Prince Rupert Daily News 3 Wednesday, February 7, 1951 "YT,1 ft, Home Rejuvenation Civic dei ilte ? 'omen oose Students to Canvass All City In Ice Arena Poll Booth Memorial High School students will canvass the city exhaustively this week taking out balloU in the Ice arena . poll, similar to those which have been appearing in the Daily News during the past week. , The Students' Council is carrying out the big job and has organized the students lor a smart and effective round-up of public opinion. Mrs. B. Blair, Mrs. F Grlmble, Mrs. William Bus.sey, Mrs. M. Field, Mrs. C. Giske, Mrs. A. Hamilton, Mrs. C. H. Collins, Mrs. G.Robinson, Mrs. H. Muncey, Mrs. R. B. Skinner. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. William Bussey. The crafts room at the Civic Centre Monday night resembled nothing so much as a third-rate J) 1 1 da fit Parly Card playing followed a meeting of the social service com ' innlc shnn as wompn nf thi rit.v mittee of the Women of the D. Fisher, conductor on the . . .,!. 1 1.J U Watson Island and Port Edward will be reached by other Canadian National Railways out home of Mrs. M. Field. Winners were Mrs. Ole Stegavig and Mrs. of Prince Rupert, returned on the Prince George today from a P Welter Those present were Mrs. O. Stegavig, Mrs. P. Welter, trip to Vancouver. means. HLE STOCKS LAST! gathered for the first night of the home rejuvenation course. About 15 were present for the opening class under Miss Eileen Cross, extension department, University of British Columbia. Among arts being taught are furniture repair, upholstery, making lamp shades and jut about anything one can think of that will remove the tacky look from livig room, bedroom or dining room. StudenU brought their own furniture to be repaired. By the time the course is finished, husbands will be surprised at the "new look" of their homes oca World Zhay of Prayer for IVonun ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH - FRIDAY, 2:30 P.M. Listen to radio broadcast, Thursday 3:15 p.m. !erta Deep Seam Lump and PERSONAL at 19.00 per ton and Regular meeting of the well, parts of their homes, any- Women of the Moose. Wednes- (32c) uoj, rcuiuaiy i. Mrs. A. M. Dowther and Miss I Edith Watson are sailing tomorrow night on the Prince George for a two weeks' vacation trip to Vancouver.- Dry Goods and Novelty Shop will be closed from February 8 to 23. (34c) Three classes are being held during the evening this week and three during the afternoon. Morris Dahlquist, well-known logging operator, after spending perta "Diplomat" Egg the past few days in the city, In addition to the classes, a film will be returning by this eve-' showing the principles of good nlng's train to Cedarvale. home decoration pointed out to students what a lew materials, r.rA 1,,HTmant anH Q Int. nf hftfl CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT City Clerk Wanted Applications will be received by the undersigned up to 5 p.m. February 19th. 1951. for position of City Clerk for the City 'of Prince Rupert, B.C. " Applicants should give full particulars as to age, marital status, previous experience, salary required and when they will be available. ' H. D. THAIN, City Clerk. 34 William Stewart, who has been working at the Torbrit Silver work could do toward making a at 13.00 per ton (Less limn 5 sacks, $1.15 per sack) HONE 116 - 117 or 58 Mines near Alice Arm, has ar HEADED FOR BURMA Nathan Keyfitz, mathematical wizard who organized the mechanics of the forthcoming Canadian census, leaves Ottawa for Rangoon, where he will help plan the Burmese 1952 census. The Westmount, Que., man is on loan to Burma for three months. (CP PHOTO) house a home. How mechanical are you? Look at the mysterious hand in Bulger's window. A prize is offered for the best description of how it works. (33c) Grade A large eggs, fresh, 55c a dozen; Ashcroft catsup. 14c a rived in the city and is now residing with his nephew, G. C. Home, 233 9th Avenue West. O account of the absence from the city of Chairman R. G. Large and Trustee A. J. Dominato, villi outturn bottle; teaj 75c a pound; honey, 2 pounds for 35c, are a few of many specials displayed in Card party, Catholic Hall, Thursday, February 8, 8 p.m. Conrad P-TA Valentine Masquerade Party, Conrad School, ert & McCaffery monthly meeting of the board Sheardowns windows. (32c) ZJimeiu ECIPES of school, trustees, which was to R LIMITED have been held tonight, is postponed for one week. February 10, 8 p.m. 120th H.A.A. Valentine Dance, I February 10, Armories. -Air Pc uiien R. E. Mortimer will shortly be Canadian Lsgion card party, ATTENTION Home Owners Modernize Your Home Now moving his real estate and in February 14. United Church Valentine tea, if -lrriuais surance office from the present location on Second Avenue to premises on Third Avenue recently vacated by R. E. Rupert Club May Have New Home Salmon A La Quebec V2 lb. can of salmon 2 cups mashed potatoes, hot chopped parslev. 2 tbs. butter white sauce, 2 cups Flake salmon, strain liquor. Make a white sauce mot too thick, for it will thicken up in the oven). Add salmon and liquor Mrs. L. M. Greene's, February 15. Rupert Rod and Gun banquet, February 15. (p) Legion masquerade party Fri- Air Pnhrnaru Ifi To Vancouver (today) Mrs. Hanley, Mrs. Pihera, Master K. Pihera; E. L. Bouitby, W. F. Gorrie, G. Milburn, Mr. Rambo, B. Cameron, A. C. Bartlett, W. R: Bonnycastle, Mr. Slingerly, ir. urich, D. B. Dixon, Mr. Far-quhar, N. B. Aitkin, ,T. H. Stev- ALL YOU NEED, TO ISE OL'R Mrs. J. R. Brown, mother of ;ir,ro,i a.hnni p.ta card line Itupert I W. Farquhar. Rev. fend G. Naylor, Van- HOME IMPROVEMENT FINANCE PLAN IS A GOOD CREDIT STANDING T. W, Brown K.C., and A. B.I -,,, Pphrnarv lfi. n.m. Brown, local barristers, arrived ! r Princ Rupert Shrine Club ana Mrs. ainosKi, I to sauce, and mix. Salt and pep The Prince Rupert Club may ens and F. Frey. soon have a new home. At thei From Vancouver (yesterday) annual meeting of the club last F Archer .i Patwtt .t rati J mine city on tne Prince George iBand conccrti March 2. dtte City. this morning ifrom Vancouver. ANY AMOl'NT up to $2000.00 may be financed. I aymenis arc due monthly, and you can have up to 24 months to pay. Hi. Patricks Tea and card per to taste. Butter an ovenproof dish, and fill with salmon mixture. Completely cover the mixture with finely mashed pota- ice "Brown, mother night it was decided to, move s. Lindsay, Mr. Endrldge, J. Be Js taking up residence H Down payments arc not necessary. party, Catholic Hall, March 17. The King Edward School P-TA 5t A. Bruce Brown,', " ""c 1 "i uie cam, a. cameron, a. u bouii- ""T"; ,""Z'. White Elephant sale and tea, toes, if possible through a pastry . ik. Dria westeiuiaver biock ai me cor- I bee, J, Farquhar, C. Anderson, S. "ZT "' . city on the Prince ner of Second Aven d j j . Mrs. Ed. Boulter have moved , . . ,. - tn mi r a riot- hnmo . .... ... I , T e tube for added touch of glamour. Garnish with dots of butter and .. cv. , - ' 'lm jeeas lo lne X5an "l street to the second floor of the From Vancouver (vesterriav) , Apartment here. j formef Canadia bulld I , FZZZ" xl Commerce lying quarters. Various improvements which can be financed under this Plan are as follows: Attic rooms, adding rooms, re-roofing, new flooring, modernizing kitchens, bathroom; making basement rooms, etc. vlarch 15, at 2 p.m. Orange Ladies' tea and sale, March 21. Cathedral spring sale, March 29 finely chopped parsley. Brown in oven, and servehot. Serves 4. Tr,h. rv.i HiThi ir tea and consummation of final arrange-1 ' . , , menu, the Legion premises will ' 7? "w lye2fr'ay) T Mrs' E- MarU"' Mr3' w- Buss(!y- be laktn over on a 10-year-lease , salt. Masonic Temule. March 22. Grand organizer for the Ben basts. Legloa Auxiliary Spring Sale, evolent Protective Order of Elks ADril 4. IS fnr the Dominion. P. A. Mique- Credit can be arranged very easily by simply calling in at our office and filling out the special application form wc have. PHILPOTT, EVITT & Co. Ltd. A committee consisting of Gecrfit.' Mitchell, W. F. Stone, A. D. Vance, A. B. B.-own and W. J. W.U.i'.M. Spring bazaar, April lon arrived in the city today on 20. - 'the' Prince George. He will be St. Peter's Spring Sale, April here arj0Ut io days. I Scott was appointed ta proceed with nego tiations with the 2B. For action use News classitieds. Konja rra. Ilay Phone 651 BUILDING SUPPLIES COAL f M1MI1EK tie and Scott McLaren. Reports for the year, showing the club to be in a healthy condition, were presented as follows: Auditor R. E. Mortimer. House A. B. Brown. Eutertainment W. F. Stone. Membership W. J. Scott. Building G. C. Mitchell. The Prince Rupert Club now has a total membership of 59. Latest affiliations are with YOU'LL LIKE fini should know how tood tastes when fia-uh Gj I man's mustard la nd. Prepare it in rt) kitchen easily; $im- P. F. "DIGESTIVE" The club elected officers lor the year as follows: President W. D. Lambic. Vice-President Harry Hanson. Secretary A. B. Brown. Directors W. J. Scott, G. C. w the directions on ... a slightly sweet meal biscuit suitable for serving on so many . Write to Keckitt & I Canada) Ltd., Station . clubs in Portland, Oregon, and i Mitchell, W. F. Stone, A. D. Occasions. iq i., Montreal lor Vance, J. T. Becket, T. M. Chris- !Amarillo, Texas. . . . Housekeeping . EGGS, ANY DAY IN ANY WAY, TIPS AND FACTS ABOUT THEM ? iree recipe oook "Culinary Art". felt a II v FISH COOKING ' EXPERT --Miss Edith L. Elliot, outstand-int Canadian home economist, whose appointment as chief of the Home Economics Section of the federal Department of Fisheries has been announced by Fisheries Minister R. W. Mayhew. She will be responsible for the co-ordination of the work of the Department's home economists, and also for the extension of the efforts being directed through the Department's test kitchen to inform Canadian housewives of the proper methods of buying, preparing and serving fish, shellfish and other fish We have just received a new shipment of SAVAGE & WRAGG CHILDREN'S SHOES Free X-Ray Fitting! That, natural food . sealed In I their travols, from the hen to the nature's own package, the egg,' dealer but, when the egg reaches is the answer to many a meal the consumer's hands sometimes problem at this V me of year not samfi care ,g giyen There are finite a few points to consider in buying eggs and In Whenever possible, consumers this connection home economists should buy eggs from merchants give a few tips and state a few wrw, keep them under refrigera-facts. All egRs sold on the retail tion. Dryness and heat are two markets of Canada must be factors which cause the uality graded Al. A. H or C. So look for 0f eggs to deteriorate rapidly so the grade mark when you buy! to avoid having this happen in While Grade AE eggs are the the home, store them in a tool highest oualitv thev are not gen- place, preferably the refr'.gtva- FASHION FOOTWEAR j Try Digestive with Ipitality ond pod Food" i old cheese. 25 ; Our Our First First Aim Aim PRINTING If All Illftl (it "fvmip" moh'im pro f 8 OZ. TACKtl PEEK FREAN'S MAKERS OF I I" I" fur fur Orders Orders I I Take Take (tut Out I erally available because they are tor. As egg shell is porous, eggs marketed only by inspected should not be waslwd until just farms operating under a special before they fire going to be used, permit from the Canada Depart- otherwise the natural protective nient of Agricultuie. GraHe A is ; covering on the egg will be rathe highest grade commonly sold j moved, with the result that to the consumer. Both Grade Al j strong flavors or odors may land Orarie A are sold in three ; nenerate inside the shell. Highest Qyality Experience Versatility i PURPOSES odore Cafe Best-known m M I P V flj home remedy to V I 0 wi9 relieve distress is J VAPORUB e'Ti I . sizes according to weight asl Eggs play an important part Large, Meduim and Pullet. Next jn the dailv meals because they in cmalltv comes Grade B and are one of the comrjarattvely few next C. However, Grade C eggs PxcM'ent sources of proteins and are rare'v seen on we aanuiun nicy iahiuiuuuc -c. Dibb Printing Co. market. Both Grade B and Grade C eggs are sold In two sizes only, PHONE 231 BESNER BLOCK T.nrt;' and Medium. The sires, Laree, Medium and Pullet are pllv based on the weiehts of the ea"s per dozen according to government standards. " Large i VI -R VICTORIA 8 P.m., Chiicotin lay, 12 Noon tain minerals and vitamins to th diet. Prerjared in a great' varletv of ways they may be alternated with meat, fish and poultry as the main dish of any meal. This is a simple souffle recipe from the" files of the Consumer Section. Canada Department of Agriculture. UP-TO-THF-iVHNUTE 1 10-oz. can condensed cream of mushroom or celery soup 4 egg yolks egg whites Heat soup. Add slnwlv to bent- YES NOW IS THE TIME to make those REPAIRS or ALTERATIONS. 'ailmxiin STKWAKT ANI pkcs must weigh not less than 24 ounrws ner dozen, Medium eggs must weigh 22-24 ounces per divs-en. Grade Al Pullets 20-22 ounces ner dozen and Grade A Pullets 1R-22 ounces rer dn?en. Canadian consumers are indeed c'R-fuliv nrotecteri on the two'points, oua'ity and size, when it comes to huvliiE eggs Naturally, each Everything ... for the Kitchen Pots Pans Dish Cloths Towels Kitchen Tools Paper Serviettes Emery Paper Sand Pafier T SIMPSON w We arc in a position to offer you our personal attention in assisting you Ipamnsun, 11 p.m. en egg volks. Cool. Fold Into the grade has its purpose and home ,,,K'H U!EEN "TTK ISLANDS Chiicotin 5luu'y 2 and 16 t a P.m. HJTn QUKKN fTTK ISLANDS' Stove Polish with ORIGINAL DESIGNS and PLANS. We win esrimare our costs at your own home. . 4 PHONE TODAY FOR SERVICE! Plume Klne 446 or Green 232 Wc Will Call on You Penguin Hobby Shop DESIGNERS AND IU ILDERS OF MODERN FIRNITI RE Corner of Sixth Avenre and Fu'ton Street . mum 0 and 23 " P.m. linkers should use Grade Al or stiffly beaten ese whites. Pour Orad-3 A eggs for poaching, fry- Into a buttered baking dish and in?, boiling, omelets and souffles.! oven-poach in a moderate oven, hut. may use the Grade B eggs in 350"F.. nr-nnt. 50 minutes or until baking or in puddings and , firm. If desired the souffle may sauces. I be baked in six individual cas- Everyone knows that it is of serotes in a moderate oven, 350' the utmost importance to give F.. about 40 minutes unW careful consideration to the firm.YHd: R servings. This mav handling of eggs, all through be served with a cheese sauce. K J. SfIVXTI.. , Rupert Agent 1IUU , 'nue Phone 568 I