Prince Rupert Daily News our Tuesday. January 9, 1951 WU 1Ji If " n hty trip tp Vancou- S. L. Simpson, Masset cannery for a business operator, left on today's plane ver. OUNCIL H&kfaf's Easier, S?eecfer with Wonderful New Fast Rising Dry Yeast! ORDER jjk HOW Referred letters from the Civic Workers' Union, Electrical Workers' Union and the International Operating Engineers' Union regarding wage negotiations to the committees concerned for recommendations to the finance committee. CINNAMON BUNS Measure into large howl, 1 c. lukewarm water, 2 tsps. granulated sugar; stir until sugar ia dissolved. Sprinkle with 2 envel An Referred a letter from Annette s Fleischmann's Koyal Fast ope' Mansell claiming damage to Rising Dry Yeast. Let stanfl 10 stock by water backing up in a V sewer to the board of works and the city solicitor. t" I.- v-x,! min , THKN stir well. Scald I c. milk and stir in Vi & granulated agar, Vk taps, salt, 6 tba. shorteninf ; cool to lukewarm. Add to yeast mixture and stir in 2 well-beaten eggt, Sur is J & ilf:cd bre?4 flr?ur; beat until imootn. Work in 3 c more once-lifted bread flour. Knead until smooth and elastic; place in greased bowl; brush top with melted butter or shortening. Cover and set in warm place, free from draught. Let Approved for payment a bill from W. R. Bonnycastle, consulting hydraulic engineer, for $617.35 for services rendered and expenses. Y. ... . It .. .. m,mmwkJL rise until doubled in bulk. Whiltfw We still hove available limited stocks of extremely clean, good quality EDMONTON DEEP SEAM LUMP at 19.00 Per ton ALBERTA "DIPLOMAT" EGG , 18.00 pr ton (Less than S Hacks, $1.15 per sack) PHONE U6 - H7 or 58 Laid over until the estimates for 1951 were being made a letter from the provincial government MANITOBAN IN ETHIOPIA William Peters of Steinback, Man., conducts a mathematics class at Emperor Haile Selassie's Teachers' Training College in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia'. About 120 students attend the school, the only normal school In the country, with tuition and board free. Canadians comprise five of the school's staff of seven. A large proportion of books used are from Canada, many supplied by the Canadian Council for Reconstruction. (CP PHOTO) which said a higher library levy would have to be made. Speak dough is rising, combine iV c brown sugar (lightly pressed down), 3 tips, ground cinnamon, 1 c. washed and dried seedless raisins. Punch down dough and divide into 2 equal por tions; form into smooth balls. Roll each piece into an oblong !A thick and 16 lorg; loosen dough. Brush with melted butter or margarin. Sprinkle with raisin mixture. Begin-ning at a long edge, roll up each piece loosely, like a jelly roll Cut into 1" slices. Place just touching ech other, a cut -side up, in greased 7 ' round layer-cake pans (or other shallow pans). Grease tops. Cover and let rise until doubled in bulk. Bake in moderate oven, 350", 20-25 minutes. Serve hot, or reheated. OCIAL AND lng to the letter. Aid. T. B. Black said he did not see where &ny government not contributing toward the expense of the lio.ry had any Jurisdiction over v.hat tax levy should be laid toward its support. . New President Assumes Office PERS( ONAL uisanug&H lit " - .... i . 1111 CCF meeting Tuesday, 8 p.m , Scott MacLaren, chartered ac- Mctropole Hall. j countant; T. M. Christie and C. ,, . , , - ' M. Mclntyre were welcomed by Nei! Stromdahl of the Home , Presldent u M Felsenthal as Instructed the city clerk to write the provincial secretary for civilian defence for all information possible before deciding what role the city will play. Albert & McCaffery Hi, un iUiuptiiiy sum ueie nas ueeu transferred to the Vancouver new members at the annual meeting of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce last night. branch. He leaves for his now post Thursday night on the No more taking chances wiih perishable yeast cakes that have lost their leavening power! New fleischmann's fast DRY Yeast keeps full strength and active right till the moment you use it. Needs NO refrigeration keeps safely in your cupboard. Try its marvellous results in your next baking. -4, UK I Is Swan Simg And Inaugural j At Camber of Commerce J. C. Gilker took over the post of president of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commence last night from L. M. Felsenthal who headed the Chamber during the year 1950. T. Norton Youngs is the new vice-president while P. H. Lin-zey is re-elected as secretary-trasurer. The election last night of an executive council of eight resulted in the choice of A. B. Brown, C. A. Berner, F. R. Gordon, Dr. L. M.. Greene, Dr. R. G. Large, A. S. Nickerson, W. J. DRESSES Two for the price nnouncemen Prince George. acts DON Mrs. Ann Kea- of one at Annette Mansell's Ladies' Wear. (Hi o Tottenham has ceie-her 100th birthday. She grandfather at Waterloo rand.son at Arnhcm, and A Regular monthly meeting of the Canadian Legion to be held Wed-0Xi nesday, January 10, with J initiation of new mem- T. Norton Youngs has been appointed trustee for the Prince Orafer ? month's sufiy Rupert Chamber of Commerce Amy stories ot other wars. (8c) of funds for the group insurance bers, urgent business. , project of the Great West Life Bridge, Whist and Cribbage. Catholic Hall, Thursday, Jan. 11, 8 p.m. Legion Card Party, Jan. 17, 1951. Scotch dance in the Armories, 6th Ave. West, Janu. 19. Sponsored by Job's Daughters. Dane ing 9-12:30. ' Conrad School P-TA card party, January 19, 8 p.m. Presbyterian Burns Banquet, Fridav. Jan. 26. Two new members C. H. In- Assurance Co. which Is being Luxury Steamer sulander, radio station manager, Board Of Works Orders Approved The report of the board of works committee recommended to the city council at the first regular session last night the following: Purchase of sufficient six inch and eight inch sewer pipe and connections far local improvement sewer requirements in the vicinity of Ocean View Hotel and on Eighth Avenue East at a cost of approximately $900. The report stated the matter of pipe thawing was being Investigated further. Scott and A. D. Vance. REPORT OF PRESIDENT In his presidential report for EE GEORGE and Alfred L. Bell, chartered accountant, were elected to membership last night at the meeting of the Prince Rupert Chamber sponsored by the Chamber for member firms. Jack Edwards, superintendent of the city telephone department, and Alfred Bell, chartered accountant, were guests at the annual meeting last night of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Com Legion Auxiliary Spring Sale, April 4. 1950, Mr Felsenthal cited as highlights of the year: Continuation of efforts to secure an air field. Agitation to secure additional housing for the community. of Commerce. POTATOES Netted Gem' variety, excellent keepers, $3.19 sack. Fancy Mac apples, '2 box size, $2.09. We feature farm fresh esgs. MIDWAY GROCERY AND MEAT MARKET. Free delivery service. Phone 659. , ilH) personal interest in Chamber of '.Commerce work. Gaining of an up-to-date SAILS FOR VANCOUVER and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11.15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN merce. Arthur Williams sented the Prince Rupert ber of Commerce at the meeting. The financial statement revenue for the year of An additional purchase was highway to connect Prince Rupert with the rest of the prov-' ince as well as the Watson Island development.. Approval of the aluminum Mill r li r l, William Sheardown and Allan $1878.80 with disbursements of $1780. The meeting passed a vote of thanks to retiring officers. authorized" later in the meeting to be added to the report. It was Indian Agent and Mrs. J. A. Sheardown left on today's plane for a brief business trip to V,I)NF.SI)AY MIDNIGHT Flndlay of the Queen Charlotte Islands, after a month's vtrip to Montreal and Ottawa, arrived in l uxury at Low Cast For Reservations the purchase of estimated tire j requirements for the year in or-I der to avoid the increase in price, i In asking for the addition, Aid. 1 D. Fitch said the saving would I amount to several hundred dol- the city on Saturday nights train from the east and pro 1 Write or Call CITY OR DWOT OFFICE ceeded to their home at Masset "Mr." & "Mrs." Bedroom Suites , Varied Shades also Springf illed Mattresses and Household Fittings & ANDERSON plant and the government's efforts to locate same at Kitimaut. Mr. Felsenthal emphasized the importance of aiming at object-tives for tooay and tomorrow rather than dwelling on the past,. Aims were Oiily accomplished through sustained effort over a long period of time and, with realization, of Importance of the organization to tile community, he declared that co-ordinated effort of all members was es PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE CHANDLER'S STUDIO 216 - 4th Street Box 645 Phone Green 389 Prince Rupert I lars. j The report was approved. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. MUCH) GORDOl Girl Guide Tea To Assist Camp A diminishing tea to help Prince Rupert Girl Guides get a campsite of their own was held at the home of Girl Guide District Commissioner Honora L. Silversldes'. The guests at this tea will be hostesses at later teas to raise further funds for the local Guide campsite. A regular Gulders1 Council by plane today. The licensing committee recommended to the city council last night that a trade license be granted to You King to operate a lunch counter. It also recommended that notice be given the caretaker at the city rest rooms to vacate the premises. E. T. Applewhaite left on last nisrht's train for Burns Lake 111 sential to the fullest accomplish- i LIMITED Prince Rupert D. A. Livingstone, Vancouver ment. The retiring president acknowledged the fine co-operation he had reecived from his executive during the year and paid special tribute to the sec-rtary, P. H. Llnzey, a man of R. Chenier. Terrace; H. Hatha HOLLYWOOD CAFE way, Seattle; H. J. Marshall JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue where he will speak before the Board of Trade Wednesday DDIES' DRESSES preceded the tea. Plans for Guide Thinking Day, February night. Returning, he will stop off at Terrace to attend the an THE BEST Wo Specialize in nual meetinc of the Board of M btLhCTION Trade Friday night. Mrs. Applewhaite will leave for Terrace J i Vancouver. n I : Try a Dally News Classified. I it' v, If ? DISHES of ESSES IN TOWN Wednesday and they will return whose calibre the Chamber was fortunate in having. NEW PRESIDENT The new president, J. C. Gil-keT, on taking over, congratulated the retiring president on a successful year. He trusted that he would enjoy a similar measure of co-operation during 1951 from executive and membership. "It may appear to be a year of forebodings and omens that are to the city Saturday night. 22, were laid. The week's program will Include church parades, a candlelight ceremony and window displays. Training classes for Guiders and prospective leaders were arranged for Monday nights. Several new Guiders were welcomed. Mrs. Duncan Black was high scorer in the games that followed. The serving of delicious refreshments terminated t h 8 lively evening. E STORK SHOPPE CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN For Outside Orders I'HONE 133 DRESSES Two for the price of one at Annette Mansell's 810 303 3rd Ave. W. A I - f OPEN FROM 7:30 P.M. to 3:30 A.M. Ladies' Wear. (H) . 1 Cow Bay Road ATTENTION! ALL MEMBERS Plant Workers Especially WAGE CONFERENCE United Fishermen and Allied Workers Union Metropole Hall Wed., January 10 - 7:30 p.m. not good." commented Mr. Gilker, "but still P ince Rupert h a lot to lock forward to in 1951." There would be a testing time in keeping pace with new developments in Prince Ruprt in par j Improvements County Courl For January Toward the end of the city council meeting last night Aid. G. D. Frizzell asked what could be ticular and the north in general. The time had arrived when dreams were bpcinlni r"aH'"-tions. He appealed for an attitude of community rather than done with Cow Bay road to put it into more reasonable shape after being torn up for the sewer. Hospitality and on your next Good Food at is Our First Aim He was assured work would be FLIGHT a. CHARTER I'hone 17 fur Orders To Take Out ill .a The following County Court civil actions were set yesterday: George E. Armstrong, carrying on business as Art's Taxi, anl Art's Taxi vs. Oscar Terien, $115.75, Brown & Harvey for plaintiff, MacLeod & Ray for do fendant stood over to next court. Briti-'h Pacific Engineering Co. Ltd. vs. Bazil Tompkins, $168. o7, Brown & Harvey for plaintiff, MacLeod St Ray for defendant-struck off. i S. H. Hickmore and W. T. Hickmore vs George F. Martin, I $1,000. Brown & Harvey fo plaintiff, MacLeod & Ray for de-' fendant hearing set for Smith-' era, .Tanusrv 23. ' done on it at the ealiest oppor-j tunity. Aid. T. B. Black thanked the city engineer for the work he has done in Westview. Aid. H. S. Whalen suggested the cindev path to Borden Street Schoo! from Fulton Street . be brushe dout. The suggestion was 0 nmodorc Cafe WIlEil A COLD STUFFS YOU UP! -1 referred to the board of works. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX Aid. Black called the attention of the city engineer to a broken railing on one of the bridges. ETURNS PREPARED CHAPTER FLIGHT PLANES available for Aerial Surveys' Aerial Photography O Private Charter Timber Cruising, etc. ALL INTERIOR AND COASTAL POINTS For RATES INFORMATION RESERVATIONS ' PHONE 476 QUEEN CHARLOTTE AIRLINES LTD. Mep-AcnofReueF from toughing spasms, stuffiness E. Mortimer ;nd Ave. (Near CFPR) with every single breath! i You will be delighted with this fragrant tea AMES! FRAMES! Here's a special way to relieve the ivrrt miscrips of colds with the same Vicks VapoRub that brings such grand results when you rub it on . . . it's Vicks VapoRub in steam! Every single breath you take carries VapoRub's combination of time-proved medications deep into cold-congested large bronchial tubes to bring you glorious relief! Then, rub Vicks VapoRub on throat, chest and back. It works for hourg to keen ud relief! . CANADIAN SOPRANO Canadian soprano in Italy, 26-year-old Jeannlne Morand, flew home to Windsor, Ont., for the Christmas season. She is shown in the costume in which she made her debut last summer in "Cavalleria Rusticana." Miss Morand, known in Italy a;; Gianna Rendl, studied In New York and Italy for six years and has been offered a contract bv Rome Radio. (CP PHOTO) "ne in and choose one that Christmas Photo, e carry a large line of P-To-Datc Mouldings WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing 320 Third Ave. W. Killas & Christopher Bldg. Air Freight on all Flights So aasyl . So ffctivt! Just put some VapoRub in vaporiser or bowl o( boiling water (as shown in pkg.l. Then breathe in the vapors. Belief comes in a hurry! .STi World't bstt-known horn jrm4y t ftlwve nji" oldl1