We Hurry Taxi~-Phone 99 Ope Governor First Plate ditions, the Shipbuilding Era at This Inaugurated by His Excellency; Description of the Vessels and Something about the Plant and Staff. | | | The first steel plate of the first big ship to be built in Prince Rupert was laid on Saturday afternoon by the Governor General, is Excellency the Duke of Devonshire. The slip was all ready, the keel blocks were in place and the plate, number 151, was suspended above its proper position by A temporary platform had been erected for the t deahivede ots ted that Pe ae seats for the guests, the whole being rerebarss sacgpicss, Srcmsggpe bas Dots seg monger f pulley blocks. pccasion with ith the fags of the Allies and the sun was shining gloriously, nabling the erowds to gather to enjoy the occasion. On the platform with His Excellency was the Duchess of Devonshire and her daughter, Lady Dorothy Cavendish, Mayor nd Mrs. McClymont, H. McCall, general superintendent of the G. T. , and Mrs, MoeGail; F. F. Scheilenberg, vice-president and general anager of the Prince Rupert Drydock & Engineering Co., and Mrs. | hellenberg; J. H. Pillsbury, superintendent of the drydock; A. R.| ayne, chief engineer, and Mrs. Jayne; Judge Young, Major McMullin, | lex Manson, M.P.P., and Mrs. Manson, and representatives of | @ press. The Mayor’s Welcome. : : Mayor McClymont in introducing the Governor said that when e railway was built it had been planned to make Prince Rupert a at terminus. it was 500 miles nearer the Orient than any other pint on a railway in Canada and there was every reason to be piimistic regardifG the-®eture. Matters of great import across the ater had, however, interfered somewhat with the ordinary course development. The shipyard had been idle for over four years. His worship said that Prince Rupert was designed to become not ly a great shipping port but a great shipbuilding port. The preseniai.ve of His Majesty had consented to perform the keel ying ceremony and he thought it would be the forerunner of many ers. If the Governor should come here again it might be possibile at he would find several ships in course of construction on the ys here, Mr. Schellenberg Speaks. F. F. Schellenberg, on behalf of his company, spoke as follows: Sa representative of our company it gives mo great pleasure to lcome Your Excetiency to our plant and to have you officiate at the ying of our first keel. It is the first steel ship constructed in this rthern country and it is eminently fitting that the highest officer this great Dominion should inaugurate the shipping industry of P port. “Situated at the most westerly part of Canada, it is truly the leway to the Orient. This event is indeed a milestone in the de- lopment of this wonderful western country, an empire in itself. It extremely gratifying to our company to have its work initiated “er such auspicious circumstances and | want to thank you for ur Courtesy in honoring us by your presence here.” His Excellency. His Excellency the Governor, standing beside the steel plate said: thank you most heartily for being allowed to take part on such 'Mportant and interesting occasion, as the laying of the first keel the first shipyard in the city. 1 wish you all prosperity and Ccess in the new industry. May it bring further prosperity and eater Credit to this northern city. When I return to Ottawa | hope Make a suggestion to the Government of a name for he new ship. atever her name, however, | shall look forward to her successful nehing and te follow her future career.” His Excellency then dropped the plate into position and asked for ree cheers for the new ship which were heartily given and were lowed by three cheers and a tiger for the Governor. Th Description of Vessel. © ship, the first plate of which was laid and which a corres- aoe of the Daily News suggests should be called “The Canadian hei or will be 400 ft. long, 52 ft. beam, approximately 32 ft. 0 — will be of 8,100 tons and will cost approximately $1,600,- idshinn will have five cargo hatches, two fore, two aft and one Nog) of the economical cargo type she will not make great os Phe a half knots under full load being what is expected ple saben =_ have a single screw and her engines are of the Used at Sion type with three Scotch boilers, two of which will at one time. The engines will develop up to 2,800 horsepower. The werk of Staff to be Housed. lly eugmenies eee ae will continue and the staff will be grad- the ordinar rom time to time, about 500 men being employed that the ole Neen of events. The one fear of the management less steps oa | not be able to house that many men this winter neetennt ae at once to deal with the matter. The big “Se there wilt ray. is already in operation and the rooming ndred aiready a : care of about one lhiundred. There are two d more will hav Ployed at and about the works so that two hun- © men with aie cared for before long, and many of these In the . luding pe sulidiag at the shipyard, the new plant is in place, © immense Fira on. plate and angle furnace, bending slabs, Pany’s own ‘es and shears electrically driven from the the building Plant and with compressed air laid through- M addition 4} ; ation, blac 2”?! the foundry and pattern shop which is in blacksmith ® steel for the ore and pay office all complete and in use. '9 ships is already on hand to the amount of Continued on Page Six), of First Steel Ship is Put in Place by the Duke of Devonshire Saturday In Presence of Large Crowd and under Ideal Weather Con-! THE DAILY NE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MON DAY, SEPTEMBER 29. 1919. NEW CONTROL OF " FOODSTUFFS IN Latest Order Limits Profits In- stead of fixing Prices for Retaters. (Special via G. T. P. Telegrapbs. ) The Food Controller has issued fresh orders virtually restoring the war mea- regarding the distribution Port is Officially London, Sept. 29. sures of foodstuffs throughout Great Brits » This order ec es oO RUMORS OF PREMIER'S — feiroct today. “The great nem RESIGNATION UNTRUE) (oii... fest contro ct the ake tributing trades, not by fixing (Special by G.T.P. Telegraphs.) Ottawa, Sept. 29.—It ie au. prices, but by limiting profits. Dan Macdonald, who has min- ne interests around Morricetown, arrived from the last ight's train. He has been look- ing after the development of his properties during the summer months and is now on his way to Anyox, en, notwithstanding that he is ar from well, has no intention of retiring from the premiership rumored. He has contracted reumatism as the aftermath of n attach of influenza, and has Oo use crutches. east by CANADA TAKES HER PLACE AS A SIGNATORY NATION Governor General Tells of Importance of Step Taken by this Country in Becoming Party to Treaty; fine Speech of His Excellency at Canadian Club Lunch. “In the course of the next week a bill will be sent to me for signature, which declares that Canada approves the Peace my Treaty, and other proposals of the greatest conference ever known to history. In passing this measure Canada has formally taken her place among the signatory nations of the world. Canada is recognized by the world as being qualitied from the part she took in the war to be acknowledged one of the contracting parties to the great Empire.” These were the words of the Duke of document. This is a great step in the evoiution of Devonshire, Governor General of Canada, spoken to the Canadian Club when he iddressed them on Saturday . afternoon. The luncheon was/jthe most colossal error ever made was that of Germany when she given in the Prinee Rupert Hotel expected the British Empire to , Ireasi » P "e- with President Judge .oung pre fall to pieces. Canada had taken siding and a full attendance of ; part in the war voluntarily and members and guests present. It}, another ecole was one of the best luncheons| oo) oy. sver held in the city vernal. 3 Bit yo ever m o the same instantaneous and spon- Made Mistakes. }taneous response, (Applause. The Governor What was the true cause for warm-hearted welcome he and the | this feeling of unity and devotion Duchess and Lady Dorothy had | to the common cause? We were received and said he was deeply /living in times of diffieulty and sensible of the spirit of loyalty; uncertainty. Ancient land marks and unity of purpose that pre-|were disappeariag and strange dominated from one end of Can-j|theories were floating throughout ada to the otheg As a race the;the world, What enabled then British had made mistakes, but | to earry on through su@h difficult . . and trying times? The answer was found faf back in the pages T 8 | jof history when the foundations City of Prince Rupert | test and were capable of meeting jthe changing conditions which SALE OF LOTS | prevailed, ever occasion spoke of the o! representative government were ‘laid, It began in the Old Country land spread throughout the world. | British institutions had stood the For Delinquent Taxes Stood the Test. Under the present form of ‘ ill be ;eoveriinent every person had the Aboul o a oe right of making the best use he offered by pubite ¢ Genld: e hla te ee eee IN THE CITY HALL September 30 at 10 a.m. British constitutions and institu- tions had automatically grown up and had stood the test of time. Now, however, they must recog. nize the fact that their obligations went beyond the confines of the Dominion, The same problems confronted the people today that confronted the confederation fathers, They wished to see the Empire bound with closer ties, yet they wished List ef lots for sale can be obtained at the Collectors office, W. D. VANCE, Treasurer and Collectot GREAT BRITAIN s farT SANE IERO] : WS TA XI Phone 75 and 95 We Never Sleep PRINCE RUPERT AUTO 707 Second Avenue PRICY FIVE OCFNT = 3 o- | = @ — paced ou. Oo a London, Sept. 29. country. on strike. arid predicts its failure. DAWSON IS ON COUNCIL OF LIBERAL PARTY One of Seven From This Province to Get Appointment Along With Premier and Members. Vancouver, Sept. 29.—The &x- ecutive of the british Columbia Liberal Association has chosen F, Prince Rupert to represent the whole of the north- and central districts of the on the National Council of the Liberal Party. This coun- cil is ealled together from time to time to confer with the leader on matters of national moment,} and the appointment is a most mportant one. Other appointments made by he executive were Premier John liver, Victoria; M. A. Macdonald, &k. C., M. P. P., Vaneouver; Henry fall, M. P. P.. Vietoria; Charles &. Campbell, Vancouver; C,. D, VicNab, Waido, B. C., and A, Me- Kevelstoke, B. C. G, Dawson. of ern provinee iae, FINED $100 FOR SUPPLYING LIQUOR } TO TWO INDIANS Under the Indian Act, Ed. Ban- shoemaker of Fifth Street, feund guilty of supplying liquor to two Indians in the police court this morning. As this was his first offense he was dealt with leniently with by Magistrate Me- nier, Was Mordie and fined’ 100 with option of six months’ imprison ment. Evidence was given by Chief Vickers and Dominion Constable Watkinson and the use of mar} money was instrumental in conviction. The accused put up a rather remarkable story as to his possession of the money which he handed over to Constable Wat- kinson on his entering the prem- ises immediately after the alleged sale. His story, however, was not aecepted by the court, TRADES CONGRESS REFUSES SUPPORT TO STRIKE LEADERS (Special via G.T, PF, Telegraphs,) Hamilton, Ont,, Bept. 29.—The Dominion Trades and Labor Con- gress yesterday refused to accept a resolution pledging support for the eight men arrested at Winni.- veg in connection with the recent strike there, but called for a fair and impartial ‘trial for the cused men, his ac- Big Railway Strike ‘Tie up is Complete Throughout Great Britian and Leaders Declare it is Fight to Finish. (Special to The News via 6. T. P. Telegrapns.) Reports from the provinces indicate that the railway strike is practically complete in all parte of the it is estimated that more than half a million actual strikers and half a million allied workers, including clerks, are id‘e and the leaders declare the strike is a fight to a finish. unions’ strike funds are said to exceed $7,500,000, A Doncaster message announces that the shopmen at the extensive plant of the Great Northern The Railway there have gone The British press unanimously condemns the railway strike EMISSARY OF. GOVERNMENT NOW IN FIUME Received by City Without Dem-:i- stration—Alarmist rumors Current in Rome—Civil War Predicted. (Special via G. T. P. Telegraphs.) London, Se 20.—A Fiume dispateh “anddufees the aryival there of Admiral Cagni, the Ital- fan Government's emissary, and says there were no demonstra- tions by the populace of the city, who have pledged themselves to support Gabrielle D'Annuncio in seizing the city as part of Italian territory, against the decision of the Supreme Council in Paris. A dispatch received from Rome says that alarmist reports are current, item one being that civil war is emminent with the National and militarist factions on one side and the socialists on the other. Minister’s Declaration. Rome, Sept. 29.—Foreign min- ister Tittoni is expected to make a ceclaration in the Chamber to- day in reference.to the policy of the Government regarding the un- authorized occupation of Fiume ‘y the Italians under Gabrielle \nnunzio. It is forecasted that if the Chamber gives Premier Nitti a vote of confidence it will be dissolved and an election held. Did Not Threaten. Rome, Sept. 29.—An official statement issued yesterday denied that President Wilson's note on the Fiume question contained threats to Italy and declares that on the contrary, it included ex- vressions of great cordiality. ‘mong local people going south last night were 8. Mussallem, Louis Trommer and Mrs. Gold- bloom, Repair department in full swing The Family Shoe Store. if WE STHOLME Eugene Walters Famous Stage Play, “BOOTS & SADDLES” Charlie Chaplin in “The Rink” Gaumont News Admission, 35c and 15c Empress - Tonight CORINNE GRIFFITH “The Girl of Today” Pathe #ritish Canadian Gazette and a Fine Comedy Ladysm.th Coal. The best. Prince (Continued on Page Three). Rupert Coal Company, Phone 15. Admission 15 and 30 cents