Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday. January 9. 1951 7 j i Today "and LORETTA YOUNG Wed. 7-9 f "N 1 ItLtML HULM niBHBBDI Planning For Skating Arena Civic Centre and Canadian Legion Present Plan to City Council IB ' II RUFERT PEOPLES STORE 5 Clearance Sale j TO THE STABLE' A joint delegation from the wtm MUOM MAftQWt MM iWCMfSTtt . THOMAS Sho4tinjf the Salmon Rapids Foiling the Fox Civic Centre Association arena committee and the Canadian Legion approached city council last night with a proposition for transferring a portion of the Legion's waterfront property for I the purpose of building skating and cuning rinks. j Speaking for the arena com-, I mittee, Dr. L. M. Greene said i the committee was exploring the ' possibilities of covered hockey I land curling rinks. He said at ) Information thorough house to house canvass of living conditions. am n n flvir, ii Mid Winter Clearance Safe I NOW ON! Rupert Peoples Store I I v-i :iL ... , f 0 , 1 HnilCinn ;tary InsPector Armine Boas I 111 had Vll nOUalliy told him that in his canvass h" had visited 69 houses not ILsted City's Survey to be Finished ias rooming houses where cramp. By End of Week ed and unsatisfactory condition All inflation required f Z JSS?1 the homing commission regard- j Mayor Q w Rudderham " ing the erection of low rental . the dlstrlct for the project ha.1 houses in the city should be been selected and that all that the time being an arena would be a difficult proposition both! financially-and in the obtaining I of materials. However, he said, I it was desirable to have a site so that work could be started as soon as money and materials were available. Dr. Greene said the Legion numoing & heating It I X9k Chamber Backs Aluminum Mill1 Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, on recommendation remained was to choose the actual lots. He suggested the building committee survey them gathered by tne end of this week, it was learned at last night's meeting of the cltv council. of the executive council, has1 site offered a solid footing for BARBARA ANN "RELAXES" Barbara Ann Scott !s taking a well-earni vacation at her new home in Toronto. A couple of hours skaung ea:h day, swimming and rhumba lessons, skiing, the occasional dance and officiating at bazaars provide the "holiday" for the, blonde skater. She is shown with her French poodles, Sambo and Scoop. Sambo was acquired in Hollywood, while Scoop was a Rift from the Toronto Men'i and Women's Press Cluos. (CP PHOTO) a rink ana It was close to tne : given its blessing to the Alumi num Co. of Canada project for the establishment of an alu Civic Centre. The latter point,, he thought, was important in view of decreased administration In reply to Aid. George Casey's m me company or me engineer question as to how the council I Saturday afternoon was selects could further the housing cam- ' as the time for the committer paign, City Clerk H. D. Thain, to look over the loU. secretary of the housing com- j . mittee, said the sanitary Inspes- classifieds for Results tor was nearing the end. of a minum plant at nearby Kltl maat. The chamber agrees at! costs. The rink could be ad- the same time that there should hid AKT1ore Consideration For WATERFRONT!Rshing ComPanies Med ministered from the Civic Centre when they were so close together. The location, he added, was central. Building an arena also followed closely the intentions of the Canadian Legion in making the land a recreational centre. The doctor said it was the intention now to build a be adequate protection of the fisheries. A resolution supporting the industry was passed at last night's meeting of the Chamber of Commerce and will be sent to the Aluminum Co. as well as federal and. provincial ministers and members. MARCHAND SPACE HEATERS VORTEX OIL BURNERS CRANE PLUMBING FIXTURES PHONE For Repairs ami Alterations Smith & Elkins Lid. smaller covered rink for curling Capt w. McCombe and Purr.-r and skating on the vacant prop- A w. Robinson, who have bocn Aid. WTialen Contends Aid. Harold S. Whabn, at the first regular to the citv council last night, charged that the LONDON Girls at a teclv nical school in London's Edmon erty behind the Civic Centre. H3'a. W. Robinson were both b.u-k said the whoie project was in on dut wnpn the Camosun ar- ton district have completed a oalchwork quilt that was started wu" lne W11C """ iu rived irom Vancouver en route to hv a rpsirtpnt at thp enri of the ture plans for building an arena. Stewart. Capt. McCombe had PO. Box 274 Speaking on behalf of the been relieving as marine supo!-- 18th century. Northern B. C. Powf-r Company was creating a hardship to the fishing industry by discriminating against it. He asked that the matter be turned over to the utilities committee to see if they could not have the situation rectified. Man is known by the Canadtan Legion, Vice-President intendent at Vancouver whit? Rod MacLeod said the Canadian Capt. Eric Suffield was away on Legion and Civic Centre pro- sick leave. Purser Robinson h id oosals were in line with the been spending a month ashore Canadian Legion plans. The Le- J in Vancouver on vacation gion wanted to co-operate with the Civic Centre. In making his charge, Aid. YVhalrn .said power to Port Ed- getting s lair deal He was not . . . . .....j ,n' referring only to Nelson Bros., The tanker Imperial Namu, Capt. Arthur Alex, was in port at The proposal, he said, was that the Imperial Oil dock ..Sunday the iln turn over the nron- warn naa oeen ' i he said, but to the industry in 7 p.m. Monday while the city generai prod- i orfv ertv tn tn th the riuir. Civic rnt.rp Centre fnr for n a with a load of petroleum at business section was a glare oi rink. He said the Legion owed ucts DAGGETT AND WHAI.EN and oth"r electric signs for the property on Third Ave- Aid. H. M. Daggett said he did whtt, h.H wn ni tn n1 Expected Saturday, the lankirlHi, (.oiled toning the mainstay i nut. epp uhat. thp utilities com- ived in port i""1 Whisky he serves COMPARE THE PCt . . . THf fUVOUt... DISCOVER FOR YOURSELF THE BEST BUY in FINE Canadian whisky Calvert MOUNT ROYAL i.,,i,,.f -.. nt tha Tto felt I ... ,. ... . ,j by bylaw. It would be an almost 1udra c i ,;u , vlLe 1.. f11 ,,f ,t-l "'"-'J ""- 1 miLLep CUUIU UU auuut ll. nc aaiu even exchange. 1?,,,,.. r. aH,i nil if curtailment was necessary, It! when he and Aid. Whalen had Asked what the difference " ut-.m.iM hp in other Dlaces than.hmh snt nn the rnuncil On a would be, City Clerk H. D. Thain ! Company. the chief industry. j previous occasion he had recom- said it would be about $500 in ' B Black answered that mended referendum be taken1 rrv.- i s n. . ,p ... Aid T a DOUBLE DISTILLED i the Legions favor on the basis' the re o cti u ' ! the Power commission had to'on the power question and that , of assessed value. I , hi Sunday when' b 'd ,be consulted before electric signs' Aid. Whalen had opposed him.! . Aid. George Casey moved the u ma;le fls'hin, im,.os . jhu.. , could be cut out. He said Nelson Now Aid. Whalen was referring u-ju They started fishing aain in Jjios. nau ueen aatua -uuiLaii:uie maiter w tne uunwes uum- nance committee for investiga- ogden channel Monday. ' j their power between 5 p.m. and mittee. (Aid. Dagsett is chair- tion and report. I . ,7 p.m Domestic users in the man of the commitee.) Aid. T. B. Black, chairman of . , . .t f h:id hpf-n rut, off in some w urv,i v, ctllt MAY, the finance committee, said one ,,,, f ,,, v,n h, in. sections and citv street liehts tpt h riv, i nnino th, taste British Columbia frozen j outside the business section had i referendum but that he thought fish in the fishing boaU at Era ! been cut out, also. He said an- the utilities committee was the of the things the committee would take into consideration when studying the matter This advertisement is not published or displayed by tlie Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbu. and compare it with fish that oiner diesel unit shouH be in proper body to handle the mat- You'll enjoy llic ni.iture per-fet'tion for which this famous Cuiiuilian Rye Whisky has , would De mat, tne city would ,. mBrpiv kwn rPC tnr ty,P inn, : operation within a week or 10 ter ; lose considerable revenue from haul t0 port day.s ,and that it would bring up Ald George Casey Sald he i taxation. Aid. Casey's motion passed. traditionally been'notctl I production to 13 per cent aDove aorecd with Aid Whalen. He A model of Albcrni Harbor is I the peak demand. As soon astnoug.nt tne power company being built at the fisheries ex-1 the second unit was completed, ' snouid be advised that residents perimental station at Nana imo. ! work on the third would com-!snouid De inconvenienced if The model is for the purpose of mence. The three units would . necessary so that the fishins perfection recognized by the ii c s people of B.C. who appre industry could be supplied. requirements. studying the effects of tido;, fresh water from rivers mixuv; with sea water and sewage outlets Into the harbor. The matter was referred to the utilities committee. Aid. "Whalen said he did not think the fishing industry was ciate the full-bodied (lav our and mellow riclinos of B.C. Diiuble Dit-tilled. tailoring for Ladies and Gentlemen LING, the TAILOR JL. Bad Man CPR steamer Princess Nora'i. Capt. G. O. Hughes, arrived m port Saturday afternoon from Skagway and other Alaska po- tv Fmbarking here wce Mrs. G. In Vancouver Stepp. H. Stepo. Mr. and' Mrs. 220 Sixth St Phone 649 THE BRITISH COLUMBIA DISTILLERY CO. LTD. NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C. This advertisement is not puullshed or displayed by the Liquol Control Board or by the Government of British Columhia. tolonH H p Miller Mis H As The Pioneer Druggists DAILY DELIVERY Phone 81 toria. Mr. and M-s. W Eytcbesnn ! VANCOUVER 9 Police here and son and dauehter; all for ' ore on the alert for Wil-, iVancouvo- The .Norah sailed, "am Edward Cook, 24-year-old I ntrr the snme afterrcon f irl Missouri bad man, who is sought A V : . Vancouver ' Ior uie slaying or eignt persons, in the United States. ; ine alert tollowed messages; i i infl i r imm inmui ,, .. i , jf'1 i i:'i fm adverU.? If you want r.o sell ! it. News classifieds. from border patrol officers ana the F.B.I, in Washington Statu. VANCOUVER VICTORIA Sunday, 8 p.m., Chilcotin Tuesday, 12 Noon Camosun ALICE ARM, STEWAKT AM) PORT si.tirsoN Sunday, Camosun, 11 p.m. FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Chilcotin. Dec. 22 and Jan. 19 and 31 9 p in. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Chilcotin, Jan. 12 and 20 0 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Aventie Phone 508 "He may already be in Vancouver." said a report from the border patrol at Blaine,! inglon. It is reported that Cook was sighted in Washington Sun- day. ; The bad man has been sought since the car of Carl Mosser of Atwood. Illinois, was found lust Wednesday near Tulsa, Oklahoma. It was blood-stained and no trace has been found of Mosser, his wife and three young START the New Year with a GENERAL ELECTRIC WASHER with pump control ritUE ) iii m vM mm 4. - 11 mmmmm I . 1 W ALLACE oooog I I'mov K..T-oin 1 PI I ff-oin'-o I ; ?1 Pharmacy DELIVERED NORTHERN B.C. POWER CO. ft s Stewart, Prirfce Rupert a nunc fclU TilE DANVILLE '.; expandable to the extent that an additional dormitory room can ba finished on the second floor whenever necessary, and the breezeway and garage can be left off and added at a later date. The first floor has two bedrooms, bathroom, living room and combination k 1 1 che n-dinettf. Plumbing Is concentrated with the laundry in the basement directly below the adjoining kitchen and bathroom. Kitchen cabinet line two walls. The counter is arranged in a U-shape with the sink in centre, stove on rgiht and refrigerator on inside wall. Closets include a coat, linen in hall and wardrobes in bedrooms. Exterior finish Is siding and asphalt shingles on frame construction. Dimensions are 30 feet by 26 feet. ' Floor area Is 780 square feet and cubage 17,160 cubic feet, not including garage. P HOURS: H 0 WEEK DAYS: N - 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. E SUNDAYS: 7 ' 1 2 Noon to 2 rm. , 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. ,i J . L BAPTONE The Wonder Woll Paint $1.50 a quart $4.95 a gallon THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. SUPERIOR AUTO SERVICE LTD. , P.O. Box 928 Prince Rupert. B.C. r SIXTH STREET AND THIRD AVENUE