. Nesbivt Salaries of M.L.A.V-Esquim'aK "Still Vacant Getting licady for Session VICTORIA. The British Columbia Teachers' Federation says that M.L.A.'s should receive $5000 a year-instead of $3000, as at present. The teachers say that the present indemnity isn't enough to encourage all good citizons to run for office. This is quite right. It's pretty ( - hard to live these days on $3000 r- KIT K TSC A ff a year. Some M-L.A.'s manage it f J Yr AkS ALdLJ BOYS' AI.I WOOL WIND. more of the world than the average man does in a lifetime. It's part of their regular routine yet one cannot but envy litem. There must be something particularly fascinating to be in -Prince Rupert today, way up north tomorrow, in Texas or Boston a few weeks later and the Lord only knows next by May day. This is the day a family In Keremeos (.B.C.). robod in white, look for the end of the world. They are sincere, hut it's always been like that. Thev sold their property at a staggering sucri-fire and ptiKcbaiiers will be .prosecuted. They deserve to be. People having a ianat'.c belief in the nearness of creation's end are to be pitied or at least sympathized with. Such conduct is not at all Jare or uncommpn. They are .entitled to think the j end nf all is at hand, if they wish BltKAKMC: Now 3.50 & 4.2; hop and ;liL You can't have new cheap 'but it's a 'tight squeeze. At any homes for all the people who need election they might be pitched 'ave at January 9, 1940 International Fisheries The :.?re Jn1 Jrt: 1 A; Z Commission has recommended United . u. nt ,,'..., v. ,Mthi or t.hnw'to the Canadian and States governments that the halibut .fishing season open April FISHERMEN. buildings. But we -CAN have an tin .business Jor themselves may adequate old age .pension plan, 'safely run for orfioe. That Isn't notwithstanding the above harsh ' good enough. 1, the same date as last year. to. But it does not rollow tnvy will be right. By order in council dated January 3, B. C. Bracewell was ap truths. ' ' 'O0o IN FACT THERE are even mowe Welcoming and farewelling the pointed city commissioner to re- a For complete overhaul of your High Speed Gasoline Engines, see- Rupert Motors Ltd. We have the trained mechan Must people, this reviewer thinks, believe their 'elected representatives should have a good living wage. They then can .give lull time to their public duties. "What's wrong with our system is that we have too .many elected representatives. Why, lor .in plaoe iR. .C. .Gilchrist i resigned. who has 1 same ship, over a period 01 I twenty years makes one pause I and think when the time come s ics and specialized equipment to SCHOOL DAYS UP-TO-DATE trend in -education ds to avoid THE frustrating the student. The plan is to fix tilings e he will not be -confronted with work tto -difficult for Mm. .School is becoming .more a succession of rorjeriences than factual tests. Thomas Anderson, manager of .the Utuck'e inlet reduction .plant, to wave good-bye .for the last time. It was Uiat way in Vancouver last week when the perform this work lor you reasons why we liould go rigni ahead with the new national old age pension plan, without means test, than there were before the war danger became acute. What are our economists afraid of? Surely they fear Inflation, as they call it. Inflation comes when there stance, is It necessary to 'have .returned to (the .oity from Van efficiently and economically. 48 members in the British Co aouver on the Prince Rupert this Ac-angl cleared for Australia. morning. lumbia Legislature? Why should Vancouver city have nine mem- To avoid delay lUls spring the ru.'h Is on, let us have that t bers. Greater Victoria, six? It Job now. are not enough consumer goods She may be back. But before this happens a government subsidy If. needed. And, before there is a subsidy, the Aorangl will have to he registered in Canada instead of Britain. So it all isn't nesessary at all. So many Dr. R. C. Bamf ord returned to the city today on the Prince Rupert from a trip to Vancouver. to balance the amount of money in the hands f would-be buyers. You can avert, the'worst et.w.f'l members just get in each 0U1-ers' way, make for inefficioncy in government. Limited Rupert Motors of Inflation either by increasing If we cut our Legislature in half most people would be in favor of $5000 a year for our M.L.A.'s. But not until we do that which we 'never will. 25 YEARS AGO January 9, 1926 The speech from the throne at the formal opening of Parliament at Ottawa todav announc- 'PICTURE FRAMES and FRAMED PICTURE Douglas W. Swlggett, Milwau-j kee editorial writer, who died ' J recentlv, took a pot ?ibly pardon- able pride In his memory. So did j j Albert Hart, noted historian.!) NEW SHIPMENT .U'ST PECMYI 1 I i the supply of goods, or decreasing the surplus money. oOo THAT IS WHERE the old age pension .plan comes in. ' If we start the plan now in 1951 we kill two birds with one stone. We not only get the scheme that everybody knows we should have had long ago. But we also divert into useful channels the money rr- i The ballroom floor at Gov- j e(j ine government's Intention of Thev could nuote near anvthinf' . ' ernment House is being given a II " f .. 5 ,l n I f reducing taxation substantially. from the Bible to Gilbert and The women of St. Paul's .Lutheran Church .have taken upon themselves the responsibility of providing the furnishings for the new church building. thorough waxing and polishing : for the first State Ball in 13' years. It will be held February 20, the day the Legislature opens. The ballroom floor took an awful beating New Year's Day when 1400 men called on Lieutenant Governor Clarence Wallace. Cigarette butts by the hundred j All j! pcpuiai i ij Sizes k'$4V Prices ii btJ'l 4 Vif IMl Hi fV W JiHI Sullivan. - Once, Hart heard scriptural words coming from the Hps of Swiggett as follows: "Amor: walked gently" "No no Douglas. You're wrong" So spoke Hart And he was wrong, tool "Amos walked delicately" But Albert. wa, right which sometimes occurs. which might otherwise cause Inflation. oOo THE GFEAT DArrGER is that wily schemers should slip through The newly formed Seal Cove Lumber Company Ltd. will have a sawmill In operation at Seal Cove by the end of March, it was a scheme that contains hidden were stamped out on the floor and ground in with disastrous results. There may be jrsti'je in the children not haying to work too hard ut it is quite difficult to avoid some frustration. It is certainly useful for 'character ":hat one be good at something and not fail all the time. Save for some teachers, few will .oppose the application of the ne w deas in education. The children's vote looks solidly for no frustration. The parents are mainly concerned with clearing their offspring away to school-and in getting good reports, .as they seem likely to do under the system of not confronting students with tasks beyond their powers. The danger of the present trend is that the emphasis is on social development rather than intellectual development. Anyone could .argue all night over which kind of development is the more necessary. Too much thinking has produced A-bombs and too little social development has produced wars in which to use them. But the school system is the only public agency supposed to be concerned mainly with intellectual development. A civilization of Dale Carnegie customers' men would be .pleasant, but it could not stand up against thinkers. School is for learning to think. If school fails in this it fails in its main purpose, whatever else it may achieve. Educational experiments are a matter of the deepest concern to all. Probably nothing else we could succeed at would bring such vast returns as the improvement of children, unless it be the improvement of adults. announced this afternoon by C. P. Kiel, principal of the Daily Health Hint jokers. The first thing to watch out for is this: Are the contributions to the funds for the scheme based on a PERCENTAGE of the person's income? Or are they based on the flat rate ,per person? The flat rate is, of course a No one iin authority at the Legislative Buildings yet know.n of lioially that the Esquimau seat is vacant or that its former member, Charles Beard, is dead. How long this strange condition Don't be short-sighted in the care of your eyes just because Eric Janes Is Telephone Head they are willing servants don't monstrously unfair system. It is of affairs will go on no one; knows. The House, on its opening day. will pay tribute to this feature which makes the overwork them, don't strain , them unnecessarily. Heed warn-' ings of strain such as headaches, squinting, etc. j B.C. Hosnital Insurance scheme. Eric Janes was appointed last ! Charles Beard but it could go such a farce. ! 11 M night by the city council to iuc-, ceed J. F. Edwards as telephone' superintendent, ilecommenda-1 tion of the utilities committee to ' on for weeks, perhaps all session, ignoring the fact his aeat is vacant. The Speaker is the one tc whom the official word must be passed. T wo members, in writ WYMOUTH, England Thej cross-channel steamer Sambur , Any sound scheme of taxation is bused on capacity to pay. oOo THE SECOND NECESSITY is to see that the value of the O.A.P. grants is kept in line with real this effect was adopted. Mr. Ed- wards' resignation was 'accepted. rrlve 0n one triP after traveI" ' The report also recommended B . u'""""u ing, or one member standing in value of money in his place in the House may ad-j that seven city-owned .poles that the engine-room crew made a two-foot snowman from flakes blown through the ventilators. lr we are to pay contriDuuons vke tne speaker there Is a va- the alley between Second and all our lives into an U.A.F. i rancv Then the SDeaker must Third Avenues between Fifth and scheme we want to draw out i lnstruct the deputy .provincial Seventh Streets be replaced at with money of the same purchas-1 secretary to go ahead with the the joint expense of the cltv and ing power as we paid in. Other FOOTHILLS "HARD ALBERTA TELKWA COAL IN AIX SIZES ' Lump . . . Cobble . . . Egg Nut and Stoker PHONE 651 t For Immediate Delivery election plans and the by-elec Northern B.C. Power Company. wise the scheme is nothing but a gigantic fraud and swindle. SCRIPTl'RE PASSAGE FOR TODAY "Draw nigh to God and he will draw nigh to you." James 4:8 tion must be held within six months. It is quite possible the Esquimau vacancy could be ignored for a year or even longer. Esquimalt is a trouble spot for the Coalition and the government wishes it could ignore it forever. Filth Avenue The report recommended that the motion -regarding installation of new telephones, passed at the December 27 meeting, be changed to read "that the present switchboard load be not increased." 1 The report said the oity engin-' eer had been authorized to in-' vestigate the erection of a booth to protect, the nay telephone on Second Overlook Street and to proceed with the work if the PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO To Be Widened Three auestions were answered for Aid. H. -M. Daggett at the first, regular meeting of the 1951 cltv council last night. LUMBER BUILDING SUPPLIES 1 The big legislative chamber is being prettied up for the opening of the session. Attendants are polishing the members' desks and vacuuming the blue velvet-like carpet. Preparations for the Ask your Investment Dealer or Broker for protpetui. expenditure Is less than $50. The report was adopttd. He found out the eouncil had no intention of widening Fifth Avenue West west of Fulton iiiiKiniiui CALVIN BULLOCK ltd. 1928-33, when he at in Opposition, during .the Conservative Tolmie regime. opening of the House take at least six weeks. There is extra interest in the opening this year, because of the new Lieutenant Governor, Hon. Clarence Wallace the first na jp. CjarJner and do. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS take pleasure in announcing the admission to partnership of jUtfJi X. fall C j$. and the establishment of an -office in Prince Rupert Street but that the widening of Fifth Avenue East was contemplated. He was .informed that the old council had put the building of a sidewalk on Hays Cove Circle Week-end Special Attention Trucked 47 rnnn RUSIINKSS COUPE. '48 CHEVROLET PKK PRINTING One owner, 10,000 miles New motor. Top sn "40 tlymoutu, fully equip- '41 vrmn sedan dH" at the top of the list of recommendations for work to be done by the new. council. Lots of miles Mt- ped, A-l condition- $2015 $450 Highest Quality Experience Versatility tive son of British Columbia to I take over the . province's most exalted office. There will te a mew cabinet minister, too, Hon. Douglas Turnbull of Healbh and Welfare. He took over after the last session from George Pearson, who had to resign because of poor health. His Question regarding the work on the sewer outfall to Cow Bay, the amount of work .done and the payments made to date was answered in the discussion of the sewer problem later in the meeting. Mr. Pearson, who is improving Dibb Printing Co. Phone 88 PRINCE RUPERT P.O. Sox 203 slowly, will sit as a private member for Nanaimo-The Islands. Mr. Pearson has not been a private member since the days of PHONE 234 BESNER BLOCK For Action. 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