Prince Rupert Duily News Tuesday, April 17, 1951 Bishop Extols Late H.T. Cross OCEAN-SIZE EXCITEMENT d-oolu OfJL onie with High tribute to the long and JOHN WAYNE Rupert Men's and Boys' Store mid Inflation, Reds Are Major Issues in Aussie Balloting SYDNEY, Australia (CP) "Hie issues in Australia's April 28 election are expected clear-cut. The present coalition government is asking for a majority in both Senate and House of Representatives so it can deal effectively with Communist-fomented industrial troubles. Labor is expected to PATRICIA NEAL in A successful home cooking sale was held by the Duchess of Edinburgh Chapter, Imperial Order of the Daughters of the Empire, in Gordon & Anderson's store Saturday afternoon. Regent of the chapter, Mrs. D. H. Stewart, welcomed the guests, with Mrs. D. E. Halliwell and Mrs. E. Barton in charge of the home-cooking. Kitchenware was won by E. H. Hedge in a raffle conducted by Mrs. Frank Hicks. zealous service to his church of Herbert Thomas Cross, who passed away at the end of last week in Vancouver, was paid at morning service in St. Andrew's Cathedral Sunday by Rt. Rev. James B. Gibson, Bishop of Caledonia. For many years Mr. Cross was people's warden of the cathedral here. In the absence of the rector, Canon Basil S. Prockter, the service was conducted Sunday morning by Rev. C. L. Lomas of : From BIG BOY j To LITTLE. Boy WE CLOTHE THEM ALL! OPERATION PACIFIC" put forward a program designed to stop inflation be inter The two issues will prices are bound twined. The Liberal-Country party coalition government ply of goods, to rise. SEPARATE REPUBLIC Toti!riQ speeder! from Colony claims that rising prices are Tt tHot (nflaMnn chiefly the result of Communist bfi haUed unU, Qutput Qf CQal bia In 1903 and became a separ-Uhe mission boat Northern Cross, ate republic. The Bishop read the lesson. union bosses' sabotaging produ mm. COMPLKTK SHOWS '7-9 p.m. TODAY and WED. Of particular note, we call attention to our new "Little Boy" Suits and Coats in styles that say: "Come and Get Me" .... Reasonably priced, too, and JUST ARRIVED. and steel Is increased and un- til strikes and 'go-slowism" on j the waterfront and on ships are , checked. The key unions in ; those industries are Communist- j controlled and no improvement ! tion by strikes, bans on overtime work and "go slowism." ' Labor says that rising prices are causing industrial troubles and that the government's lai!- BntL Black 1 i jsefg' wood on r By Easlcy Blackwood lire to cnecK limauoii i pat Js me ntu Red unl lead .,,,..m.-fn1 u-naiMin ill in thi . r il uuwiuui ...v- ers are thrown out of office. RUPERT MEN'S AND BOYS' STORE hands of the Communist party The strength and weakness of Labor contends that the government is trying to confuse the issue and says prices have risen each side's case may be sum- -, 1 . , TODAY ''JOANOTb 7 - 0:18 STARRING lNGRID BERGMA,'. . iKHlYWOOVt ll t, MOST jA?F"'", M)lm SIII,RTS BBBEBBZBMIBBllimBl I married as follows: Here is another situation where a hold-up is made t o turn a 50-50 chance into a 3-to-l proposition in favor of the declarer. Mrs. Keen's opening lead was the queen of clubs irwl liefm'n nlavini' from either hand Mr. Masters because the government has I Government strength: Its 1949 cijn nothing to control them. installed in hundreds ol villages policy piacea empiiusis un ran-where homes have no electricity, trol of ,the Communist party. T.i Rnlearia. more than 40.000 It has made a sincere and Of the government's attempt to make secret -union ballots compulsory, Labor nnr says KnvK this ins is k ...... Jamming Out West Radio powerful effort to carry out that unn;ceatyt impractical and paused to plan his play. By winning the first trick and policy but its cfiorLs to outlaw ' ' illeffective It contends: ta. diamonds he could have uLc. rrZnthrbvthe Lbor If a se8rel baIlot of unionists :cnded up taking 10 tricks. MrS.'club to lead-and while she still f-iv maiorTtv voted .. for a 5lrlke what woukl : Keen would have won the first had a cUib to lead- and while whieh serl it, party n which used its majority . ,,,,( Hr19 if Cnm- a m.j h h.rk. ..tin a -inh m central points from where government programs are relayed to individual homes have been set up, according to the newspaper Rabotnitschesko Delo. Western radio exoerts in Vienna HAWK -v' CARTOON '' 11 It f! J if mjr Starts Tomorrmt I JfPiXXU Showinj, - 7 . In By RICHARD O'REGAN in the Senate to delay the com m,.nists .an ri PiPCtion baots ..... o,. ,.,ih tini, riuivt ciuon. a a ..,hii u.r n9ri nor still snc would continue iPati .. .-c - !iPP iti:C. OJ1C KVUlu w.i.iiiBfc v.uv.. i au aim mi.i.i. iiv. ..w. VIENNA i APi -East Europe's J sak, thp big communist cam-Communist governments are i ai n to mslall -radio by wire" now, why could tney not, ao eo But wnen wins Brash got In with had the ace of daimonds for an mmiist Party Dissolution Ajt (the anti-Red act). Finally the high court ruled the act unconstitutional. uncier court supervision r lne ace 0f hearts, she would! entry. putting the wire duck lino uiu , apparentiy was due to the effec- The answer Ls that Mr. Masters wireless radio to stop secret i ne resuii win ciepenu on uvi not nave a ci,lb to return relative importance, in the elec- j soutn dealer ; tiveness of the BBC, the Voice would have no way of knowing j which " red suit should be led I Weakness: Practically minds, of the rise in prices; Bl)th skk,s vulnerable guvcii.i.LU!, uu,u.iuC ... and the Communist issue. , and other Western programs beamed to Communist Europe, Western diplomats in Hungary report that whvn they send their ms campaign maue n.-queuv p,lhU(, oninion noils taken I EWUMMW IMIUCH. V-11 ft I j'i 1 griMM tin ll mMMttt fiin mu 1 lw-,";-T1i.... use of the phrase "putting value (Mr. I t 1 1 !! S- - K 8 3 H J H 5 a D-J 10 5 C--7 5 a bout six weeks ago sugwt that ! listening to western broadcasts. 'Radio by wire' 'is the latest at tvmpt of the Rod governments in Hungary. Romania and Bulgaria to muffle the Voice of America, Radio Free Europe and the BBC. Under this system, instead of buying a radio, you rent a loudspeaker for a Miiall monthly sum. first. It was a 50-50 guess. And Mr. Masters doesn't like guesses. He always tries for something more definite to go on. So he ducked the first trick. He figured if the clubs were divided 4-3 between the oppon own radios to repair snops mey;uuLK. in mc iu..u. , lne govelnment then command-! come back adjusted to eliminate By that the government meant ed U)e game support as it did j all long-distance programs. ,that it would stop the rise in j in Deccmbcr, 1949 roughly 52 ; llrn-li) S 10 0 6 4 2 puces ... , t . .n , t , ot. i Fishermen to (Mm. Kmi) S J i H 9 0 4 3 D A 6 C Q J 10 9 3 Want Stewart Agency Opened dent in in the the last last days days of of the. . ., nvprnmpnt in nPPH i 4 a H A 7 D B 7 C 8 6 ents' hands he would lose only! George Harris, veteran Naas chifley Labor government. River canneryman, was a pas- i But since the government took Learn foo! It is connected by wire to a cen Maslt'rs) (Mr. a a Q 7 tral point in your town and you Sunday evening going north office prices and wages have two club tricks and the red races. If Mrs. Keen had five clubs and both red aces, the hand very probably couldn't be made. But a handsome win to solve the Senate deadlock. Whereas members of tne House of Representatives arc elected for single-seat elector STEWART The question of the closing of the Stewart sub-agency of the provincial govern- H K 10 D K y 8 3 O A K 4 A lx:al committee has get only the local Communist from Vancouver to Mill Bay for : skyrocketed and the govern-program. the season. Mr. and Mrs. F. ; ment's only positive actions have According to the Hungarian ; Davis we-e also heading for the been the raising of a $100,UOO,-press, "radio by wire" is being 'same destination. 000 loan and a 20-per-cent levy a Fisheries Vocational i if the red aces were divided then rtnrldnt? t.hf first rluh lead ment continues to be a mum East ates where voting is on the 'Ti ixciiimu: preferential system, the Senate j ""' Jf" North 3 N T on wool cheques. would cut the enemy's commu-jtoP'c of conversation here. It nicatlons. ; would appear that further ac- Mr. Masters had to take the tion is imminent and that a ,,iIS elected in lu-seat constuu- Pass PMS trices nae , .t.ti n ontirol . . , Labor strength: ..."- But. on winning me iirsi urics., the JG risen sharply during state, and voting is by prppor-1 under the sponsorship o; Department of Educatit its local representatm School Principal Allan M : The school, a new venturt educational field prescr.: cotking course for fisher:1 From September to Ap young men will receive instruction in the prepw fish for the table. mnnthc thut the Menzies eov- . j nuw wuuiu ivn. miwivu olluhu viuw ttau an uc r j i nt Z hi in nower-a ion&l representation. 'whether to start diamond cr out with the king of hearts, sented to the government re- trpnrt whi, "h i 1 w' rntrt wrm'-i 1 Unless one party or the othnr hearts? Note that both suits had Miss Brash won with the ace questing a reopening of and rc-fniw PierTinn anti-labor : can .. get a 55-per-cent vote f or j lh same lcnglh and high card but had no club to return. So consideration of the whole que- u an . I011CW eitLUOll ui an auu laum . .. c oaoh ctolo twill rp. i A i. m t ,i government. ... , strengm. il ne nappeneu locaujMr. masicrJi uiuue iuui iiu ttuuip nuit.- turn five government and five ; hearls at trick two, Miss Brash i after all. Another triumph for, The-e is a strong feeling that Weakness: It has shilly-shal Lc.bor senators resulting in a' would win while she still had ajihe hold-up play. administration of both the lied on the Communist iwue, de new Senate divided 30 to 30. , Public Works office and the Bivslc in the first jraj I sub-agency could be combine 1 COurse, however, were sic: and the same saving accom- Hune subjects as EnglUt I nt Comdt Studies and Effective 4 with Fisheries Technolot pushed as under tne pres"nt set-up. If the Department nf Mines or whatever Department New Celanese Plant in Texas cational Science arm Is responsible fo- the prevnt i Mechanics added to pw-step has some other reason i'"- industrial flavor. KM ITIicliael L. ff V MrwiA ""Hf.;J r , ' tmmMZLi i the move it Is felt that they planning for this i laying the anti-Red act lor months and finally passing it. ! It has revealed a fundamental cleavage within its own ranks on its attitude to Communism. ENCE PARAMOVNT The government argues that Australia and the rest of the democratic world faces a crisis. Defence requirements are paramount and Communists in Australia are sabotaging the Aus-. tralian economy by fomenting i strikes and industrial unrest, j Consequently with money for exports pouring into the coun-! try and no increase in the suo- should let the district know. ; aonc by Prince Rupert NEW YORK. Celanese Corporation of America today an $1; . rnr, kv.ij I ml : 1 t: t 1 4K.I . ; members. LIVERISH? hotel arrivals r 1' ; "Trouhlrt never come itmff 1 So lake Dr. Ctaie'i W"!' nd rt iw treaimeoii a ! ptoven remedy heipt y r laM becauie It rebevn ; ktrtneT duorderi tnd lh j Minful ioinli which "1 nounced plans for the construction of a modern chemical plant located at Pampa, Texas, in the i Panhandle area. The materials j to be produced are used in the j manufacture of yarns and plastics, synthetic rubber, explosives, pharmaceuticals and many other products. Erection of the plant is calculated to serve a dual purpose, according to Harold Blancke, president gf Celanese. It will not only provide an additional source of the raw materials necessary to meet the increasing demand for the company's prort- ftlDOoom lOS) (Prince Rupert) W. H. Rombo, Portland. Ore.; D. Pratt, Victoria: F. Ibbotsen, J. McKay, W. P. Clark and H. L. Routh, Vancouver; W. O. Duncan. Edmonton; J. Falrclough, Langlry Prairie; D. Campbell, Ocean Falls. IT- O'l COiOT oBtsy-i Credit Union Award Winner Outstanding in B.C. and perhaps in Canada, Prince Rupert TOP QUALITY ,30, go oinirto t'GS S Ltvino-om ian 114.0 AND MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT THE Fishermen's Credit Union has I a vtT , provlnclal!cts- e aW. but will also been grantod the Bioooan SMART STYLES FRASER HOUSE ut Lilt; OUUtlJt Ml t,ll.llllt,ctlO for an accelerated defense program. The process to be utilized at the new plant is a result of the petroleum chemical research and development work carried out at the Clanese laboratories at Clarkwood, Texas. achievement award for the second year. Volume of business in 1950 pas-sed the five million dollar mark and at the same time loans to members found a new high of $3,135,233. Of this sum $800,000 was put to work for the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Cooperative Association. ( lATESV FOR SPRING IN Men's Oxtords "Output of the plant," Mr. Services to members were in- Biancke acciareci 'will supple Sea Cadets m-... ,,i7Prl under the creasea iney can now Duy ; American Express Travellers ment the chemical producing nftivitlno nf I hn nnmmtnu .it Till? I'AMDKN, an attractive frame house, has three bedrooms, bath, combination living-dining room, kitchen with dining space and a utility room to replace the basement. The utility room has coat and Rtorage closets and space for laundry and heating equipment, using the fireplace chimney. Closets are provided in the vestibule, kitchen and utility room, linen in the hall and wardrobe closets In the bedrooms. Other features Include picture window, covered entrance, book shelves beside fireplace and corner sink. Exterior finish of the Camden is wide siding and asphalt shingles. The front wall is faced with either stone or brick. Dimensions of this house are 44 feet by 34 feet overall. The floor area totals 1,319 square feet, while the cubage amounts to 1,319 cubic feet. cheques and Canadian National Bkjh0pTcxas. The plant site at STRAPS GORES. iviuiicv ji uiia i 1 uui vi caauiui Pampa is 50 miles cast of Ama- INOW UtJiny iwuryt-n n- , u: t v,n mwv I paaueofCor George Viereck for instance. rillrt in WpKt TpYat nnrl It- In MOCCASINS FASHION FOOTWEAR Membership, according to the the heart of a ricn' petroieum Credit Union s annual report, area whicn wln furnish both the has reached near-saturation in hrirflparhrm f p p ri sttv-k fnr n chemical processing and the the Rupert area with a roster of about 1500 fishermen making use of the facilities offered. natural gas for fuel. BEAUTY' FOR BATHROOMS AND KITCHENS Those interested apply ' H.M.C.S. "Chatham" Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 4-6 and 7-9 p.m. Age limit 14-18 years Northern B.C. Power Co "The new plant represents another step in the general expansion program of Celanese Corporation of America. This program has as its objective the building of additional produc tive laclliUcs for the manufac- 1 ture of textiles anu -plastics in I defense and civilian economies and, simultaneously, increasing the supply of cellulose and other St(" raw materials required in Its' I'bonc 210 1'rince Rupert This tdvcrtlscmcnt h not published or displayed by (he Liquor Central Boeid at fay the Governacni 4 British Coluabie. operations. "A Canadian affiliate, Columbia Cellulose Company Limited, is Just coining into production at Prince Rupert, B.C., with an There is a distinctive STYROTILE colour thai will fit into your plans for your Modern Home. Our plastic tile has its deep lustrous colour nloulded clear through each piece. The colour will not wear off like it will on ALL other types of tile. Impervious fo moisture, it will not check or warp and is heat resistant. Easy and economical to apply to old or 6vCHlC BLONDIE i1 It Needs a Permanent! rz I initial annual capacity of ap-i proximately 70,000 tons of high new surfaces. T7I alpha dissolving pulp. j I "Another affiliate, Canadian Chemical Company Limited, will I t shortly begin construction of a plant in Edmonton, Alberta, also ; for the production of petro-1 chemicals." i AN EXCLUSIVE STYROTILI FEATURE Only in Styrotile con you secure a complete installation. Only in Styrotile Is supplied corners, base and capping that is on exclusive feature in Styrotile. Write now for the name of your nearest Styrotile dealer. THEY'RE WONDERPUL ) Z i ss' Bargains ""Show vvs - DO vol) -k .'( ONE TO VOUR WIPE ) 1 ,;' SHOW IT N WANT ONE J iS.. i'.i-rw Mi it -..1, y t. t. ...rt ... f & . Vi"-J, ! Mrs. Mary Barton, who came : i here on the weekend to receive ! 1 denial attention, will return to ! Kilcolith Thursday morning. Mrs. I t "v I MADE IN CANADA iipoit Evitt & Co., Ltd.! Phone 651 ! uarion, secretary-treasurer of the Anglican women's auxiliary in her village, will go up the Naas River In her son's (Chrlei) boat, "Sea Queen."