Prince Rupert Daily Mews Tuesday. January S. 1851 MM o o o if J?S tvi;e THE CHAKI MEWS HEADUN THE LAST FEW DAYS? "t ' 'it. THESE SHARP IMPROVEMENTS ARE THE RESULT OF INSTALLATION OF NEW LUDLOW TYPOGRAPHIC EQUIPMENT which has been effected at a cost of several thousand dollars, and which constitutes a historic event in the practice of Graphic Arts in Prince tf Rupert. ' ' . . . , j. Not only does this equipment improve our news pages but it is also availabe for use in your advertisements. 4 IS I i J ifi " f : ; f - ', V3, MANY MODERN TYPEFACES HAVE BEEN OBTAINED WITH THIS NEW AND VERSATILE TYPESETTING MACHINE. THEY ARE EXEMPLIFIED IN THIS ANNOUNCEMENT WHICH WAS PRODUCED WITH THE NEW EQUIPMENT. i m ' v i ( it wmrnmm,mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmim For the further attractive presentation of your advertisements, there is also available our up-to-date monthly mat service of pictures, sketches and attention -compellers for every line of business. 4 ft- i 1 to THE DAILY NIW takes pleasure in offering the business people of Prince Rupert these modern services and trusts they will avail themselves of the opportunity thus afforded to assist them in their merchandising through the medium which reaches every buyer in the city and a large portion in the surrounding district.