1 i i ii i 'i " "" f"''S'",!'l "Ma. - 1 I illinium. I, ,i. i mi inM - - r l no Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, October 11, 1951 HERE and NOW jvmwL L.-:v,- - r,v ;:n; , totem SATlj Hi "The Mostest 01 The Bestest" In Yo'd Goods WALLACE'S POLICY GUARANTEES SAVINGS Wallace's go direct to Montreal and Toronto to buy yard Rods al the lowest 1 .sible p ices Your cost is as low and in many cases lower than out-of-town price.. WALLACE'S Department Store By LARRY STANWOOD CCC STANDS FOR Columbia Cellulose Company, but It's also Ihe name of a brand new organization. : 1 1 h o u g h differently tianslatcd. The 300 Club was torn, d several weeks ago by CCC employees who feel they are here to slay and want to Ink' pivi in the social, spoit. and cultural activity ot the community. The club now boasts 60 raem-be-s and it's increasing day by day. says Bill Halliwell, treasurer. Aiic' here is how the club hopes to contribute to community t . i . " - inti.li, ' ' I lDf.R BiirHtNAN . una mtt ?. Vw-JL? I 4"l Evenings Shows? V S , ' ... K - 1 Today lo Saturday afurdoy Mot, 21 First of all, in sport. 300 Club intends to jponsor a basketball team this year. Its own bowling league aluady has been formed but a team is to be entered in the city leagues as well. . In the field of summer sports. the club intends to sponsor both! PRIZE MUSKIE STURGEON FALLS, Ont. CP1 Clarence Loder of Buffalo proved that the "big ones" were biting in Lake Nioissing. Fishing with four friends from Buffalo he 9 hook.'d and landed a 38-pound a Softball and a baseball team FRINCESS'S BEDROOM Bedroom at Rideau Hill where Princess Elizabeth will sleep while guest of til.' Governor-Gen eral and Lady Alex indra. The furniture is old mahogany with walls a delicate pink and ceiling pale yellow. The gry ol the floral design in the pink glazed chintz of the window draperies is enchanced by the coffee color. of the broadloom rug. tCP from National Defence) next year. muskellunge, S t r e t c h 1 n g 49 f i WALLI inches "But we have quite a lot of talent, not only in sport but also in the arts." Mr. Halliwell, one of the organizers, assured and so an amateur uianiatic group has been formed, as' well as a choral singing group. In the future, with the aid of these two depart- As I See It JUVENILE SPORTS MONTREAL (P Nearly 9,000 athletes from pee-wee to juvenile category, in 500 teams, now are carrying the banner of the Mon- PETERS Hatllo b TV Ptrst IN PERSO' Qt SHIPS AND WATERFRONT me"ts' club lntends to Pre group has provided several city I'MVII ,11, championship teams, especially jn baseball, but participate in a r I neatly an earthquake for him to win. Still, he's Just a boy, so to speak. If he does well, Labor will surely give him a good fighting elt next time. ' AT THE DISSOLUTION of Parliament, a few days ago, the longest-service MP retired. He was the Earl of Winterton, -who 47 years ago went down from Oxford to a county constituency to run as a Tory. To his and everybody's astonishment he was elected and has sat there con CCC V Elmore Pluffwll w ide range of sports (THE 300 CL 1 i BUDGET STRETCHER IN THE SOCIAL BRACKET, club members will get together I for the sake of acquainting , themselves with one another at informal parties and for promoting friendship with members of CNS Prince George arrived at 10 a.m. Wednesday from Vancouver with 60 passengers, 32 of whom disembarked here, the rest going on to Ketchikan at midnight. Those disembarking here were Mi. Johnson, W. Deans. John Bulger, Mrs. S- D. Johnston, Mrs. Leland, Mrs. J. Morln, Mrs. V. Smith, Mrs. S. Cook, Miss INAUGURAL BA Politics as a Career the community generally. This Friday, for instance, a dance and show with a huge welcome mat as a vanguard will kick off the season's activity of the club. tinuously since. The British are very senti- iBy Invitation Only i thins LONDON, One that strikes the ana- there were many moist eyes at THE ARMOURIt J.tL1 also is in ?.r0gra,m f dian Visitor as marking a e-nd .alhef!a" ' children, W. McKay J. Pearson. education tho offing ;!. i; I 89.50 0M Full-Size Circulator! L. H. Arnold. Mr. and Mrs. Ram great difference between words in that historic chamber. but plans are still tentative and say, W. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. D. Davidson, Mrs. Morrison, A. Phll- more will be said about them at our politics and the Brit Friday Oct. 12th . DANCING STARTS 9:30 To Wallie's-Famous Radio Orchestra FOWER-FUL NORWAY Upson. G. McKay. Mr. and Mrs. ish is the way they nuie their prospective MPs. OSLO f Celebrating its 50th C. D. Trotter, Mr. and Mrs. Han- A BIG I'ROJECT which will of anniversary the Association of sen. Ester Ryan, Miss L. web- j necessity be confined to company employees only, on which the club will begin work soon, is a giant Christmas party for the children tot all company In Canada, as we all know, It Norwegian electric generating ; sier, Mrs. Siemens, uavia oiiuui, is very difficult for an outsider plants received a report showing Mrs. J. P Crosby, Mr. and Mrs. to get elected from a district annual production of electric P. Wilson. where he does not live. There power is now more than 17,000,-1 are exceptions to this rule, of 000,000 kilowatt hours, highest) course. Great leaders like Mac- per capita production of electric! If you want to sell it, advertise NEWS ADS get RESU PLUMBING and HEATING "But other than such projects, kenzie King can get themselves power in the world. it. News classified. we want to merge our activities i pipped in x iiikB Prin A as nu.cn as pn.sime wnn mat ot ;bert, Saskatchewan! which are! Mr. Halliwell thousands of miles from their 1 th-3 Civic Centre,' states. Smart new "Imperial" styling, rirh brown finish. Exclusive j Dual Chamber Burner gives more heat from '-ery drop of oil. Money-saving "Waste Stopper, Automatic Draft Minder. Fully Coordinated Controls. Power-Air Blower for forced-circulation optional at extra cost. Complete line of Duo-Therm Oil H eaters for 1 to 6 rooms. Buy on terms at GORDON 8, ' . ANDERSON Spreadthe good news from Kiai The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know own homes. Also, in big cities ' like Montreal, Toronto,' Vancou- ver or Winnipeg, candidates can ! and do get elected in different local constituencies from those , in which they live. j But that Is about as far as Canadian voters are willing to ; go to stretch the unwritten rule Executives of the club are: Dan Doswell, chairman. Fred Adamcs, vice-chairman. Bill Halliwell, treasurer. Miss Agnes Mack, secretary. Oh?n Bennett, sports commit tee. PHONE 174 music and drama tnat tne MP must have his home t Ray Sahlen director. Massy in the riding he represents. Gerry Estey, in charge of so-j cial activity. Fiir Repairs and Alterations Smith &Elkins Ltd. u I HAVEN'T HAD a chance to! analyze the final figures for j this British election. But look-1 ing them over I ain astonished 1 to see how few of the neonle I P O. Box 274 I If you want to sell it, advertise it. - News classified. n n o n rdTHE BESTl 'aClffi QuautyL running really reside in the districts they hope to represent. Here in this -'tight little isle" the voters are obviously less locally jealous than we are in withaflavor"sweetasclovefl : Craftsmanship In Type... Let Us Solve Rnv Pjikir twin ?i y8 v "S Canada. Hence scores of MPs get elected from places where ! they do not live and, in fact, I would not live. j You even see Englishmen get- ting themselves elected from ' Scotland not to mention, of i course, the much more familiar sight of Scots being elected in England. ! HERE IN BRITAIN Just about! anybody who wants to mak? : politics a career can do so. .1 In both the Conservative an 1 1 Labor parties the thing to do Is i : to join the party. . You work in the "machine." You make speeches in the I campaigns, at the places which1 ,are not very important. Then if i rlrinit-UVinfColal r" . 1 - -' 'Your Piinrinq Problems lux w tht rtjulil CUHH'W)' P1 Uff' l'HONK 231 Dibb Printing Co. UliS.M R i;i.ot K Always Leading With the Best in Watches you snow any aptitude for the work, the party (either party) will give you a nomination at Sfy rVWAJ CCtWK ( C" y colncnd, vV .rtj JjStfrSS C YoM' Moncy Bfltk"' m ftp ,; -.-'1--'-- the next election. You have to "work your way up" so to speak. STEAMER Prince George .They get you the nomination, in some riding where you haven't got much chance to be elected. Pre Apple Day Sale SAILS FOR Vancouver ami Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDMGII I of But if you do not too badly first time up, they switch you over to better and better ones. In two or three elections any capable, sincere young person has a good chance to work up to a constituency which he or she has a good chance to win and hold. I MET a nice 'Edinburgh Tory lass by name of Janet Murray, who is running in one of the Dundee seats. This is her second try. Maybe If there Is a Exclusive new blending of the bashing Luxury at Low Cost For Reservations "'..: " t. - I perfected by Kntft wakes Parkay taste even better llutn before! Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, APPLES Buy your apples from any member of the Gyro Club and they will be delivered before Hallowe'en. All proceeds for Gyro Playgrounds &u: t j. dfM Parka y even more Treat your family . . . ttcat yourself ,her ana Freshness guaranteed by Kraft . . . t6 what we believe is the finest flavor is n big swing over to the Tories this time she will make it. Maybe not but if she does well as a party fighter for the second time they are Just about sure to put her in a seat where she can win next time. Here on the outskirts of London young Norman Mackenzie, of the New Statesman and Nation, is running as Labor. The seat he is trying is pretty solidly Tory and it would take pretty actually swutauM Buy Parkay today at margarine ever made in Canada!1 Kraft's special new blending of the basic ingredient now makes oJIUvo"' 'Classifieds in the Daily News , spread bring quick results.