PRAIRIES BPST (Continued from page 2) Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday. June 27, 1951 Loca a t n Borden Street School Closing Linda Strachan Awarded The Mills Memorial Trophy ' Exercises in connection with d PERSONAL schools cannot be given any priority assistance in their steel requirement. Commercial construction needing steel materials has been completely held up by federal government order," he said. While both Canadian and American steel producers are undergoing large scale expansion programs, Mr. Beam said that Canadian Legion the graduation to High School of fVV General Meeting, Legion ?-H:i t n n t n h I at K o'clock. (ltc Sidewalk And Fence Cedar At Attractive Prices PHONES: 116, 117 or 58 uraae bix pupils at Borden Street School were held yesterday afternoon In the presence of the parents of the graduating Mrs. E. D. Forward and family their production would not be class students. Present also were the pupils of Grade Five. The program opened with the Salt Lake ferry running every Sunday starting at 12 noon, weather permitting, (tf) Reg Kings, who has resided in Prince Rupert for the past twelve years, leaves on Thursday morning's plane for Nelson where he will take up future residence. Rainbow Lake Coffee Bar now open day and night. Motorists are invited to stop in for cold drinks, coffee and sandwiches. Dancing every evening. (H) left at the first of the week for appreciably Increased until the Lak-e Kathlyn where they will second half of 1952 and "in the spend the coming two months in meantime the enlargement 'if their summer residence. ! our steel .mills is itself requir- , ing large quantities of the Music lovers and old timers ' metal." singing of "O Canada" for which Bobby Mitchell played. Principal J. S. Wilson welcom of community are invited to, nn,. hocix inHnct nnm. join wun bt. Andrew s Cathert- 5i0n programs which he said ed the parents and took advantage of the opportunity to express to them his appreciation of their co-operation and helD all rai congregation to attend the were s0 vitaj at tnls time and Albert & McCaffery iwenuetn anniversary organ re- mnstnir-t inn inrk connected i tiuu onerea oy reier uen, witn the preparedness program Thursday, June 28, at 8:30 p.m. are all heavy users of steel ma through the year as wvll as on t M' vlereclc ana Bran-special ncrinnf ul "!2 .Bhter left Tuesday afternoon unonMnf w iwi, n,M,'u" '"c lor Vancouver of the Music and Drama Festival ! nl" traVel to Kamllps lor terials. "For the time being ! . ... , . i other projects will have to take 5 tAreh?aW, Cameron : seconcT place. tne Ottawa offi-was fined $50 and ccwts In police w decfared court yesterday for obstructing ; The most pwerful gasoline your car can use . 'activated' Shell Premium! -.committee .to present certifl- a police ollicer. Wun him was Burslem in Ktat iorrijihire. Ent- !catv?s to Individual pupils and also to the teacher of the var-! lous grades who had won them. The presentation of report cards was made to the pupils by School Trustee J. W. Scott. Mr. Soap Box To Plane The Local Corps of the Salvation Army invite you to attend their happy ceremony of the "Burning of the Mortgage" on Wednesday, June 27, at 8 p.m. in the Citadel, Fraser St. (150c) William Krosney, fined $15 and land, birthplace of Josiah Weds-costs for causing a disturbance wood In 1730, is known as the in a city cafe. i "mother of the potteries." Scott spoke highly of the work A-tU... r. m mm im. w b i , muiui rareni wan tn oi me scnool and congratulated f You will find just what you children on their I the Soap-Box Derby because he 1 the the warns to fly. Arthur Arthur ha has never n nnrf and then shook hands with each ' furnishings of your summer rjeen up in a plane and it's some- pupils as he gave them their home or cottage at Tom "hiik ne nas dreamed about "for cards. Christie a auction sale to be Made in many attractive colors, Shingoleen beautifies and protects old and new shingles and fences. Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. A highlight of the proceedings' ne!d next Saturday, June 30, at u- ... ' 9-50 n m l Cmllh'. yiars, he says explaining that building his soap-box car "is only a step' 'to building better I plnes. whs wie presentation oi tne Mlssi m unii wmniuuai; opposite Navy Drill Hall, corner First Avenue and McBride. ntc) lified Steam Boiler. -Air Refrigeration and uSiengcri Pipe Welders k:i Certified Operators i But Arthur is intensely interested in anything mechanical and for months before he knew he was going to be in the Derby had drawn plans of a car which he feels "is likely to win If I can handle it." He has built the car to maximum proportions as laid out in the official rule book, but hasn't 1 had a chance to try it yet. He thinks tomorrow will be the day. He's been working sleadilv on it JWe build Stacks, Fire tapes and Tanks all sizes Robust, full-bodied, rich in flavor. A rare old rum, aged in oak barrels. XO IXCREASE IX PRICE. Mac Construction Company INDUSTRIAL YELDING CO. From Vancouver (Tuesday) Miss D. Hallt, O. A. Karhonen, Miss E. Hellsten, C. W. White. From Sandspit (Tuesday) N. Nelson. To Vancouver (today) C. F. Williamson, Mrs. G. Watts, B. E. Blair, P. Burton, M. F. Gregor, W. Parker, P. Gagne, T. P. Hamilton, J. M. Lindsay, I. McDonald, G. McKay, N. Barman, Mrs. D. Johnston, Miss E. Johnston. To Sandspit W. P. Campbell. S. A. Mills Memorial Trophy, awarded annually In memory of the former principal of the school and an outstanding educator and citizen. The award was made to Linda Strachan as the outstanding pupil of the grade. The choice was a very popular one as her fellow students recognized her ability and personality throughout the year. Alderman G. Doug. Frizzell made the presentation in his usual capable way. School Inspector C. Graham spoke words of congratulation and encouragement to the pupils. They would find conditions somewhat different at- high school but all they had to do was to continue working hard and they would be equally successful then. Linda Strachan spoke on be-Jialf of the graduating class saying how sorry they were to leave their old school and admonishing the Grade Five pupils to keep up the standard of tha school. Larry Toms, of Grade Five replied, assuring the graduating class that they would do their 1st E. riiune Green 884 since June 7. and all that is needed to complete the Job Is a cout of paint, and the test run. The youthful mechanic, Just turned 14, was happy yesterday for he passed Grade VIII and into Grade IX at Booth Memorial High School. He is bound for an ON WILL DO YOUR JOB CHEAPER Roofing . . . Siding . . . Alterations Estimates Gladly Given Black G60 Blue 182 CAPTURED FLAVOR OF THE INDIES" Display I engineering course, he says, but This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. tuat m vne iuiure. At present, one big interest, brsldes winning the Derby, is building model airplanes. He Is RADIO & APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE GAS AND ELECTRIC RANGES Phone Blue 992 PACIFIC ELECTRIC HOW!! v mm saving up to buy a model gas en gine wun wnicn he can really put ills own ripsfirne o toci- GOING ON A PICNIC? ORD'S "I read a lot of books on fly-! "na also remlnaln8 t:lem Ing too," he explained and from tna' tneV we to P on doing thom rinv.,ion ihs ..i B1 rk " High- School for British Built I lection of mechanic books thati py would be watched there by PAPER PLATES PAPER Cl'PS PAPER SPOONS WAX PAPER PAPER NAPKINS I PROTECT K high," and he indicated with his ! l"c luuc" OI oorcen. hands a three-foot height. ' ,' A happy and memorable pro-Last year, in an unof f iclal Bam was concluded with the soap-box race here. Arthur col-' slnBln8 of tne national anthem CONSUL FUR COLD STORAGE Phone Free Pick-up Service x,' THERMOS BOTTLES laborated with Brian Roberts to fnr which Roberta Reld played FUHS Get your Picnic Supplies AT RUPERT TOBACCO STORE 3rd Ave. - Opposite Ormes ALL MAGAZINES and PERIODICALS l'OBACCO and CONFECTIONERY Stock Always Moving and Fresh from The school song was given with the usual vim and vigor. build a car and it "didn't run too bad." The Darby will be run Friday evening to open the Prince Ru y 1 . Mm ?4 Parker ltd. ! W. J. Partridge, who motored mm pert Exhibition. Race track is through to Prince Rupert from l:n between Vancouver on business, returned on Second Avenue, BILL SCUBY FURS Third and McBride Street, end- south on the Camosun Tuesday Prince Rupert. B.C. Ing Just in front oi the Civic afternoon. Centre building. - r-ffi.n ;ri i STEAMER Makes Even Beginners Esipert A nnounn'tnenlS nnce Kuoert NEW SHIPMENT Jam and Jelly Makers ! BICYCLES Canadian Legion Auxiliary tea, homecooklng sale. Legion Hall, June 28. Women's Coordinating Tea, Sept. 20. Catholic Fall Bazaar, October 3 and 4. Rebckah Bazaar, October 20. Presbyterian Fall Sale, November 15. (153t) Cathedral Bzaar, November 17. (153:) I.O.D.E. Fall Bazaar November 22. SAILS FOR Vancouver "nil Inlrrmriliate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. ,For KETCHIKAN "HVKSIAY MIDNIGHT Luxury at Low Cost the WERLICH LINE With GUUO it's so OuidcBasy Sure-with SOXmore from your fruit I tst. reters tan Bazaar, No vember 2D. or Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Full selection for Men, Ladies, Boys and Girls WAGONS All Sizes and Styles TRICYCLES Many Sizes jelly from your fruit I The one-minute boil cannot spoil the lovely fresh taste and color . , . they remain in the fruit. Certo provides a separate recipe for each kind of fruit. Follow the simple directions carefully for sure results. You'll have delicious, sparkling jams and jellies every, time, Beginners make lovely jams and jellies the very first time with Certo. It's the quick, easy way because Certo is a highly concentrated fruit pectin product . . . and pectin is the natural jellying substance extracted from fruit. Certo calls for only a brie-minute full, rolling boil. No juice is wasted through boiling down, so you average SOfo more jam or GORDON & ANDERSON Call 363 -v y its - ,! better . , . lit Us Scwtce (Jowt Takeprf?ckl",!"DC! CRYSTALS Planning "-Building or Repairing us- BUS SERVICE rnsscnKcr Time Schedule No. 1 I'arrrl Kpr(H rrv) 1-Iwrrn Prince Kuwrt mid Killlt lirrg Route Trana-ProvinclBl HlBhwoy NOTE: This company Is not licensed (or local business between points Prince Rupert-Terrace Inclusive. PasseiiKers will be picked up and set down at these stops only for or from points east oi Terrace. EASTBOUND Thursdays and Sundays from Prince Rupert to , Smithers WESTBOUND Fridays and Mondays SMITHF.RS to PRINCE RUPERT WAY POINTS Tyee, Skeena. Kwlnltsa, Balvus, Exstew. Shames. Amsbury. Terrace. Skeena Crossing. New Hazel-ton (Hotel I. Hanelton. New Haael-ton (Station I. Morlcetown. CANADIAN NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION LTD. Carto In tithw form will gjv yeu qually good roouhi. Let us see to your car's needs, through regular check-ups on Tires, Battery, Radiator and Crankcase PCip feooksf under tht Ubtl of every bottle and in every package. Each type has special recipes which must bt followed. They are not interchangeable. .MITCHELL ; rtnniT..,., It- A Product of Gartwoi Foods A!SLv Superior Auto Service CURRIE I IMITKD you'll be proud to sayl MApE IT" STUDEBAKER and AUSTIN DEALERS Third Avenue &t Park Green 217 f " & Contractor