I Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, 'June 27, 1951 Old Chicago Music Dance More Kids Welcome 'Hoppy' Sh es (13 rid a c Biack wood on ish Story of the adventures of a i" Hum.. Smart! Thrifty! A Good es a By Easley Blackwood When William Boyd to moti of Prince Rupert boys and girls just plain '"Hoppy" now again; stepped off the Chiicotin Mon-j day, there were still a lot of j mlWAB ASH Chicago dance hall queen of the days just before the turn of the century and her pursuit by rival swains comes to the Totem Theatre here in color from Ish My friend Mrs. Keen has a house full of prize JV 1 IIXUllKTll. I 1. 1 es to see ! M A 1 iTlKTTTTl I " she won when she w as playing party bridge. At that children and grown-ups , .-.,. ?.. I .-,.. v l . mM r little r Vt 1 r rv P n m n lT-iUl. ;TkFcn C.itnrlaa rtt this Dresser! J-tl-U it? j'ill Udl MUI liltcili "Hie iivwillll. VJClIilt bids and slams have an overwhelming importance. fo Sometimes the stretchir But the crowd was more or-,"""" derlv and Hoppy had more time i wek- for them. Nearly ail the kids got!, Be:'ty,r,?1b,e Si"RS .f"" . ' , . . i In the leading role and h the co-eilher one of his aluminum-disc ( stars as ,he rivftls ,,jr ner avur souvenirs, or autographs, which , j . are victor Victor Mature and Phil She's a Wallace's Budget Account Customer! he signed steadily for hall an Harris. hour. ' The climax of the picture And on the docks, at the side 'comes during the great Columbia of the favorite coboy star, ! Exposition of 1893. stooa r.is pretty wne. jormer of ,h 0,d t;mors of & Some South dealer North-South vulnerable V.rtli (Mr. Hair) S 6 3 H Q 10 D A 10 7 S J C 7 5 a t Ka (Mr. Champion (Mr. Attrl) S K 4 S J 7 S 7 H J 9 8 6 4 3 H 7 5 2 D 4 3 E Q J 8 C K. Q 6 C 8 4 (Mrs. tmi) s A J io a H A K D K 8 urace uraaiey 01 me raoics, ; who signed autographs and chatted with people along wita I vaudeville are seen in thv? picture ! including Reginald Gardiner and James Barton. reach game every time the bid-dir.g is opened results in mighty ( sketchy cor.traci.s-which require startling plays to fulfill.: Mrs. Keen Is expert at this sort ; of thine. i Mr. Champion opened the six of hearts against Mr.?. Keen's, three no trump bid. She wo.i; with the king in her own hand and .studied the situation for a' lew minutes. She felt she could : probably set up dummy's dia-i monds by leading the king, the' ace. and then cnr.cedirg a third 1 round of the suit to the enemy.! But sadly enough the remainder j of the suit could not be reached ; because dummy had no entry, j If you have a gc:3 credit back- grour.d ar.d regular family J income, then Wa;iac? Bucret B Plin is a natural way to buy. ' There are no service charges. I At WALLACE'S j DEPT. STORE i Many times Hoppy familiar Old and new song hits are, Howdv, pardner," greeted a 'featured In the picture including, i youngster, some of whom -were i ."Baby, Won't You Say You Lovej ... ,, it, , ,.,.. n--u- Mr "WMh'mfrtB " "Flown on i 7& wfyour i I fcA "Music of Manhattan" "Flatop Midway" "Mouse and Garden" UU UIUJC 1 1 1.1 . auic hu V. n . . u t u . -. . - 'Lost Boundaries" 7 the kids ate it up as their favor- i Wabash Avenue." "Shimmy Like ite cowboy shook hands with; My Sister Kate," "Honey Man," them and chuckled. j Floating Down the Old Grew A young father gave Hoppy a River." "Walking Along With piece of paper on which to sign Billy." ' P. C A J 10 9 3 The bidding: 1 c Pass 1 D P 2 S Pass 3 D Pa 3 NT All pass Mr. Champion is pretty his name lor "my little boy The fabulous saga of "Blood-Red bx ...woman of mystery! Caught in Winch Head is Injured "Sign it Hopalong Cassidy," asked the father. "We sign 'em all the same. Just Hoppy," " was the return. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd were at dinner when the Chiicotin docked, but the hundred or more youngsters waited patiently for shrewd. He noticed Mr. Keen's air of indecision and the glum ! expression on her face. He remembered the fact that she had j won the first trick with the king of hearts when dummv's 10-sr-t would have sufficed. From these i7 r Take Coke along Patrick Hill. 17-year-old Kit- things he deduced the true sit than half an hour to see katla fisherman, is doing well in more J Jin Bai i yi i mi r . jr. Corinne Calut ILarbara Kuh FWtitc Kiwmica Plus TODAY and THIRSDAI the Prince Rupert General Hospital after having suffered painful Injuries In an accident aboard the selnboat Aleutian Island uauon- i the man who has been the ob- "A little short of entries to ject of admiration of movie-go- the board maybe?" he said slyly. : mg throughout the contin-"Could be." Mrs. Keen replied. : ent "Unless ..." j. Monday off the west coast cf "MARDI GRAS" CARTOON - NEWS SHOWS 7 9:00 7 "Unless what?" Inquired Mr. rnrrertlv refns-ri to en un with Banks Island mm Champion with a confident grin. ; nis queen and Mrs. Keen w0ni The Aleutian Island, owned by "Unless you or Mr. Abel would with the nine. j the Canadian Fishing Co. and be sweet enough to lead to the she then laid down the ace skinpered by Joe Innes of Kit-board for me." and another club and Mr. katla, was seining sockeve when DISCARDS HEART, ACE ! Champion was in again. He Hill's gloves became caught in Mrs. Keen had finally seen a 'cashed his second high club but the winch and he was whirled play which would bring her con- j now had nothing left but hearts. 1 around with the result that his tract home. She raid down ner a heart lead put dummy In, and: head was badly cut. WANTED Public-spirited volunteers to staff the midway and exhibits at the Prince Rupert Exhibition held June 29 to July 7. Contact I). Forward at Civic Centre office or phone 231 A radio appeal brought a Queen Chariot! ; Airlines plane and Hill King 01 oiamonas, men iea a ail tne cards mere were gooa. small diamond to the ace. Next j Three no trump in spite of Mr. she led another diamond from . champion's diagnosis. was picked up and transported dummy and discarded her ace to Prince Rupert. The plane was met by the ambulance w hich took the young native to the hospital. 1 n i-i mm n, ri m in - A in 1 -. . ...tM.. . i j- Easy to serve... easy on the budget 5Wy ...and so good with picnic food - MMfr Shop now of the sfgn of 'l q " Crescent Shows Crossing Gulf of hearts. Mr. Abel won this trick with the queen of diamonds and Mr. Champion (frowning now! dropped a small heart. From here on, if either defender leads a heart. the queen in dummy will win j A trip across the Gulf cf and the rest of the eood dia-' Alaska to Seward awaits the wjll AUCTI SALE irihnzri Mlbr tt Cm C mtm iMtrMf wtt Cm C Ul NORTH STAR BOTTLING WORKS Bottle Carto Prince Rupert, B.C. monds will be run. known Crescent Shows carnival Mr. Abel returned a spade, outfit which has arrived at the Mrs. Keen ducked and Mr. lumber fc.-embly wharf here In Champion won with the king. lifteen railway cars for transfer He led another spade, Mr. Abel to the Anchorage motor vessel - - - - - Garland which Is due here to Phone 132 "Cokr" ts a regisiwd trade-mark "'mi damn It r kMU New and Used - Household Goods and Furniture day to pick them up. After making stands at Prince George, Vanderhojf, Burns Lak. Saturday June 30th, at 2:30 p.m. TO BE HELD IN SMITH'S WAREHOUSE (Opposite Navy Drill Hall) COKNLR 1ST AVENt K AND MeUhlDK Being obliged to move from storage to above address I will sell to highest bidder the following articles: JUNE 29 to JULY 7 PRINCE RUPERT Smithers and Terrace, the outfit consisting of some fifty tons of equipment and personnel totalling sixty, reached he.e by special train Sunday morning. Seward, Fairbanks, Anchorag?, Juneau, Petersburg, Wrangell and Ketchikan are Included !n the Alaska itinerary and the show will stand here early 'n September. Frank Costantlne of New Westminster, who bought out Henry Meyerhoff of Penticton. U now the owner of the Crescent Shows. Adding Alaska to the circuit ts a new venture and Costantlne philosophically looks upon it as a "gamble." ra n HP 1 ml OF NORTHERN INDUSTRY and NATURAL RESOURCES Two Blue Leatherette Arm Chairs Oval Coffee Tabic Walnut Two matching End Tobies-Walnut Modern Design Coffee Table-new Two Fireside Benches, new Six Oak Dining Chairs Walnut Dining Suite Buffet Table and 6 Chairs with up holstered seats Tea Wagon Bedroom Suite, Walnut. Double Bed complete, 4-drawcr Of Vanity with large mirror o bench Corner Cupboard, new 3 Coal and Wood Heaters One Coal Oil Heater Single Bed, complete Kitchen Oil Range, Enterprise, like new Lamps Trilights, Standards, Table and Desk. Spin Dry Washer Electric Radiator Brand New Singer Sewing Machine treadle 3-Piece Chesterfield Suite (like new) including beautiful slip covers Secretary Desk, Walnut Occasional Chair, new, color in Lime Frieze Hostess Chair, new. Rose Laurel Frieze Two Pull-up Chairs, new, Green velour Baby Pram Baby Play Pen Single Wardrobe, new Occasional Chair (high back), Blue Tapestry Step Table, new Plate Glass Mirror, 36"x24" Kitchen Oil RangV-McClary's Bed Chesterfield and Matching Chair IS ill Sale IB cEcets a At oil Stores, from your Candidate, or their Agents QUEEN of the NORTH" Candidates: 1, MISS ELAINE STEFFENS 2 MISS MAE NEWTON (Canadian Legion) MISS MARGARET GAGN0N (Columbia Cellulose) (Suns of Norway) Sevoral Chr-sts of Drawer; Kitchen Tables and Chairs; Wicker Chairs; Card ndjf!!, . , . . . . i enmnete: sm jaoies; oeverai book oneives; otoois, ituiiks; .Mirrors, orvnai t- ci i... t t-, . . . ii a rxxir- Axmlnster B"? ' otanuB, iuu oiia, vui tons oi otjoKs; r loor roiiMifi , rijwwu 41.,.. noO' ;r,cth,.rJ, Dii,,. mi .. rm ir ui TJoti-- rt! RkUttlCS. AlSO " 1 65 ' laauiuaiua, tLbuus, Ulllira, xlliuwo, V tto 'a uai, 4v.ii, Mops, Bwecpers and Garden Tools. biui n Terms: Cash or Cheques or Phone Blue 720 THOMAS M. CHRISTIE, Auctioneer Ac LiM Cwfeal li by Im Gimnma l B-ttiA dun.!. rm Rw rHIC YOUNG BLONDIE -What a Boss! "7 " The Exhibition ENTERTAINMENT STAGE SHOWS featuring 15 Pacific Northwest Gymnastic Champs Gayway Dancing Rides Loggers' Sports Beauty Contests Golden Gloves Doxcrs Dominion Day Sports Soap Box Derby BIG VALUE NIGHTLY PHIZES INDUSTRIAL AUTO SHOW Fur Show Furniture Appliances Marine Fishing Retail Wholesale WSl'LAY SPACE AVAILABLE Phone 107 or 231 TODAY! NATURAL RESOURCES Forestry Celanese Fisheries Aluminum NATIVE CRAFTS Mining Natural Resources Movies inUinjj!'' GET THE ) i I'M AT LUNCM ME :!1!lSlililill!ltl,' llillllllll11 7177 DID YOU -L-s- C GET THE NO-AMD C0M6 P . , IT MAT AM 2!) S RAISE?. TO THINK, HE had ME T-'J TOO (. EKPtAlNiiD MOW; INVITED ME i ID UJKH WITH TO VOL BOSS ' 7 HIM TO TALK 1 s'S Lire-His ABOUT THAT STRlCGlE fob PAlSE ? , Supvivau ! ( The SHOW-WINDOW of the NORTH n ! t