Today 7:15 Only "MOTHER DIDN'T TElU, Also "WHERE THE SIDEWjK Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, February 7, 1951 Problems Of Pacific To D..,J Kitimat Is Economical WASHING TON The Nechako-Kitimat site for the Aluminum Co. of Canada s tiew aluminum M Prince Rupert Woman Could Claim Vast British . Estate A Prince Rupert woman could also lay claim to a share in the "Angell Millions," a great estate in industrial London, reference to which was made in a dispatch from London in the Daily News last week. Mrs. Robert Nesbitt, however, 'MIJO, Be Discussed WASHINGTON f Prime Minister Sidney Holland of New fcste nif.ii ins rnnsen because it is ;.. in.,itarapnnwpr Zealand . announced that twin " m or . 7 '-4 pp .....j. : i - ! me most toiiiuui. " t- . site to be found anywhere," R. E. subjects of the Japanese peace Powell president, of the Alumin-1 treaty and Pacific alliance will um Co', of Canada, told a United ' be discussed with John Fust.?r States congressional sub-corn- Dulles on his forthcoming visit j mitte investigating the aluminum to Australia and New Zealand. , Thurs. to Sat. 7 - 9:15 Sat. Mat. 8-4:20 t fismism ) YARNS picture. ' Holland told a press conference . "No representative of our group that he thought Japan wouittj-. i of companies has negotiated with have to be a member of tl'eifcJinCl VrOSDV tho it s eovernment Pac fie Pact togetner wnn unuvu i Havea anyone m " Sold Locally by I WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE toward the accomplishment of States, Australia and New Zeui-; XACjr Pomnro our . aluminum aluminum development dcvciuiuuuh in and. but he declined to nsme fVlUOi rUlllall-C what other countries he thoi'ght. r C ." he said. Nine new nongs and magnifi has little hope of ever sharing in the estate which has been in chancery for many years. "It would cost more than I could ever raise to fight the case," she told the Daily News. Already thousands of pounds have been sDent by other relatives without success. i Mrs. Nesbitt, the former Ada Allery, is the daughter of the late George S. Allery of London, England, who died on January 21 last. George Allery was a cousin of William Allery who spent fifty years in pressing his claims as a descendant of John Angell who died In 1784 and left the vast estate. William Allery nearly beggared himslf in trvlnu to establish his claim to the estate and died before it could be brought to court. Since William Altery died In 1928, other descendants of John "The U.S. Government has should join heen informed of what could be . cent dancing embellish Bing Good Mej CITY CAFE CFPR flADIO DIAL 1240 Kilocycles Crosby's "Mr. Music which Is Hie feature picture being offercl on the screen of the Capitol Theatre here this Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The bi? musical with song, dance ' and romance boasts a talented cast with Nanry Olson, Charles Co-burn and Ruth Hussey match Bulkley Milk High Quality clone in the way of development1 in Canada. The project can be built at costs lower than we have been able to anticipate any place else." The first stage (150,000 metric tons i of the project, can be built within three years at an esti RADIO & APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE OAS AM) ELECTRIC RANGES Photic Blue !!J PACIFIC ELECTRIC (Subject to Change) tests carried out by Regular FULL COURSE MlJ mated $205 millions, , the wic whole m.u.v. ing the Crosby perform'ince . Rnncrt Hpalth Unit On PROGRAM HIGHLIGHT Senator Carina Wilson will be a special speaker at 3:15 (500,000 metric tons) "-7-frnn, the! milk shipments from th. project " ' - while interesting guest stars ar 'Oroucho Marx, Ppggy Lee, the within five years and costing an o t,n.Hn continue tn to show show .J -i i . w t rOkfi millions 1 1 ,1rno ..t p.m. Thursday on the occasion I or Phone Blue?: FOR TAKE Ol'TORK additional $350 bacterial Merry Macs and Dorothy Kir-j 'a remarkably small The Nechako-Kitimat site ; Angell have endeavored to establish claims to the estate. Nearly 30 years ago th Ange'.l estate was valued at 60,000,000 content. sten. "Mr. Music" casts Crosby as a snnewrlter who sDcnds more of "tne most economical targe powC,, sanitarian Armine Boas yes-site to be found anywhere Cost terd gaid aU milk Sent l0 him his time on golf course and !n 1 .Ttimate night clubs than at a piano. This' FRAMES! FRAMES! Come In and choose one for that Christmas Photo. We carry a large line of l'p-To-Date Mouldings WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing 320 Third Ave. W. (about $180.000.000t with an an-: ' nual rental income of approxi-1 ' mately 1,000.000. I j The estate has been vested in Toutine. of course, leaves him kwh; for the final stage (1.6 John h. BULGE .,,. v, at th! . : -.:.;J ...... caaiy in neea 01 iuiiu . V will ,11 k be one mill n m-r per kir kwhr. pm"'uwarauK 1 c wh , geU'from producer " Charles than two hours t turn e I condition he though company s Quebec , aeain. he said. But the milk o ,h ! the Ecclesiastical Commission for i more than 100 years. of the Women's World Day of Prayer. WEDNESDAY- -P.M. 4:00 Jimmy Shields 4:15 Music by Goodman 4:30 Maggie Muggins 4:45 Stock Quotations & Int. 4:55 CBC News 5:00 International Comty. 5:10 Rawhide b: 30 Prelude to Dusk 5:45 The Question Box 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Freddy Martin & Orch. 6:3d -Muscal Varieties 6:45 Saddle Rockin' Rhythm 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup , . u 1 . ,. . .....1. a Coburn hlre Nancy Olson to! Lsplomeliii PUWCI UCVClUjJlllv-llV Lyuiu 1IUII1 U1C XJUllViCJf lli.J v panded by another 250,000 hp more than 24 hours, showing an check on Bing's activities and to j COUGAR KILLER Ed McLean, 63-year-old Vancouver Island trapper, won a hand-to-claw battle with a hunger-crazed cougar In the dark of his lonely cabin 45 miles north of Campbell River after the mountain lion crashed through a window. McLean managed to grab a butcher knife and mortally wounded the animal. He walked to a second cabin In his night clothes and phoned for help. In Campbell River hospital, he is recovering from lacerated arms, shoulder and right ear. (CP PHOTO) err ace project, and more quicKiy, Aican extremely line quality, i considers "it is ImDortant to gee j Fourteen shippers are being ja start in a new locality where ,testedi ne gaia, and all are ship-there can be further large expan- lng tne fmest quality milk. Utr,,, nniflciv if the emergency. John Bulger b; keep him working Instead ot gadding about with glamorous Ruth Hussey. The plan proves successful, but a hitch develops when the hsow Is completed Coburn Is unable to find backfn for it. But Miss Olson saves the dav when she arranges a snecial Quielfij 'Wedded Third Avcr.a St. Andrew's Anglican Cathe AMBITIOUS BUILDERS STRATFORD. Ont. ! Forty- 7:30 Pianist Denis Matthews! Eauipment and materials which would have to come from u tt c ii.milrl ronrpspnt nnlv 5 dral was the scene of a quiet REAL ESTAT! Jai faring for Ladies and Gentlemen : LING the tailor I M Club here have . h i t.h nrnipct ! Model Airplane INSURANCE INCOME TA! 8:00 Albert Herring 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News Round-up 10:15 The Comic Strip 10:30 Canadian Concert il:00--.'eather Report U:0G,-Sien Off THUfUSDAl AM 7:00 Musical Clock RETURNS PRE? 01 t e iui "t" '"I ! their own workshop where they MUZ S from flying of steel 2400 build everything tons tons'of 01 aiuminTm aluminum and nu 4' f tons -ucers to model airplanes with U'cal a seven-foot wing.spread. Appre- r.f copper. Heavy t equipment such generators h and transformers would be pio- hr,h, Responsible Journalism SOURCE MATERIAL? Daniel Defoe's "Robinson Crusoe" is thought to have been Inspired by "El Crltlcon" written bv Baltazar Marales who died l:i 1658. R. E. Mortiwf 324 2nd Aft. (Ncai1 Phone 649 220 Sixth St rfn-H in Canada). I w""' ; marriage late Saturday afternoon when Miss Violet Watzke 'and Kenneth Lawrence Earl, 'both of Terrace, were united by !Rev. Canon Basil S. Prockter. 'Witnesses of the ceremony were Miss Sarah Richmond and Milton Hansen. I Following the ceremony a reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hanson, Herman Street, where the occasion was fittingly celebrated with toasts and the cutting of the wedding cake. '; The couple left on Monday evening's train for Terrace where they will make their home, the groom being engaged in saw-milling there. 8:00 CKC News 8 :-10 Here's Sill Good 8:15 Morning Song j 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Little Concert VICTORIA- "Newspaper work gives a person a continuing education," Stuart Keate, publisher of the Victoria Daily Times, told members of the Women's Canadian Club here . A TEST OF PUBLIC OPINION Luxury Stcomcr Prince George 2o 'IJou Want "It is a lob that never gets dull ." he said, "and is most highly entertaining and satisfying, j particularly so when a newsaper Artificial Ice made available has done something for the good of the community it serves. "When, after investigation of I BRISTOL, ENGLAND (? Bon I Headman stood in a lineup all . .I.,. Ihn fapts a ngnar lu vVinc nnf f; r. sports in Prince Rupert? 9:00 BBC News and Com'ty 9:15 Music for Moderns 9:30 Morning Concert :59 Time 8lgnal 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30- Melody Time 10:45 Invitation to the Waltz 11:00 Kindergarten of the Air 11:15 Roundup Time 11:30 Weather Rrport il:31 Message Period 1 1:33-Recorded Interlude 11:45 Scandinavian Melodies 12:UU M:d-iJay Mcrud.. - 12:15 CRC News i SAILS FOR Vancouver ami Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT l uxury at lxw Cost For Reservations Mavis Jones, to buy a dress at 'essly for what It believes to be a sale Mavis couldn't eet in the , common good. That is what is meant by responsible journal ism." queue herself she was busy serving in the store. 3 a vov wm y, W w jew .tr;,! Titling his address, "History in a Hurry-News," Mr. Keate A combinotion skatinn and curling rink-1 IUI llliy KJIUJ. Ice for curling only? I 12:25 Program Resume '. compared the different metheds of United States and Canadian newspapers in getting Information "up off the pages and into I the minds of the readers;" the approach employed by newsmen of the two countries and the yub- I Ushers' viewpoints. Write or Call CITY OK DKPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUriiRT, BC. f. ' ,., . ; ? f mi hi n 1 n i n. 3 sfiSjf VUtmld I011 (Ouch Junum i I "Just as our Canadian culture 12:30 B. C .fcirm Broadcast 12:.r)5-Rec. Int. 1:00 Ine Concert Hour 1:30 Musical Program 1:45 Deeds That Live. Comty 2:00 B.C. School Broadcast 2:30 - Records at Random 2:45 At Home With Your Daughter , ; 1 3: 00 -The Music Box 3:15 World Day of Prayer 3:30 Listener's Choice A two-thirds size hockey surface at $75,00-A regulation size hockey surface at $250,(W in things like books, music and art. is to the development stage, so it is with our journalism," he said. "More and more Canadian newspapers are adopting an in- rlnnnHon nHitnrial rwlinv mill.-I i (Signed I NAME ADDRESS ( Postal and sw Student 1 11 Adult ... . Mail to Dally News, Ice Arena Poll ICE PAINTBRUSH Winter has turned Vancouver's Stanley Park into an icy fairyland. The swan seems a bit unhappy about the Army Study Group Starts ( Please check1 ting themselves of the old party lines and lashing out in the public Interest when they see fit, MANY PROBLEMS Mr. Keate pointed out that no narar Is ncrfect and one ever will be as long as they have to (CP PHOTO) frozen duck pond and fountain. A comfortable congregation i I gathered in the junior room of combat deadlines and write torv (n a hurry. the Salvation Army Citadel last man In spite of world-wide press services and TV. "The art of communication is not a lost art, it is an art to be discovered," he concluded, "and by the tantalizing flashes, the ciiHrlnn lllnmin Q t inIT lluhf fin i nfr night for the first of three study groups entitled "I Believe." - I "But on its primary assignment, the publication of the facts of what happened today. I think that the Canadian press as a The scripture lesson last night 1 A-;'A-1 - . was read by Mrs. H. W. Timms. ! Can), W.p. Poulton led the study whole gets more than a passing sUq which SQme mfin havu grade," he said. group on "The Fact that the Lord Jesus Christ Is the Son of 1 rind ' magically managed to evoke, we know that the art is there to be He listed some of the prob Don't Wait-- lems the press had to face every icarne(j the magic is there, "nous Tnpison will read th waiting o be tamed." uay, wnai jacus 10 presenr, h.h hnw .n nrpspnf t.hpm nnrl tVip i message at the meeting tonight Lubricate Adequate lubrication 0 Seagram's Sure Seagrams HV.O." ScapjimV "83" . Seagram's Croum Royal Seagrams King's Plate Seagram's Special Olf charges of bias, misrepresen- j ' tation and irresponsibility that, UNIQUE PROPOSAL sometimes come up. j CHESTER. N.S. f This Nova "Journalism, like modern man Scotia resort town has passed a now, may save you bia reDair bill in the himself, has the tools, not to resolution statin? that nunprs nf future. Drive up today finish the Job, but to attack it," boarding houses should post a he pointed out, "and it hasn't as bond for any roomer iikelv to yet more than begun to find out become a public charge. Legal how 'o use these tools. 1 officials, who say the proposal "What, the press Is really is unique, doubt that it will ever guilty of Is lack of art." he become law. added, and then exnlaincd thati . To make ownin'i a car e. real delight, let us attend to all its needs. Thi advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of m the raw material of lournallsnv F r o p e r service cuts driving costs in the r3vCHlcJ BLONDIE The Thin Man lout run. SOUTH PACIFIC MONARCH Queen Salote is the well-loved monarch of the Kingdom of Tonga in the South Pacific, a British protectorate for 50 years. The 51 -year-old, six not, one in-h queen is proud of the tiny country's ties with the Commonwealth, which she has strengthened in her 33-year reign. She is a direct descendant of a distinguished chief who founded the Tui Kanoku-buld dynasty In about 1610. Due largely to her efforts, Tonga lives up to its alternative name The Friendly Isles. (CP PHOTO 1 wmh OKpTTnTT'i III PP' ( OAGWOOt) OAGWOOO HELP HELP WHAT'S THE is human life and the process journalism attempts is to translate human life Into words. Describing journalism as "a loose term." the speaker said It was hard to be exact about the tine where Journalism ends and literature begins. Until the art of writing is mastered, he said, man will not know how to communicate with If I OOl'T BELIEVE " V PEAi?V MDPE THIS MANY S. , CLOTHES WHEN HE OiSCOVECED ) V , THE NORTH POLE . yrrrJ- HE5 THE LITTLE ! L iS?" dvS FAT m STANDING I I fV, lbJ,3i THE SOFA M ATTFC TOO OTP WITM COLO TO P1.AV OUTDOORS? HIS THINGS r 4- 5 (! I J J . 7 A . IT Smart Motorists Rush to . . . SUPERIOR AUTO SERVICE LTD THE PLACE OF BETTER USED CARS Third and Park Aves. Phone Green 217 LA mm It's SERVICE You Want Phone 383 CABS' rv 3 1 I V y .'.''J5 mmm.