Prince Rupert Daily Newsl As I See It j 01 Churchill i To Hazelton Tuesday, April 17, 1951 fit i i k i chap: "Why are they such foo!s vrou'd as to spend about ten years' some f!jrH earning on a mere wedding?" tr! m h,at He answered: "It is more like ably th.u"' ft" twenty years' income for most eft m !(', of them.'' ' Yet a little later on he to,d REALIST . me that he himself had finan- Just a a, ced his own sister's wedding last nisij gaJz "" year, and gone very heavily in.o HI enem'u t'f ,i!k debt although he nated the mln ar,ri Sto . 1 i A pai'ty of members of parliament including led Appls-whaite, member for Ekeen.i. visited the National Defence In stallations at Fort Churchiu. An independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association. C. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY, Managing Director. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: E Carrier, Per Week, 20c; Per Month, 75c; Per Year, ' 1 S8 .00; By Mail, Per Month, 75c; f ir Year, $8.00. ,UL Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. whole Idea. He Just could nK in Pm,ti UK.Sla in ; .V9 irwn Manitoba. lhe gates o! Z'1 Speaking at a dinner tendered stand the thought of the contempt of the family .; nei-houi.-,. ' ooo ! I CITE THE ABOVE AS ONE n'st kn.)w tta, J Illustration of what seems to me uny a choice'bttvi "', nuiHt wroiur with India irshio nt it. ' INDIA'S WORST THRU, xYimur nri in l..i:.. .ui r uf.i iNl.vv iwum, j se lu.etU a g,eut conversion, l'rshlp , ' The P.OAC plane ran into a mighty mental revolution '"ajwliy of tli. J the members by the combined services, Rt. Hon. James Gardiner, Minister of Agriculture, said that net very lung ago lie had been visiting in the Pa River area where a (rand old gentleman, eighty-four years ut age, ha3 said that he had hoped to live to se? a railway from Hazelton to Churchill. Mr. Oar-diner .said that he too hopes this old man may see such a railway in his lifetime. some k m of trouble, on "J r" . . ' ,". V :w ""H :.T.M,,wh, - i u uri ftiM-n-Kv iium vup very v,r nt t. - 1 . r V oau weainer, totiay, uii;i('uuhu id up. up The enliiihlentd I do not t.litvc tn. rs like Nehru are complete- ixfvitubly sucfim.h! here I am back in a New iv uwuin ui iiiu uu are uoi.ij ",v u"i II WjuU ,v i" Delhi hotel when I expec-! their best, aguinst great wills, to riur Uiir HKsftn, , . , ' pave the way for It, i , i i it, to,l in ho inilinir Jit the . .. ' " Vl " " " ; But meanwhile there U tre-ail'poi't near Jerusalem, i mendous pressure from another The Pulp Mill Starts EVKNT of utmost importance and vital AN significance in .the permanent economy of Prince Rupert lias quietly occurred. The great pulp " mill of Columbia Cellulose Co. at Watson Island has gone into operation. With a minimum of fanfare the official opening ceremonies being reserved until early June the big plant is now in production. The long period of massive construction is almost over and it is now but a matter of ironing out the creases and cleaning up. It has been an enormous undertaking of both LETTERBOX 3i But It's a welcome deiuy, for lUUCmll, u U buck lu ui0. nosrriA..s AND WCH Editor, Dally News, Would appreciate space "CHARTFR MFMBFR " Brig W. O Colqtihoun, it former commanding officer of the PPCLI, was on hand ta bid farewell to officers and men of the Special Force advance party as they recently sailed fur Korea. Now retired, Brig. Colquhoun was appointed a lieutenant with the unit when tt was. formed In August, IH14, and won thj Military Cross for his exploits in France. He is .shown with MaJ. E. J. H. Ryall uf Hamilton, left, and Sat. A. N. Dalzell of Canary. (CP from National Defence) it gives me time to write a sum- j oia iimou way oi me anve. up on India, while I am still in ! And don't let anybody tell you ! the amasphere and spirit of the ! that it is not a powerful force ,n pjace ; this ancient land. Politically, the The greatest of all questions njrlKhtists and reactionaries hive India is how something over 350 lost ground since the murder of million ueoDle can set enouuh Gandhi which was, of course, to correct a misquotation by your paper in Monday's issue as to statements purportedly made in pi TO MEET mi food to stay alive especially direct product of the kind uf connection with my remarks st - inhnr Councils "" ulr" ""H"" i "kh 8u!i"S at the rate of one percer.i Aikyowlimui,,, organization and actual construction and has had a great impact upon the life and affairs of Prince j Rupert. Even yet, however, we have hardly become Pearson Outlines Four day evening last I did not state J- Jn q back. Irokti In pj uiiiming iui wmuii liiey sianu. But I ask all the best informed people I can find- for the deeper trends. And I find that some of the most hard-headed and best-Informed people in India are of the bpinlon that if any 0"i deiah ol ""Hip! that we Btma w and wardness - and ignorance, low of the Compensa t on 1 of proper i of sanllaUuili With millions upon mil births still, outnumber deaths Principles for Nations1! Hoard the lions I , thr of dollars accumulated thing were to happen to Mr. by over three million per year. (AlVIN IW otiKhout the years ot its ex-. p,tras!nn nf nil! Nehru or his uoverrmu-nt that Utence, many of which are in fc. ri . pd,,PaH0n mav goon if for any reason there were to Four-Point, Keep-Your-Eye-on-the-Hall Policy 1 oe a mat ims country j Victory Bonds and other invest- y, producUon. But i!?!.'" tell n.1 of the Work- Ut '- will even more surely cut i . one ever heard u ;oula j By DOUGLAS HOW Canadian Press Stall Wrlttr meo s 1-o.npeii.i.u.. - ; e a bold suu, who wolUd pre OTTAWA (CP) Canada is "expounding a kpn-vonr-evp-nn-the-hall nolicv as u euide for h.u. ever tosiua ...-,. I diet that Indians could be taught On the contrary, the gist !oilln t.0ntrol. or any form of1 what I said in part in this con- lamily 'planning, quickly enou;.li it'll ''.i - - - i . Mnvint, Patkim Mipin r.i ( -irla( and Vi. f'liniplete, Rcllati cicnt Service. Al Canadian Liquid t dir Oxygon, A Welding supplies. rJislus the free world in- case the Communists spring anyj- "Si b.c". ml- XPiS " i more "secondary ac-oressions" similar to Korea. general had their har? -a o0o Hhase monies and Investments! it IS SUCH FACTS AS THE view has been enunciated . The The view has men enunciated turned over to their, tacn it b ove wnl c, , hel p t0 creal t. the I MZToMlnl nl mean that, ": .e:-'ryi wouldn't be necessary to f oLM ; nt oTLnnd pessimism LINDSAY'S CaI geared to the new industrial era which the pulp null has brought to Prince Rupert and which, in its wake, is bringing other business and industry here. Pulp mill, expanding fisheries and all the new developments are quickly bringing Prince Rupert to the place in the sun we have waited for so long-but perhaps a lot of the citizens are not fully appreciative now it is here. Building Prohibitive in communities like Prince Rupert, where PEOPLE there is such a grim shortage of housing, will find it difficult to see any rhyme or reason in the proposal of Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation to increase the rate of interest on housing loans from four-and-a-half per cent to five per cent. What with mounting costs of construction 'through increasing material and labor prices, it is already getting prohibitive enough for the ordinary person, harassed by higher living costs, to do any building. The increase in the Interest rate on building loans will just about price the average person ;out of the possibility of building. Chop 5ucy - Chow Mein HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders Phone 133 ineecn a ecoi.oiuic aim m.m.v legislation upon me cuins whlch is s0 widespread In India' speech, -nee .nee In in the the annual annual repoi report t . . .. for back Th , nrov nee to pav ,H mn,,f inte'. & STORAGE li Cor. 2nd and Pa:. of his department on CJ UebU. additions and furnLshlnps JecUljls forcener.t action lobe taken and the United Nations. Est. Mil) IW Kj.wnicn me nuspuai u.u j,or Q Qj Ue harciesl tnini;s 1... n.ra nf iholll. L .... ... Th. n, u ! ,hi- h fr. asf- st an aggicj-s' must related to the practicability n: mole le'1! laT Ti : , a" the worm to change is tnc nations still aren't strong enough, e ves had thev oeen paia ie;;in- : , ,lf .hiniin(j nf the Indum t.n,nrh pnnuphtr. hi. nhlp to stamn c and ool'tical .s.-uaM,, out every aggression that may st!f f "hould to Peibility of such en-selves occur. They govern them- af accordingly. They should e,?e1ntna1cVon ?e?nlnltl: and law abidina peaceful power. 'conserve their limited resources mate per diems Instead of the village0l lne peasant and the ' dictatorial ones prescribed ! peasant's wile and daughter. the Compensation Board during j Take lne qe.slion 0( debt. the past years. I When I travelled up and clown And I cited the case of tneithLs vasl ianti n, . .puzzled rue Albernl Hospital of some fewihow lne ptasant3 cou,d ever years since in substantiation of nave got lhemseivej FO deeply m my contention, which, was, to the , tebl to the iantj0rcis in tle jirt effect that on their 10 per cent pjace Tne answer was. paying cases they netted a, .. Wedciings, profit of approximately $4000, j flnd tn(lt cven 'ow a ,,0(ir A CARLOAD OF in order to be able to apply them ' 'v, , ' V a"olh" a far more where they are most needed." . , , . .." threat to the peace. And the main front lor tne v We &bnm recagnre our tree world, Mr. Pearson says, still imitations ln thls wayi PV?n is Western Europe. when condemnatory a-.-tioi h is NEW In his address to the Ontario to be taken. There is nothing Bar Association, the minister immoral in this It is bnmo-a' ,u ..,' village family will go thousands (lesfnhml the world as being .k.., comperuwiioi c .u....r of ru.)ees Into debt to finan -e . ----- - - " y ed d a a loss lasa of of rou rouiihlv I'fooo. puvt rt....K.. .... wedding. The good tho ting them in the red to old North American vice of keep- extent of arouna Jjuuu. Ana vne ,n u wjth the Jotleses ls M ROEHLER! Compensation Board Iiany r.- sluff comparet witn tne struggle fused to give them any consid- even ln the vlllaKe t0 uphoid eration in this respect whatsu- tne fun1ily prestige by putting -snarca oeiween iwq gieui. super- tions at the United Nations stutvs around which most of the condemning ag-recor!. -n "iv; rest of us gather in varying de- the impression that they will hi grees of confidence or uneasi- followed by stromr pud effr-tiv: 1RSS-" , ' .' economic and militn v n?t;o'v Now that" the Communis when we know that, in fact, su-h sphere had it is prepared action will not or cannot fce to risk general ar, the dilemma taken. of how far the United Nation:. ; . could and should go in enforc- j ' inrr cnllei-tive xppnrilv hv mili.l MAJESTIC SIGHT ever men uie uiy iuu"n up . an Imposing lrunt. I Ji.iid to oi. e very Intelligent whiih was the Hospital Bjard ln this, took the matter to the courts but what happened trom there on I am at a lass to . i. ti i... tary action in a two-jjower wj.1.1 :Why Do We Do If? YCU ever notice how hard-worked is that DID left-hand door at the Post Office entrance-how there is a bottleneck of traffic trying to get .through there while the right-hand door is hardly, ', if ever, used? One would think everybody in Prince 'ltupert had gone left-landed. The psychological reason is probably the tendency against pulling out of doors. If they moved .inwards instead of outwards or were swing doors, the natural inclination would probably be soon to- ward the normal right side. It is an interestinir study in instinctive action. The Grand Canyon In Arizona know weuu.- i 1'" ' Is 517 ml'es lon.r, 4 to 18 mil.-, ceased publicizing the piocee i- had become acute. It first bi came acute when China Invaded wide at the brim and 4,000 to W Bf, Z n u. ruiea una im; Olieuunu x lh - -.r-. kEAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX HKTUItN.'? I'KEPARKD R. E. MORTIMER M 3rd Ave. W. formed by our MLA that the remained squarely before th3 j democracies. ' BKi PROBLEM "We are still faced now mon j beard has been now paying fj.' the past year or so a per diem rate acceptable to the hospitals. Why o.Uy the past year? Wny not all and every year? But lhan ever with Lne question whether the United Nations should try to take military en- then, that's where my remarks about unholy alliance come in. Thanking you In 'jnlicipall m of this favor, Mr. Editor. JOHN MULRONEY. .vt ui . . . , , i i , , lorcemeni, measures hiaui-ii, a we 11 the street ourselves and to ;Now just go up try secondary al,,,re,w when that .buck the outcominy traffic hv trvinrr to eet in action might eithe- dissipate 5. V J not Hit r m - - - , o J O n J Through the left door while the right goes idle. ' i- 4 ?j ( t ,.t 4 k -; our strength In the fp-e of tlv main aggreso- or lead to a n"" work! war in which our strength would be so dissipated," said Mr Pearson. "What should we r1" If the potential assessor should : exploit the provisions of th iTJnited Nations charte- fr t'T rvnintenap-... of npqoo ever' I where in order 1 waken us that one Hav the rn"e canno' 1Kty I RYE AT V nP0PUUUli 'rebelling Jl AJ 1U be maintained anywhere? OLD Mr. Pearson went on to suggest that "the outlines of a wiv out of this dilemma a e beginning to emerge." They woul ' VANCOUVER VICTORIA Sunday, 8 p.m., Chilcotin Tuesday, 12 Noon Camosun I.ICE ARM, STEWART AND I'ORT SIMPSON Sunday, Cumosun, IX p m. FOR NORTH H l.KN IIAUI.OTTK ISLANDS s.i. Chilcotin April 13 and 27 9 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Chilcotin, April 0 and 20 9 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 508 PRICES require the acceptance of for main principles: 1. In every situation, our ol ligation under the charter to d whatever we can to maintal the p inciple cf callective se-urity should be discharged . . We must recognize unproveke HEADS ENGINEERS - J. A. H. Henderson of Montreal has been elected president of the Dominion Council of Professional Engineers" for 1951. A civil engineer graduate of Queen's University, he is a veteran of the First World War. Most of his career has been with pulp and paper companies and he has been with the Canadian International Paper Company since 1925. . (CP PHOTO J GORDON&AND aggression, whether committ" by great or small power?., fr what is is, and take approp lat Thit fvcrtiiMnt H MX publithtd di$plytd by tf Liquof Control Board at W CovOTMMM W B(lull ColtMU action. This acticn may have ; Don't Woit For You' OVERHEAT Bring ltl"Fo,A B.Cs Example AGGRESSIVE program of school overhauling AN In British Columbia provides strong proof that Canada's shamefully antiquated schools can be eliminated, Fred Bodsvvorth writes in an article 'titled "The Shacks We Call Schools" in the current " issue of Maclean's. Boasting by Canadians about their modern "schools has completely obscured the fact that educa-tion still goes on in thousands of dilapidated, dungeon-like, ill-furnished and badly lit shacks ; which no progressive farmer would use to shelter a milk herd, says Bodsworth. i But in British Columbia, a report by Dr. Max Cameron, professor of education at the University -of B.C., at the end of the war, brought prompt action by the province, which reorganized 649 scattered -'school districts into 74, began to spend 150 times as much per year on schools as it did before the war, and launched a school building program which has cost $40 millions in the past two and a half years. It , is now estimated that eighty percent of B.C. children .are now attending either new or extensively reno-,'vated schools. British Columbia, says Bodsworth, affords the strongest proof that antiquated schools can be eliminated just as soon as citizens admit the need. The ; province now pays 70 percent of new school costs as legainst the former 30 percent. Rebuilding in B.C. is going on so fast the Minister of Education has time to do little more than run around the province officiating at opening ceremonies. vary, however, according to cir cumstances. 2. We should never formalV condemn an aggressor until tn fact of his aggression Is clear! proven by Impartial - evidence and until the mediator and con PRESSURE' .. . wt ciliatory functions cf U.N. hav been exhausted. 3. Condemnation of aggressi-T to . vita! Your cooling system is as car as the Brakes or Motor. ' ' , . the m'we ktsri (BIIVCE cleansing the Radiator and Uw p ,LrBt-FlH(lf We have just installed a new Local Campaign Chairman MR. D. C. STEVENSON Prince Rupert General Hospital Tod' ' Demons" for o Drive u up Spend One Cen Save Dollar use ZERO FOR ALL WOOLLENS THE STORK SHOPPE Superior Auto 3 P.O. Box 219 Prince Rupert, B.C. BRITISH COLUMBIA CONQUER CANCER nd AUSTIN Repairs Thlrrt Avenue at Parlt