j'rrie juluuin adminton in Full Swing Tnuray, uctt-bci- il iai. Join a at S and Thursday afternoons each a weeK ana are an exne ent Ladies' Leagu with 74 Active Players r Leaders keep In Position lyunx and McKay's Keep on Tup in Ladies' Bowling Leagues Again scoring "Rawhide" Exciting With powerful star appeal and performance from Tyrone Power, 8usan Hayward and their C VJVIUNTRE chance to prepare gifts for Christmas. The evening classes for adults meet on Monday and Thursday. TEEN-AGERS Teenage Civic Centre members met in the craft room on Wednesday evening and Bowling Schedule ,j( Centre badminton went into full fwinjf last j; 74 mt'iiilrt'i-s of the swelling cjUD turned out tilavinir session in i rftruav q non' CRAFT DISPLAY-In with the opening of the discussed plans for the winter 'UliH I n supporting cast, an original il I craft season at the Civic Centre sessions. Stamped belts are pop -j a display of finished projects In uiar ular ,mow among the the hw. boys again -An thi this story approach and biting dia torles, Lyons and McKay s retained leftflprVllr nf I .llr,. leathercraft and felt articles are Oct. 2 Lyons vs Dibb Printing; Skeena vs McMeekins; Clo- ' vjrleaf vs Rosa Lee; Savoy vs Lucky Strikes; Annettes vs Wra thalls; Stars V G. & A.; Toilers vs Big S'sters; Rupert Radio vs 75 Taxi; 7th Avenue Market vs Manson's; Commercials vs McKay; Sunrise vs ShentorU; Cook's vg Co-op. Oet. 3C Rupert Radio vs Shen-tem's; Sunrise vs 7th Avenue Market; Commercials vs Co-op.; Big Sisters vs 75 Taxi; Cook's Jewellers vs Manson's; Tollers vs McKays; Skeena vs Wrathalis; Annettes vs Cloverleaf; Savoy vs O. tc A.; McMeekins vs Dibb Printing; Stars vs Rosa "' Lee; Lyons vs Lucky Strikes. Bowling League in their respec p!fty cHn to the succea-B1""l) . romliw kwn u .nVe thJ f irst 8lon ln whlPn thpr """'nes are "fKn, f w nesdav listed on the board- In way, , iffl till year i ne equ.a, opportu,lU wUh tive Divisions this wtk. H!Kh sintle senrpr in "" mi. logue bound together with plenty of action and suspense, an exciting western adventure drama "Rawhide" comes to the Capitol Theatre screen here from tonight to Saturday. year as they are inexpensive and easy to make. A variety of new stamps are available now and some fine work Is anticipated. Teenage girls may attend the ciaM held Tuesday afternoons to look over the choice of articles on view in the trophy case. These articles are an example of what may be accomplished in the craft classes at the Centre. As these itemg are on loan for one week only from a Vancouver s! n was M. Lewis of Skeena Gro ,hf greui experienced players ' .... . ,. i. It is the mounting story of cery with 25J. A. Pierce, consistent as usual, had high three game aitgregat of 642. In "B" Division M. Bond of Bin 8lsters had hiiih sincrio t im-- cu" 1t ur Schedule for the first part of the Ladies' Bowling League is announced as follows: Ort. 16 Cook's Jewellers vs McKays; Shentons vg Manson's; Bunrise vs 75 Taxi; 7th Avenue Market vs Co-op.; Toilers vs Commercials; Rupert Radio vj Big Sisters; Stars vs Lucky Strikes; Wrathalis vs Rosa Lee; Annettes vg McMeekins; Cloverleaf vs G. St A ; Lyons vs Savoy; Skeena vs Dibb Printing. what befais a forlorn frontier j craft supply house, those who Which can be made inexpensive Prcsid.nt John 1 Frank Zallnskl, who several by mt """"ltu snouia mane a iy frora telt, which proves most point of seeing this display in popular in tnis year., ci.v wu- the lobby of the Civic Centre. gram. Braiding and knotting ADULTS' CLAS3E8 The af- string belts will be taught at this ternoon classes for adults start- tirrfe to both teen boys and girls. outpost when It Is left unguarded except for a man, woman and child and falls prey to a gang of outlaws and killers. Tyrone Power is the citified young man left to cope with a 284 and high three-game aggregate of 5M3 was rolled by M. Montgomery of Manson's. rher.s arer . ; mourn aso sustained serious In cident -Alan Hlckey. 'juries whetJ hls car waa struck Kance far- :cr.MW a tra,n at KaIum crosBng MiiS Frances near Terrace, Is leaving on the 17 j Prince George tonight for Van- his been adopted couver to receive further treat- ',' wiiere members will ment. If you war.t to sell it, adve.-tisr it. News classified. ed Wednesday afternoon with This Is a new cratt and should prove popular ana pi interest. ream results were as follows: "A" Division Lyons 3, Skeena Grocery 0. Annettes 3, Dibb Printing 0 Savoy's 3, Stars 0 Rosa Lee 2, McMeekin's 1 Lucky Strikes 2, Cloverleafs 1 Wrathalis 2. Gordon . An DANGEROUS TOYS MIDDLESUIIOUGII, Ei.gUnd 7 A toy electric-iron distributed In some British shops possibly could kill a child, the Board of H'itr". WI1K.I1 an CApcnciii.ru ; new ldeas an(j cra,u bej m. Ranger might find unsurpass- ; troduced .Interest was sho wn ln able. Susan Hayward is the at-, the new projects available in tractive young heroine who : feit anrt leather Metal foil re-lund In a desperate situation. pQUSIX ls to be started ln the Hugh Marlowe is a thin-Up-1 rjear future Thls u ,an ldeal ped tight-eyed killer who ter- ; opportunity for the mothers of rorizes the trio. Dean Jagger is j the Un toU t0 end a hour a bandit who ls too soft for his of profitabIe relaxation. The calling. Edgar Buchanan ls a ; brll,nt comfortable" craft room grizzled outpast lieutenant who , will accommodate many of the derson 1, 1 rade here warned merchants. ' Thj tow contains a two-pin piugi which fits into wall sortke'.s. "B" Division Big Sisters 3, Sunrise 0 I taiw iv.Liiii- ij tiie niai autiiii 4 , Jadies wno are at present just If you want to s;ll it, adverse i I - t W". sitting in the lobby waiting for It, News classified 1 gan. jacx tiam is a rutmess crazed killer. George James MUlican anu Lewis Jea.i ' V J I V' J Jy I i I mYmmV ' Heydt are also Included in the ! . T-TT , " ' J U i .JLJ f-rti! jKL 'k'.'Vi,.', 4jU'?-'v -i Davl: 429, J.IIickj 413. Totals 650, LVJ T j fr'fivVAW ' W ' j ; f& i c fill 329, B Ellison 386, J. Hill 434, 7? 'l4f.t Y "fv, 1 I i . -if j i K 4 ! ' i - ; ,i' ' . ' ;N, . I Ht kf . ; . 4 ,. .. i at'-. " 1' V ' . " v- v tri .V','J' ' :r J . - . - ' - f os a buq in a ruq Winter hold no terrors for the home Healed with Standard Furnace Oil Of Standard Stove OA Carefully refined to exacting specifications Standard Healing Oils burn with a clean, hot flame, give instant, reliable heat snd burn completely without waste. Sanish "high and low" temperatures in your home. Simply set the controls. Your heating unit does the rest. Forget fuel worries. Your Standard Heating Oil man keeps your tank at the safe level Give him a call. He's listed in the phone book. I.; V7i'.!f 3':0. TotaK 539, 722, 610. Ruptri Uadlc F. Gllmaur 385. i;. Chi;.t.:rt 486. A. Jeffries 443, ( la (ftt - 4!)8, M. MiCload 356. 1J.:. : 723, 21, 913. 7th Ave. Market M. Shier 180, D. Pallant 372, D. Pierce 205, B. Pk"C( 402, O. Rhi 332, H. Berg 27 1 Totals 096. 720, 720. McKay's S. Schmidt 394, M. ontnton s 3, Co-op 0 . Commercials 3. Cook'3 J. 0 Rupert Radio 3, Toilers 0 McKay's 3, 7lh Ave. Mkt 0 Mans'jh's 2, 75 Taxi 1. Ladies' "B" Shenton' D. Ardnn 397, M. 3hent0u Ml, J. Kotord 448, I. McKimion 315, P. Smith 581. iJlals 757, 859, 754. Co-op-H. Van Pyk-itra 320, F. May 185. P. O Leary 133, R. Chris- tcn.-:?n 415, V. Patrick 3U4. Totals 530, 685, 073. Sunrise G. Wilkins 425, S. Diwning 422, M.' Richards 4C1, I. Paikhouse 448, J. Adcock 402. Totals 714, 735, 740. Big Sifters E. Bond 435, M. Bend 593, F. Wiesner 271. E. Roth-w .11 35!, T. Muncey 459. Mrs. Dickent 91. Totals 894, 746, 889. 75 Taxi E. Mulder 355, B. Mc-Olashan 428. N. Kennedy 443, V Farkm 351, I. Stewart 418. Totals 910, 792, 651. Manson'sT. Dell 558. N. Jones D. Stewart 400. 8. Currle 571, i. Montgomery 593. Totals 953, 787, 853. CottimerciaU J. Helgerson 491, !W. Cross 596. Y. Ewart 101, 8 Smith '422, T. Stewart 435. M. Hoban 28fl. Totals 817, 871, 787. Coukg w. Duncan 300. M. Carelvss 320, H. Speer 394. B. lution 433, H. Schmidt 472, L. McKay 401. R. Raymond 296. lota!,-. 717. 754, 750. 1 l adies' ,"A" McMeekin's A. Ritchie 421, B. Erne son 173, C. Belamy 535. L. McMeekin 457, B. Hardy 549. 1 Tot a' 836, 797. 837. Rii'l Lee'r D. Nelfcn 444, F. McKinnun 082. A. McLean 580, Parsons 673, O. Mundrell 542. I Totals 829, 971, 923. 1 f'.arsG. Mclntvi ? 522, H. Fur- ff - ' Oh SCOIiLK- ChlcaKO Black Hawks now trmnlrio at HARD OF HEARING!!1 i, 0."t . nave added Jim Petrrs. 38-pomt forward last th Detroit Red Wings. The 29-year-old veteran Is to add ii'-eded scoring punch to the Hawks, National .fieue duormiiis four of the last five scawns Hr.S OVER! Hamilton Ti&.'r-Cafs Hal Waggoner eludes Montreal Allouette tacklers as he plunges across the Larks' line foi a major at Montreal. Allouettes won the Big Four game against the leading Ti-Cats, 17-13, recently. Waggoner's three-yard crash to pay dirt came ln the second quarter. (CP PHOTO i A Service Centra for Deafened People will be held at the PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL in PRINCE RUPERT Friday, Saturday, Oct. 12-13, 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. ness 378. J. Dickens 536, K.i Grimble 489, L. Keays 563. Totals' 696, 959, 872. j 'S Savoj- .1. Amey 388. E. 581. P Brown 548, R. McCal-! Whnr Fvprv HnrH nf Hpnrinn Pernn hni ilH K nnwt lum 576. B McChesney 426. Totals ! 8'!', 1011, 909. CAN I GET A HEARING I Dihli I'nntine M. McLean 349, I" t 1 HI .' f- ; ..." AID without anything ln the ear? Without' any attachment to the head? Without a cord? Can I get an aid so that NO ONE will know I am heard of hearing? f.M I OBTAINING NORMAL HEARING NOW? These and many other problems will be answered bv our Mr. Danie! Smith, a hear-In g aid technician, graduate of Maico, Minneapolis. He will be phased to discuss ' your hearing problems with you. Appointments can be made at your own home or you i s f: : v ft - ; 4 7 hi ' .A ''' L-i'5- - i J T. Dibb 394, A. Parker 267, J. Walker 452. K. Franks 630. Totals 754, 758. 874. Annettes B. Windle 572, M. Wir.d'o 507, N. Stone 492. E. Smith 492, F. Dickons 460. Totals 77i; 891. 9C5. I.ufcv Striken- E. Mosley 479, J. Boulter 359, A. Smith 190, J. w.anvn 4!?"i. B. D'jnbar 527. Total 681, 837J 824. Clovcrlrafr. K. Jchnson 464. N. Grridcs 340, M. Antone 477, M. Frney 431. O. Newton 453. Totals 62C. 891, 702. Gordon & Anderson B. Smith 46C. M. MrGreish 556 L. Anderson 525, C. Bnrr: 426. I. Garner 465. Totals 773 , 881, 889. Hrathall's B Peterson 511, B. Goula 379. D. Hamblin 399. M. Vincent 436. R. Long 456. Totals 832, 898, 805. Lyons A. Pierce 642, P. Thompson 508. V. Anderson 462. J. Shenton 563. V. Wrathall 506. Total.- 843, 902, 936. Skeena Grocery W. Slater 527, M. Kearley 448, E. Wasyk 405, D. Lngrin 481, M. Lewis 496. Totals 742 851, 848. Robust, full-bodied, rich in flavor. A rare old rum, aged in oak barrels. XO INCREASE IM PRICE. can call at the hotel. MAICO HEARING SERVICE Ltd. 'Ln n A Ivrn w OFFIClS : - "ouir.n jim hpavuai (7i carrrs me bull on one o nis line smashing ground w Pawri Winnipeg Blue Bombers to a hefty 33-18 victory over Calgary Stampeders y fecently. Snavilnl rnllH om l. v m i,a,HB Ir, 1? trleo nnh UrVaa lOflk "CAPTURED FLAVOR OF THE INDIES" b. r. .-! iriiTille St. VaiH-miver Siiskatchewaii -HHntzniati Hlil. hilskatiHill Allierln Mcrrlik Bills, ililiolltiill Mnnititba Ptmer ltltlg. VlilllLMe; (H) T 'moves in for the tackle and quarter ack Jack Jacobs (27 1 who launched the play ftS Completion Pafnt-n HnUl, f U 1 ot lhD Flnlcl. I fTt t3lirTf . This advertisement is net published or displayed by the Liquor Control bWd or by (he (jovcrnment ol British Columbia, -.v.vnc iyujoi.iv iiiuvra liL tu uc i at Hl7 1111.11. V-V7' f Ladies Twin Sets Attractive leatherette covering in Ivory, Navy or Wine with contrasting plastic binding. Men's "All Nylon" lOUGHIES" By MONARCH These "all nvlon" socks are now treated with "Nylo Mist," the Drocess that makes Nylon absorbent. Ankle length, plain "olors, Unconditionally guaranteed for 90 days. - $ it i&ase$10.75 Ladies' Rayon Panties Brief style, nood quality, in blue, maize, pink and ivliite. Sizzes small, medium and large. EXTRA VALUE pair $4 QQ ., for Ladies' Rayon Nightgowns Ladies' Jersey knit nightgowns, in pink, blue, maize and white. Sizes medium and large only. EXTRA VALUE $j.99 Ladies' Rayon Slips Ladies' straight cut slips in white.only. Lace trim. Sizes 32 to 42. EXTRA VALUE EACH$J99 $ ;,case$i2.oo Sizes 10 to 1 Wi. rt:R PAIR 1.00 fe.- $9.95 Girls Flannelette-Pyjamas oirls' cosy, warm flannetlette pyjamas for those cold winter night. In plain colors and printed DEB shoes by Savage ; ; Lovable, tow-heeled, go-everywhere sensations for Junior Debs. They're fashion right for every occasion and to very comfy. Come see! Ladies' Nylon Hose 'hori0'1' every poir Perfect, in two lovely 8'a.S' ,9arkened seams. V,ol' $J.49 patterns. Sizes 8 to 14 years. 1 AIP $2-25 THE Family Shoe Store Ltd. CHARLIE ROBERTS 3rd. AVE. and 6th. Street Phone 357 Box 638